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Gianne Xeniah I.

Nivera April 9, 2021

ANI12C Local Artist Talk Reaction

I was honestly SO excited for the talk starting from the day Ms. Kim told us that
Mr. Kevin (Tarantadong Kalbo) would be talking to us. I’ve been a big fan of him even
before his political comics began—he was an animator who drew about his frustrating
and memorable experiences working in the animation industry, and he was also a very
passionate and sincere person who only wanted to inform and change others through
his art. I have been following him for a while now, and it really pumped me up when
we were told that he was going to be part of the talk!
As for what I learned, one thing stood clear to me—just be yourself. After
listening to all of the artists talk about their work and how they rose to fame, I realized
that they all had one common denominator, and that was drawing what you love.
When you think about it, it actually makes sense! When you love your craft, it shines
through your work and process, which in turn is shown to your audience. When you
pour all your heart and soul, your audience feels your enthusiasm as well. I saw that
clearly with all of the artists’ works, especially with Mr. Kevin. I remember him saying
something along the lines, “My political art actually opened up more opportunities and
job offers to me, instead of the other way around.”
It really makes me relieved to know that it isn’t bad to be vocal about your
political standing, especially if you know that you’re fighting for a good cause. These
past few months, I’ve been feeling doubts about my protests—things like, “I’m
overreacting,” and “I’m focusing too much on negative news,” come up in my mind as I
review the posts I’ve been sharing and talking about. I have also been comparing
myself to my classmates and seeing how they go through their lives without being
vocally active in the political state of our country. I kept thinking, “Is this really worth
speaking up for?”.
And you know what? It is. Who cares if I’m the only one who cares too much?
Who cares if I’m too passionate? Who cares if I love my country too much to the point
that I would fight for it? No one, and I mean no one. If there’s one thing I’ve realized
after listening to these artists, it’s not caring about what other people think. Do what
you want to do, feel the emotions you want to feel, and use that fire to fuel your
passion in creating your works. That’s what it means to be an artist.

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