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Lecturer : Phạm Thị Phương Liên

Group : 9

Class : 232_ENTI1012_72

Ha Noi, Viet Nam

I. Introduction..........................................................................................................3
II. Definition.............................................................................................................4
1. What is the Technology?..................................................................................4
2. Characteristics of technology..........................................................................4
III. History of The development of Technology....................................................6
IV. The impact of the development of technology.................................................8
1. The positive impact of the development of technology.................................8
2. The negative impacts of the development of technology...............................9
3. Challenges facing Technology and Solutions...............................................12
V. Conclusion..........................................................................................................15
VI. References........................................................................................................16

I. Introduction

Throughout history, humanity has displayed an insatiable curiosity and a drive to

improve our lives. This relentless pursuit has led to the creation and refinement of
countless tools and techniques, collectively known as technology. This ongoing process
of technological development is an intricate tapestry woven from the threads of
invention, innovation, and diffusion.

Invention marks the birth of a new technology, the spark of a novel idea brought to
life. Think of the first stone tools, the printing press, or the transistor – each a
groundbreaking invention that revolutionized its time. However, invention alone doesn't
guarantee widespread adoption. This is where innovation takes center stage. It involves
taking an existing invention and making it more practical, efficient, or user-friendly. The
personal computer, for instance, was an innovation built upon the earlier invention of the

Finally, diffusion refers to the spread of a technology throughout society. This can
happen organically, through word-of-mouth and personal experiences, or through
deliberate efforts like marketing campaigns. The internet, for example, saw rapid
diffusion due to its inherent value and the concerted efforts of various stakeholders.

Understanding the interplay between invention, innovation, and diffusion is crucial

to appreciating the dynamic nature of technological development. It is a continuous
process, constantly evolving and shaping the world around us. From the simplest tools to
the most complex AI systems, technology is a testament to human ingenuity and its
enduring quest to explore, adapt, and progress.

II. Definition

1. What is the Technology?

Technology is the product of transferring scientific knowledge to practical use.

Different forms of technology are the result of people trying to find more efficient ways
to do things and testing new ideas. Technology is constantly improving and generally
aims to make processes easier for people. For example, the Internet makes
communication easier and more efficient.

Technology can be classified into different categories based on the type of

technology and its application. Some common types of technology include:

 Hardware technology: This refers to physical devices and equipment that are used
to create, produce, and communicate goods and services. For example, computers,
smartphones, machines, …

 Software technology: This refers to the programs and systems that run on
hardware devices and enable them to perform specific tasks such as operating
systems, and applications, …

 Communication technology: This refers to the tools and systems that are used to
transmit information and data from one place to another such as phones, radios,
television, and the Internet.

 Medical technology: This refers to the tools and techniques that are used in the
healthcare industry to diagnose, treat, and prevent diseases. Examples of medical
technology include diagnostic equipment and surgical instruments, ….

2. Characteristics of technology

The defining characteristics of technology can vary depending on how one

approaches the concept. Here are some commonly recognized characteristics of

 Application of Knowledge and Skills: Technology involves the practical

application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to solve problems, create

products, or achieve specific goals. It utilizes scientific principles, engineering
practices, and innovative approaches to address human needs or improve existing

 Human-Created and Designed: Technology is created by humans through

deliberate design, invention, and innovation. It is the result of human ingenuity,
creativity, and problem-solving.

 Tools and Artifacts: Technology often involves the creation and utilization of tools,
machines, systems, and artifacts that enhance human capabilities, improve
efficiency, or enable new possibilities. These tools can be physical, digital, or a
combination of both.

 Practical and Functional: Technology serves a practical purpose and is developed

to perform specific functions or tasks. It aims to provide solutions, improve
processes, enhance communication, or fulfill human needs in various domains,
such as communication, transportation, healthcare, and entertainment.

 Evolves and Advances: Technology is not static; it evolves and advances over
time. Discoveries, innovations, and scientific breakthroughs drive the development
and improvement of technology, leading to new possibilities and opportunities.
For example, Technology products and services can be updated, improved, or
modified to adapt to changing needs and advancements in technology.

 Impact on Society: Technology has a profound impact on society, influencing how

people live, work, communicate, and interact. It can transform industries, change
social norms, and shape cultural practices. Technology's impact can be both
positive and negative, affecting various aspects of human life.

III. History of The development of Technology

The history of the development of technology is a vast and fascinating story,

stretching back millions of years to the very first tools used by our early ancestors. It's a
tale of human ingenuity, creativity, and the constant push to improve our lives and
understand the world around us.

 Early Beginnings

The earliest forms of technology were undoubtedly simple tools made from stone,
wood, and bone. These early tools allowed us to hunt more effectively, gather food more
easily, and defend ourselves from predators.

 The Rise of Civilization

With the rise of civilization, technology began to develop at a more rapid pace.
The invention of agriculture led to the development of new tools and techniques for
farming, such as the plow and irrigation systems. The development of writing systems
allowed for the storage and transmission of knowledge, which further fueled
technological innovation.

 The Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution, which began in the 18th century, marked a major
turning point in the history of technology. This period saw the development of new
machines and processes that transformed manufacturing, transportation, and
communication. The invention of the steam engine, the cotton gin, and the printing press
are just a few examples of the revolutionary technologies that emerged during this time.

 The 20th and 21st Centuries

The 20th and 21st centuries have seen an explosion of technological development.
The invention of the transistor, the integrated circuit, and the personal computer have led
to the development of new technologies that have profoundly impacted our lives. The
internet, for example, has revolutionized communication and information sharing, while
advances in medical technology have improved our health and lifespan.

 The Future of Technology

The future of technology is full of possibilities. We are on the cusp of

breakthroughs in fields such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and nanotechnology.
These technologies have the potential to solve some of the world's most pressing
challenges, such as climate change and disease. However, they also raise important
ethical and social questions that we will need to grapple with in the years to come.

The development of technology is a continuous process, driven by human

curiosity, ingenuity, and the desire to improve our lives. As we move forward, it is
important to remember that technology is a tool, and like any tool, it can be used for good
or evil. It is up to us to ensure that technology is used to benefit all of humanity and to
create a better future for all.

IV. The impact of the development of technology

The development of technology has had a profound and multifaceted impact on

our world, shaping everything from communication and healthcare to the way we work
and live. This impact can be broadly categorized into positive and negative aspects:

1. The positive impact of the development of technology

Enhanced Communication and Connectivity: Technology has revolutionized the

way we connect with others. From instant messaging apps to social media platforms, we
can now communicate and share information with individuals across the globe in real-
time. This fosters stronger global connections, facilitates collaboration, and enables
information dissemination on a massive scale.

This increased connectivity has numerous benefits, including:

 Strengthening personal relationships: Maintaining close ties with family and

friends who live far away is easier than ever before.

 Enhancing business opportunities: Global collaboration allows businesses to

expand their reach and access new markets.

 Promoting cross-cultural understanding: Connecting with people from different

backgrounds fosters cultural exchange and understanding.

Improved Standards of Living: Technological advancements have led to

significant improvements in various aspects of life, including healthcare, education, and
agriculture. Medical advancements have improved life expectancy and facilitated disease
prevention and treatment. Educational tools and online resources have democratized
access to knowledge, and advancements in agriculture have increased food production
and efficiency.

Increased Efficiency and Productivity: Technology has automated several tasks,

streamlining processes and increasing efficiency in various sectors. This allows
individuals and organizations to achieve more in less time, leading to increased
productivity and economic growth.

 Technology helps refine existing processes and solutions, making them more
efficient, sustainable, and adaptable to changing needs.

 Enhancing innovation: Increased productivity allows for more resources to be

allocated to research and development, leading to innovation and new product

 Boosting global competitiveness: Increased efficiency allows businesses to

compete effectively in a globalized market.

Overall, technology has become a crucial driver of increased efficiency and

productivity across various sectors.

Innovation and Problem-Solving: Technology serves as a powerful tool for

innovation and problem-solving. It allows researchers and scientists to explore new
frontiers, develop solutions to complex challenges, and create new opportunities in
various fields.

2. The negative impacts of the development of technology

Job displacement and economic inequality: Automation due to technological

advancements can lead to job displacement in certain sectors, potentially impacting
individuals and creating economic inequality. Continuous adaptation and skill
development are crucial to navigate this changing landscape.

Job displacement:

 Automation: As technology automates tasks, certain jobs, particularly those

involving repetitive or routine manual labor, become obsolete. This can lead to
unemployment, income loss, and economic hardship for affected individuals and

 Skill mismatch: The skill sets required for the jobs created by technology may not
always match the skills of the displaced workforce. This can create a skills gap,
making it difficult for individuals to find new employment opportunities.

Economic inequality:

 Unequal distribution of benefits: While some individuals and businesses benefit
greatly from technological advancements, others may not have the resources or
opportunities to adapt, leading to a widening gap between the rich and the poor.

 Concentration of wealth: Automation and technological advancements have the

potential to concentrate wealth and power in the hands of a few, potentially
exacerbating existing inequalities.

Privacy concerns and cybercrime: The vast amount of data generated and stored
in the digital age raises concerns about privacy and security. Cybercrime is also a
growing threat, highlighting the need for robust cybersecurity measures and responsible
data management practices.

 The vast amount of data collected about individuals through various online
activities raises concerns about privacy infringement. This data can be used for
various purposes, including advertising, marketing, or even surveillance, which
can make individuals feel vulnerable and uneasy.

 Our reliance on technology makes us more vulnerable to cybercrime, which

encompasses a wide range of activities like data breaches, identity theft, and
cyberattacks. These crimes can have significant financial and emotional
consequences for individuals and businesses.

Addiction and social isolation: Excessive reliance on technology can lead to

addiction, impacting mental health and social interaction. Striking a balance between
technological use and real-world engagement is essential.

 Technology can be highly engaging and stimulating, leading to compulsive use

that interferes with daily life, work, relationships, and overall well-being.

 Reduced face-to-face interaction: Spending excessive time on technology can

replace real-world interactions with virtual ones, leading to social isolation and

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 Impaired social skills: Overreliance on technology for communication can hinder
the development and maintenance of strong social skills needed for building
meaningful in-person relationships.

Technology creates misinformation and fake news: Technology platforms, like

social media and news websites, allow anyone to create and share content with ease. This
democratization of information access comes with the downside of enabling the spread of
false or misleading information, even if unintentionally.

 Algorithm-driven amplification: Social media platforms often use algorithms to

personalize content based on past interactions and interests. This can create echo
chambers, where users are primarily exposed to information that confirms their
existing beliefs, regardless of its accuracy. These algorithms can also amplify fake
news and misinformation, as sensational content often garners more clicks and
engagement compared to factual information.

 Difficulty in verifying information: The vast amount of information available

online, coupled with the speed at which it is shared, can make it challenging for
individuals to verify its accuracy before sharing it. This creates an environment
where misinformation can spread quickly before its truthfulness can be

 Anonymity and automation: The anonymity offered by online platforms can

embolden malicious actors to spread misinformation and fake news without fear of
consequences. Additionally, automated bots can be used to amplify false content
and manipulate online discussions.

 Deepfakes and other synthetic media: As technology advances, creating realistic

deepfakes (manipulated videos or audio) and other forms of synthetic media
becomes easier. This raises concerns about the potential misuse of these
technologies to create highly believable but entirely fabricated content, further
blurring the lines between truth and fiction.

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In short, the impact of technology is complex and multifaceted, encompassing both
positive and negative aspects. Recognizing both sides of this coin allows for a more
informed and balanced approach to technology development and utilization.

3. Challenges facing Technology and Solutions

The development of technology is a complex process that comes with a variety of

challenges. Here are some of the most common ones, along with potential solutions.

Rapid Technological Change: The pace of technological change is accelerating,

making it challenging for businesses and individuals to adapt. This rapid evolution can
lead to outdated systems, obsolete skills, and a constant need for upskilling.

 Solution: Lifelong learning and continuous professional development are crucial.

Businesses can invest in regular training programs to ensure their employees are
up-to-date with the latest technologies. Online platforms like Coursera and Udemy
offer a wide range of courses on various technologies.
 Amazon’s Career Choice program invests in employee upskilling, providing
training for in-demand fields like nursing and truck driving, even if these fields are
outside of Amazon.

Cybersecurity: The digital age has brought with it an increase in cyber threats.
Data breaches, identity theft, and online fraud are significant concerns for businesses and
individuals alike.

 Solution: Robust security measures are essential. This includes firewalls,

encryption, secure passwords, and two-factor authentication. Regular audits and
updates can also help keep systems secure. Cybersecurity firms like Norton
LifeLock and Kaspersky provide comprehensive security solutions.
 The cybersecurity firm Norton LifeLock provides a comprehensive suite of
security solutions, including device security, identity theft protection, and a VPN
for online privacy.

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Privacy Concerns: The rise of big data and digital technologies has led to
increased concerns over privacy. Users are becoming more aware of their digital footprint
and are demanding better control over their data.

 Solution: Companies need to prioritize data privacy and be transparent about their
data usage policies. This includes obtaining clear consent for data collection and
providing users with options to manage, delete, or transfer their data. Regulations
like the GDPR in Europe and the CCPA in California are forcing companies to
improve their data privacy practices.
 Apple has made privacy a core part of its product design. The company provides
clear privacy policies, secure data handling practices, and transparency with users
about how their data is used.

Technological Accessibility: Technology should be accessible to everyone, but

this is not always the case. People with disabilities often face barriers when using

 Solution: Adherence to accessibility standards during the design and development

phase can make technology more inclusive. Features like text-to-speech, speech-
to-text, and adjustable font sizes can make devices more accessible. The Web
Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) provide a framework for making web
content more accessible.
 Microsoft’s Inclusive Design principles guide the development of accessible
products. The company’s products, like Windows and Office, include features like
Narrator, a screen reader for the blind and visually impaired.

Environmental Impact: The tech industry contributes to environmental pollution

through the production and disposal of devices. E-waste is a growing concern due to the
short lifespan of many tech products.

 Solution: Tech companies can adopt more sustainable practices, such as using
recycled materials in their products, offering trade-in programs, and designing

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products to be more durable. Companies like Fairphone are leading the way in
producing ethically sourced and environmentally friendly smartphones.
 Fairphone, a Dutch social enterprise, makes smartphones that are designed to be
repairable, use conflict-free minerals, and come in packaging made from recycled

Digital Divide: Despite the advancements in technology, there is still a significant

gap in access to technology between different socio-economic groups, often referred to as
the digital divide.

 Solution: Governments and organizations can work together to improve

infrastructure in underserved areas and make technology more affordable.
Programs like One Laptop per Child aim to provide children in developing
countries with access to technology to enhance their learning.
 The One Laptop per Child initiative aims to provide rugged, low-cost, low-power
laptops to children in the developing world, enabling them to learn by doing.

Ethical Considerations: As technology becomes more integrated into our lives,

ethical considerations become more important. This includes issues like the impact of
automation on jobs, the use of AI in decision-making, and the potential for technology to
be used in ways that harm society.

 Solution: Ethical guidelines and regulations can help guide the development and
use of technology. Tech companies can also establish ethics committees to review
their products and practices. For example, Google has established an AI Ethics
Board to oversee its AI projects.
 Google’s AI Principles guide the ethical development and use of AI in their
products and services. The company commits to avoid creating or reinforcing
unfair bias, respect privacy, and be accountable in their use of AI.

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V. Conclusion
The development of technology is a continuous story, marked by remarkable
advancements shaping our world. From fundamental tools to sophisticated machines,
technology has become deeply ingrained in every facet of society, influencing
communication, healthcare, transportation, and countless other aspects.

While technological progress has demonstrably improved standards of living,

fostered innovation, and connected us globally, it's crucial to acknowledge its inherent
duality. The path forward necessitates a balanced approach, harnessing technology's
potential for good while mitigating its negative consequences, such as job displacement,
privacy concerns, and ethical dilemmas. As we navigate this rapidly evolving landscape,
responsible development and ethical considerations are paramount to ensure technology
continues to serve as a tool for progress and not a catalyst for unforeseen complications.

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VI. References

1. https://s.net.vn/LHKz

2. https://vi.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%C3%B4ng_ngh%E1%BB%87

3. https://s.net.vn/fntZ

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