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Principles : Responsibility and Initiative


 Believe they are free to chose how to act, regardless of what happens to them.
 Know their future is a product of their own choices.


 Take Initiative.
 Carry their own weather.
 Use proactive language.
 Grow their Circle of Influence.
 Break negative cycles.
 Avoid Addictions.


 The future they want.

HABIT 1 : BE PROACTIVE Ineffective Students Effective Students
What they See  I am a product of my  I am free to choose my
genetics and environment. actions and attitudes.
 What I get out of life is  I am the creative force of my
mostly a result of luck and life.

What they Do  Sit back and let what  Take initiative; make things
happens happen. happen.
 Let other people control  Carry their own weather;
them. control their own feelings.
 Use victim language.  Use proactive language.
 Focus energy on things  Focus energy on things they
they can’t control. can control.
 Allow old baggage from  Break negative cycles from
the past to impede the past.
progress.  Know their risk of addiction
 Get pressured into and get help if they are
addictive behaviour. struggling with an addiction.

What they Get  Dreams that stay dreams.  Dreams that become reality.
 Out of control lives.  Control over their lives.
 Increasing stress.  Less stress.
 Crappy grades,broken  Better grades, better
relationship, a lame job. relationship, better job.
HABIT 2 : Begin with the end in mind
Principles: Vision, Purpose and Meaning


 Know that mental creation precedes the physical creation.

 Believe they can make a meaningful difference.


 Discover what matters most to them.

 Write a personal mission statement.
 Set meaningful, realistic goals.
 Explore their career options.
 Map out a graduation plan.
 Begin with their future portfolio or resume in mind.


 A greater sense of meaning and purpose.

 A feeling of greater self-worth.
 Accomplished goals.
 Criteria for deciding what is or is not important.

HABIT 2 : BEGIN WITH THE END Ineffective Students Effective Students

What they See  Are too busy to stop and  Know that everything is
make a plan for life. created twice - first
 Think their parents, mentally, then physically.
professors, and employers  Want to live a life of
will let them know what is purpose.
most important.

What they Do  Plow forward without an  Get clear on what is

aim or a plan. important.
 Allow others to set their  Write a personal mission
direction. statement.
 Spend a lot of time getting  Set personal goals.
through college; do it  Find their voice - what
inefficiently. they love to do and are
good at.
 Create a graduation plan
for completing college on
time, if not early.
 Start thinking about what
they want in their portfolio
or resume from Day 1.
 Begin research papers with
a clear end in mind.

What they Get  Aimlessness that leads to  A compelling “why” for

emotional pain and going to college.
frustration.  A sense of meaning and
 Increased expenses from purpose.
spending too many years  Less cost getting through
in college. college.
 A career they never  Better grades.
intended to go into.  The satisfaction that
 Less effectiveness and less comes with setting and
efficiency. completing goals.

HABIT 3 : Put first things first

Principles: Integrity and Focus


 Put effectiveness first, then efficiency.

 Focus on importance first, then urgency.
 Prioritize relationship first, then schedules.


 Live in Quadrant 2.
 Plan weekly.
 Adapt daily.
 Organize their stuff.
 Dive into the courage zone.


 More productivity.
 Less stress.
 Greater life balance.

HABIT 3 : PUT FIRST THINGS Ineffective Students Effective Students

What they See  Believe everything urgent  Focus on the important,
is important. not the urgent.
 Thrive on crises and  Schedule their priorities.
putting out fires.  Keep relationships first,
then schedules.

What they Do  Prioritize their schedules.  Live in Quadrant 2.

 Devote much of their time  Plan weekly.
to Quadrants 1 and 2; they  Adapt daily.
are slaves to the urgent.  Organize their stuff.
 Respond to every urgent  Dive into the courage
request. zone.
 Avoid planning.

What they Get  Neglect important things.  Have a sense of meaning

 Stressed, burnout. and purpose.
 Are less effective and less  Have more time and
efficient. space.
 Have a better life balance.
 Are more productive.

HABIT 4 : Think Win-Win

Principles: Mutual Benefits, Courage and Consideration

 Thinks “It’s not all about me.”

 Trust that there is plenty for everyone.
 Know that it’s possible to win in a way that others win too.
 Believe that no one has to lose.


 Balance courage with consideration.

 Feel happy for the successes of others.
 Share credit and recognition.
 Make deposits in other people’s Emotional Bank Account.
 Look for opportunities to partner and collaborate.


 More shared wins.

 Faster, better solutions to problems.
 Richer, more lasting relationships.

HABIT 4 : THINK WIN-WIN Ineffective Students Effective Students

What they See  Win-lose  Win-win or No deal
 Lose-lose  Abundance (There is
 Lose-win plenty for everyone.)
 Scarcity ( The pie is only so

What they Do  Think of themselves first,  Balance courage with

or play the role of victim consideration.
or martyr.  Feel happy for the
 Get jealous and frustrated successes of others.
when others do well.  Share credit and
 Hog all the credit when recognition.
things go well.  Make deposits in other
 Make more withdrawals people’s Emotional Bank
than deposits. Account.
 Look for opportunities to
partner and collaborate.

What they Get  Victories at the cost of  More shared wins.

integrity and personal  Faster, better solutions to
contribution. problems.
 Loss of the friendship and  Richer, more lasting
respect of others. relationships.

HABIT 5 : Seek first to Understand, then to be Understood

Principles: Empathy and Clarity

 Know that listening first allows them to understand the problem.

 Believe that their own opinion is important too, and worth sharing.


 Avoid poor listening habits.

 Practice empathy by listening for content and feeling.
 Present ideas from other people’s point of view as well as their own.
 Give and receive helpful feedback.


 Better relationship with others .

 Solutions to tough problems.
 Mutual understanding.

HABIT 5 : SEEK FIRST TO Ineffective Students Effective Students

What they See  I want to seek first to be  I must seek first to
understood; If there’s understand before trying
time, I will seek to to be understood.
understand.  I need to diagnose before I
 I will prescribe before I prescribe.

What they Do  Listen with the intent to  Avoid poor listening

reply. habits.
 Present ideas only from  Practice empathy by
their point of view. listening to content and
 Give insensitive feedback. feelings.
 Present ideas from other
people’s point of view as
well as their own.
 Give and receive helpful

What they Get  Emotionally draining  Greater influence with

relationships. others.
 Surface-only solutions.  Understanding of complex,
 Long delays in getting to emotional problems.
issues.  Faster problem solving.
 Misdiagnosis  Strong relationship.

HABIT 6 : Synergize
Principles: Diversity and Collaboration

 Believe “together is better.”
 Value differences because they create opportunities.
 Think “We can create a better way that is better than yours or mine.”


 Value differences.
 Build complementary teams.
 Go for the 3rd Alternative.
 Remove barriers to synergy.


 New and better ideas.

 Excitement and passion for the project.
 Better relationships.
 Greater learning.

HABIT 6 : SYNERGIZE Ineffective Students Effective Students

What they See  It’s my way, or no way;  Together is better.
alone is better.  Differences create
 Different points of view opportunities.
are wrong.  We can create a higher
 My way is the only way. way that is better that
your way or my way.

What they Do  Do it their way; go to it  Value differences.

alone.  Build complimentary
 Disregard people’s teams.
opinions that are different  Go for 3rd Alternative.
from theirs.  Remove barriers to
 Shut their office doors. synergy.
 Go for compromise.

What they Get  Compromise at best.  Effective solutions to their

 Negative synergy. problems.
 Increasing problems.  Excitement and passion for
 Frustrated team members. the project.
 Better relationship.
 Greater learning, and
appreciation for the
wealth of diversity in the
people around them.

HABIT 7: Sharpen the Saw

Principles: Renewal and Balance


 Know they must continuously renew their body, mind, heart and spirit to be healthy and happy.
 Believe they are doing all right but can do better.
 Believe balance is best.


 Stay fit and healthy.

 Build rewarding relationships.
 Keep their mind sharp.
 Make their life meaningful.


 Physical endurance.
 Richer relationships.
 Lifelong learning.
 A life filled with meaning.

HABIT 7 : SHARPEN THE SAW Ineffective Students Effective Students

What they See  I am so busy, I can’t stop  I must continuously renew
to Sharpen the Saw. my body, heart, mind and
 I will Sharpen the Saw spirit to stay current.
later.  I am doing all right, but I
can get better.
 Balance is best.

What they Do  Neglect their health.  Stay fit and healthy.

 Fail to maintain  Build rewarding
friendships. relationships.
 Fail to update their  Keep a sharp mind.
knowledge and skills.  Make life meaningful.
 Live a meaningless life.

What they Get  Illness, lack of energy.  Better health.

 A list of former friends.  Lasting relationships.
 Outdated skills and  Lifelong learning.
knowledge.  A life of contribution.
 Lack of meaning.

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