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1: Legume
01 02 03
What does an What does an How to tell if a plant
underwatered plant overwatered plant is overwatered or
look like? look like? underwatered?

04 05 06
What happens after Signs of overwatering Signs of
underwatering? plants underwatering plants
Sheldon Jake Nabor

Brainstorming -An underwatered plant typically has dry and wilted leaves. The
leaves may appear shriveled, yellowed, or brown at the edges. The soil
Fundamental regulations
around the plant may also be dry and crumbly.
What does an underwatered
01 John Genesis Poniente Angcao
plant look like?
-An overwatered plant may exhibit signs such as wilting, yellowing or
browning leaves, mushy or rotten roots, mold or fungus growth on the soil
What does an
surface, and slow or stunted growth. It may also have waterlogged soil and
01 overwatered plant look a foul odor.
like? Lyra Angelene Espineli
-To distinguish between overwatering and underwatering, check the soil
moisture level by inserting your finger about an inch into the soil. If it
How to tell if a plant is
01 feels dry, the plant might be underwatered. If it feels excessively wet or
overwatered or underwatered?
soggy, the plant might be overwatered. Additionally, observe the
appearance of the leaves and stems for signs such as wilting, yellowing,
or browning. These symptoms can help determine if the plant is
receiving too much or too little water.
Dan Jersen Tanudra
1. Stunted Growth: Underwatered plants may experience
slow or stunted growth. This is because water is essential
for photosynthesis, nutrient absorption, and overall plant

Arjohn Sarita
Lyra Angelene Espineli
2. Leaf Curling and Wilting: Leaves may start to curl,
What happens after underwatering?
wilt, or become dry and brittle. This is a defense
Underwatering occurs when a plant
mechanism to reduce water loss through
does not receive enough water to
meet its needs. If not addressed,
several things can happen:

Melody Palma
3. Yellowing Leaves: Underwatered plants may
develop yellow or brown leaves. This is often a sign
of nutrient deficiency due to the lack of water, which
prevents proper nutrient uptake from the soil.
Sophia Rose Escalo Rufino
4. Reduced Flowering and Fruit Production: Insufficient water can
hinder the plant's ability to produce flowers or fruits. This is
because water is crucial for the formation and development of
flowers and fruits
Sheldon Jake Nabor
5. Increased Pest and Disease Susceptibility: Underwatered
plants are weakened and more vulnerable to pests
3. Mold or fungus growth: Excessive moisture can create a favorable
Signs of overwatering plants. environment for mold and fungus to grow on the surface of the soil or
1. Yellowing leaves: If the leaves of your plant. If you notice any fuzzy growth or a musty smell, it could indicate
plant are turning yellow, especially the overwatering. Dan Tanudra
lower ones, it could be a sign of
overwatering. Overwatering can cause 4. Root rot: Overwatering can lead to root rot, which is a fungal infection
the roots to become waterlogged, that affects the roots. Signs of root rot include brown, mushy roots and a
leading to nutrient deficiencies and root. foul odor coming from the soil. Melody Palma
Sophia Rose Escalo Rufino
5. Slow growth: Overwatered plants may exhibit slow or stunted growth. This
is because the roots are not able to absorb nutrients properly when they are
constantly saturated with water. Sherish Sabido
2. Wilting: While it may seem
counterintuitive, overwatered plants can
actually wilt. This is because the roots are
not able to absorb oxygen properly when
Remember, it's important to find the right balance when
they are waterlogged, causing the plant to
lose turgidity. Jhonalyn Dacillo watering your plants. It's best to allow the top inch of soil to dry
out before watering again, depending on the specific needs of
the plant species. Lyra Angelene Espineli
3. Yellowing or browning leaves: Underwatered plants may develop yellow or
brown spots on their leaves. This is due to the lack of water reaching the leaves
Signs of underwatering plants. and nutrients being unable to move through the plant. Sophia
1. Wilting leaves: When a plant is
4. Slow growth: Plants that are not getting enough water will often
underwatered, its leaves may wilt
exhibit slower growth compared to well-watered plants. Jhonalyn Dacillo
and appear droopy. This is a
defense mechanism to conserve 5. Leaf curling: Some plants may curl their leaves when they are underwatered
water. Rhael Sumagui in an effort to reduce water loss through transpiration. Rhael Sumagui

6. Stunted roots: Underwatered plants may have stunted root growth,

as they are not able to absorb enough water from the soil. Genesis

2. Dry soil: If the soil around the

plant feels dry to the touch, it is a
sign that the plant is not
receiving enough water. Arjohn Remember that different plants have different water requirements, so
Sarita it's important to understand the specific needs of your plants to
provide them with the right amount of water. Lyra Angelene Espineli

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