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CCO - ádasda jdjw ;fow

Corporate Communication (Trường Đại học FPT)

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Câu 1: DEFINING STRATEGY INTENT AND THEMED MESSAGE........................................................1
Câu 2: WHO WILL YOU WANT TO BE...............................................................................................2
Câu 3: DEVELOPING AN ONLINE COMMUNITY...............................................................................2
Câu 4: BUILD AN COMMUNICATION CAMPAIGN.............................................................................2
Câu 5: MEDIA RELATIONS................................................................................................................3
Câu 6: COMMUNICATION IN CRISIS.................................................................................................3
Câu 7: The biggest fraud in the automobile industry......................................................................3
Câu 8: Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Recall..............................................................................................3
Câu 9: Case Example 9.1 Vodafone: Using Employee Communication to Empower Employees....4
Câu 10: Cocoon Crisis.......................................................................................................................4
Câu 11: Number 1 CRISIS.................................................................................................................4


Wal-Mart wants to be known as a market-driven retailer that has the interests of its customers,
employees, suppliers and local communities at heart. The company had for a long time been
able to frame its low-cost market strategy in terms that not only fitted with its own customer-
focused identity, but was also acceptable to consumers and the general US public.

However, in recent years, Wal-Mart has faced criticism for the way in which it engages with, and
cares for, important stakeholder groups such as employees and members of the local
communities in which the company operates.

Your duty is:

1. Analyze the gap between the Wal-Mart’s vision and the actual reputation that Wal-Mart
currently has with employees, local communities.

2. Make a ccommunication campaign plan for Wal-Mart to improve Wal-mart's image with
following contents:

- Strategic Intent

- Themed Message

- Main Message Style

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and the explaination for your idea.

Bài làm

About Wal-Mart:

Walmart, Inc., brand Walmart, is an American public company. Walmart is known as one of the
largest retail corporations in the world, founded in 1962 in Bentonville, Arkansas, USA by Sam
Walton. Wal-Mart wants to be known as a market-driven retailer that focuses on the interests of
customers, employees, suppliers and local communities. The company operates a variety of
retail formats, focusing on low prices and offering a wide variety of products. Walmart has
grown from a small store into a large network of supermarkets and retail stores, present in
more than 25 countries. Despite facing constant challenges and competition in the rapidly
changing retail landscape, it remains a prominent and influential company on the global stage.

1. Analysis:

* Wal-Mart's vision:

At Walmart, Sam Walton created the vision “Be the destination for customers to save money, no
matter how they want to shop.”

- Wal-Mart's core vision focuses on providing goods and services at reasonable prices by
offering low-priced products every day to help consumers save money.

- Wal-Mart aims to create a perfect shopping place for people around the globe.

- Wal-Mart has committed to reducing energy consumption and other environmental

variables. They want to become a sustainable and socially responsible company.

* Actual reputation among employees:

- Wal-Mart has faced criticism and controversy regarding its labor practices and
treatment of workers. Some employees expressed concerns about low wages, limited
advancement opportunities and inadequate benefits.

- Several reports have mentioned that Wal-Mart has been criticized for its working
conditions and employee salaries. It is argued that Wal-Mart needs to improve working
conditions and wages to meet social and fair standards. Some employees have protested
Wal-Mart's policies on worker benefits and rights, and brought legal action related to
unfair pay and unsafe employment.

- Employee protests have brought a bad impression to the company. The company
violated workers' rights by threatening to fire employees who participated in protest

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actions. From a statement by the US National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), the agency
responsible for protecting the rights of employees to engage in collective bargaining and
other labor-related activities, Wal- Mart is facing multiple allegations of intimidation,
punishment and or retaliation from employees who participated in public protests and
legal demonstrations. The NLRB also said it is preparing to file a complaint against Wal-
Mart for these violations

* Local community:

- A clear gap can be seen between how Wal-Mart wants to be seen and how it is actually
viewed. Although their vision revolves around customer value, job creation and
environmental protection, their actual reputation can be affected by controversies
related to working conditions, community interactions community and social and
environmental actions.

- Wal-Mart has received negative reactions from some small businesses and merchants
in the local community. Wal-Mart's competition with price and scale could affect the
performance of small businesses, especially in the retail sector.

- Wal-Mart is a large-scale chain store, the construction and operation of their database
can affect traffic and the local environment. Some communities have expressed concern
about increased traffic and energy consumption at the expense of Wal-Mart.

 Walmart has a huge gap between its vision and current reputation

2. Communication Campaign Plan for Wal-Mart:

Strategic intention: Minimize and change perception of vision and reputation => create
relationship between employees and local community

2.1 Purpose and objectives of communication:

- The strategic purpose of the communications campaign is to improve Wal-Mart's

reputation and image with employees, local communities and customers, by
communicating its core values, social activities and The benefits that Wal-Mart brings to
its stakeholders ensure that the company is viewed positively on important aspects such
as community engagement, working conditions, and environmental commitment.

- Campaign goal: to promote Wal-Mart's vision of providing value to customers and


2.2 Message (should be aimed at the main audience: employees and local community)

* Message "Making Every Day Better Together"

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- This message emphasizes Wal-Mart's dedication to improving the lives of

customers, employees and communities through affordable products, convenient
accessibility, responsible practices and exceptional service.

- "Together" suggests a feeling of solidarity and cooperation. It implies that Wal-

Mart values the collective efforts of customers, employees and communities to
create a positive impact. The message aims to convey that everyone has a role to
play in improving every day.

- "Making Every Day Better" reflects an optimistic perspective and emphasizes

the possibility of improvement. It implies that Wal-Mart believes in the power of
small changes and collective efforts to create positive results. The message aims
to inspire customers and stakeholders to strive for continuous improvement.

* Main message style: There are 5 types of message styles: Rational message style,
Symbolic association message style, Emotional message style, Generic message style and
Preemptive message style. In my opinion, Walmart used an emotional message style.
Because this style is Use emotional appeals in corporate communications to regulate the
emotional responses of stakeholders. Expressing emotions can lead to greater levels of
involvement and connection with an organization where the above message is instilling
in customers a sense of solidarity and cooperation while also stating an optimistic
perspective and emphasizing the potential improvement ability.

- Emphasizes Walmart's commitment to working together to improve everyday

life, leading to an improved work environment, as employees can feel more
valued and engaged in the company's mission company.

- Walmart will actively address employee concerns and efforts to enhance

employee well-being to increase job satisfaction.

- A focus on making every day better leads to community development initiatives

such as supporting education, healthcare services and sustainable practices.
These initiatives can improve the quality of life for local people.

- Encourage partnerships with local organizations and nonprofits, leading to

collaborative efforts to address community challenges, whether they relate to
education, health or sustainability environmental sustainability.

2.3 Media

Wal-Mart can use media such as:

* Traditional media:

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- Advertising on television, radio, and newspapers/magazines is wide-ranging.

- Articles and interviews in major media to convey Wal-Mart's message and commitment
to employees and local communities.

- Newsletters and press statements to share Wal-Mart's achievements and positive

actions in caring for employees and the community.

* Internet

- The Internet is currently one of the most prominent and effective media for businesses
in the 4.0 technology era. With such a large number of Internet users, this will certainly
be an effective means of communication for Wal-Mart to increase brand awareness and
reach new customers.

- With this media, Wal-Mart will reach its target public group through two main
platforms: Website and Facebook. These two platforms have been created and used by
the brand for many years, so in the next stage, Wal-Mart just needs to continue activities
on the two platforms in a more meticulous and creative way.

- Wal-Mart's official website to provide detailed information about the company's

programs and commitments to employees and the community.

* Events and live interactions:

- Organize community events such as festivals, meetings, and volunteer activities to

create opportunities to interact directly with employees and the local community.

- Participate in forums and seminars related to employee and community concerns to

share experiences and learn from experts and predecessors.

* Internal communications:

- Use internal means such as company newsletters, emails, and intranets to inform
employees about Wal-Mart's programs, policies, and commitments.

- Organize internal meetings and discussions to listen to opinions and contributions from

Câu 2: WHO WILL YOU WANT TO BE? In corporate communications, there are specialized
disciplines such as: Media relations, Internal communications,...

1. Tell about 8 specialized disciplines in corporate communication and 11 specialized disciplines

when PR and Marketing are intergrated in corporate communication.

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2. Choose a specialized discipline that you want to work in the future, Tell about job description
and the requirements for this job. Why do you want to be in charge this job?

Bài làm


* 8 specialized disciplines in corporate communication:

- Corporate design: This field focuses on creating images, logos, colors and overall style for
a business or brand, to create a unified and professional overall picture. about that
brand in the minds of customers.
- Corporate advertising: Is the promotion of products, services or images of a company or
organization. The goal of business advertising is to build, enhance and protect the image
of the business in the public.
- Internal communication to employees: Is the process of conveying information,
strategies and important news from management or leadership to employees in the
organization, to create understanding and consensus. and commitment to overall
company goals.
- Issues and crisis management: Involves responding to and resolving potential problems
or emergencies that could affect the reputation and operations of the business.
- Media relations: Primarily focuses on building and maintaining relationships with the
media to ensure that information about the business is conveyed reliably and accurately.
- Investor relations: Involves maintaining and building relationships with investors,
through providing regular and reliable information about a company's operations,
finances and prospects.
- Change communication: Involves conveying information and creating understanding,
acceptance and support from employees and external parties about organizational,
process or strategic changes.
- Public affairs: Focuses on interacting with the community, social organizations and
government to ensure that the business has a positive and influential relationship with
the public community and social issues.

* 11 specialized disciplines when PR and Marketing are intergrated in corporate


- Public affairs: Public relations professionals focus on managing an organization's

relationships with government agencies, regulators, and legislatures. They work to
influence public policies and advocate for organizational interests in the political arena.
- Issue Management: Issue management involves identifying and resolving potential
challenges and controversies that could affect an organization's reputation or business.

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PR and marketing professionals work together to develop strategies to effectively

manage these issues.
- Investor Relations: Investor Relations: Investor relations professionals are responsible for
maintaining communication between an organization and its shareholders and potential
investors. They provide financial information, conduct investor meetings and help
maintain trust and confidence in the company's financial performance.
- Media Relations: Media Relations: Media relations specialists work to build and maintain
positive relationships with journalists and media agencies. They coordinate press
releases, interviews and media appearances to ensure favorable media coverage of the
- Advertising: Advertising professionals work to create and place paid advertising content
to reach a wider audience. Integration with PR allows for consistent brand messaging
and seamless communication with target audiences.
- Direct Marketing: Direct marketing involves reaching potential customers through direct
channels, such as email, postal mail or telephone. PR integration ensures that these
efforts are aligned with the organization's overall communications strategy.
- Sales Promotions: Sales promotion specialists focus on short-term tactics to drive sales
and increase customer engagement. Integration with PR ensures that promotions are
consistent with the organization's brand and overall image.
- Digital/Online Communications: Digital communications specialists handle online
branding, social media, and website management. When integrated with PR, it ensures
consistent messaging across all online platforms.
- Internal Communication: Internal communications specialists manage communication
within the organization, ensuring that employees are informed and engaged. This
integration helps align internal messaging with external branding.
- Community Relations: Community relations professionals work to build relationships
with local communities, NGOs, and other stakeholders. Integrating PR and marketing
helps present the organization as a responsible and socially conscious entity.
- Publicity/Sponsorship: Advertising and sponsorship professionals aim to create positive
associations with the organization through media coverage and sponsorship of events or
causes. Integration ensures that these activities support overall marketing and PR goals.

Communication was professionally formed in the 20th century (1920), in the early days it
was called PR, including 8 fields: Corporate design, Corporate advertising, Internal
communication to employees, Issues and crisis management, Media relations, Investor
relations, Change communication and Public affairs. PR then tends to integrate with
marketing and is collectively called corporate communications and it includes 11 areas:
Public affairs, Issue Management, Investor Relations, Media Relations, Advertising, Direct

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Marketing, Sales Promotions, Digital/Online Communications, Internal Communication,

Community Relations and Publicity/Sponsorship. Among the 11 fields of corporate
communications, I want to choose the field of advertising.

Job description: Advertising specialist is the person in charge of issues related to

communications, brand promotion, internal communications, carries out work according to
plan, advises and proposes advertising ideas. Marketing reports for companies and projects.
Write/edit movie scripts, dialogues/film comments/reports/internal video clips, projects and
be responsible for the content in project clips, reports, 3D films, take photos of model
homes, staff project representative.

Job requirements: In my personal opinion, an advertising specialist needs to have

experience as a Copywriter and work in the fields of advertising, creativity, journalism, and
communications. Moreover, he is also experienced in planning, editing, writing articles,
creating clips and media images. Being able to write in English and Vietnamese is also a
good advantage. At the same time, you must be a person with a creative, open mind, and be
willing to accept new things.

Câu 3: DEVELOPING AN ONLINE COMMUNITY In recent years, online community (Facebook

group) is considering as an effective channel for communications. As a student of Multimedia
Communication (MC) of FPT University, wishing to gather all of students of MC in an useful
online community so that everyone can support each others, you should:

1. Research a community you are joining in and describe its strength and weakness. What is the
role of community for corporate communications?

2. Propose a Plan of building a community of MC students at FPT University (FU MC) with the
following contents:

- Name of Community

- Goals and targets

- Program of activities

- How to gather members

- And whatever you want to mention

Bài làm

1. Research current online communities

- Facebook page: Department of International Cooperation & Personal Development


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- Is the official Fanpage of the Department of International Cooperation & Personal

Development (IC - PDP) of FPT University.

- ICPDP Department organizes all events and activities for students

- With more than 31K followers and 28k likes, mainly FPT students, staff and alumni
(including MC students)

- This is a page that updates information about study, internship and experience
programs and events taking place at FPT University.

- Very suitable for MC students to participate and experience and improve their

* Strength:

- The community creates opportunities for FPT University students to grasp information
in the best way, always creating conditions for students to have a learning environment,
connect, and participate in events to improve knowledge and experience. experience.

- The community provides additional study materials, study advice, and opportunities to
discuss specific subjects. (information about talk shows, meeting influential people, they
may be an expert in a certain field such as a President, CEO, famous vlogger to share
inspiring knowledge and experiences) inspiration for students)

- This Facebook page is always updated with images and learning progress of students
participating in the program. It helps motivate students who intend to participate.

- MC students can find opportunities to collaborate on projects, events, competitions, or

projects related to multimedia through this community.

- Page attracts students from many different courses, programs, and majors. This creates
diversity in knowledge and experience, helping people learn from each other and
develop a comprehensive view of multimedia.

- The site provides an interactive and continuous learning environment. Members can
ask questions, discuss new issues, and stay informed about new trends in multimedia.

- Can provide information about job opportunities, career advice, and assistance with
projects or assignments

* Weakness:

- Because it is a FB page, everyone can freely express their opinions, including bad and
negative comments. To manage and resolve these things is also a difficulty.

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- Spends a lot of time and resources, wanting to maintain a community requires time,
effort and resources such as creating content, moderation, attracting members,

- Communities may face challenges due to decreased engagement over time, potentially
leading to less interaction and contributions from members. Strategies are needed to
keep the community vibrant and active.

* The role of online communities in corporate communications

- This can be a place for businesses to create and share valuable content, product
information, and communication messages.

- Community members contribute valuable content to posts, such as reviews,

testimonials, and user stories that add authenticity and credibility.

- In a community with many students, collaborating and creating internship or

experience opportunities for students can help businesses discover or select suitable
people to work for them.

- At the same time, continuously updating the process, news, and activities of students
during internships or experiences also helps increase trust and attraction for businesses.

- The connection between businesses and student human resources, businesses or

students can seek help and ask questions about related issues.

2. Community building project

- Name: FPT Multimedia connection

- Objectives and targets

- Main goal: Build an environment of exchange, learning, and community development

for MC students of FPT University.

* Targets:

- Create strong connections between members of the MC student community.

- Support learning and personal development for MC students through quality learning
materials and programs.

- Organize events, workshops, and engagement activities to create opportunities for MC

students to learn and demonstrate their abilities.

- Create an environment that promotes employment and connections with businesses

for MC students after graduation.

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* Activity program

- Study program: Provides study materials, online courses, and study consulting sessions
for MC students.

- Events and seminars: Organize meetings, seminars, and workshops on important topics
in the field of multimedia communication.

- Engagement activities: Create opportunities for competitions, exhibitions, or projects

focusing on multimedia.

- Employment support: Connect MC students with businesses and provide information

about jobs and internship opportunities.

* How to gather members:

- Promote information about the community on social media platforms, the school
website, and introduction sessions for new MC students.

- Organize meetings, consultations, and training for MC students interested in joining the

- Create an online registration system so MC students can participate and receive

relevant information.

- Connect with instructors to promote the community

- Word of mouth Encourage current members to invite their friends and classmates to
join. Offer incentives to successful referrals

* Things to mention:

- Membership levels: Consider offering different membership levels with different

benefits, such as free access to events, conference discounts, and exclusive resources.

- Feedback mechanism: Set up a system for members to give feedback and suggest
improvements to community operations and activities.

- Regular Meetings: Hold regular meetings to update members on upcoming events,

discuss progress, and gather suggestions for future initiatives.

- Long-term sustainability: Plan for community sustainability by preparing and mentoring

future leaders who can carry out the mission.

Câu 4: BUILD AN COMMUNICATION CAMPAIGN You are working in the Corporate

Communication Department of TH Truemilk and have the task of planning a Communication
Campaign for a new product.

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1. Tell about 7 steps of planning & executing a campain in the chapter 6 of your textbook.

2. Propose a communication plan for TH Truemilk's new product as following contents:

- Communication Objectives

- Target audience

- Theme messages

- Message styles

- Media strategy

Bài làm

1. 7 steps of planning & executing a campaign

To start planning and executing a campaign, companies need to define their vision and
reputation. Then continue with the first step of strategic intent. Roughly speaking, the
strategic intent formulates a change or consolidation of stakeholder reputations of the
organization. It is based on the gap between how the organization wants itself to be seen by
important stakeholder groups and how it is currently seen by each of those groups. The
strategic intent articulates a set of general goals at the level of the reputation of the
organization. The second step is define communication objectives. Based on the strategic
intent, communication practitioners then need to set specific communication objectives for
a communication programme or a specific campaign. Here, practitioners may decide to
develop specific programmes orcampaigns for particular stakeholder groups (e.g.
employees, shareholders and investors, customers) or instead to develop a general
corporate programme or campaign that addresses all of them. In both cases, however,
practitioners need to define objectives in terms of whether they are seeking to change or
consolidate a particular stakeholder’s awareness, attitude, more general reputation with
them, or behaviour. In line with the strategic intent, successful communication consists in
appealing to stakeholders with a particular message, so that they react favourably to it and
change or consolidate a specific supportive behaviour as regards the organization, such as
investing in an organization or buying its products. Communication objectives should be as
tightly defined as possible: specific, measurable, actionable, realistic and timely (SMART):
Specific: objectives should specify what it is that the practitioner wants to achieve (e.g.
change in awareness of, change of reputation) with a particular stakeholder group.
Measurable: practitioners should be able to measure whether they are meeting the
objectives or not. This often consists in identifying clear indicators (e.g. a percentage change
in behaviours supportive of the organization) that can be measured and afterwards used to
evaluate the success of the programme or campaign. Achievable: objectives should be

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achievable and attainable in the light of current stakeholder reputations of the organization
and the competitive landscape. Realistic: objectives need to be realistic in light of the
resources and budget that are provided for a particular programme or campaign. Timely:
objectives should also specify the time frame in which they need to be achieved.
Communication objectives often include a ‘window’ of 1–2 years after the programme or
campaign to measure the direct impact of a programme or campaign. Well-articulated
objectives are measurable in that they specify a time frame and the number of people that
the programme or campaign sets out to reach and affect. It is then possible for
communication practitioners to evaluate and determine whether objectives have been met.
Next comes step three, identify and prioritize target audience. Organizations have many
stakeholder groups. Obviously, organizations cannot communicate with all of them, and
practitioners therefore use the stakeholder salience model and the power–interest matrix to
identify the most important stakeholder groups. Once important stakeholder groups have
been identified, practitioners need to segment those groups into more specific target
audiences that are prioritized for a particular programme or campaign. For example, the
stakeholder group of ‘employees’ includes many segments of different groups (e.g. top
management, middle management, front-line staff, back-office personnel, administrative
staff) which may not all need to be addressed within a particular programme or campaign. A
target audience is defined as the segment of individuals (from a particular stakeholder
group) that is the focus (‘target’) of a particular programme or campaign. Step four is
identify themed messages. Based on the identified communication objectives and selected
target audiences, practitioners need to decide what the core message should be. The core
message aimed at a particular target audience often evolves directly from how the
organization wants to be seen. Next comes step five, develop message styles. A message
can be told in different ways using one of the five message styles. The message styles
involve the creative concept that articulates the appeal of the message and brings it to life
through the use of catchy slogans, an appropriate framing in words and visual stimuli
(pictures, images, logos and the typographic setting of a message). As discussed, the use of
a particular message style depends on certain conditions and expectations of stakeholders:
for example, an organization may adopt a rational message style when it communicates its
financial growth and potential to investors at the annual general meeting by referring to its
recent financial results and the growth of the market in which it operates. Simultaneously,
an organization may adopt a symbolic association style by sponsoring a sports event or
cause in an attempt to build a general corporate image that may lead to recognition and
favourability with all of its stakeholder groups. In short, an organization can use multiple
with all of its stakeholder groups. In short, an organization can use multiple message styles
simultaneously to communicate with different target audiences. At the same time, an
organization often uses the same message style to communicate about certain specific

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areas, such as its products and services, its general corporate position, its CSR or its financial
performance. Step six is develop a media strategy. In developing the media strategy, the
overriding aim is to identify the most effective and efficient means of reaching the target
audiences within the given budgetary constraints. Practitioners need to consider criteria
such as the reach and coverage of the target audience (to what extent does a particular
medium reach subjects within the target audience so that they are exposed to the message
at least once?), the creative match of the medium with the message (to what extent does
the medium support a particular message style and creative format?), competitors’ use of
the media (to what extent do competitors use the same medium?) and the ability of media
to enable dialogue and interaction with the audience (does the medium simply supply
information or does it also allow interaction with the organization?). Media selection is
ideally ‘zero-based’, meaning that rather than repeating a pre-fixed and standard choice for
a medium that may have worked in the past, the most appropriate medium is chosen in the
light of these criteria. In other words, practitioners need to stay open to the wide range of
media options available to them (e.g. free publicity, video conferencing, promotions,
meetings with stakeholders, sponsoring), rather than heading straight for tried-and-tested
media or ones they have simply used in the past. Practitioners also need to decide on the
right mix of media for a particular communication programme or campaign. Finally (Prepare
the budget), it is important to budget for the communication programme or campaign.
Most of the budget is often spent on media buying, with the remaining amount going
towards the production of the programme or campaign (including the hiring of
communication consultants, advertising professionals and copy editors) and the evaluation
of results. Based on the budget that is available for a particular programme or campaign,
practitioners may have to revise the previous steps, select a different mix of media and/or
adjust their communication objectives. In fact, the process model is indeed often
dynamically used, rather than what the model might suggest is a linear progression of steps.
The current environment for corporate communication requires that practitioners cycle back
and forth between the different steps (as indicated by the dotted arrows in feed forward
and plan their own programmes or campaigns, but also make the most of opportunities that
suddenly present themselves. Communication strategies should remain agile, such that they
can be adapted to changing circumstances and so that intermediate insights can be fed into
the planning cycle. Furthermore, the move from one step in the model to the next is also
not a simple cascading down, but involves interpretations, negotiations and best guesses,
and is, as such, always open to revision. Therefore, instead of developing and writing lengthy
communication plans, communication practitioners are probably best served by a flexible
and to-thepoint planning model. This model allows them to plan ahead whilst remaining
flexible enough in adapting to changing circumstances and feedback. Such adaptation
requires, however, that they keep an open mind and a reflective attitude, and do not simply

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assume that their job is done once they have put the details of a strategy on paper. Finally,
when the entire programme or campaign is planned and has been executed, it will be
evaluated for its results. Effectiveness of the programme or campaign can be evaluated on
the basis of process and communications effects. Process effects concern the quality of the
communication programme or campaign (in terms of intelligence gathered, the detail that
has gone into the planning, the appropriateness of message content and overall
organizational support) and whether the programme has been executed in a cost-effective
manner. Communication effects include the range of cognitive and behavioural effects of
targeted stakeholder audiences that the programme or campaign aimed to achieve. Here, it
is important to identify suitable impact measures (i.e. changes in awareness, attitude and
reputation, or behaviour) rather than relying on interim measures of communication effects
such as media coverage or simple exposure, and to evaluate the effects achieved against the
targets or benchmark set with the objectives of the communication programme or


TH Group is a corporation and also a joint stock company specializing in the production of
milk, dairy products, water, ... established in Nghe An province in 2009. According to a
report by data company Biinform. In 2017, TH Group accounted for 4% of the Vietnamese
market share. Initially, the business was called TH True Milk Company - an enterprise
specializing in producing and trading dairy products.

* New product: Chocolate-flavored yogurt is divided into three different flavors: the
sweetness of regular chocolate, the bitter sweetness of dark chocolate and the slightly
sweet and sour taste of white chocolate. However, these flavors will not greatly affect the
original flavor of Th True Milk yogurt. Moreover, on each yogurt box there is a confession,
flirtation or expression of love.

* Communication goals:

- About awareness: This action will make potential customers aware of the existence of TH
Group, that that business will launch new products on Valentine's Day. For example, providing
information about the value of products, organizing press conferences to launch and introduce
new products, announcing new product introductions on TH websites and posting new product
posters at TH truemart branches for 3 months.

- About emotions: When potential customers learn about a new product, TH must deliver a
message to create connection and empathy between the brand and customers. In addition, it
also raises awareness and hot spots in customer stories

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- Proactive goal: Increase awareness by promoting activities: sales, trials at shopping centers,
supermarkets such as Vincom, Big C, Aeon, Lotte... The organization of this activity will likely
make the product available to two million people between the ages of 20 and 40 and one
million in middle age.

- Specific (S): Set a clear goal with 500 participants through online marketing channels. The
communication channels used are the Fanpage, Email, and Facebook Messenger.

- Measurable (M): The expected brand recognition for TH True Milk will increase by 5% through
intensified advertising and PR efforts to achieve the goal one week before the workshop.

- Achievable (A): Past workshops have recorded a significant number of participants within just
two weeks, with seats quickly filling up after activating advertising campaigns on Facebook and

- Relevant (R): Organizing a workshop is a good method for communication, establishing

credibility for the business, increasing the brand's reach, and reaching more potential

- Time-bound (T): All plans must be completed two months before the workshop. The
communication campaign begins one month in advance and must ensure that all available seats
are filled one week before the event.

(- Cụ thể (S): Đặt mục tiêu rõ ràng với 500 người tham gia thông qua các kênh tiêếp thị tr ực
tuyêến. Các kênh liên lạc được sử dụng là Facebook, Email và Facebook Messenger.

- Measurable (M): Mức độ nhận diện thương hiệu dự kiêến cho TH True Milk seẽ tăng 5% thông
qua nôẽ lực quảng cáo, PR tăng cường để đạt được mục tiêu 1 tuâần trước hội thảo.

- Achievable (A): Các hội thảo trước đây đã ghi nhận sôế lượng người tham gia đáng kể chỉ
trong vòng hai tuâần, sôế ghêế nhanh chóng được lâếp đâầy sau khi kích hoạt chiêến dịch quảng cáo
trên Facebook và Email.

- Relevant (R): Tổ chức workshop là một phương pháp truyêần thông tôết, tạo dựng uy tín cho
doanh nghiệp, tăng khả năng tiêếp cận thương hiệu và tiêếp cận được nhiêầu khách hàng tiêầm
năng hơn.

- Có thời hạn (T): Tâết cả các kêế hoạch phải được hoàn thành trước hội thảo 2 tháng. Chiêến
dịch truyêần thông băết đâầu trước một tháng và phải đảm bảo răầng tâết cả các chôẽ trôếng đêầu
được lâếp đâầy một tuâần trước sự kiện.)

* Target audience: Because it was released on Valentine's Day, the target audience is
young couples celebrating the holiday, and moreover, there are also couples expressing
their love for each other.

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* Topic messages and message type:

- There are five types of messages: Rational message style, symbolic association message style,
emotional message style, generic message style and pre-emptive message style. The message I
want to give is "Give yogurt, give love". Because the target audience is couples in love and also
launched on Valentine's Day, I used an emotional message style to create a connection between
the brand and the target group.

* Communication strategy

- Based on the message given, I will devise a communication strategy.

+ About Earned media: Businesses need to open small booths at shopping centers such
as Vincom, Aeon... to sell, introduce and try this new yogurt product, from which
customers will spread the word of mouth. each other with their relatives and friends.

+ About Owner media: In the era of technological development, intermediary media

channels are also one of the places where businesses reach customers. Businesses
should post information related to product launches on fanpages on social networks and
the brand's own websites. At the same time, the company also produces business
magazines, placed in the group's branches.

+ About Paid media: TH businesses should rely on their messages and customers to
create short videos with clear stories to promote products on Youtube and Facebook.
For example, the target audience is young couples and married couples, the characters
in the video are also related to them to increase empathy. Furthermore, businesses
should also hire KOLs and KOCs to promote and manipulate customer psychology so they
buy and use new yogurt products. Not only that, businesses can hire people to click
when they see ads related to the product, thereby increasing interaction.

* Prepare the budget

The estimated budget is fifty thousand dollars. Of which, seventy percent is used for
communication strategies and thirty percent is used for image building, printing love confession
labels on products, and love confessions on products.


1. What are 5 tools and techniques can communication practitioners use to obtain news
coverage and to monitor reporting on their organization over time?

2. If you are in charge of press relations in the program to launch new Bphone product, which
tools and techniques will you use to obtain as much as possible news coverage, and how do you
do it?

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Bài làm


Communication practitioners use a wide range of tools and techniques to obtain news coverage and to
monitor reporting on their organization over time. These include press releases, press conferences,
interviews, online newsrooms, media monitoring and media research. We will briefly discuss each in

* Press release

the aim of a press release is to transfer news to journalists so that it can be made public. Press
releases are more likely to be used and placed in a news medium when they refer to
newsworthy events or items that are current and have a human interest or appeal, when the
release is written in a factual (as opposed to judgemental) manner and with a clear heading and
lead (first paragraph) into the topic.
* Press Conference

another tool of disseminating information to the news media involves inviting journalists to a
press conference. Press conferences are normally organized around fixed periods in the calendar
when organizations release financial results or share corporate information at the annual
general meeting with shareholders. Incidentally, there may also be ad hoc press conferences
around an issue or a crisis (e.g. product defects, accidents) in order to provide journalists with
upto-date information. An important element of the press conference is that it allows journalists
to address questions to the company executives gathered at the event. This ‘interactive’ feature
distinguishes a press conference from a press release. A press conference is therefore more
applicable when information cannot be conveyed in a standardized, written form or when the
information involves a controversial or sensitive issue. In preparation for a press conference,
communication practitioners need to draw up a list of journalists and editors whom they would
like to invite to the conference and brief them about the conference in time.

* Interview:

journalists often request an interview with official spokespersons or with the CEO or other
senior executives at the organization. For this purpose, communication practitioners need to
offer executives advice and training on news angles in relation to corporate themes and on
specific guidelines regarding the interview format. Such guidelines may consist of advising staff
to keep ‘control’ of the interview by asking the journalist to call or come at a prearranged time,
to brief the journalist about the interview topics in advance, and to be supplied by the journalist
with a copy of the interview transcript and final article so that facts, opinions and attributions
can be checked. In addition, CEOs and other executives who are likely to be interviewed by

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journalists over the telephone, face to face or in front of a camera need to be trained to be
skilled communicators. Many organizations therefore instruct their CEO and senior executives in
media training so that they stay on message, synchronize their body language with their verbal
messages and can anticipate questions from journalists. When a CEO becomes an effective
communicator, that can translate into admiration, respect and trust and a stronger overall
corporate reputation.

* Online newsroom:

in order to connect different platforms and media content, corporate communication

practitioners have also increasingly developed online newsrooms, as a dedicated part of a
company’s website. These newsrooms are a one-stop shop for media relations; they typically
include standard reports, speeches and press releases, but also tend to host dynamic content
including videos, news feeds, widgets, podcasts and searchable archives of content. The general
advantage of these newsrooms is that they provide journalists with information when they need
it; they also help drive traffic to the company’s website. In addition, they allow a company to get
its content out in a way that responds to the way in which journalists nowadays search for
company information on the internet. To stimulate usage by journalists, the design of these
newsroom sites needs to be user-friendly and easy to navigate. In addition, dynamic content,
including image libraries and videos, significantly enhances the experience of using a site.

* Media research and monitoring:

the most common type of media research consists of monitoring media relations efforts.
Two of the most commonly used monitoring techniques are gate-keeping research and
output analysis.In addition, many corporations also use syndicated media-monitoring
services such as: gate-keeping research, output analysis, and syndicated media
monitoring services (Boomerang Social listening, DAZIKZAK, Google Analytics, Reputa

As the person in charge of press relations in the new Bphone product launch program, I will use
the following tools and techniques to report as much as possible:
* Press Release:
I will write and release the official news release (press release) about the new Bphone
product. This newsletter will contain complete and accurate information about the
product, including configuration, featured features, release date, and other important
information. The newsletter will be sent to journalists and reporters in technology,
engineering, and the electronics industry.

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* Press Conference:
I will hold a professional press conference to introduce the new Bphone product. This
press conference will allow journalists and reporters to participate in person, ask
questions, and receive information directly from the company's leaders and experts. Press
conferences can be held online to reach a wider audience and media globally.
* Interviews:
I will identify and contact reputable journalists, bloggers, technology experts, and
celebrities in the technology field to conduct interviews about the new Bphone product.
Interviews will provide insight into the product and generate interest from a community of
fans and potential users.
* Media Monitoring (Media Monitoring):
I will carefully monitor articles, comments, and news related to new Bphone products in
traditional and digital media. This helps to evaluate the effectiveness of PR campaigns and
adjust strategies to increase influence and reach the target audience.
* Online Editorial (Online Editorial):
I will work with reputable journalists and technology news sites to write articles, reviews,
or news about new Bphone products. This helps to increase product information online
and attract interest from the online community.
* Using social networks and digital media (Social Media and Digital Media):
I will use social networking channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube to
post information, pictures, and videos about the new Bphone product. Using digital media
helps spread information quickly and reach a large number of potential users.
Combining these tools and techniques will help increase the reach and care for the new Bphone
product from the media and the public.

Study any communication crisis that you know and:

1. Describe the communication crisis, the reason caused it, the communication strategy that
organization used in crisis and the consequences to organization.

2. If you were hired to handle this communication crisis, what communication strategy would
you use, and why? what will you do to restore the reputation of that organization after the

Bài làm


* Describe the communication crisis:

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- The crisis rocking United Airlines began on April 9, 2017 when a video capturing a
violent altercation between a passenger and a United Airlines employee went viral on
social media platforms.

- The incident occurred on a United Airlines flight, where passenger David Dao, 69, was
forced off the plane by security staff. The video shows a heartbreaking scene, with
passengers being dragged along the aisle and injured in the process.

- The incident sparked outrage from viewers around the world, led to widespread
condemnation of United Airlines' handling of the situation and raised concerns about
passenger rights and the airline's policies. Are not.

- The incident was recorded and shared on Facebook by another passenger named
Audra Bridges and quickly attracted widespread attention. In the video, we can see a
clearly injured and screaming man being dragged down the aisle of the plane. The video
went viral with thousands of shares and millions of views.

- The incident quickly became a major media crisis for United Airlines.

* The reason causing it:

- Faux pas: (External-Unintentional Crisis): This is a type of crisis that occurs due to errors
or negligence from outside the organization, not planned or intended. These are
situations that are unwanted, unintended, and originate from outside the organization.

- Accident: (Internal-Unintentional Crisis): This is a type of crisis that occurs due to

unwanted events from within the organization and is not planned. The public assigns
less blame and reacts negatively to natural behavior than to human error.

- Terrorism: (External-Intentional Crisis): This is a type of crisis that occurs due to

intentional acts, often carried out by terrorist organizations or individuals operating
illegally. These are behaviors that are intended and originate from outside the

- Transgressions: (Intentional terrorist acts - External-Intentional Crisis): This is a type of

crisis that occurs due to intentional violations of behavior, carried out by individuals
within the organization or the entire organization, bringing related parties to the
organization. authorities or the public at risk or harm.

→ The case of United Airlines with the conflict between passengers and employees is
considered according to the theory of Timothy Coombs of the Transgressions group. Because
this is the fault of the airline staff - who was violent and extremely coercive towards their

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* The communication strategy that organization uses in crisis:

There are 6 communication strategies: Nonexistence strategies, Distance strategies, Suffering

strategy, Association strategies, Acceptance strategy and Accommodation strategy

- Distance strategies - excuse:

United Airlines acknowledged the crisis but tried to distance the organization from the
problem by blaming its customers. Munoz has issued a series of tweets defending his
staff's actions. That night, the email that director Munoz sent to UA employees blamed
customers, Munoz assured his employees that the company had followed the correct
procedure. It is within their authority to request or kick passengers off the flight to
ensure aviation safety.

-> the company is blaming customers and defending the violent actions of employees

- Acceptance strategy: Full apology and Remediation:

In a second statement, 48 hours after the incident, director Munoz issued a "sincere apology"
and defended "it's never too late to do the right thing." Munoz affirmed that forcing a
passenger who has booked a ticket, paid for it and sat on the plane to leave the flight is
something the airline cannot do. He also said he felt very embarrassed by the incident that
happened to Mr. Dao. United offered to refund the fares of all passengers on the flight and also
reached a compensation agreement with David Dao.

-> The airline has acknowledged the crisis, assuming full responsibility.

* The consequences to organization

- Reputation damage: United's reputation suffered a blow, the incident was widely
condemned and the airline was criticized for its handling of the situation. Video of the
United Airlines attack spread rapidly on social networks and immediately sparked a wave
of boycotts of the airline. The most loyal customers have continuously posted photos of
shredded priority membership cards. Many social media users have used hashtags
including #BoycottUnited (Boycott United), #NewUnitedAirlinesMottos (United Airlines'
new operating motto) and #FlyTheFriendlySkies (FlyTheFriendlySkies) to mock the
slogan of United commercials.

- Economic loss: the company's stock price temporarily drops and the company faces
financial losses due to reduced bookings.

- Regulatory attention: It has attracted the attention of regulators and lawmakers,

leading to discussions about potential changes to passenger rights and practices of the

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=>United Airlines' crisis in April 2017 is a clear example of the importance of proper crisis
management and the potential consequences a company can face when a situation goes wrong.
handled effectively in the age of social media and widespread citizen journalism.


If hired to handle United Airlines' communications crisis following the April 9, 2017 incident, the
following communications strategies can be used to deal with the situation:

Maintain transparent and honest communication with all stakeholders, including the public,
employees and regulators. This requires providing periodic updates on the progress of
investigations and measures taken.

* Acceptance Strategy

- Apologize and admit error: I would advise United Airlines to publicly apologize
immediately and admit that they made a mistake in handling the incident. This helps
rebuild public trust.

- United airlines should directly apologize to Mr. Dao for the crisis and ask relevant
parties and the public to forgive his wrongdoings.

- Notice of compensation or help to victims (Mr. Dao and passengers on the flight)

* Accommodation strategy

- Commit to improvement: United Airlines should commit to improving its passenger

assignment process and training employees on handling difficult situations. They should
also announce specific measures to prevent similar situations from occurring in the

* To restore that organization after the crisis, we will offer the following solutions:

- Implement a program to please the audience, organize a humane program

- Who is at fault – implement a program to restore trust from stakeholders: customers,


Câu 7: The biggest fraud in the automobile industry The incident began in September 2015
when the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) discovered many Volkswagen diesel cars
installed a fraudulent software. The software can detect when emissions are being tested and
activate active filtering mechanisms to respond. As a result, Volkswagen vehicles pass the eyes
of the regulator, even when the emission level is 40 times higher than the permitted level.

After that, Volkswagen admitted that up to 11 million vehicles globally under the Volkswagen,
Audi, Skoda and Seat brands were installed with the cheating device. Authorities in the UK, Italy,

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France, South Korea, Canada and Germany had respectively opened investigations into this
company. Volkswagen was expected to recall 8.5 million vehicles in Europe and 500,000 in the
United States and its stock price fell in value by a third in the days immediately after the news.

1. Describe the communication crisis, the reason caused it and and categorize this crisis by
Crisis-type matrix of Crisis expert Timothy Coombs, then tell the communication strategy that
Volkswagen used in crisis and the consequences to Volkswagen.

2. If you were hired to handle this communication crisis, what communication strategy would
you use, and why?

Bài làm


* Describe the communication crisis:

The Volkswagen emissions scandal, a significant media crisis in the auto industry,
emerged in September 2015 when it was revealed that Volkswagen had intentionally
installed cheating software. Italy in their diesel vehicles. The software is designed to
detect emissions testing and activate filtering mechanisms to manipulate the results,
allowing Volkswagen vehicles to pass tests despite emitting up to 40 times more
pollutants. higher than the allowable level. About 11 million vehicles across multiple
brands are affected. The crisis led to investigations by regulators, widespread recalls and
severe damage to the company's reputation and finances.

* The main cause of Volkswagen's emissions scandal was Volkswagen's own intentional and
deliberate actions.

* According to crisis expert Timothy Coombs, there are 4 types of crises: Crisis due to
unintentional actions from external factors (Faux pas), Crisis due to unintentional actions from
internal factors (Accidents), Crisis due to intentional actions from internal agents
(Transgressions) and Crisis due to intentional actions from external agents (Terrorism), based on
2 aspects: Internal - External, Intentional - Unintentional

- This crisis belongs to the Transgressions crisis based on two aspects: Internal and Intentional
because of the following reasons:

Volkswagen intentionally installed fraudulent software into their diesel vehicles, despite
knowing full well that it would put Stakeholders in danger, including regulators,
customers and the public.

=> This was an intentional act carried out by the organization with full understanding
that it could have negative consequences for stakeholders and the public.

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* Crisis communication strategies (6 chiêến dịch truyêần thông trong khủng hoảng)

- Nonexistence strategies: Claim of denying the crisis (Tuyên bôế phủ nhận khủng hoảng)

+ Denial: A simple statement denying that a crisis exists

+ Clarification: An extension of the denial tactic with attempts to explain why

there is no crisis

+ Attack and intimidation: A tactic of confronting the person or group who claims
that a crisis exists, may include a threat to use “force” (a lawsuit) against the

- Distance strategies: Claim of distancing the organisation from direct responsibility for
the crisis (Giữ khoảng cách của tổ chức xa trách nhiệm trực tiêếp cho cuộc khủng

+ Excuse: A tactic of denying intention or volition by scapegoating others for the


+ Dow play: A tactic of convincing stakeholders or the general public that the
situation is not that bad in itself or compared to other crisis

- Suffering strategy: Claim that the organization suffers from the crisis (Tuyên bôế rõ rang
răầng tổ chức đang bị khủng hoảng)

+ Victimization: A tactic of portraying the organization as a victim of the crisis to

win public sympathy

- Association strategies: Claim of connecting the organization to things positively valued

by stakeholders and the public (Tuyên bôế kêết nôếi tổ chức với những thứ có giá trị tích
cực của xã hội)

+ Bolstering: Reminding stakeholders and the general public of existing positive

aspects of the organization (eg. reminders of past charitable donations) to offset
the negative the crisis brings to the organization

+ Transcendence: Associating the negatives and loss arising from a crisis with a
desirable higher-order goal (e.g animal testing to develop life-saving drugs)

- Acceptance strategy: Claim accepting the responsibility of culpability for the crisis
(Thừa nhận trách nhiệm trong việc gây ra khủng hoảng)

+ Full apology (xin lôẽi): Simply apologizing for the crisis and accepting the blame

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+ Remediation (bôầi thường): Announcing some form of compensation or help to

victims (money, goods, ...)

+ Repentance: Asking for forgiveness. The organization apologizes for the crisis
and asks stakeholders and the general public to forgive its misdeeds

- Accommodation strategy: Claim to promise to prevent the crisis from recurring again
(Hứa hẹn không để khủng hoảng tái diêẽn)

+ Rectification: Taking corrective action to prevent a recurrence of the crisis

* Communication strategy that Volkswagen used during the crisis:

- Distance strategy: Avoid mistakes by blaming others in a crisis.

- Acceptance strategy: Accept responsibility for causing the crisis

+ Full apology: Volkswagen publicly apologizes for causing the crisis and accepts
the blame.

+ Remediation: Take corrective action by recalling 8.5 million vehicles in Europe

and 500,000 vehicles in the United States to prevent the crisis from recurring.

* Consequences for Volkswagen:

- The crisis has had significant consequences for Volkswagen, including:

+ Reputation damage: Company reputation

+ Financial impact: Volkswagen faced significant financial penalties, including

fines and legal settlements, and its stock price fell significantly.

+ Operating costs: Recalling and retrofitting millions of vehicles is expensive,

affecting the company's operations and finances.

+ Regulatory scrutiny: Volkswagen faces ongoing regulatory scrutiny and legal challenges
in many countries.


If I were tasked with solving Volkswagen's communications crisis, I would use the following
communications strategies:

Acceptance strategy

- The most important factor in a crisis like this is transparency. It's important to admit
your mistakes and take responsibility for them. Volkswagen should sincerely and publicly

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apologize for the unauthorized software, and reassure customers, regulators and the
public that it is taking steps to address the situation.

- To regain trust, Volkswagen needs to establish open and timely communication with
stakeholders. Provide regular updates on the progress of investigations, recalls, and
other actions taken to resolve issues. Timely communication is important to
demonstrate urgency and commitment to solving the problem.

- It is important to provide consistent and consistent messaging across all

communication channels. This will help avoid confusion and ensure accurate information
is disseminated. Volkswagen's public relations staff must be well prepared and trained to
effectively communicate important messages to various stakeholders.

- Volkswagen must cooperate fully in investigations and actively cooperate with

regulators and authorities to demonstrate its commitment to resolving the matter. This
effort must be transparent and collaborative, focused on finding solutions and making
the necessary changes to prevent such incidents in the future.

- It is important to put customers at the center. Volkswagen must regularly inform

affected customers about the measures taken to repair their vehicles and ensure
compliance with emissions standards. Additionally, companies should consider offering
compensation or incentives to affected customers as a way to show goodwill.

- Internal communication is important even in times of crisis. Volkswagen must prioritize

clear and consistent messages to employees to ensure they understand the situation,
the actions taken and their role in restoring trust. It is important to foster a spirit of
solidarity among employees and a desire to overcome the crisis together.

- Volkswagen must closely monitor social media, newspapers and other communication
platforms to keep informed about public opinion and promptly address any concerns or
misinformation. Companies must be ready to respond quickly and transparently to any
issues or questions that arise.

⇒ Communications strategy should focus on rebuilding trust, demonstrating

accountability and providing regular updates to stakeholders. Openness, transparency
and a customer-centric approach are essential to address this crisis.

- Restore reputation (invest in research funds, reduce environmental emissions for

engines, minimize energy consumption, launch environmental protection programs
(planting trees) -> propose programs aimed at the environment In addition, Volkswagen
must take corrective action and promise not to let the crisis recur (Accommodation

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Câu 8: Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Recall Samsung, a global electronics company, faced a major
crisis when reports of their flagship smartphone, the Galaxy Note 7, catching fire and exploding
emerged. Analyze Samsung's crisis communication strategy and its impact on stakeholders,
considering the following:

1. Describe the communication crisis, the reason caused it and categorize this crisis by Crisis-
type matrix of Crisis expert Timothy Coombs, then tell the communication strategy that
Samsung used in crisis and the consequences to Samsung.

2. If you were hired to handle this communication crisis, what communication strategy would
you use, and why?


*Description of the crisis:

- Samsung Galaxy Note 7 is a high-end smartphone line from Samsung, launched on

August 2, 2016 at a media event in New York.

- At this time, the company was the largest smartphone manufacturer in the world. The
Galaxy Note 7 product line is proof that Samsung is fully capable of competing with

- Within just a few weeks after the sale, domestic customers reported that the devices
caught fire, and some even exploded.

- August 24: Dark spots began to appear, just 5 days after the official launch, information
about the first Note7 exploding appeared on the news. Images of the charred Galaxy
Note7 quickly spread across the media.

- On September 2, after recording at least 92 cases of phones catching fire due to battery
errors causing burns to 26 people in the US, Samsung officially announced the first
global recall of the Galaxy Note 7. About 2.5 million phones in 10 markets are subject to
this recall, customers are entitled to get their money back or exchange for a new Note 7
phone for free.

- On September 8, the US aviation agency recommended that passengers not turn on

their phones or charge their Galaxy Note 7 batteries to prevent the risk of fire on the
plane. Soon after, a series of major airlines in Europe and Asia also issued similar

- From September 15 to October 9, since the first recall, the US continued to record 23
other fire and explosion incidents related to Note 7 phones that had new batteries
replaced, of which 13 people were injured. burns and 47 cases of property damage.

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- During this period, on October 6, the first report showed that a Note7, despite being
replaced, continued to have the same problems as before. A Note7 is believed to have
caused smoke and scorched carpet on a Southwest Airlines flight, forcing passengers to
evacuate the plane.

- On October 9, some of the largest carriers in the US such as AT&T or T-Mobile

announced to stop selling Note 7 phones and opened an investigation into fire incidents
related to this phone model.

- On October 10, Samsung decided to recall the Galaxy Note 7 globally for the second

- On October 11, Samsung announced to stop selling Galaxy Note7 products worldwide
and just a few hours later, the company decided to stop all production of Galaxy Note 7,
putting an end to its existence. of one of the most expensive and modern Smartphone
models on the market at that time.

* Causes of the crisis

- According to Samsung's official conclusion, the two causes leading to the fire and
explosion of Note 7 series phones are the battery quality of the first batch and the haste
of replacing the batteries afterward.

- The problem is mainly due to design errors of the battery, leading to overheating
problems. Market rush and fierce competition may contribute to inadequate testing

- Accordingly, in the first batch of Note 7 with most of the batteries from manufacturer A
(Amperex Technology) (known as Samsung's battery manufacturing company), the
battery case was designed too narrow, without enough space. Allow the battery to
expand in case it heats up while charging. Therefore, the two positive and negative
electrodes of the battery come into contact, causing a short circuit, leading to a battery

* Crisis expert Timothy Coombs defines four types of crises based on two dimensions: internal–
external and intentional–unintentional, specifically:

- A faux pas (Giả mạo) is an unintentional action that is transformed into a crisis by
anexternal actor. A faux pas often begins as an issue between an organization and a
particular external actor who challenges the appropriateness of the organization’s
actions. When anorganization does not debate with this actor or when public opinion
and stakeholder expectations move against the organization, the issue may become a

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- Accidents (Tai nạn) are unintentional and happen during normal organizational
operations. Product defects, employee injuries, and natural disasters are all examples of
accidents. The unintentional and generally random nature of accidents oftenleads to
attributions of minimal organizational responsibility, unless of course, theorganization
was directly responsible for the accident. Accidents can be further divided intoacts of
nature (e.g. hurricanes, earthquakes, epidemics) and human-induced errors
(e.g.industrial accidents).

- Transgressions (Vi phạm) are intentional acts taken by an organization that knowingly
place stakeholders or the public at risk of harm. Knowingly selling defective or dangerous
products, withholding safety information from authorities, violating laws, or ‘creative’
bookkeeping are all examples of transgressions.

- Terrorism (Khủng bôế) refers to intentional acts taken by external agents. These
intentional actions are designed to harm the organization directly (e.g. hurt customers
through product tampering) or indirectly (e.g. reduce sales or disrupt production).
Product tampering, hostage-taking, sabotage, and workplace violence are all examples
of terrorism.

 Samsung's case with the Galaxy Note 7 phone exploding is considered under Timothy
Coombs's theory of the Accident group (Internal-Unintentional). Because the cause of phone
explosions stems from the company's phone battery manufacturing errors, the subjectivity and
haste of replacing batteries within the organization. Until the crisis broke out, making it
impossible for Samsung to predict and control (unintentionally).

* Crisis communication strategies (6 chiêến dịch truyêần thông trong khủng hoảng)

- Nonexistence strategies: Claim of denying the crisis (Tuyên bôế phủ nhận khủng hoảng)

+ Denial: A simple statement denying that a crisis exists

+ Clarification: An extension of the denial tactic with attempts to explain why

there is no crisis

+ Attack and intimidation: A tactic of confronting the person or group who claims
that a crisis exists, may include a threat to use “force” (a lawsuit) against the

- Distance strategies: Claim of distancing the organisation from direct responsibility for
the crisis (Giữ khoảng cách của tổ chức xa trách nhiệm trực tiêếp cho cuộc khủng

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+ Excuse: A tactic of denying intention or volition by scapegoating others for the


+ Dow play: A tactic of convincing stakeholders or the general public that the
situation is not that bad in itself or compared to other crisis

- Suffering strategy: Claim that the organization suffers from the crisis (Tuyên bôế rõ rang
răầng tổ chức đang bị khủng hoảng)

+ Victimization: A tactic of portraying the organization as a victim of the crisis to

win public sympathy

- Association strategies: Claim of connecting the organization to things positively valued

by stakeholders and the public (Tuyên bôế kêết nôếi tổ chức với những thứ có giá trị tích
cực của xã hội)

+ Bolstering: Reminding stakeholders and the general public of existing positive

aspects of the organization (eg. reminders of past charitable donations) to offset
the negative the crisis brings to the organization

+ Transcendence: Associating the negatives and loss arising from a crisis with a
desirable higher-order goal (e.g animal testing to develop life-saving drugs)

- Acceptance strategy: Claim accepting the responsibility of culpability for the crisis
(Thừa nhận trách nhiệm trong việc gây ra khủng hoảng)

+ Full apology (xin lôẽi): Simply apologizing for the crisis and accepting the blame

+ Remediation (bôầi thường): Announcing some form of compensation or help to

victims (money, goods, ...)

+ Repentance: Asking for forgiveness. The organization apologizes for the crisis
and asks stakeholders and the general public to forgive its misdeeds

- Accommodation strategy: Claim to promise to prevent the crisis from recurring again
(Hứa hẹn không để khủng hoảng tái diêẽn)

+ Rectification: Taking corrective action to prevent a recurrence of the crisis

* Samsung initially struggled with crisis communication, issuing recalls and replacements that
encountered similar problems. Their initial responses were criticized as slow and incomplete.

However, they eventually implemented a more comprehensive strategy that included the
following elements: ACCEPTANCE STRATEGY:

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- Admitting the problem: Samsung has admitted the problem of the Samsung Galaxy
Note 7 product crisis and takes responsibility for it.

- Recall and replacement: They conducted a global recall of all Galaxy Note 7 devices and
provided replacement devices. In this way, they hope to ensure customer safety and
prevent fires and explosions from occurring on their equipment.

- Apology and assurance: Samsung have publicly apologized to consumers and

stakeholders, and assured them that they are working hard to fix the problem.

- Interaction with regulatory agencies: They collaborate with regulatory agencies to

ensure compliance with safety standards.

- Transparent communication: They communicate updates and progress transparently

through press releases, social media, and their website.

- Compensation: Samsung offers compensation packages to affected consumers and


* Consequences of Samsung:

- Positive consequences:

+ Learning opportunity: The crisis is a lesson learned for Samsung. It emphasizes

the importance of thorough quality control and testing during product

+ Improved process: Samsung could have implemented stricter quality control

measures and testing procedures to prevent similar issues in the future.

- Negative consequences:

+ Reputation damage: The Galaxy Note 7 crisis has significantly tarnished

Samsung's reputation. It erodes consumer trust and leads to loss of brand

+ Financial loss: Recall, replacement and compensation efforts are costly and the
company incurs significant financial losses.

+ Impact on market share: Samsung faces fierce competition from rivals and the
crisis has created conditions for competitors to gain market share.

+ Legal and regulatory scrutiny: Samsung may have faced legal challenges and
increased regulatory scrutiny due to safety concerns.

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2. If I were tasked with solving this communications crisis, I would continue to maintain
Samsung's proactive communications strategies. Transparency, honesty, and full accountability
for mistakes will be key. At the same time, I will focus on building trust from the community
through continuous information updates, transparency about the repair process and future
preventative measures to restore trust and image of company.

- Rebuild credibility through transparency and honesty:

Set up a dedicated website or page about the crisis or post regular updates,
providing details about the cause of the problem and the repair process. All
information will be given clearly and easily to customers. Organize an online
press conference, invite reputable experts and journalists to answer questions
from the community and the media. Honesty and sincerity in responding will
help create trust from customers.

- Collaborate with partners and safety experts:

Establish collaborative partnerships with independent organizations and leading

safety experts to audit manufacturing processes and evaluate product safety to
ensure that no problems will recur. Feedback and certifications from renowned
experts will help strengthen the company's credibility in handling this situation.

- Building a preventive communication campaign:

Establish an ongoing post-crisis communications campaign to maintain customer

trust and loyalty. The company will continuously provide updates on new safety
measures, developments in the manufacturing process and contingency plans.
Create videos and tutorials on the safe and effective use of products to educate
users and avoid similar situations in the future.

Câu 9: Case Example 9.1 Vodafone: Using Employee Communication to Empower Employees.
Vodafone, a global telecommunications company, has been experimenting with Employee
communication tools to involve staff and to drive higher levels of employee engagement. The
Employee communication team at Vodafone observed that employees were not effectively
using the traditional tools of communication that the company had been using, such as
newsletters, the intranet and the annual company survey. The uptake of these channels with
employees had been minimal. They also observed that other channels, such as meetings and
emails, were becoming far less effective. One major objectivefor the Employee communication
team, therefore, was to reduce the overall volume of internal emails, and the heavy reliance on
this tool across levels of managers and employees. The team reasoned that a creative use of
other tools should offset the heavy e-mail traffic in the company. They also wanted those tools

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to be more interactive and not just information channels cascading down from the top of the
organization to front-line staff.

1. State the importance of employee communication of corporate? Comment on the Corporate

information & Communication systems (CICS) are currently using in Vodafone, do they focus on
downward or upward communication?

2. If you were Vodafone employee communication team, what communication channels should
you suggest Vodafone to built to enhance upward communication?

Bài làm


* The importance of communicating with employees in the business

- Communication with employees: Employee communication is defined as

communication with employees internal in the organization. Currently, there are two
forms of communication with employees: Downward and Upward.

- Why it is important: Communication with employees in the company is crucial because:

+ Consideration and Engagement: Employee communication helps align employees with

the organization's mission, vision, and values. Engaged employees are more committed
to their work and demonstrate higher levels of productivity and loyalty.

+ Information Flow: Effective communication ensures a continuous flow of information

within the organization, enabling employees to stay updated on news, changes, and
company initiatives.

+ Employee Satisfaction: Transparent and open communication creates a positive

working environment and enhances employee satisfaction.

+ Change Management: During times of company change, effective communication

helps management navigate the transition process and reduces employee resistance.

+ Innovation and Creativity: Good communication encourages idea exchange and fosters
a culture of innovation and creativity within the organization.

+ Credibility and Brand Advocacy: Engaged employees become brand advocates,

positively influencing the organization's reputation and public image.

+ Building Trust and Consensus: Effective communication builds trust between

employees and leadership, creating consensus on the company's goals and direction.

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+ Employee Engagement: Employee communication fosters a sense of belonging and

contribution to the company's success, making employees feel valued and cared for.

+ Announcing and Disseminating Information: Employee communication is a way for the

company to announce policies, decisions, relevant information, and important events
within the organization.

+ Promoting Transparency and Involvement: Employee communication ensures

transparency in management and company operations, allowing employees to
participate in decision-making and the work process.

* Overview of Vodafone case:

- Phase 1: Identify communication challenges

Vodafone, a global telecommunications company, noticed challenges with their internal

communications. Traditional communication tools such as newsletters, intranets, and
annual surveys do not effectively engage employees. Meetings and emails are
increasingly ineffective, causing overload

- Phase 2: Develop new communication tools

Vodafone's internal communications team has created a suite of new engagement tools,
including corporate screensaver messages, on-screen alerts, employee quizzes, survey
channels and newsletters. User-generated news. These tools aim to reduce email traffic
and provide more interactive, personalized content.

- Stage 3: Brand localization

Vodafone seeks to localize its brand by mirroring external campaigns and sponsoring
events. They invite external brand promoters to perform at internal events, driving
employee engagement and enhancing the brand's internal impact. The goal is to better
leverage external media to boost employee morale, encourage employees to become
brand ambassadors, and increase employee engagement.

* Corporate Information and Communications System (CICS):

Corporate information and communication systems (CICS) have a broader focus than the
manager–employee dyad. CICS involve technologies and communication systems that
broadcast corporate decisions and developments to all employees across the
organization. The emphasis is on disseminating information about the organization to
employees in all ranks and functions within the organization, in order to keep them
informed about corporate matters. CICS is often the preserve of the communication

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- Downward communication:

Top-down communication refers to the flow of information from higher levels of

management to employees. It involves conveying important organizational information,
policies and values from the top to employees. Both management communication and
CICS play important roles in downward communication.

- Upward communication:

Bottom-up communication involves the flow of information from employees to

management within the organization. It typically includes feedback, concerns,
suggestions, and information about the employee themselves, their colleagues, and the
organization's operations. This form of communication allows employees to voice their
opinions, give feedback and criticize management decisions, contributing to improving
the overall performance of the organization. This communication often takes place
through channels such as intranet bulletin boards and 'town hall' meetings, allowing
employees to interact with senior management and seek further information or
clarification on decisions. determination or development of the company.

* Vodafone's CICS (Corporate information and communication system) is primarily focused on

Downward communication because:

As indicated in the case, the company's internal communication effectiveness is

currently lacking. They have observed that employees are not efficiently utilizing the
communication tools at the company's disposal, such as newsletters, the internal
network, company surveys, and other channels like meetings and email. This indicates
that the internal communication methods employed by the company to disseminate
information from top to bottom have not been effective.


If I were the team communicating with Vodafone employees, I should suggest that Vodafone
build communication channels to improve communication upwards.

- Create an online platform where employees can provide feedback, share ideas, and
report issues directly. The platform should be accessible, user-friendly, and regularly
monitored by management for timely feedback.

- There should be several digital platforms, or mobile application development that

allows employees to submit feedback, access company news and participate in surveys
and discussions and networking tools to dialogue and chat between management and
employees - where employees can engage in conversation, ask questions and share

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- Create a dedicated internal website where employees can access news, updates about
the company or a Blog where employees can share opinions or grievances publicly or
some communication system that allows employees The employee asked questions to
the manager senior level and ask for more information.

- Create private social networking groups for employees to connect, express opinions,
share information and collaborate on projects or can submit anonymous suggestions
and ideas to improve the organization.

Câu 10: Cocoon Crisis On May 28th, social media was abuzz with news that Cocoon Vietnam's
makeup remover product was found to contain an unidentified organism, suspected to be a
worm. Shortly thereafter, on May 29th, the vegan cosmetics brand promptly responded. Cocoon
provided an explanation regarding their production process and the ingredients used in the
product. According to their statement, the roses used in the product are cultivated using organic
methods, without the use of pesticides or chemical fertilizers, to ensure that the flowers meet
the criteria for tea-making, distillation, and cosmetic purposes. After more than a week of
receiving consumer feedback, it issued an apology to its customers. It was confirmed that the
makeup remover product, specifically the rose petal wing makeup remover, indeed contained
"unknown organisms.". Cocoon then offered its customers with free products but many still
doubted the quality of the products advertised/ committed by the brand. (Retrieved from

1. How many stakeholders are involved in this situation of Cocoon, What are they? Who is core
stakeholder? Explain by using Power-interest matrix.

2. Consider the importance for Cocoon of developing long-term relationships and alliances with
different stakeholders, should the company develop relationships with all of its stakeholders or
only a select few after this case?

Bài làm

* Nói vêầ lý thuyêết vêầ stakeholder communication

* Summary:

- Cocoon Vietnam is a famous vegan cosmetics brand, established in 2013 and known to
many people for its benign natural products. Each Cocoon product clearly shows the
Vietnamese spirit with completely natural ingredients from Dak Lak coffee to Ben Tre
coconut; from Tien Giang cocoa butter to Cao Bang roses. Then natural ingredients such
as grapefruit, pennywort, sachi, squash...,

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- Cocoon's success is not only from the perspective of a beautiful story but also thanks to
the brand's clear commitment to product quality that meets the Ministry of Health's
CGMP criteria and information transparency.

- On May 28, social networks were abuzz with information that Cocoon Vietnam's
makeup remover product was found to contain unidentified organisms on May 29. The
vegan cosmetics brand promptly responded.

- About their manufacturing process and the ingredients used in the product.

- After more than a week of receiving consumer feedback, the company issued an
apology to customers. Confirmation that makeup remover products, specifically rose
petal makeup remover, do indeed contain "unidentified organisms"

* Classify stakeholders depending on their power and interest. Some may have the ability to
block or accelerate the project, Some may be very interested in what you are doing, others may
not be too bothered.

- Minimal Effort - Low Power (Low Power, Minimal Concern): Stakeholders in this
position have low power and minimal interest in the situation. It's important not to focus
too much on them, just maintain a basic level to avoid conflicts or taking too much time.

- Keep Satisfied - High Power (High power, low concern): Stakeholders in this position
have high power and low concern for the situation. It is important to maintain their
satisfaction levels through measures such as regularly engaging, providing updates, and
ensuring they are satisfied with the company's decisions and actions.

- Keep Informed - Low Power (Low power, high interest): Stakeholders in this position
have low power, but have interest in the situation. They need to be informed and well
informed about the situation and the company's decisions. While they do not have great
power, keeping them informed can help avoid conflict and create understanding.

- Key Players - High Power and High Interest: The stakeholders in this position have both
high power and high interest in the situation. They are important decision makers and
have the ability to strongly influence situations. With them, it is necessary to create
strong relationships, engage closely, and ensure they are always informed and satisfied.

 In this situation, the key player is Cocoon's customers, as customers are the primary
stakeholders of concern. Next, 'Keep informed' includes the media, the community, and quality
control and regulatory agencies. 'Keep Satisfied' refers to suppliers. 'Minimal effort' involves
competitors and employees.

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* In the context of Cocoon's situation, communication with stakeholders is an essential

component of managing the situation and protecting the company's reputation and brand.
Cocoon's stakeholders can be categorized into two main groups: core stakeholders and other

- Stakeholders: Customers, Regulators, Competitors, Suppliers, Employees and Media

and influencers

- Core stakeholders

+ Based on the Power-Interest Matrix, the core stakeholder in this situation is the
"Customer". Because they have both high power (ability to influence the
company's reputation and sales) and high interest (direct influence on product
quality). Cocoon's response and actions are important in regaining customer

+ These are individuals who purchase and use Cocoon's makeup remover
product. Effective communication with customers is crucial to ensure they
receive trustworthy information about the product.

- Other stakeholders:

+ Quality control and regulatory agencies: Government agencies or relevant

organizations that may be involved in verifying information and requesting
resolution of issues related to the cosmetic product.

+ Supplier partners: Suppliers of raw materials and other components used in

Cocoon's makeup remover product.

+ Media: Journalists and media companies involved in reporting and reflecting on

this situation.

+ Competitors: Other cosmetic brands that may exploit this situation to damage
Cocoon's reputation


- On the importance of developing long-term relationships and alliances with various

stakeholders: After this incident, Cocoon should focus on mending its relationships with
all stakeholders main, not just a select few. The company's reputation has been
damaged and it needs to rebuild trust with customers, regulators, suppliers and other

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- Building and maintaining positive relationships with stakeholders is essential to the

long-term success of the company. It's not just about solving the problem now, it's about
demonstrating a commitment to transparency, quality and ethical practices going
forward. By engaging with all stakeholders and addressing their concerns, Cocoon can
work to regain its reputation and secure its position in the market.

- Ignoring or ignoring certain stakeholders can lead to doubts about the company's
commitment to quality and can lead to negative consequences. In the long term, a
comprehensive stakeholder engagement strategy is more likely to lead to recovery and
success for the company.

 Hence, it is crucial to develop relationships with all stakeholders

Câu 11: Number 1 CRISIS In 2014, a man named Vo Van Minh also found a fly inside an
unopened Number 1 bottle at his eatery in the southern province of Tien Giang, and decided to
use it to ask for VND500 million (US$23,300) from Tan Hiep Phat. The drink maker agreed to pay
Minh, but at the same time secretly called for police help. Minh was arrested when he was
about to receive cash from Tan Hiep Phat, and was condemned to seven years behind bars on
December 17, 2015 for “extorting assets” from the beverage maker. The court ruled that by
demanding money from the drink maker, the man had “mentally intimidated the company and
caused harm for the entire society.”

After Tan Hiep Phat won the lawsuit, it was immediately hit by strong protests by consumers,
who insisted it was unethical for the firm to treat its customer that way. A huge wave of people
have taken to the Internet to urge one another to ‘boycott’ products made by Tan Hiep Phat,
leading to the company admitting to suffering whopping damage worth at least VND2 trillion
($89.29 million). (For more infomation, pls click:
trong-chai-nuoc-ngot-number-one-1021906.htm) .

1. Describe the communication crisis, the reason caused it and categorize this crisis by Crisis-
type matrix of Crisis expert Timothy Coombs, then tell the communication strategy that
Samsung used in crisis and the consequences to Samsung.

2. If you were hired to handle this communication crisis, what communication strategy would
you use, and why?

Bài làm


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