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AS_CHEM_2024 March Mock_structured III_75 mins

NO. 1
a. Explain what is meant by the term relative isotopic mass.
..................................................................................................... [2]
b. A sample of copper contains two isotopes, 63Cu and 65Cu. The relative atomic mass of the copper in this sample is 63.55.
Calculate the percentage abundance of each of these isotopes. Show your working.

percentage abundance of 63Cu = .............................. %

percentage abundance of 65Cu = .............................. % [2]
c. i. Name the type of bonding within a sample of solid copper.
............................................................................................. [1]
ii. Draw a labelled diagram to show the bonding within a sample of solid copper. [2]

iii. State the electronic configuration of a copper atom.

1s2 ...................................................................................... [1]
d. A student is provided with a sample of hydrated copper(II) sulfate, CuSO4•xH2O, and is asked to determine the value of x.
The student dissolves a sample of the hydrated copper(II) sulfate in water and adds it to an excess of aqueous potassium iodide to make a total volume of 250.0cm3 of solution.
2CuSO4 + 4KI → 2CuI + I2 + K2SO4
The amount of iodine produced during this reaction is found by titrating a sample of this solution with sodium thiosulfate solution.
25.0cm3 of the iodine-containing solution requires 20.0cm3 of 0.10 mol dm–3 sodium thiosulfate solution.
I2 + 2S2O32– → S4O62– + 2I–
i. Calculate the amount, in mol, of copper(II) sulfate present in the original sample of hydrated copper(II) sulfate.
Show your working.

amount of copper(II) sulfate = .............................. mol [2]

ii. A total of 7.98g of CuSO4 is present in 10.68g of CuSO4•xH2O.
Complete each row of the table to calculate the value of x, where x is an integer. [3]
[Mr: CuSO4,159.6]

amount of CuSO4 in
10.68g of CuSO4•xH2O .............................. mol
amount of H2O in
10.68g of CuSO4•xH2O .............................. mol
value of x x = ............................

[Total: 13]

Mark scheme

Question Answer Marks

M1 mass of an atom / isotope
M2 relative / compared to 1/12 (the mass) of (an atom of) C-12 OR
on a scale in which a C-12 (atom / isotope) has (a mass of exactly) 12 (units)
a 2
M1 mass of one mol (of atoms) of an isotope
M2 relative / compared to 1/12 (the mass) of 1 mol of C-12 OR
in which one mol C-12 (atom / isotope) has a mass of (exactly) 12 g
% abundance of 63Cu = 72.5%
% abundance of 65Cu = 27.5%
M1 correct algebraic expression AND correct calculation of x for one isotope
b % ab of 63Cu = x (x/100 × 63) + ((1- x)/100 × 65) = 63.55 so x =72.5 2
% ab of 65Cu = x (1- x)/100 × 63) + x/100 × 65) = 63.55 so x = 27.5
M2 calculation of abundance of other isotope by 100- x

c.i metallic 1

diagram showing the bonding in a sample of copper

c.ii 3

M1 diagram shows regular arrangement of spheres labelled as positively charged ions / +2 or +1 / cations
M2 diagram shows surrounded by electrons and clearly labelled as ‘delocalised electrons’

c.iii (1s2) 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10 4s1 OR (1s2) 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s1 3d10 1

M1 calculate the number mol S2O32-added

20/1000 × 0.10 = 2×10-3 = 0.002 (mol S2O32-)
d.i M2 calculate number mol CuSO4 in 250cm3 2
(1mol S2O32- : 1 mol CuSO4 ) = 0.002 mol CuSO4 in 25cm3
so 0.02 mol CuSO4 in 250cm3

M1 amount of CuSO4 in
10.68g of CuSO4•xH2O 7.98 / (159.6) = 0.05 (mol)

d.ii M2 amount of H2O in (10.68 – 7.98) / 18 = 2.7 / 18 =) 0.15 (mol) 3

10.68g of CuSO4•xH2O

M3 value of x (mol H2O ÷ mol CuSO4 =) 3

NO. 2
Carbon monoxide gas, CO(g), and nitrogen gas, N2(g), are both diatomic molecules.
a. The diagram shows the arrangement of outer electrons in a molecule of CO(g).

i. State one similarity and one difference in the way the atoms in a carbon monoxide molecule are bonded together compared to the atoms in a nitrogen molecule.
...................................................................................................................... [2]
ii. The table states the electronegativity values of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen atoms.


electronegativity 2.5 3.0 3.5

Use the electronegativity values and relevant details from the Data Booklet to complete the table below. [2]

number of electrons per molecule

type(s) of intermolecular (van der Waals') force

b. N2(g) is less reactive than CO(g) even though N2(g) has a lower bond energy than CO(g).
Suggest why CO(g) is more reactive than N2(g).
............................................................................................................................... [1]
c. Both carbon monoxide and nitrogen are gases at room temperature and pressure.
They both behave like ideal gases under certain conditions.
i. State the two conditions necessary for these two gases to approach ideal gas behaviour.
..................................................................................................................... [1]
ii. Explain why N2(g) behaves more like an ideal gas than CO(g) does at 20.0°C and 101 kPa.
..................................................................................................................... [2]
d. Calculate the amount, in mol, of pure nitrogen gas which occupies 100 cm3 at 101 kPa and 20.0°C.
Use relevant information from the Data Booklet. Show your working.
Assume nitrogen behaves as an ideal gas.

.............................. mol [3]

[Total: 11]

Mark scheme

Question Answer Marks

M1 both make triple (covalent) bond / 3 shared pairs of electrons 1

2(a)(i) M2 one bond in CO is coordinate / dative covalent / formed by donating a pair of electrons
from O (to C)


number of electrons per

14 14
2(a)(ii) 2
permanent dipoles–
temporary /
(permanent) dipoles
type of van der Waals’ instantaneous dipole–
(and temporary / induced /
induced dipole
instantaneous dipoles)

2(b) CO / it is a polar molecule / it has a (permanent) dipole (but N2 is non-polar) 1

2(c)(i) high temperature AND low pressure 1

M1 CO is polar / has a permanent dipole OR N2 is non-polar 1

M2 IMF in CO are (more) significant / larger OR IMF in N2 are smaller / less significant
Alternative answer
2(c)(ii) M1 (Size of) N2 smaller than CO
OR volume of N2 molecules / particles smaller

Alternative answer
M2 volume of N2 molecules / particles is more negligible

M1 correct conversion to consistent units

P = 101000 V = 100 / 1000000 = (1 × 10–4) T = 293
M2 use of all values from M1 in correct relationship, n = PV / RT 1

M3 calculation = 4.15 × 10–3 mol 1

NO. 3
Group 2 metals form alkaline solutions in water.
a. i. Write the equation for the reaction of calcium oxide with water.
........................................................................................... [1]
ii. Identify the ion that causes an aqueous solution to be alkaline.
........................................................................................... [1]
b. The table shows the melting points of some Group 2 metal oxides.

compound melting point/ °C

MgO 2825
CaO 2613
SrO 2531

BaO 1923

Explain the trend in the melting points of the oxides down Group 2.
...................................................................................................... [2]

c. Oxygen reacts readily with some metals, but each Group 2 metal requires strong heating to start the reaction with oxygen.
Suggest why strong heating is required to start these reactions.
...................................................................................................... [1]
d. Beryllium oxide reacts with hydrochloric acid to form molecules of BeCl2.
Deduce the bond angle in BeCl2.
.............................. [1]
e. Unlike the other oxides of Group 2 metals, beryllium oxide is amphoteric.
i. Give the meaning of the term amphoteric.
............................................................................................ [1]
ii. Beryllium oxide and aluminium oxide have similar chemical properties.
The Be(OH)42– anion is a product of the reaction between beryllium oxide and excess concentrated OH–(aq).
Construct an equation for this reaction.
............................................................................................ [1]
f. Magnesium oxide reacts reversibly with chlorine according to the following equation.

2MgO(s) + 2Cl2(g) 2MgCl2(s) + O2(g)
Under certain conditions, a dynamic equilibrium is established.
i. State two features of a reaction that is in dynamic equilibrium.
1 ..........................................................................................
2 .......................................................................................... [2]
ii. The equilibrium constant, Kp, is given by the following expression.

At 1.00 × 105Pa and 500K, 70% of the initial amount of Cl2(g) has reacted.
Calculate Kp and state its units.
Kp = ..............................
units = ..............................[3]
g. Magnesium peroxide, MgO2, is made in the following reaction.
MgO(s) + H2O2(l)→MgO2(s) + H2O(l) ∆H = –96kJmol

enthalpy change of
formation, ∆Hf/kJmol–1

MgO(s) -602
H2O2(l) -188

H2O(l) -286

i. The peroxide ion is O22–.

Deduce the average oxidation number of oxygen in the peroxide ion.
.................................................................................. [1]
ii. Define the term enthalpy change of formation.
iii. Use the data given to calculate the enthalpy change of formation of MgO2(s).

∆HfMgO2(s) = .............................. kJmol–1[2]

iv. Magnesium peroxide decomposes slowly to form magnesium oxide and oxygen.
MgO2(s) Mg → O(s) + ½O2(g)
Use your answer to (g)(iii) and the data in the table to calculate the enthalpy change of this reaction.
If you were unable to obtain an answer to (g)(iii), use the value ∆Hf = –550 kJmol–1. This is not the correct answer.

enthalpy change of reaction = ............................ kJ mol–1 [1]

[Total: 19]

Mark scheme

Question Answer Marks

a.i CaO+H2O → Ca(OH)2 1

a.ii OH–/ hydroxide 1

M1 (decreasing melting point down the group because) lower forces of attraction / weaker bonds (between cations and anions / oxide / O2–)
b M2 larger cations and constant charge 2
OR decreasing charge density of cation (down group)

c high(er) activation energy / heating overcomes activation energy 1

d 180(°) 1

e.i reacts with / behaves as both acid and base 1

e.ii BeO + 2OH– + H2O → Be(OH)42– 1

M1 equal rates of forward and backward reactions

f.i 2
M2 closed system OR macroscopic properties unchanging
f.ii 3

g.i –1 1

M1 (enthalpy / energy change) when one mole of a compound/substance is formed

g.ii 2
M2 from its elements in their standard states

–(–602 + –188) + (ΔHf[MgO2] + –286)= –96

g.iii 2
ΔHf[MgO2] = –600 (kJ mol–1)

g.iv –(–600) – (+602) = –2 (kJ mol–1) 1

NO. 4
Hydrogen iodide, HI, is a colourless gas at room temperature.
i. Explain why HI has a higher boiling point than HCl and HBr.
................................................................................................................. [2]
ii. The bar chart shows the boiling points of HCl, HBr and HI. The boiling point of HF is not shown.

Hydrogen bonds form between HF molecules.

Draw a bar on the bar chart to predict the boiling point of HF.
Explain your answer.
................................................................................................................ [2]
b. The standard enthalpy change of formation, ΔHof, of HI(g) is +26.5kJmol–1.
Define the term standard enthalpy change of formation.
........................................................................................................................... [2]
c. HI(g) can be formed by reacting H2(g) with I2(g). The reaction is reversible, and an equilibrium forms quickly at high temperatures.
H2(g) + I2(g) ⇌ 2HI(g)
i. Construct an expression for the equilibrium constant, Kp, for the reaction of H2(g) and I2(g) to form HI(g). [1]

Kp =

ii. The equilibrium partial pressures of the gases at 200°C are as follows.
pH2(g) = 895Pa
pI2(g) = 895Pa
pHI(g) = 4800Pa
Calculate Kp for this reaction.

Kp = .............................. [1]
iii. State how the value of Kp would change, if at all, if the reaction were carried out at 100°C rather than 200°C.
Explain your answer.
.................................................................................................................... [2]
d. HI reacts with oxygen to form iodine and water.
i. Construct an equation for the reaction of HI with oxygen.
..................................................................................................................... [1]
ii. Explain, with reference to oxidation numbers, why this reaction is a redox reaction.
..................................................................................................................... [2]
e. HI(g) can also be formed by the reaction of I2(g) with hydrazine, N2H4(g).
2I2(g) + N2H4(g) → 4HI(g) + N2(g)
State the change in pressure that would occur when 2mol I2(g) fully reacts with 1mol N2H4(g) in a sealed container at constant temperature. Explain your answer.
.............................................................................................................................. [2]
f. In the laboratory, HI(aq) can be formed in a two-step process.
step 1 3I2(s) + 2P(s) → 2PI3(s)
step 2 PI3(s) + 3H2O(l) → H3PO3(aq) + 3HI(aq)
i. Draw a 'dot-and-cross' diagram of a PI3 molecule. [2]

ii. Name the type of reaction in step 2.

.................................................................................................................... [1]
iii. H3PO3(aq) and HI(aq) are both strong Brønsted–Lowry acids.
Give the meaning of the term strong Brønsted–Lowry acid.
.................................................................................................................. [2]
iv. Give the formula of the conjugate base of H3PO3.
.................................................................................................................. [1]
g. HI(g) reacts with propene, CH3CH=CH2(g) to form a mixture of 1-iodopropane and 2-iodopropane.
i. Identify which of 1-iodopropane and 2-iodopropane is the major product of this reaction.
Explain your answer.
.................................................................................................................... [2]
ii. Complete the diagram to show the mechanism of the reaction between HI and CH3CH=CH2 that forms the major product identified in (g)(i).
Include curly arrows, lone pairs of electrons and charges as necessary. [3]
[Total: 26]

Mark scheme

Question Answer Marks

M1 (HI / I / iodine / hydrogen iodide has a) greater number of electrons

a.i 2
M2 greater induced dipoles (between molecules)

M1 bar at HF shows any boiling point above HI on graph

M2 explanation of difference in boiling point of a sample of HF in terms of strength (sum of)
a.ii 2
hydrogen bonds (and induced dipoles in HF) are stronger than (sum of) induced dipoles
(and permanent dipoles in HCl / HBr / HI)

(enthalpy / energy change) when one mole of a compound is formed

b 2
from its elements in their standard states

c.i 1

c.ii 28.76 OR 28.8 OR 29 1

option 1 which assumes ∆Hreaction is (still) endothermic (using the value shown in (b)).
M1 (Kp) decreases AND endothermic / ∆H(f) = + / positive
M2 reaction favours formation of reactants / hydrogen and iodine OR (product) yield /
partial pressure of HI decreases / equilibrium shifts to the left
c.iii OR 2
option 2 which realises that ∆Hreaction is in fact exothermic (using bond energy data in Data
M1 (Kp) increases AND exothermic / ∆H(f) = + / negative
M2 reaction favours formation of products / hydrogen iodide yield increases / partial
pressure of HI increases / equilibrium shifts to the right

d.i 4HI + O2 → 2I2 + 2H2O 1

M1 I / iodine (increases) oxidation number –1 → 0 so oxidation / is oxidised

d.ii 2
HI / is oxidised as I (increases) oxidation number –1 → 0
M2 O (decreases) oxidation number 0 → –2 so reduction / is reduced

M1 pressure increases
M2 (pressure goes up as) number of moles/molecules increases in ratio 3 (gas) reactants to
e 5 (gas) products 2
pressure is (directly) proportional to number of moles/molecules

f.i 2
M1 correct bonding pairs
M2 correct number of remaining outer electrons on each atom

f.ii hydrolysis 1
proton donor / H+ donor
f.iii 2
fully dissociates / fully ionises
f.iv H2PO3– 1

M1 2-iodopropane – formed from a (more) stable (secondary) (carbo)cation/intermediate

M2 (because of) greater (positive) inductive effect / (+)I of two alkyl groups
g.i 2
(because of positive) inductive effect / (+)I of more R / more methyl / more alkyl groups

g.ii 3
M1 curly arrow from = of C=C to H AND curly arrow from bond of H—I to I
M2 curly arrow from lone pair of I– to C(+) of their intermediate
M3 correct carbocation AND product for 2-iodopropane

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