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Good day!

I hope this email finds you well, this in response to the complaint
stated above, The Barangay Council of Barangay Talandang is fair to
all its business owners and to whoever or anyone who has interest in
building a business in our Barangay. Thus, every business wanting to
renew their permit must join the session to present their desire to
renew their Barangay resolution. Now, This employee of Andigasu Sand
and Gravel joined our session last January 3, 2024, and that was when
the resolution to renew their quarry permit was approved. However
this was not released because the Memorandum of agreement of the
said business and the Council was still under review for legalities,
Now, this employee of the said quarry wanted the resolution to be
released right away, she even asked to sign the document herself
using her resources, which is a conflict of interest. Another day
past, January 4, 2024, around 9 in the morning, this employee went
back to the Brgy hall frustrated and started yelling at the Brgy
Staff urging them to give the resolution, reason, because she has her
family waiting for her to entertain. Around 12 in the afternoon our
Punong Barangay is in the office from his meeting, the staff told him
about what happened that morning, when he was about to sign the
resolution he saw the chat of Ms. Sayman saying he is "sigurista", Ms
Sayman came back to the office and that's when the confrontation
happened. Her allegations of the council making her wait for long is
not true, all was done in fairness and legality. However, the
decision to approve the resolution is final, Andigasu Sand and Gravel
will receive it given that the Memorandum of agreement must be signed
by both parties and notarized for legalilities.

I hope this answers your complaint.

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