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1. Creative writing it is artistic expression through written word. It is used

to express the writers ideas and emotion in an artistic

2. Creative writing it uses a language that aims to entertain and captivate

the audience

3. poetry, plays, (7) Types of creative writing

fiction, songs,
speeches, mem-
oirs, personal es-

4. plays to put on a performance or to act in a character, movie

or television script

5. fiction novels, novellas, and short stories

6. personal essay a narrative composed from personal experience that the

reader can fully experience and understood

7. sensory details words and phrases that describe the content of the text

8. sensory details it add power to writing, it gives a more concrete sensory

experience that allows a reader to have a clear mental
picture of the scene or subject being described

9. sensory details is essential in creative writing for it captures and sus-

tains the interest of the readers by giving them a clear
view of the subject or the scene being described

10. sensory details it exercises one's imagination

11. simile, metaphor, (7) figure of speech/ figurative language

personification, hy-
perbole, allitera-
tion, allusion, ono-

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12. simile indirect comparison of two things using "like" or "as"

13. simile Example: Then she burst into view, a girl lovely as morn-
ing and just as fair

14. metaphor a direct comparison between two objects

15. metaphor Example: Everything that exists, aromas, light, metals,

were little boats that sail toward the isle of yours that
wait for me

16. Personification attribution of human qualities to a thing

17. Personification Example: Because i could not stop for death, he kindly
stopped for me; the carriage held but just ourselves and

18. Hyperbole exaggeration

19. Hyperbole Example: Well one winter it was so cold that all the
geese flew backward, all the fish moved south, and even
the snow turned blue. Late at nigh, it got so frigid that all
spoken words froze solid before they could be heard.

20. Alliteration repetition of the first consinant of neighboring words

21. Allusion use of person, palce or thing as reference

22. Allusion Example: The morning wind forever blows; the poem of
creationis uninterupted, but few are the ears that near
it. Olympus is but the outside of the earth everywhere

23. Onomatopoiea use of words that mimic the sounds

24. Diction refers to the language and words choice of the writer

25. Diction it shows the level of formality of a text which help in

shaping the perception and view of the readers

26. (3) levels of diction

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formal, informal,

27. Create a certain (4) purpose of diction in writing

tone that supports
Support the setting
Establish a narra-
tive voice and tone
Bring characters to

28. formal diction is the use of sophisticated language, without slang or

colloquialisms. It sticks to grammatical rules and uses
complicated syntax. This elevate type of language often
found in proffesionals texts, business documents, and
legal papers

29. syntax the structure of a sentence

30. Informal diction is more converational and often used in narrative litera-

31. Pedantic diction This is when a writer is highly detailed or academic in

their writing. Words are chosen specifically to convey
only one meaning. It is sometimes used in literature
when characters speak in a highly educated manner.

32. Colloquial diction words or expressions are informal in nature and gener-
ally represent a certain region or time.

33. Slang diction These are words that originated within a specific culture
or subgroup but gained traction. Slang can be a new
word, a shortened or modified word, or words that take
on a new meaning. Examples of common contemporary
slang words are "aggro" instead of "aggravated"; "hip,"
which means trendy; and "throw shade," which is to lob
an insult at someone.

34. Abstract diction

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This is when a writer uses words to express something
intangible, like an idea or an emotion.

35. Concrete diction is the use of words for their literal meanings and often
refers to thing that appeal to that senses

36. Poetic diction is driven by lyrical words that relate to a specific theme
reflected in a poem, and create a euphonious or harmo-
nious sound

37. Poetic diction usualy involes the use of descriptive language, some-
times set to a beat or rhyme

38. Poetry is a word composition arranged in rhythmic pattern. It

is used to express one's creative. It is used to express
one's creative thoughts and feelings through special-
ized and heightened language.

39. Figurative lan- use of a meaning that is different from the basic mean-
guage ing and that expresses an idea in an interesting way that
is being described

40. Poetry is a combination of lines, rhyme, tone, voice, theme,

language, and emotion which makes it a creative means
to liberate the poets thoughts and feelings.

41. theme, tone, rhyme, (4) elements of poetry

line meter

42. theme is the summarized statement containing the main

thought or meaning of the poem

43. tone refers to the attitude and mood of the person. It is the
overall atmosphere of the person which influences the
emotional response of the reader

44. rhyme is the link between music and poetry. It adds music
quality to the poem which gives the readers reading

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45. true rhyme rhyme that occurs on the words

46. internal rhyme rhyme that occur within the line

47. off rhyme/ slant not a true rhyme but the sound of the words are alike

48. true rhyme, internal (3) types of rhyme

rhyme, off rhyme

49. line meter is the line of words in poetry

50. verse is the line of poem arranged in a metrical pattern

51. stanza is reffered as the unit of poetic lines

52. couplet 2 line stanza

53. tercet 3 line stanza

54. quatrain 4 line stanza

55. quintet 5 line stanza

56. sestet 6 line stanza

57. seplet 7 line stanza

58. ocatve 8 line stanza

59. formal diction, in- (8) types of diction in writing

formal diction,
pedantic diction,
colloquial diction,
slang diction, ab-
stract diction, con-
crete diction, poet-
ic diction


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