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 Dear students: - Copy the note and do the given homework on your exercise book!

Subject: English Grade & section: 9(A – F)

Main topic: Language focus:
Sub topic/s:
Page range from:

MONDAY, APRIL 25, 2020

Language focus:
Expressing purpose (to, so as to, in order to, so that, for)
We can talk about why something is done by using several different expressions ; 'to' is the most
common .It's used as part of the infinitive of a verb, for example:
 A learning aid is used to help somebody hear.
 These products have greatly helped farmers to grow more.
 'In order to' and 'so as to' do same job but in a more formal style, for example:
 In order to improve the quality of their daily lives, some people have been given prosthetic
 Many blind people are given blind dogs so as to help them get around more easily.
 'So that' can also be used before a subject and a verb, for example:
 -People today are more tolerant and help orphans so that they can live normal lives.
 'For' can be used before a noun, not before a verb, for example;
 Nitrogen is need for the growth of plants.
 A hearing aid is used for making sounds louder.
Homework Exercise:
p. 217 QI

TUESDAY, MAY 26, 2020

Expressing purposes with 'to' and 'for'
Objects and their uses
Compasses- A pair of compasses is used to draw circles.
A pair of compasses is used for drawing circles.

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Protractors-A protractor is used to measure angles.
A protractor is used for measuring angles.
Thermometer-A thermometer is used to measure temperature.
A thermometer is used for measuring temperature
Balance-A balance is used to measure weight.
A balance is used for measuring weight.
Homework Exercise:
Make two sentences for each object.
1. Wheelchair
2. Straw
3. Tape measure
4. Calculator
5. Crutch


Special Needs Development
The following text is adapted from a paper presented by Tilahun Taddesse, Ministry of Education,
and Ethiopian at ESEC 2000.
Words in the text and their meanings
 withdrawal- identify, isolate
 reluctant - unwilling ,not wanting to take some action
 recognize-acknowledge, admit
 disability-weakness, disqualification, incompetency

Homework Exercise:
p.219, Q.2
Read it carefully and identify the topic sentence (the main idea) and the supporting
e.g. 1st paragraph
Main idea- It's a recognized fact that most of disabled children learn best in regular classroom
situations with non- disabled children.
-All the other sentences are supporting sentences.

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THURSDAY, MAY 28, 2020
Using -Ever words
The following -ever words give the idea of 'any'. Each pair of sentences in the examples has the
same meanings.
 Whoever -Whoever wants to come is welcome
Anyone who wants to come is welcome.
 Whatever- He always says whatever comes into his mind.
He always says anything that comes into his mind.
 Whenever- You may leave whenever you wish.
You may leave at any time that you wish.
 Wherever- She can go wherever she wants to go.
She can go anyplace that she wants to go.
 Whichever- We can watch whichever program you prefer.
We can watch any of the programs that prefer.
 However- The students may dress however they please.
The students may dress in any way that they please.
Homework Exercise:
Complete the following by using -ever words.
1. He is free to go anyplace he wishes. He can go ______________he wants.
2. _________________leads a life full of love and happiness is rich.
3. None can tell him what to do. He does _______________he wants.
4. I have a car. I can take you_________________ want to go.
5. I don't know what you should do about that problem. Do _______________ seems best to you.

FRIDAY, MAY 29, 2020

Requesting and offering
Practice Exercise
Put the following extracts of telephone calls in the right order.
e.g. B comes 1st.
______ A. I'm sorry I'm not on Wednesday.
1st B. Hello
______C. Good that suits me too. Shallwe say 11O'clock.
______D. Hello, this is Seyoum speaking can I speak to Girum please?
______E. Hang on please.

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______F. Yes, Thursday morning would suit me fine.
______G. What about Thursday then
______H. Girum it's for you.
______I. Just a minute, I'll get my diary, you said next week.
______J. Hello!Hi Seyoum how are you?
______K. I'm fine thanks; by the way Girma let me take you to a movie at cinema Empire.
______L. Yes, could you manage Wednesday?
______M. When?
______N. Okey see you then.
______O. Okey bye

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