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YEAR 3:2



TO: Mr Gorejena
DATE: 08 march 2024
FROM: Takudzwa Mukwangwanura


Gamaliel Learning Centre is a secondary boarding school located in glen forest which educate
students for Cambridge from form 1 to 6. In general it is a complex organization that has multiple
departments. This school has been operating for quite some time now as it started in 2018 and it’s a
growing institution. As it is usually the structure of an educational institution it has multiple
departments and staff members who work together to provide quality education for students. The
institutions include departments like the teaching staff, catering, security and maintenance to mention
a few. So as we have seen from these departments a lot of work has to be done to produce best results.
As stated above due to the complexity of the institution with various departments I then chose to be
multi-tasked rotationally so that when I leave the institution I will therefore be equipped with multi-
skills. I therefore started my community service in the catering department where I was welcomed
with a loving staff which then taught me what to do in the school kitchen and when to do it. As time
went on I was then equipped with the skills and our duty was to prepare food for the students, I would
help the staff n with chopping onions and tomatoes and also at comes I would be ordered to cook for
the students while the staff was observing and perfecting my skills. As it was not just about cooking
we also served the students and after serving them we were then supposed to do the dishes. And we
did this repeatedly thrice a day that is for breakfast, lunch and super and I learned a lot.
I then later joined the maintenance department at the school where I was doing a number of duties
including sweeping the students hostels, sweeping the school yard, maintaining the flowers by cutting
them short and shaping them and also cutting the loan short. I also went on to join the teaching staff
where I would help them teaching students on areas I understand and also carrying their staff when
going for the lessons. I would also help the teachers drawing illustrations and at times rubbing the
whiteboard, it was a whole interesting experience. At this school in was also helping the librarian by
packing the books in order and make sure the book shelves are dusted all the times. As there was also
a school garden at the school I had time to experience agriculture. Where I was helping by preparing
the land, making the beds for a number of mixed crops and by also planting and weeding the crops,
unfortunately I was not privileged to enjoy the produce and even harvest as my time was then short.
As it has been my desire to be well equipped after I was done with the community service, my results
were positive as I learned a lot and gained a lot of knowledge .for instance when I was in the catering
department I learnt about food safety and hygiene, meal planning and budgeting, I gained an
appreciation for they importance of providing health and nutritious food for the students. I learnt on
how we budget the food staffs in the school kitchen. In the maintenance side I learnt on how we
maintain the school for hygienic purposes and with the teachers I learnt on how to teach students and
evaluate them on performance.
Above all this there are very crucial skills I learnt about that is to include communication skills, time
management, problem solving and I gained an appreciation of the importance of team work. In terms
of communication skills I learnt how I approach people according to their ranks and also how to
approach elders. I learned critical thinking and problem solving as some problems that would arise
were critical but I was then taught how to deal with that, the time also gave me an appreciation of
team work as we could easily complete tasks and duties at times due to team work. I also learned time
management as this institution work with time and we were supposed to complete some tasks in a
stipulated period of time.


With the time I was with then the organisation helped in a number of ways from as we can say they
felt that relief of pressure as I was with them. For instance I helped to increase efficiency when I was
with them for instance in the kitchen by preparing the meals and serving the students in time as we
were many. I also brought in new ideas and innovations on the institution whenever they were
required through critical thinking skills. I also helped to create a positive and supportive environment
as I brought in the new skills of encouraging and supporting each other

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