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Two Marks:

1. Define personal management?

2. State any two responsibilities of HRM?

3. Write the functions of personal management?

4. Why proper selection is necessary?

5. Write the steps involved in selection process?

6. Write the types of training?

Sixteen Marks:

1. What are the responsibilities of HRM?

2. What are the Characteristics of HR policies?

3. What are the objectives of Training?

4. What is the importance of job evaluation?

5. Write the principles of wage fixation?

6. Explain main function of HR Manager?

7. Explain briefly the various steps followed in selection of candidates for employment?

8. Explain three types of training?

9. Explain components of wages?

10. Explain types wage payment?

Two Marks:

1. Name various transport systems?

2. What is fleet organization?

3. What are the advantages of motor transport?

4. Name the various forms of ownership?

5. What is Proprietorship?

6. What is Partnership?

7. Name different types of government owned transport systems?

8. What are the functions of administrative division?

9. What are the functions of traffic division?

10. What are the functions of secretarial division?

Sixteen Marks:

1. Explain various transport systems with their merits and demerits?

2. Explain the principle functions of administrative division

3. Explain the principle functions of traffic division?

4. Explain the principle functions of secretarial division?

5. Explain the principle functions of engineering division?

6. Write short notes on (i)State ownership of transport system (ii)Municipality (iii)Public body
(iv)Private undertaking

7. What is the role and importance of motor transport?

8. What is meant by partnership transport undertaking? Give any two examples of such system
in India?

9. What is centralized and decentralized condition for administration? Explain merits and
demerits of each?

10. What are the advantages of road transport system owned by government or government

11. What is the need of traffic advisory committee?

12. Explain the different types of ownership in a road transport management? Explain anyone of
them in detail?

13. What is a private limited transport company? Discuss merits and demerits?

Two Marks:

1. What do you mean the operating cost for transport vehicles?

2. Name the various costs involved in transport vehicles?

3. What is a concession fare?

4. Name various fare structures?

5. Name various types of fare collecting method?

6. What are the basic factors of bus scheduling?

7. What are the problems on bus scheduling?

8. What is tapered scale of fares?

Sixteen Marks:

1. Classify and explain the fare collection systems?

2. Explain double box collection system for fare collection?

3. What are various services in a bus fleet system? Explain them any two of bus fleet system?

4. What are the different types of time table lay out for bus timings?

5. Define “labor costs” in a transport company?

6. How depreciation charges are calculated for bus? Give an example?

7. How many sections do I need to pay for…….

8. How the fare structure is planned? Explain the factors influence the fare structure?

9. How the seating capacity is related to the operating cost of transport vehicle?

10. Explain single box fare collection system?

11. List out the basis of fares / fare structure?

12. How the effect of competition plays a role in fare structure?

13. Define non-revenue kilometers?

14. What is the need of spare vehicle for a depot operating 60 bus schedules?

15. Explain box system personal stock fare platform control?

16. How the sinking fund factor influences the operating cost of a vehicle?

Two Marks:

1. What is fitness certificate for motor vehicle?

2. Where are the requirements for registration of a vehicle?

3. What is registration certificate?

4. What is fitness certificate?

5. What are the different types of permits?

6. What are the different types of vehicles?

7. What are the different types of signals?

8. Why motor vehicle insurance is required?

Sixteen Marks:

1. Explain the description of different types of vehicles?

2. Explain motor vehicles act?

3. What is the Use of light goods vehicles?

4. What are the factors to be considered for notice and directions for general appearance of
premises explain in detail?

5. What is vehicle registration? Explain in details?

6. What the objectives of road transport are as envisaged in RTC Act 2005?
Two Marks:

1. What is preventive maintenance?

2. What is unscheduled maintenance?

3. What are the causes for uneven tyre wear?

4. What is fuel economy?

5. What is repair?

6. Why maintenance is required for vehicles?

7. What are the remedies for tyre wear?

8. What is maintenance?

9. What are the advantages of scheduled maintenance?

10. What are the factors pertaining to wheel?

Sixteen Marks:

1. Why overhauling of vehicle is required? Explain the factors determine the need of

2. What type of works will be carried out in major units of vehicle at the time of

3. Explain the Standard Overhaul and Repair Procedures for Gear Box?

4. What are the various preventive measures can be taken to avoid break down of a

5. Explain gasoline engine tune up?

6. Explain preventive maintenance system in transport industries?

7. Explain wheel maintenance procedure?

8. Name the causes and remedies for tyre wear?

9. Explain automobile play adjustments?

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