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Smartphones are often used in everyday life. Smartphones can have good and bad effects. The good
effect is when we use smartphones well. That is, we still know the time and use it for positive things.
We can use it to learn foreign languages, as a means of communication, and to help us in our daily
lives. But it can also have a negative impact if we use it only for convenience until we forget the time.
For example, many students like to play games until they lose track of time and forget their

Sometimes I can become addicted to my smartphone. Especially during holidays and weekends or
when school is in a relaxed state. I can use my smartphone for hours. But when it is exam week, I try
to concentrate on the exams.

In my opinion, smartphones should not be banned at school. Allowing students to use smartphones
in school shows that the school trusts its students. Besides, with smartphones, teachers can use
many learning methods that are more exciting, creative, and attractive. This can make students more
motivated or diligent in school. Smartphones can also help students in the teaching and learning
process and to help students better understand the use of technology or smartphones that exist in
this era. However, schools still need to make rules about smartphones so that smartphones are not
misused. For example, if there is an exam, the solution is to collect smartphones to minimize
cheating by students.

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