Micro Services

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Monolithic VS Micro services

Monolithic applications are considered all-in-one entities where the entire application is built, tested
and deployed as a single codebase.

In a microservices architecture, the application is broken down into a set of loosely coupled services that
communicate with each other through well-defined APIs

Characteristics of a well-designed API

 Clarity: The API specifications are clear and unambiguous, providing precise details on how
different operations or functionalities can be invoked.
 Consistency: APIs follow consistent naming conventions, parameter formats, and response
 Completeness: The API covers all necessary functionalities and operations required for its
intended purpose.
 Documentation: Well-documented APIs include thorough documentation that describes the
purpose of each endpoint, the expected input parameters, possible error responses, and usage
 Security: APIs incorporate secure authentication and authorization mechanisms to control
access and protect sensitive data.

Microservises VS SOA

1-2. Give 2 characteristic of well-defined API.

3. Microservices is frequently involves component sharing.

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