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Concept, Scope, and

Paradigm of Strategic
By: Fransisca Ayu Larashati and Irvan Husaini
(Group 1)
Strategic Management (Witcher, 2020)

Strategic management is also

Strategic management is
about managing an
the organization’s organization in its entirety,
management of its including the extent of how
overall long-term operations serve the strategic
purpose. needs of the organization’s
Components of Strategic Management (Witcher, 2020)
Strategic Management (Wheelen et al, 2018)

It includes environmental
Strategic management is a scanning (both external and
set of managerial decisions internal), strategy
and actions that help formulation (strategic or
determine the long-term long-range planning),
performance of an strategy implementation, and
organization. evaluation and control.
Strategic Management Model (Wheelen et al, 2018)
Strategic Management: A Competitive Advantage Approach
(David & David, 2017)

Developing a strategy-
supportive culture, creating Reviewing external and
Developing a vision and a an effective organizational internal factors that are the
mission, identifying an structure, redirecting bases for current strategies,
organization’s external marketing efforts, preparing measuring performance,
opportunities and threats, budgets, developing and and taking corrective
determining internal strengths
using information systems, actions.
and weaknesses, establishing
and linking employee
long-term objectives, generating
alternative strategies, and compensation to
choosing particular strategies to organizational performance.

Strategy Formulation Implementation
Strategy Evaluation

Adapting to Change Intuition + Analysis
Key Terms in Strategic Management (David & David, 2017)

Opportunities Strategies
& Threats

Internal Annual
Strategist Strenghts & Objectives

Vision and
Long-Term Policies
Strategic Planning and Management: The Strategy Change Cycle
(Bryson, 2011)

Initiating and Agreeing on a Formulating Strategies and Plans

1 6 to Manage the Issues
Strategic Planning Process

Identifying Organizational Reviewing and Adopting the

2 7 Strategies and Plan

Clarifying Organizational Mission Establishing an Effective

33 8 Organizational Vision 3
and Values

Assessing the Organization’s Developing an Effective

41 9 Implementation Process 1
External and Internal Environments

Identifying the Strategic Issues Reassessing Strategies and the

5 10 Strategic Planning Process
Facing an Organization
Strategic Planning Outcomes, Actions, Design Features, and Context
(Bryson, 2011)

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