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Name: Velina Niña________________________

Course/Year/Section: BSBA-2D_____________

Direction: Select a TV Commercial in YOUTUBE.COM analyse the

text based on the data below. Use a laptop in presenting your output:

1. What is your chosen TV commercial?

I chose the TV commercial of Jollibee. It is called
“Kwentong jollibee mother’s day special 2022: Hinga (breathe)”

Key Concepts: All media messages are “constructed”

1. What is the message of the text?

ANALYSIS : the commercial message is that “no matter what
happens you will always be; my mother. I can do everything for
you . You're the one who need and will be leaning on any
problem until I'm old. You are my rest in this exhaustive world,
your voice is what I need. Because you will always be my
always. In times when we are most afraid, there's always
someone we can count on to lead us.”

2. How effectively does it reflect reality?

ANALYSIS : It is super effectively reflect to the reality because
who wouldn’t need the care and unconditional love of a mother? We
always wanted to hear the voice of our mother even if it is all about
our wrongdoings. Let’s admit it we always and forever want to be on
our mothers side because we feel warm and safe.

3. How is the message constructed?

ANALYSIS: The message constructed in a very effective and
very entertaining way. In the commercial video, it shows that the child
is afraid of the thunder and lightning but when she heard the voice of
her mother and the warmth of the hinga (breathe) of her mother she
eventually calm down. And so, until she got older and there were
things that hurt her breathing with her mother is what calmed her

Key Concepts: Media have embedded values and point of view

1. What lifestyles, values, and point of view are represented in

the text?
ANALYSIS: For me, the lifestyle and values that is represented
in the said commercial is that we Filipinos are thoughtful enough
and always there whenever we need loved ones.

2. Who or what is missing?

ANALYSIS: As a mama’s girl and a lover of jollibee there is
missing in the commercial and that is what are the things we are
willing and able to do to give back to what our mothers done for us.
Key Concepts: Each person interprets messages differently

1. What message do you perceive from the text?

Analysis: As what I’ve said earlier, there are a lot of things that
our mother can do for us. And that’s the reality, we always
wanted our mothers to be on our side because she’s like
DARNA she can do anything for the sake of her children. And
the message that I’ve perceive is that, even if we gets older and
older, we may have are own family, our mother is always and
forever be there for us.

2. How might others understand it differently? why?

Analysis: From my other point of view, others might interpret or
understand the message of the commercial in a way that we always
call our mothers whenever we gets hurt or something bad happens
but in reality we don’t need to looked for or called our mother to be on
our side because our mother is always and will never leave our side
no matter what happens.

Key Concepts: Media have commercial ideological or political


1. What is the purpose of the text?

Analysis: The purpose of the text is to make us realize how
important our mother to us and how the can sacrifice anything for us.

2. Who is the target audience of the text?

Analysis: The target audience of the text/commercial are the
children and the mothers all over the world.

3. Who might be disadvantaged?

Analysis: As for me, the people who don’t grew up with their
mother on their side is the one who will be disadvantaged.

4. Who created the text and why?

Analysis: The jollibee Studios created this text to pays tribute
to our most amazing and to the women who inspire us to be brave.

Key Concepts: Media messages are constructed using a creative

language having its own rules

1. What propaganda techniques are used and why?

Analysis: Testimonial - this form of propaganda uses well-
known or credible figures to influence the target audience.

2. How effective are the techniques in supporting the messages

or themes of the text?
Analysis: The techniques in supporting the messages or
themes of the text is very effective because it catches the attention of
the target audiences.
3. What are other way of presenting the message?
Analysis: In the said commercial there are other way of
presenting the message. Beside on acting and showing us the
message there is also subtitles shown below the video and also in my
chosen TV commercial singing a composed song for the Mother’s
Day Special is also one of the way of presenting the message.

4. What are the biases, stereotypes present in the text ?

Analysis: Uhm for me, the bias that is shown and presented in
the text is that, the child that is being shown is only a girl but in a
reality both girl and boy is equally loved by a mother.

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