Uas Muhamad Salman

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TERAKREDITASI Peringkat “Baik” No. 328/SK/BAN PT/Akred/PT/VI/2021
Jl. Intendans No. 77 S KPAD Gegerkalong Bandung 40153 Telp./ Fax 022-2009112

English 1 Final Exam

2023/2024 2th Semester
University of Daarul Ihsan
Name : Salman
Student Id Number :

• Read the journal with the title “Teacher Certification Program in Indonesia: Problems and
Recommendation for the Betterment of the Program” by Utami (2015).
• Answer questions below by analising, identifying, and arguing the journal
• All answers must be in English
1. What is the problem/background represented in the journal? Explain it with your own

Answer : The International Journal of English and Education discusses the problems
and challenges faced by the Indonesian education system, particularly in relation to
the quality of teachers. The journal highlights the fact that many teachers in
Indonesia do not have the required qualifications and that the teacher certification
program in the country has not been effective in improving teacher quality. The
journal also discusses the issue of 24-hour contract employment for teachers, which
leads to exhaustion and less innovative teaching practices. Overall, the journal aims
to provide recommendations for improving the quality of education in Indonesia by
addressing the issues related to teacher quality.

2. Do you think the topic that has been chosen by the researcher is important? Why? Explain it
with the strong and critical argument!

Answer : Yes, the topic chosen by the researchers is important for several reasons. First and foremost,
the quality of teachers directly impacts the quality of education provided to students. Research has
consistently shown that teacher quality is one of the most significant factors influencing student
achievement 11. Therefore, addressing the challenges and shortcomings in the Indonesian teacher
certification program is crucial for enhancing the overall education system in the country.
Furthermore, Indonesia has made significant efforts to improve teacher quality over the years,
including legislative changes and the implementation of the teacher certification program 2.
However, it is essential to critically evaluate the effectiveness of these initiatives to ensure
that they are indeed contributing to the improvement of education quality.
Additionally, the findings and recommendations presented in the journal have broader
implications for other developing countries that may be facing similar challenges in
enhancing teacher quality and improving education outcomes. By addressing the issues and
providing recommendations for the betterment of the teacher certification program, the
researchers are contributing to the global discourse on education reform and teacher
professional development.
In conclusion, the topic chosen by the researchers is important as it directly impacts the quality
of education, aligns with national efforts to improve teacher quality, and has broader
implications for education systems in other developing countries. Therefore, the critical
analysis and recommendations provided in the journal are valuable for policymakers,
educators, and researchers striving to enhance education quality and teacher

3. This journal has no explanation of what methodologies are used. However, it can be seen
that the researcher gathers all literatures to formulate the argument. Do you agree that it is
enough just to do such method? Give some suggestions to improve the research!

Answer : While gathering literature and formulating arguments based on existing research is a
valuable approach, it is essential to have a clear methodology to ensure the rigor and credibility of
the research. Without a detailed explanation of the methodologies used, the research may lack
transparency and reproducibility. Here are some suggestions to improve the research:
1. Methodological Transparency: The researchers should provide a clear explanation of
how they identified and selected the literature included in the analysis. This could
involve detailing the search strategy, inclusion criteria, and any limitations in the
selection process.
2. Research Design: Consider incorporating a systematic literature review methodology
to ensure a comprehensive and structured approach to gathering and analyzing relevant
literature. This would involve clearly defined search terms, databases searched, and
criteria for inclusion/exclusion of studies.
3. Data Analysis: If applicable, consider conducting a meta-analysis to quantitatively
synthesize the findings from the selected literature. This can provide a more robust and
statistically supported conclusion.
4. Primary Research: While the focus of this journal seems to be on synthesizing
existing literature, incorporating primary research such as surveys, interviews, or case
studies could provide additional insights and perspectives on the topic.
5. Mixed-Methods Approach: Combining qualitative and quantitative methods can offer
a more comprehensive understanding of the issues related to teacher certification and
education quality in Indonesia.
By incorporating these methodological enhancements, the research can strengthen its
validity, reliability, and overall impact. Additionally, a clear methodology section would
enhance the credibility of the findings and provide a roadmap for future researchers
interested in exploring similar topics.

4. Do you agree with the recommendations proposed by the researcher? Tell the reason why!

Answer : The recommendations proposed by the researchers in the journal seem to be well-
founded and aligned with the identified challenges in the Indonesian teacher certification
program. The suggestions include the need for an effective selection system, collaboration
between the government and teacher training institutions, and the provision of adequate
learning facilities and infrastructure , , .
These recommendations are important because they address key issues such as the quality of
teachers, the alignment of training programs with teachers' needs, and the availability of
resources for effective teacher training. By focusing on these aspects, the recommendations
aim to enhance the overall quality of education in Indonesia.

However, it's important to note that the implementation of these recommendations would
require careful planning, resource allocation, and collaboration between various stakeholders,
including the government, teacher training institutions, and educators. Additionally, ongoing
evaluation and adaptation of the teacher certification program based on the outcomes of these
recommendations would be crucial for long-term success.

In conclusion, while the recommendations appear to be well-considered and relevant to the

challenges identified in the Indonesian education system, their successful implementation
would depend on effective coordination and sustained commitment from all involved parties.

5. What do you think the journal can be improved? Give an example of what the next research
should be done! This can be your own idea to formulate a new research idea that continues
the journal research!

Answer : To improve the journal and suggest a new research direction, the following enhancements
can be considered:
1. Incorporate Primary Research: The journal could benefit from including
primary research such as surveys, interviews, or observations to gather firsthand
data on the experiences and perspectives of teachers, policymakers, and other
stakeholders involved in the teacher certification program.
2. Comparative Analysis: Conduct a comparative analysis of teacher certification
programs in other countries to identify best practices, challenges, and lessons that
can be applied to the Indonesian context. This would provide a broader
perspective on effective strategies for improving teacher quality.
3. Longitudinal Study: Conduct a longitudinal study to track the impact of the
teacher certification program over an extended period. This would allow
researchers to assess the program's effectiveness, sustainability, and long-term
outcomes on teacher quality and student achievement.
4. Qualitative Analysis: Utilize qualitative research methods such as case studies or
focus groups to explore the nuanced aspects of teacher professional development,
challenges faced by teachers, and the contextual factors influencing the
implementation of the certification program.
5. Policy Analysis: Conduct a policy analysis to evaluate the alignment of the
teacher certification program with national education policies, identify gaps or
inconsistencies, and propose recommendations for policy improvements to
enhance teacher quality.
6. Technology Integration Study: Investigate the integration of technology in
teacher training and professional development within the certification program.
Assess how technology can be leveraged to enhance teaching practices, access to
resources, and collaboration among educators.
By incorporating these research enhancements, the journal can deepen its analysis of teacher
certification programs and contribute valuable insights to the ongoing efforts to improve
teacher quality and education outcomes in Indonesia.

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