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Nursing Education

Module-II Management in Teaching

Unit-IV Learning and Learning Characteristics
1. Students can be classified into four types on the basis of their learning. Which one of the
following seeks meaning and reasoning to the learning?
a. Analytical learning
b. Common sense learner
c. Dynamic learner
d. Constant learner
e. Innovative learning
2. The psychological aspects of the classroom are best managed by
a. Principal
b. Subject teacher
c. Class teacher
d. Student himself/herself
e. Parents
3. Understanding theories and principles of children’s learning is of fundamental
a. For effective curriculum development
b. For effective teaching
c. For motivation of learner
d. For effective learning
e. For motivation of teacher
4. Instruction that takes into account various types of learners and learning styles and is
adapted accordingly is said to be
a. Differentiated
b. Student centered
c. Teacher centered
d. Direct instruction
e. Indirect instruction
5. Diversity in student demographics requires common academic standards to
a. Provide a specific benchmark for assessment
b. Promote genuine learning for high performing students
c. Provide a common benchmark for assessment
d. Ensure that all states have the same requirements as required by central government
e. Ensure that all states have the different requirements as required by central
6. Arrange the following experimental learning activities adopted by a teacher in cyclic
a. Accommodation → Assimilation → converging → diverging
b. Assimilation → accommodation → diverging → converging
c. Assimilation → converging → accommodation → diverging
d. Assimilation → accommodation → converging → diverging
e. Converging → Assimilation → accommodation → diverging
7. When you complete your math’s exercise, you can play the computer game. Using such
kind of reinforcement wherein student’s favorite activity can be used to rein- force a
student’s engagement in a less popular activity is termed as
a. Thorndike law
b. Pavlov experiments
c. Bobo doll experiments
d. Premack principle
e. Law of assimilation
8. The students or individuals may develop beliefs (positive or negative) about their own
ability to cope effectively in a variety of situations. This can be termed as (
a. Self-regulation
b. Confidence
c. Self-efficacy
d. Ego
e. Super-ego
9. The changes in behavior (learning) are the net result of environmental influences,
interacting with innate predispositions and processes within the learner
a. Cognitive theory
b. Behavioral theory
c. Humanistic theory
d. Neo behavioral theory
e. Classical theory
10. The term which is used to refer to the variety of ways in which teachers and others help
or support learners to move beyond their current level of understanding by giving them
cues, suggestions or even direct guidance- at appropriate moments in their investigations
or activities is known as
a. Reinforcement
b. Cognitive
c. Psychomotor
d. Scaffolding
e. Extinction

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