Sociology Mid-Term Study Guide

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Sociology Mid-term Study Guide

1. A child who is continuously derided by his parents as "slow" will internalize this label as part of his identity.
Instead of trying to succeed in school, he drops out and turns to drugs and alcohol. This is an example of?
Secondary deviance

2. A server at a restaurant accidentally took the incorrect dish to a customer. The customer loudly berated the
server over the mistake. The server apologized profusely, forced a smile, and quickly corrected the order.
After her shift, the server complained to a coworker about how rude the customer had been and how angry
she had been as a result. What represents the worker's front-stage performance? The server smiling and

3. A social group decides that the length of someone's big toe represents how intelligent and trustworthy that
person is. Soon those with longer big toes have a higher social standing. Though the criterion may seem
silly, it becomes a very real way group members are differentiated. This illustrates which sociological
concept? The Thomas theorem

4. Amelie used data collected by the United States Census Bureau to study changes in family size over the past
100 years. What kind of research is she conducting? Secondary data analysis

5. An on-looker who rushes into a burning building despite the danger is demonstrating what type of
behavior? Positive deviance

6. At a summer barbecue, Peg approaches Ravi to discuss what they have been doing this summer. While they
are talking, Mike interrupts their discussion, does not say hello to either one, and begins to talk about hot-
button political issues. Afterward, Peg and Ravi discuss how rude Mike was. Which of the following did Mike
fail to observe? Conversational analysis, social conventions

7. Based on cross-national research, which group of parents is more likely to raise their children to be
independent? Authoritative parents, those in wealthy countries

8. Auguste Comte is associated with which foundation of sociological thought? Positivism

9. Beth conducted a study and found that individuals with more education tend to marry later and have fewer
children. What is the independent variable in her study? Education

10. Bryan collected homicide and suicide statistics from different cities so he could examine the relationship
between these two causes of death. What kind of data is he using? Quantitative data

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11. Cosmetic surgery has lost the stigma previously associated with it. This cultural shift is an example of?

12. Darren has three children. To Darren, being a good dad is being a good provider, and he spends many
overtime hours earning extra money. But when he works overtime, he feels he isn't spending enough time
with his children. Darren is experiencing? Role con ict

13. Deviance tends to occur when a major discrepancy exists between culturally de ned goals and the means of
achieving those goals. Which theoretical perspective of deviance does this statement represent?
Strain theory

14. Eating disorders are the result of which type of behavior? Overconformist

15. Emile Durkheim believed that social norms helped to maintain social order. For example, he explained that
suicide is a result of a lack of balance in an individual's social world and not an event that is based on an
individual's free will. Into which sociological theory does this best t? Structural functionalist theory

16. Employees' respect for their boss's position and authority is an example of what kind of power?
Legitimate power

17. Garner is conducting a study on how students who live on campus eat. He asked participants to record
where they ate each of their meals. He found that during the week he collected data, there was a large
increase in the number of students eating in the dining hall when compared to the weeks before and after
he conducted his study. With what phenomena should Garner be concerned in his ndings? Hawthorne

18. Ileana, a young sociologist, decides to conduct a study of the American educational system and how it
relates to the economy and the political system. She spends a lot of time thinking about how these
institutions t together and complement one another, including how each contributes to society. From
which sociological tradition does Ileana come? Functionalist

19. Iman believes that all people should have equal opportunities and be treated equally. However, as she has
gotten to know a wide variety of people and circumstances she has come to realize that, in reality, in our
society people do not always have equal opportunities and are often not treated fairly. What would her
beliefs be classi ed as? Ideal culture

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20. In 1997, members of the Heaven's Gate religious cult committed mass suicide because they believed that
after death their souls would be transported to a level of existence beyond human. According to Emile
Durkheim's theory, what type of suicide did these members commit? Alturistic

21. In a study, Hans found that the length of a prison sentence varied based on the convict's race, social class,
and number of prior arrests. What was the dependent variable in his study? Length of prision sentence

22. In most countries, citizens hold their country in high regard and typically have high levels of patriotism.
After the United States experienced the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, many Americans felt even
more patriotic and viewed the United States as the best country in the world. What does this view re ect?
A belief

23. In one community, doctors and teachers are considered to have the most honored jobs, then business
managers, and then those who work in politics. The more honored the job, the more income and in uence
the person holding the position has. This job ranking represents a(n)? Status Hierarchy

24. In the United States children are taught, starting in kindergarten, what is considered appropriate behavior.
They are expected to learn and say the Pledge of Allegiance every morning. When their teacher wants to get
their attention, he or she may ring a bell or turn the lights on and off rapidly. At this time, students learn
very quickly to stop whatever they are doing and to sit on the oor in front of the teacher. As they progress
through school, teachers still have expectations of the behavior they would like to see in their students.
What is operating in American schools? Hidden curriculum

25. Jessica earned her master's degree. She was excited about nishing graduate school and nding her rst
professional job. She obtained a position working in a large marketing department in a healthcare system
in San Francisco. Jessica was nervous about what would be expected of her. She was unsure about the rules
in her own department and in the larger corporate culture of the organization. Who would likely be the
most important socializing agent for Jessica as she learns the appropriate behaviors in her new work
environment? Her coworkers

26. Julianne dislikes going to Sunday dinner at her aunt's house because her aunt lives an hour away, her little
cousins like to run around during dinner time, her aunt cooks food that she does not care for, and she has to
leave work early on Sundays, so she loses an hour of pay. Julianne's family has been going to these family
dinners since she was a little girl and she continues to go. Which type of action, according to Weber, is
Julianne demonstrating? Traditional

27. Kids often play dress-up or play school as a form of? Anticipatory socialization

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28. Lai is a powerful and wealthy businesswoman who enjoys all the bene ts of her class background. To attain
her position, however, she struggled to overcome the disadvantage and discrimination of her gender in a
male-dominated business environment. This scenario corresponds with which concept? Matrix

29. Long-term hostages tend to identify with their captor's point of view over time and voluntarily comply with
their demands. This phenomenon is called? Stockholm syndrome

30. Maggie has many social statuses, including mother, wife, daughter, high school principal, and softball
player. She often feels she cannot meet all of the responsibilities in her life. For example, last week she had
to miss a softball game because she needed to work late and also missed her son's school play. Maggie is
experiencing which of the following? Role con ict

31. Margie was learning about the Maasai people in Africa from her teacher. Her teacher was telling the class
about the circumcision rituals that boys undergo at about the age of 10 when they are ready to become
warriors. At this time, the boys paint their faces white and dress in black. Margie commented that this
sounded like a very odd ritual and that she could not understand why anyone would want to be a part of
this tribe. What was Margie exhibiting? Ethnocentrism

32. Martin has many social statuses, including being a parent, a son, a husband, and a carpenter. When he was
younger, he committed a crime and served some time in prison. Despite all of the things he has
accomplished since then, most people still react to Martin primarily as an ex-con. What type of status does
being an ex-con represent in Martin's life? Master Status

33. Mike's uncle is always making generalizations about certain racial/ethnic groups, describing them as being
smart, good with money, lazy, unmotivated, or prone to crime. Mike knows that these assertions are
unfounded but he does not know how to address his uncle. These generalizations are? Stereotypes

34. Minoosh created a study to measure how different after-school programs affected students' grades. She will
use her ndings to help schools allocate funding into after-school programs. Her study is an example of?
Applied research

35. Monty is a rich man who invests his money in small businesses. He recently purchased a small bakery and
hired a new manager to oversee changes to the business to make it more pro table. His investment has
paid off, since he now makes more money than he spent to acquire the bakery. What term describes
Monty's role in this scenario? Capitalist

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36. Nahid was born and raised in a town with a population of about 20,000 people. Her family never left their
small town so she didn't really think about it either. She attended college about thirty miles from home.
When she decided to look for a job, she knew that she might have to move in order to nd her dream job.
She received a job offer from a company in New York City. When she moved there, she found that it was
radically different on many levels from where she grew up. She knew that it would take time for her to
adjust. What was Nahid experiencing by moving and living in New York City? Culture shock

37. Originally, Juan went to medical school to become a surgeon. After doing rotations in various departments
during his residency, Juan decided that he would rather specialize in pediatrics because he really enjoyed
working with children. Which of the following is an example of ascribed status in Juan's life? Male

38. People often experience a number of changes in their life. One of the most dif cult can occur during a
divorce. It often takes people one or two years to adjust to all the changes divorce brings. They must adjust
to being a single person. They may have to raise their children alone. Sometimes they have lost friends or
family members. They may have to move to a new residence or nd a new job. Eventually, they may start
dating again. What is the process that these individuals are undergoing? Resocialization

39. Randy's wife of fty years recently passed away. They had no children and Randy felt isolated and alone. He
fell into a depression and committed suicide. According to Emile Durkheim's theory, what type of suicide is
this? Egoistic

40. Sally grew up in the middle class. For school, she volunteered at a soup kitchen and, for the rst time, met
individuals her own age who had grown up in poverty. Instead of dismissing these individuals as lazy, she
sought to understand what social forces worked to shape her life differently from those she met at the soup
kitchen. This is an example of? Sociological Perspective

41. Shania and Enrique are high school students who come from two different families. Shania's parents both
went to college; her mother works as a high school teacher, and her father is an accountant. Shania's
parents encouraged her to be involved in extracurricular activities and various clubs while going to school.
Enrique's parents are both high school graduates; his mother works as a clerk at the local grocery store, and
his father works in construction when he is able to nd work. Sometimes money is tight in the household.
Enrique's parents have asked him to get a job to help out. Enrique has little time to be involved in school
activities and his parents don't feel those should be a priority because they take away from time that
Enrique could be working and earning money for the family. When looking at both of these families, what
can explain the difference in the experiences of Enrique and Shania? Social class plays a signi cant
role in what is expected of teenagers.

42. Stacy is a highly-respected and well-published professor within her eld. Most associate professors at her
university consider her a role model. Stacy exhibits what kind of power? Referent Power

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43. Susan and John decide to offer their two children an allowance for doing chores around the house. This is
an example of which type of power? Reward power or Complementary interaction

44. Suzanne wants to be a body builder. She works out four or ve times a week at the gym. She has met many
nice people there and she has a group with whom she can talk and train. Some members of this group have
also become her friends and they are involved in social activities together. What would Suzanne and her
group of friends be considered? Subculture

45. Television shows and movies disproportionately portray the wealthy in a positive light, often as glamorous,
able, and good. In contrast, negative characters are often portrayed as poor, criminal, and morally de cient.
This is an example of what type of power the media exert over their audience? Cultural

46. The argument that the death penalty is justi ed because the most horrendous crimes deserve the most
severe punishment is an example of which rationale for punishment? Retribution

47. The way people interact with friends has changed. As compared to the 2000s, people in the 1970s were
more likely to? Get together in one another's homes

48. What is the most widely recognized form of electronic surveillance on the internet? Cookies

49. When Fernando and Olivia moved from Mexico to the United States, they were expected to learn English. At
their jobs, it was expected that they become uent English speakers and that they would adapt to the
dominant corporate culture. When they participated in the pot luck lunches at work, most people preferred
that they bring an American dish. What were Fernando and Olivia experiencing? Assimilation

50. Which of the following is an example of a macro-level structure? The American educational system

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