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❖ Hydration is the type of chemical weathering that occurs when water reacts with minerals and break them

❖ Crust pertains to the layer of the Earth that is rigid and firms.
❖ All of the following statements regarding the Solar System are correct:
o Our solar system is located on the Milky way galaxy.
o Much of the mass of the solar system is concentrated at the center.
o Our solar system started from dust sized particles that resulted from the Big Bang.
❖ Collision Theory suggest that the solar system was formed because of the collision of the sun with a giant
❖ The metamorphic rock must melt and the magma has to cool to be transformed into an igneous rock.
❖ The outer core of the earth is made up of Nickel and Liquid Iron.
❖ Metamorphic rocks make up a large part of the Earth’s Crust and form about 12% of the Earth’s land
❖ Regional metamorphism refers to the large-scale metamorphism, such as what happened to continental
crust along convergent tectonic margins.
❖ The following are characteristics of mineral:
o Solid; Naturally Occurring; Inorganic; With definite Chemical Composition
❖ The correct order of categories for the geologic time scale from longest to shortest is Eon, era, period,
❖ Primordial Heat is the accumulated heat released or formed during the early stages of the earth’s
formation. This also refers to the left over heat from the formation of our planet. This heat was generated
by the collisions of large and small particles that created the Earth and the redistribution of material within
the earth by gravitational forces.
❖ Mafic Magma is low in silica.
❖ Landslides can be caused by natural phenomena or human activities.
❖ According to the principle of superposition, the oldest rock layer in horizontal sedimentary rock layers is at
the bottom.
❖ A divergent boundary experiences tensional stress.
❖ All of the following statements are TRUE about wind erosion:
o Occurs in dry, flat areas with loose soil
o It can damage land and natural vegetation
o It involves deposition of loose soil in build-up areas
❖ Some magma rise and flow into the cracks in the crust but do not reach the surface; instead they harden
deep inside the crust, this kind of rocks are called Plutonic Rocks.
❖ Nebular hypothesis states that rotating gaseous cloud cools and contracts and spun more rapidly forming
a pancake-shaped object with a bulge in the center forming the sun and the planets.
❖ Igneous Rocks are made of magma, a molten material from deep within the earth that cools and hardens.
❖ Pumice is a volcanic rock that contains a large number of bubbles that form when gases escape from it.
❖ Tsunamis are water waves generated by earthquakes, undersea volcanic eruptions, or landslides that hit
bodies of water.
❖ Big Bang Theory is the most widely accepted scientific theory regarding the formation of the universe.
❖ As you go deeper into the mantle, density, pressure and temperature goes higher.
❖ The following events could have contributed to the late Paleozoic extinction:
o climate change
o suturing and formation of Pangaea supercontinent
o Increased volcanic activity and meteorite impact
❖ Hotspot is the location of magma when hot materials rise from deep within the mantle.
❖ Burial metamorphism occurs when sediments are buried deeply enough that the heat and pressure cause
minerals to begin to recrystallize and new minerals to grow but does not leave the rock with a foliated
❖ Gabbro is a dark-colored igneous rock often times called “black granite”. The dark color is due to a higher
content of iron and the magnesium but with a lower content of quart.
❖ Granite is the most dominant type of rock in the continental crust.

❖ The following are TRUE statements about the atmosphere;

o Its layer of gases helps trap the heat form the sun
o It is a vital part of photosynthesis
o Gravity helps it from being carried away by solar radiation.
❖ The following statements are TRUE about the Earth subsystem;
o It is composed of Lithosphere, Biosphere, Atmosphere, and Hydrosphere
o Each of the subsystem can be studied separately
o Each of the subsystem is dependent on and connected with the other subsystem
❖ Convection is the process that transfer of heat from the core to the lower mantle. The material near the
heat source (core) becomes hot and expands, making it lighter than the material above.
❖ Flux melting is a mechanism of magma where in melting as a result of the additional volatiles such as water
and other compound.
❖ The following are fundamental force formed during the Big Bang;
o Electromagnetic force; Gravitational force; Strong and Weal nuclear forces
❖ Radioactive Heat is the source of Earth’s internal heat that comes from the spontaneous radioactive decay
of uranium-235 (235U), uranium-238 (238U), potassium40 (40K), and thorium-232 (232Th)?
❖ Biosphere is the zone where interaction between subsystem is most dynamic.
❖ The correct order of time frames from oldest to youngest is Precambrian Era, Paleozoic Era, Mesozoic Era,
Cenozoic Era
❖ Based on the principle of cross-cutting relations, a rock that cuts across other rocks must be younger than
the rock it cuts across.
❖ When tectonic plates move away from each other, rocks are pulled apart leading to faulting in rocks.
❖ Ground shaking is the disruptive up, down, and sideways vibration caused by passing seismic waves through
the ground.
❖ If the relative ages of two rocks are known, it shows which rock is older but if you know the absolute ages
of the rocks, it tells you how old the rocks are in years.
❖ The following statements are TRUE about the sources of heat in the deep Earth:
o Heat from when the planet formed and accreted, which has not yet been lost
o Frictional heating, caused by denser core material sinking to the center of the planet
o Heat from the decay of radioactive elements
❖ Granite is considered as one of the most important rocks in the crust. It is also the most common rock type.
❖ Stratosphere is the layer of the atmosphere that absorbs the UV rays of the sun and is preferred area for
the flying jet planes.
❖ Metamorphism is the process where in there is an alteration of the composition or structure of a rock by
heat, pressure, or another natural agency.
❖ How does contact metamorphism differ from regional metamorphism?
o Contact metamorphism happens when a magma intrudes into the upper part of the crust while
regional metamorphism happens along convergent tectonic margins.
❖ Geothermal energy is a natural source of energy in the Philippines, where in the steam from the ground
used to produce electricity.
❖ Planetisimal is the great cloud of gas and dust that eventually contracted and spun rapidly and later
formed into the sun and planets.

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