PYTHON Core & Advanced Course Content - Cloud Learn ERP

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✓ 1, Carter Road
CloudLearn ERP
Rich domain experience in technology
services especially SAP, Cloud and Mumbai, 400066
Infrastructure management services 74002 60003 PYTHON
✓ Core & Advanced
Providing quality retail and corporate
training in SAP, Cloud, Infrastructure and
other emerging technologies

One of its kind unique training
methodology focusing on People,
Process, Technology & Placements
Python Core and Advanced Program b
Training Program
Python has gained popularity for being a beginner-friendly language, and it has
replaced Java as the most popular language in the recent times. Python is extremely
flexible and handles a lot of complexity with ease. Its syntax is user friendly, English
like and interoperable across multi platforms

Core Python (25-30 Hours)


• History
• Features
• Setting up path
• Working with Python
• Basic Syntax
• Variable and Data Types
• Operator

Conditional Statements

• If
• If- else
• Nested if-else


• For
• While
• Nested loops
Control Statements

• Break
• Continue
• Pass

String Manipulation

• Accessing Strings
• Basic Operations
• String slices
• Function and Methods


• Introduction
• Accessing list
• Operations
• Working with lists
• Function and Methods


• Introduction
• Accessing tuples
• Operations
• Working
• Functions and Methods


• Introduction
• Accessing values in dictionaries
• Working with dictionaries
• Properties
• Functions

• Defining a function
• Calling a function
• Types of functions
• Function Arguments
• Anonymous functions
• Global and local variables


• Importing module
• Math module
• Random module
• Packages
• Composition


• Printing on screen
• Reading data from keyboard
• Opening and closing file
• Reading and writing files
• Functions

Figure 1: Abundant Opportunities with Python Programming

Exception Handling

• Exception
• Exception Handling
• Except clause
• Try? Finally clause
• User Defined Exception
Advanced Python
OOPs concept

• Class and object

• Attributes
• Inheritance
• Overloading
• Overriding
• Data hiding

Regular expressions

• Match function
• Search function
• Matching VS Searching
• Modifiers
• Patterns
• Introduction
• Architecture
• CGI environment variable
• GET and POST methods
• Cookies
• File upload
• Introduction
• Connections
• Executing queries
• Transactions
• Handling error
• Socket
• Socket Module
• Methods
• Client and server
• Internet modules
• Thread
• Starting a thread
• Threading module
• Synchronizing threads
• Multithreaded Priority Queue
GUI Programming
• Introduction
• Tkinter programming
• Tkinter widgets
Sending email

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