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Sir, with regard to family planning programme of the Government of India.

It is true that our

country have been perhaps the penier in respect of taking advantage of the World Health
Organisation expertize and assist. In regard to family planning programme and that in the last
several years one can not ignore some of the good sides of the achievement of the family
planning programme. Sir I would like to invite the attention to the accept f the matter. One is that
after thinking got this experiace of some years more than conduct or to. Can we not have some
kind of assistant reform policy with regard to various projects and family planning particularly.
With regard to this one is the assistance that we would like to in all the voluntarily agencies
because by its very nature this is not something which the Government can do. Government can
spent many Government can give encouragement but basically. It is question of educating the
people educating eletrate and educate the people in the country side and also educating the
maximum possible held from the voluntarily social institutions in which larger number of
women organisation are also doing a lot of good work.
In this regard the complain I hear is that policy of the Government in regard to incentive offered
is not quite free from faults. Even now and they different kinds or incentive of talked while
targeting more people then those incentive are not management for a particular period of time so
that certain incentive are given the result is that interest in the programme is for the incentive
offered rather than for the ultimate objective of control and healthy planning. I would therefore
request the Government to insure that the family planning programme has assistant outlook that
the incentive are well that out and that there is no change even now and then. In regard to this
and that incentive and this should be free from one serious error. This is not only an error I would
say it is criminal things in the name large number of old people children and boys are also groups
into the whole things because they get some extra financial incentive.
Now I come to the demand freedom fighters. I in doers many of the points which my Ho’ble
Friends had made when he talked about genuine and bogus fighters. In fact the Government of
India in various replies past in this August House have told about how many bogus cases were
find out here. We must remember that to some extend we elected member of State legislature and
parliament are also responsible for giving faults information or faults certificates. I am not saying
this or that particular person but when the Government say that in the absence of any proper
trough the certificate of the member of parliament or Member of Legislative Assembly and State
legislature of the Members of Parliament here that we take extraordinary cre so that we do not
issue certificate librally and isse because otherwise it come more difficult for the government.
Gulsher Khan 01/03/2024

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