S6 Computer Paper 2 Mock Exams

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Information and
Paper 2
2 hours

Uganda Certificate of Education


Information and Communication Technology

Paper 2
2 hours

This paper is made up of five equally weighted questions.
Answer any three questions in this paper.
Any additional question(s) answered will not be marked.
Each candidate is provided with support files on the computer’s desktop in a folder
called “Support Files 2016”. Use the support files as appropriately asked in the
question paper.
Each candidate must produce a hard copy for each of their work to accompany the
compact disk or flash disk.

A blank compact Disk rewritable (CD. RW) or a flash disk.

Candidates should continuously save their work.

For Examiners use Only Total

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5

Turn Over

1. Load the file name letter.doc
(i) Adjust page orientation to portrait (01mark)
(ii) Change page size to A4. (01 mark)
(iii) Apply a shading on the heading (01 mark)
(iv) Justify all paragraphs (01 mark)
(v) Change all text to font face Agency FB (01 mark)
(vi) Add 10pt paragraph spacing before and after each paragraph and single line spacing.
(01 mark)
(vii) Insert a drop cap to the first paragraph. (01 mark)
(viii) Add a footnote to the word article in the first line with the description, “This article was
Posted by Kevin O‟Connor on Sunday, June 12 2011. (01 mark)
(ix) Set all margins to 1.1 inches. (01 mark)
(x) Format the page background color to RGB(240,240,150) (01 mark)
(xi) Add a footer of your name and index number. (01 mark)
(xii) Insert a blue water to read “it is time for change” (01 mark)
(xiii) Insert the image called new.jpeg after the first paragraph. (01 mark)
(xiv) Wrap the image behind text (01 mark)
(xv) Divide the third paragraph into 3 columns with a line in between. (01 mark)
(xvi) Insert a header “The new season”. (01 mark)
(xvii) Insert a footer” your name” (01 mark)
(xviii) Right align the footer (01 mark)
(xix) Print your work. (01 mark)
(xx) Save it as “computerized.doc” (01 mark)

2. Open the spread sheet file named raw marks.xls and use it to answer the following questions.
(i) Copy the work in worksheet 1 and paste it in worksheet 2 of the same workbook.
(01 mark)
(ii) Rename sheet2 to „percentage marks’ (01 mark)
(iii) Given that Test A and Test B are marked out of 90 and 70 respectively, enter
appropriate formulae to calculate the percentage marks for both tests using
“percentage-marks” worksheet. 02 marks)
(iv) Use a suitable formula in Cell E12 to find the highest percentage mark in Test A .
(01 mark)
(v) Insert a comment “welldone “on the highest mark. (01 mark)
(vi) Use a suitable formula in Cell E13 to find the lowest percentage mark in Test A .
(01 mark)

(vii) Add a new column in H named average and find the average marks for all students.
(01 mark)
(viii) Change the page orientation to landscape. (01 mark)
(ix) Apply a green line colour on all borders outlining all cells with data. (01 mark)
(x) Add a new row above the table. (01 mark)
(xi) Merge cells A1:K1, Centre the content both horizontally and vertically. (01 mark)
(xii) On worksheet 3 insert the title “promotional results 2014”. (01 mark)
(xiii) Change the font size of the title to 20. (01 marks)
(xiv) Change the font face of the title to Algerian. (01 mark)
(xv) Change the font colour of the title to purple. (01 mark)
(xvi) Change the column headings to orientation 450. (01 mark)
(xvii) Insert a column graph reflecting names and the percentage marks of each student for
Test A. (01 mark)
(xviii) Save your work as your name. (01 mark)
(xix) Print your work (0 1mark)

3. Open the file labeled farming.ppt

(i) On the first slide subtitle add the following text “presented by your name”. (01 mark)
(ii) Change the orientation to landscape (01 mark)
(iii) Make all tittles to be 48 font size and the rest 30 font size (01mark)
(iv) Find an image called food.jpg and add it to the middle of slide 1 (01 mark)
(v) Apply an appropriate back ground style of your choice (01 mark)
(vi) Put pages numbers beginning on the second page (01 mark)
(vii) Apply an automatic date . (01 mark)
(viii) Apply action buttons on slide 2 and 3 (01 mark)
(ix) Add a sound clip which should run through the presentation. (01 mark)
(x) Put a footer in your names (01 mark)
(xi) Put a header “Uganda farming industry” (01mark)
(xii) Use uniform transition for all the slides (01 mark)
(xiii) Use minimal animations in your presentation (01 mark)
(xiv) Add a slide at the end of your presentation and make an appropriate conclusion .
(01 mark)
(xv) Add clip art to slide 3 and 4 of your presentation (01 mark)

Turn Over
(xvi) Set a slide show for your presentation with 4 seconds per slide. And let the
presentation run continuously. (01 mark)
(xvii) Add an updated date and time. (01mark)
(xviii) Add presenter notes to the second last slide as
“farming needs more planning and funding”. ( 01 mark)
(xix) Save your work as “Ugandan farming” (01 mark)
(xx) Print hand outs 4 slide on each page. (01 mark)

4. The Database Manager of Katiko Primary School provides you with the following
details. Use it to carefully attempt the following instructions.
FamilyName FirstName Sex Age Science SST English Maths
Kamusiime Edwin M 17 50 77 47 88
Moreri Nicholas M 17 63 56 13 56
Mugerwa Ronald M 16 55 28 83 35
Akena Kennedy M 18 22 47 55 78
Kakaire Musa M 14 36 75 68 98
Ssentongo David M 18 99 96 91 65
Babibye Lonah F 19 55 35 38 65
Namulondo Mary F 16 66 84 61 67
Kafuko Ivan M 15 47 82 53 35
Kimgugwe Joseph M 13 12 82 24 81
Namboso Hellen F 17 36 83 35 80
Aketch Harriet F 16 88 96 56 50
Naigamba Pauline F 18 71 72 77 60
Opio William M 16 29 56 88 75
Akeko Judith F 15 26 46 68 37

(i) Open a file labeled KATIKO PS DATABASE.accdb

(ii) Create a form called Results Entry Form and use the model above to enter the
above records and entering your name as a page footer. (06 marks)

(iii) Create a query displaying all the fields in the above table to filter out only pupils who
are females. Save it as „Females’ and Print the query. (02 marks)

(iv) Create another query displaying all the fields of pupils with ages 15 and above.
Name it “Aged 15 Plus”. Print the query and its output. (02 marks)

(v) Create a query displaying all the fields in the above table to filter out only pupils whose
Maths marks are between 35 and 81. Name it “Maths Marks between 35 and 81”.
(02 marks)

(vi) Create a query to filter out the pupils who scored at least 70 marks in SST and English.
Name it “AT LEAST 70 MARKS IN SST AND ENGLISH”. Print the query and its
output. (02 marks)

(vii) Create a query to display pupils whose first name

(a) Starts with letter “J” and save the query as “J FirstName”. (02marks)
(b) Ends with letter “n” and save the query as “N FirstName”. (02 marks)

(viii) Create a report showing FamilyName, FirstName, Sex and Age. Name it “Simple
Report”. Grouped under sex. Print the report. (02 marks)

5. Using any publishing software of your choice, design a poster sensitizing students on the
dangers of early sex. (05 marks)

(a) Insert an image of the logo called pic.jpeg. ( 02 marks)

(b) Insert an appropriate clip Art behind your message. (02 marks)
(c) Adjust the size of your clip art to 0.76‟‟ and width 1.209” (01 mark)
(d) Insert a text box of height 0.791” and width 8.936” on the top most part of the page
(02 marks)
(e) Type “THE DANGER OF EARLY SEX” (01 mark)
(f) Change the font type to Bell MT, size 27, and color green. (02 marks)
(g) Adjust the orientation to portrait. (01 mark)
(h) Insert your name and personal number as the footer and left align it. (02 marks)
(i) Save your work as “Dangers of early sex”. (01 mark)
(j) Print your work. (01 mark)



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