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Marcelino Fule Memorial College

M.H. Del Pilar St. Brgy. 1 Alaminos, Laguna

Email Add: / Tel No. (049) 252-6960

Name: Date:
Grade & Section: Instructor: Mr. Harold Coronado

Test I.IDENTIFICATION: Please carefully read each question and identify what is being ask for. Write the answer on
the space provided below. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED.
1. A fraction which consists of a whole number and a fraction
2. Is the initial or first selling price and the cost of the item
3. This system is derived from the Latin word decem which means ten
4. A fraction in which the numerator is greater than its denominator
5. It is used if approximate amounts are needed

Test II.TRUE OR FALSE: Write True if the statement is true and write False if the statement is false.
6. When multiplying fractions, you can simply multiply the numerator by its denominator together
7. Rounding off 0.345 to the nearest tenth gives the decimal 0.35
8. Converting a decimal to a percentage involves multiplying the decimal by 10
9. Adding fractions requires having the same denominator, and the denominators don’t affect the sum
10. Rounding off 7.49 to the nearest whole number results in 8
11. Decimal numbers cannot be converted directly to fractions
12. A fraction and its reciprocal always multiply to give 1
13. Converting 25% to a decimal yield to 2.5
14. Marking on a number line is a helpful technique when converting decimals to fractions
15. In 10, 234.56789, the thousandths are in the place value of 7

A. Reduce to lowest term B. Change to mixed number C. Change to improper fraction
105 50 2
16) = 19) = 19) 5
189 29

54 875 2
17) = 20) = 20) 24 15 =
153 125
99 15
18) = 358 21) 8 37 =
999 21) =

Test IV. OPERATION OF FRACTION: Solve the following problems. Show complete solutions. (3 points each)
3 3
1. A farmer harvested 505 bags of red onions and 454 bags of white onions. If he sold the red onions at P875.00
each bag and the white onions at P800.00 each bag, how much did he receive from the sale of the 2 types of

2. A rich person donated 155 hectares of rice field equally to 6 cooperative organizations in his province. How
many hectares of rice field did each cooperative organization receive?
Marcelino Fule Memorial College
M.H. Del Pilar St. Brgy. 1 Alaminos, Laguna
Email Add: / Tel No. (049) 252-6960

3. A man distributed his wealth of P58.5M to his sons and daughters, as follows: two thirds of the amount
equally to 4 sons and the rest equally to his 3 daughters. What part and how much does each son and each
daughter receive? Round answers to the nearest pesos.

Test V. OPERATION OF DECIMAL NUMBERS: Fill up the missing items in the following table. (5 points)
Company GMC (1st Week, 20XY)
Items Quantity Sold Unit Price Amount Sold
A 35 P481.50
B 429 P38,931.75
C 1, 234 49.85
D 136.40 P5,865.20
E 872 98.99
Total P209,683.03

B. Solve and simplify the following:

1. 20 x 2.3 + 12.1
2. 6.8025 ÷ 0.15
3. Express as percent
4. Change 4% as fraction
5. Change 11% as decimals

Test VI. MARK-ON BASED ON COST & SELLING PRICE: Solve the following problems. Show your solution. (5pts each)
1. A store sold a box of rubber band at P63.60. If the store added a mark-on rate of 50% based on cost, how
much did it purchase the box of rubber band?

2. A grocery store plans to buy 12 dozen of canned goods at P5,616.00 and get 25% mark-on based on selling
price. How much will be the selling price. How much will be the selling price per canned goods?

"Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching." - C.S. Lewis

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