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1: Encircle the correct answer (10)

1. Antigen-presenting cells
A. Can only mature in the thymus B. display antigens using class II MHC
C. recognize antigens bound to the MHC D. Required for B Cell activations
2.Precursors of macrophages are called
A. T cells B. Natural Killer cells C. B cells D. Monocytes
3. All of the following cells are phagocytic except
A. Neutrophils B. Macrophage C. Monocytes D. Lymphocytes
4. Helper T cells are also called _______________ cells
A.CD4+ T B.CD8+ T C.CD16+ T D.CD12+ T
5. Which type of surface marker is present on every nucleated cell in your body?
A. B receptor B.T receptor C. MHC-I D. MHC-II
6. The antibodies that can fix the complement are
A. IgG B. IgM C. IgA D. Both A and B
7. Complement and antibody are similar in that both
A. Produced by mast cells B. may make bacteria more attractive to phagocytes
C. Have two identical antigen-binding sites D. activated in an inflammatory cascade
8. Which of the following immune cells/molecules are most effective at destroying intracellular pathogens?
A. Neutrophils B. T Killer Cells C.Macrophages D.Antibodies
9. They are part of innate immune response
A. T Cells B. B Cells C. Natural Killer Cells D. None
10.All the following are anaphylotoxins except
A. C5a B. C4a C. C3a D. C2a

Q.No. 2: True/False Correct the statement in case of false (5)

I. The function of T cell receptor is to bind with CD8+ coreceptor True/False
II. Inflammatory response include increase blood flow, vasoconstriction and phagocyte attack True/False

III. Complement component C3 is cleaved byC3bBb True/False

IV. One principle function of complement is to bind antibodies attached to cell surfaces and to lyse these
cells True/False
V. C5a, C3a, and C4a are Anaphylotoxins True/False
Q.No. 3: Discuss Classical Pathway of complement system and describe briefly regulation of complement
system 4
Q.No. 4: Develop a flow chart of immune response 3
Q. No. 5: How the serum level of immunoglobulins are indicative of infections 3
Q.No. 6: Draw of labelled diagram of antibody molecule and also discuss various classes of antibodies 5

Q.No. 3: Discuss Classical Pathway of complement system and describe briefly regulation of complement
system 4
Q.No. 4: Develop a flow chart of immune response 3
Q. No. 5: How the serum level of immunoglobulins are indicative of infections 3
Q.No. 6: Draw of labelled diagram of antibody molecule and also discuss various classes of antibodies 5

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