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OpenText Content Server SDK

Release Notes

Product Released: October 2023

Release Notes Revised: 2023-10-17

1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Release Notes Revision History ................................................................................................ 3

2 About OpenText Content Server SDK .......................................................................................... 3

2.1 New Features ............................................................................................................................ 3
Content Server SDK 23.4 New Features ..................................................................... 3
Content Server SDK 23.3 New Features ..................................................................... 4
Content Server SDK 23.2 New Features ..................................................................... 4
Content Server SDK 23.1 New Features ..................................................................... 4
Content Server SDK 22.4 New Features ..................................................................... 5
Content Server SDK 22.3 New Features ..................................................................... 5
Content Server SDK 22.2 New Features ..................................................................... 5
Content Server SDK 22.1 New Features ..................................................................... 6
Content Server SDK 21.4 New Features ..................................................................... 6
Content Server SDK 21.3 New Features ..................................................................... 8
Content Server SDK 21.2 New Features ..................................................................... 8
Content Server SDK 21.1 New Features ..................................................................... 8
Content Server SDK 20.4 New Features ..................................................................... 9
Content Server SDK 20.3 New Features ................................................................... 10
Content Server SDK 20.2 New Features ................................................................... 12
2.2 Discontinued and Deprecated Features .................................................................................. 12

3 Packaging and Documentation .................................................................................................. 13

3.1 Packaging and Delivery Information ........................................................................................ 13
3.2 Related Documentation ........................................................................................................... 13

4 Supported Environments and Compatibility ............................................................................. 13

4.1 Supported Systems ................................................................................................................. 13
4.2 OpenText Product Compatibility .............................................................................................. 13
4.3 Language Support ................................................................................................................... 14

5 Installation and Upgrade Notes .................................................................................................. 14

5.1 Installation Notes ..................................................................................................................... 14
5.2 Upgrade Notes ........................................................................................................................ 15

6 Fixed Issues & Minor Enhancements ........................................................................................ 15

7 Known Issues ............................................................................................................................... 28

8 Contact Information ..................................................................................................................... 28

OpenText Content Server SDK Release Notes 23.4 Release Notes

1 Introduction
These Release Notes provide an overview of OpenText Content Server SDK 23.4, including new
features, delivery information, and supported platforms. OpenText recommends that you read these
Release Notes in conjunction with the documentation included with the software package. If any
conflicts exist, the Release Notes supersede the other documentation.

We also recommend that you check the OpenText My Support ( for any
patches or documentation updates that may have been posted after the initial release of OpenText
Content Server SDK 23.4.

1.1 Release Notes Revision History

Revision Date Sections Revised Description of Revisions

October 2023 all Initial publishing

2 About OpenText Content Server SDK

Content Server SDK 23.4 consists of the Content Server IDE Plug-in for Eclipse. The Content Server
IDE Plugin for Eclipse (CSIDE) is a source code development environment that you can use to extend
Content Server. CSIDE provides tools for creating new modules and a runtime environment for testing
and debugging modified functionality.

2.1 New Features

The Content Server SDK documentation has been updated to reflect enhancements released in
Content Server SDK.

Content Server SDK 23.4 New Features

• OUNIT Feature - The "OScript -> Unit Test" preferences has introduced a new feature "Show
OUnit view when unit tests are run" option. This option mirrored in the preference page helps
when OUnit is not open, and the user has not configured the view to show test execution. For
additional information, review the Content Server SDK guide
• OUNIT Feature - The "OScript -> Unit Test" preferences has introduced a new feature "Number
of unit tests to group into a single execution" option. Entering a number here will result in
CSIDE dividing / chunking unit test executions into discrete batches. The order of test execution is
unaffected. Chunking test execution allows CSIDE to provide test execution feedback sooner, and
it also allows for un-executed unit test batches to be cancelled (the currently executing test batch
will run to completion). For additional information, review the Content Server SDK guide

OpenText Content Server SDK Release Notes 23.4 Release Notes

• OUNIT Feature - All "run unit test options" now have a "calculate test coverage" option.
Selecting this results in CSIDE recording the invocation of any functions that exist in the
workspace / OScript explorer. Once tests have been executed the coverage report view is
displayed . For additional information, review the Content Server SDK guide
• CSIDE Patch Tool - CSIDE now provides convenience functionality for patch creation. For
additional information, review the Content Server SDK guide

Content Server SDK 23.3 New Features

• The OScript Profiler built-in can now optionally report fully qualified object names in the output file
generated. For more information, see the Content Server SDK guide.

Content Server SDK 23.2 New Features

• Introduced a new "Show in OScript Explorer" contextual menu item for objects / features in the
Module Explorer view that also exist in the OScript Explorer view. For more details, see the
Content Server SDK guide.
• The OScript search dialog is now accessible from Eclipse's 'Search' menu when the CSIDE
perspective is active. For more details, see the Content Server SDK guide.

• Oscript Search optimization: The OScript search dialog options have changed which now
allows check boxes to select multiple types such as object name, feature name, script contents,
feature value all at once. For more details, see the Content Server SDK guide.

• Added documentation text to the OScript auto format options regarding On/Off Tags. The On/Off
Tags can be used to disable auto formatting for certain sections of an OScript source file. For
more details, see the Content Server SDK guide.

• The ability to switch between "old" and "new" OScript auto format implementations has been
removed. The "new" auto format is now the only auto format. For more details, see the Content
Server SDK guide.

Content Server SDK 23.1 New Features

• Code Coverage: CSIDE 23.1 introduces a feature to help developers see which functions do not
have associated unit tests. Full details of this feature can be found in the product documentation
(in the "The Unit Test Coverage Report" section of the "Unit Testing for OScript" page). For more
details, see the Content Server SDK guide.
• Eclipse Version upgrade: CSIDE 23.1 requires Eclipse 2022-03 (or higher).

• Content Server SDK Documentation is included in the CSIDE plug-in (via the help menu).

• CSIDE’s OScript Search functionality has changed in this release. The documentation has been
updated to include a description of search functionality (in the “Learning the CSIDE Interface”
section). For more details, see the Content Server SDK guide.

OpenText Content Server SDK Release Notes 23.4 Release Notes

• Old auto format feature: With CSIDE 16.2.8 a new implementation of the OScript Auto Format
feature was introduced while retaining the possibility to switch to the old implementation using a
Preferences switch. With the 23.2 update, the "old" auto format implementation will be removed
from the CSIDE code base along with the Preference switch. Starting with CSIDE 23.2, the "new"
auto format implementation will be the only OScript auto format option.

Content Server SDK 22.4 New Features

• OUnit Updates: Added a new Unit Test Preference option called Navigate to Module
Explorer when double-clicking test items in the view. When this option is active, you can
double-click a test item in the OUnit view to navigate to the Module Explorer and reveal the
corresponding test object on the server.

• OBuild: This is an OScript build automation tool that allows third party developers
(Professional services and partners) to build their OScript Modules outside of Content Server
IDE. This build tool is like the OpenText internal Oscript build system that will help CI/CD
systems for our external customers.

Content Server SDK 22.3 New Features

• This release allows for random unit test execution. Enabling this option will result in the order
of unit test execution being determined at execution time. The default is to execute unit tests
in the order the tests are discovered by the unit test framework, which does not change
between test executions. With random test execution, unit tests that depend on sequential
execution (which is something unit tests should *not* do) will fail. (OIDE-1187)
• OUnit View now supports the selection of multiple rows, which in turn allows for multiple test
cases to be executed at a time, and multiple test OSpaces to be loaded or unloaded
simultaneously. Initially, OUnit was single-selection for simplicity; however, allowing for
multiple selection improves the end user experience. (OIDE-2805)
• The Correct Indentation command (Ctrl+I) can now be applied automatically to generated
OScript source code. This applies to script features which are opened from the Module
Explorer but also to modules that are imported with the Import Source Code from OLL
wizard or when overwriting objects with the OScript > Overwrite Object source command.
For the latter two, the feature needs to be activated by setting OScript > Apply 'Correct
Indentation' for generated code. (OIDE-1096)
• OSX Export functionality is deprecated and will be removed in a future release of CSIDE.
Prior to this flagging it internally & externally (via release notes & forum posts) that this
functionality is getting removed as there's no value to export OSX files. (OIDE-3155)

Content Server SDK 22.2 New Features

• Improved CSIDE stability when used with a VPN client. (OIDE-2819)

OpenText Content Server SDK Release Notes 23.4 Release Notes

• Improved CSIDE performance by enhancing the logging functionality by reducing some log
lines from DEBUG to TRACE (so that the logs are easier to read). (OIDE-2795)
• Improved OSpace filtering in OUnit view by fixing an issue where invalid OSpaces were
incorrectly shown. (OIDE-2786)
• Improved CSIDE performance by caching INI files for modules and Content Server
configuration. (OIDE-2762)
• Improved auto formatter capabilities by allowing the @format:on/off tags. (OIDE-1824)
• The value column in the Variable View now includes the object name for Object
References. (OIDE-1022)
• A new re-factoring command has been added to CSIDE to automatically remove unnecessary
line continuation characters (\) from OScript source files. (OIDE-2852)

Content Server SDK 22.1 New Features

• Updated auto complete list to match latest CS APIs. (OIDE-2679)
• Suspend on error can now be made optional. Currently, the behavior is to suspend the
executing thread when a script error is encountered. The new feature allows to continue the
script(s) while still logging the errors thus streamlining the experience when performing
activities such as numerous unit tests. (OIDE-2678)
• Script errors now have a distinctive icon differentiating them from compile errors. (OIDE-
• The CSIDE bundle version is written to the CSIDE log file when CSIDE is loaded. (OIDE-
• Double-clicking a test case in the OUnit view opens that object in an editor tab. (OIDE-2437)
• In cases where CSIDE attempts to programmatically overwrite a file in the workspace the
user is warned of the impeding collision and can optionally be presented with a diff of the two
files. (OIDE-2097)
• Unit Tests from multiple selected test OSpaces can now be run. A new Menu item OScript >
Run Unit Tests for Multiple OSpaces is introduced. This brings up a dialog which allows the
user to select from the list of test OSpaces available on the server for execution. (OIDE-2066)
• CSIDE VM can auto restart in case of problem. This reduces errors generated by Eclipse if
the VM is not running. (OIDE-876)
• There is now a Restart button in the Module Explorer. (OIDE-260)

Content Server SDK 21.4 New Features

• “New” OUnit Plugin

OpenText Content Server SDK Release Notes 23.4 Release Notes

The CSIDE OUnit Test plugin was first introduced internally for Content Server SDK 21.2. With
version 21.4, external OpenText OScript developers can now leverage a new view to assist with
unit test functionality. The plugin facilitates creating, editing and running OScript unit tests,
improving the testing experience (easier to trigger tests and view test results). The OUnit plugin
is designed to help developers execute unit tests and track the results in a more modern manner.

Help Reference:

• “New” Refactor Menu

In CSIDE 21.4 a new Refactor OScript parent menu has been introduced. The menu
contains a number of code refactoring commands, including Remove Unused Variables,
Sort Features, and Fix Variable Declaration Order. This menu improves the user
experience by grouping refactoring features in one place. Refactoring features
support automatic changes of the source code to be compliant with the OScript code style.

OpenText Content Server SDK Release Notes 23.4 Release Notes

Help Reference:

Content Server SDK 21.3 New Features

This version fixes several issues, including both major and minor enhancements of the external
distribution of the Content Server SDK or otherwise known as CSIDE. Fixed items are listed in section
6 below.

• Formatting

A new OScript submenu has been added to the OScript Explorer context menu. The OScript
submenu includes a Format All command. This command formats each file in the selection.
Multiple selections in the OScript Explorer are also possible. If a folder or project is selected, the
OScript Explorer formats each *.os file in the selection. The formatting can be cancelled at any
time by clicking the stop button in the progress view.

Content Server SDK 21.2 New Features

• New Built-in for Cloud API and documentation

The CSIDE (SDK) build system handles the newly introduced documentation for Cloud API
function(s). The documentation is auto built and renders in an HTML format.

Content Server SDK 21.1 New Features

• Module Explore Icon

OpenText Content Server SDK Release Notes 23.4 Release Notes

The module icon has been changed. The bottom-left corner is no longer red, making it more
intuitive to determine if a problem exists or not.

• Log Messages on Debug

Several start-up logging messages on debug have been modified making them more intuitive
to the user.

• Developer Experience

Similar to Java editors, CSIDE now can add overlays to the editor title icons to indicate if a file
has errors / warnings.

The following overlays have been added:

• Error and warning overlays for all editors. These overlays are updated after building
the project or after saving the file (where building does not apply, for example, for
standalone scripts, such as LXE files).
• Script feature editors show a lock overlay if they belong to a locked OSpace.

Icons have been updated to represent the objects more closely:

• OS files either have a green leaf icon or red leaf icon depending on whether the
object is an orphan or not. Previously, OS files always had the green icon.
o Refer to OIDE-2189 for information about how to change the icon on an OS
o Upon startup, OS files have a green icon. Only after the OScriptModel builder
completes, does the icon change to red for orphaned objects.
• Script feature editors have either yellow (new objects), green (inherited but
overridden from parent), or grey (inherited from parent) icons. These icons change
when the object changes. For example, if you edit an inherited feature (grey), after
you save the change, the icon changes to green.

Content Server SDK 20.4 New Features

• Baseline Eclipse Version updated

Eclipse 2020-03 (4.15) or higher is now required with CSIDE 20.4. The easiest way to install
Eclipse is to use the Eclipse Installer which can be downloaded from the Eclipse web site.
Select the Eclipse installation package that best fits your requirements.

• Breakpoint Enhancements

OpenText Content Server SDK Release Notes 23.4 Release Notes

With CSIDE 20.4 there are a number of usability enhancements and fixes applied to
breakpoint functionality with the OScript Integrated Development Environment as noted in the
fixed issue list.

Content Server SDK 20.3 New Features

• Control Characters

OScript long string constants - i.e. string constants delimited by back-ticks (`) - now have a
different highlight color than other string literals, like double (") and single quote (') delimited
string constants. Long string constants may span several lines and the line feed characters
are part of the string. The different highlight color for long strings supports editing them

• Externalize Strings

A new feature in CSIDE 20.3 is "Externalize Strings", which is like Eclipse's "Externalize
Strings" function for the Java editor.

To use this feature, select Externalize Strings ...on the OScript menu. This brings up a
table of string literals in the active source file (minus any strings marked to not be xlated
via the //$NON-NLS-#$ tags).

From this window, if you click the Ignore button, any strings that have been selected will
be marked in the document as not xlateable. Clicking the Xlate button results in a second
table being displayed which allows you to replace any selected string(s) with an xlate:

OpenText Content Server SDK Release Notes 23.4 Release Notes

In addition:

• In both tables, all cells are editable.

• Table entries that will result in document or property file changes will display as bold
(hover over the change to see what the prior value was).
• The Include existing Xlates check box on the second screen allows you to modify
existing Xlates via this dialog. Rows for existing Xlates will display in italics.
• The button will pop up the familiar Find Xlate dialog.
• If there is any missing or invalid values for checked rows in the second table, the Xlate
button will be disabled.

• Informative Folder Access Error

On startup, checks are performed for access to folders. Previously, the error messages in the
error log were unnoticeable to users. In CSIDE 20.3, an intuitive warning has been added
when folder access permission is denied.

• Debug Perspective of Eclipse

A usability improvement introduced in 20.3 involves the Debug Perspective of Eclipse which
now includes the OScript Explorer by default.

OpenText Content Server SDK Release Notes 23.4 Release Notes

Content Server SDK 20.2 New Features
• Keeping Xlate files in synch

With this feature, if build automatically is set and an Xlate property file is updated in the
workspace, then it will also get copied over to the server. Furthermore, if a 'full build' is
invoked then any Xlate property file in the workspace that is different from the Xlate property
file on the server will get copied over. In both cases, an info-level message is presented that
mentions the property files were copied over and the end user needs to restart the server for
the change to take effect.

• A new Xlate window should use remember file / group settings from the prior

When you open a new Xlate window, the window uses the settings from the previous
invocation, rather than displaying a blank window.

• Old format OLL detection and labelling in the Module Explorer View

A new icon has been created to identify and mark old OLL format:

• Release 20.2 provides easy execution of running unit test from the
Modular Explorer.

2.2 Discontinued and Deprecated Features

The ability to have multiple projects in the same workspace was removed from CSIDE 16.2.2

Support for LAPI was removed from Content Server 16 and later. Applications built using previous
LAPI client libraries will function using the Content Server 10.5 platforms, if integers remain lower than

The Content Server SDK documentation was removed from the Content Server SDK installation
package and is now hosted and maintained on the OpenText My Support.

The following topics have been removed from the Content Server SDK documentation:

• Livelink API Developer’s Reference

• Content Server Builder Developer’s Guide
• Content Server Search Customization Technical Notes

OpenText Content Server SDK Release Notes 23.4 Release Notes

3 Packaging and Documentation
Content Server SDK 23.X documentation is hosted and maintained on OpenText My Support

3.1 Packaging and Delivery Information

The software and documentation for OpenText Content Server SDK Release Notes includes:

• Content Server IDE Plug-in for Eclipse for Windows and Linux

• OpenText Content Server SDK Release Notes

3.2 Related Documentation

For additional information about OpenText Content Server SDK Release Notes, or for supplemental
information about related products, refer to the documents available on OpenText My Support at
Community Content Server SDK 23.1 Documentation (

4 Supported Environments and Compatibility

This section provides details about supported platforms, systems, and versions.

4.1 Supported Systems

CSIDE is available on Microsoft® Windows® and Linux platforms. The minimum supported Eclipse
version is Eclipse 4.15. The following Eclipse IDEs are supported:

• Eclipse Platform
• Eclipse IDE for Java Developers
• Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
• Eclipse IDE for Java and Report Developers

The minimum required Java to run CSIDE is Java 8.

4.2 OpenText Product Compatibility

The section provides details about which versions of other OpenText products are compatible with this
release of OpenText Content Server SDK 23.4.

Note: For the latest compatibility information for OpenText products, refer to the Compatibility
Matrix ( on the OpenText My Support.

OpenText Content Server SDK Release Notes 23.4 Release Notes

Product Name Version Notes

Content Server 16.2 - 22.3

4.3 Language Support

OpenText Content Server SDK Release Notes 22.3 is currently localized in the following languages.
Future releases may add additional languages.

Component Languages


Content Server IDE B


UI = user interface only

B = both user interface and online help

5 Installation and Upgrade Notes

This section provides additional installation and upgrade information, including related or third-party
product information and any required critical patches.

5.1 Installation Notes

The CSIDE plug-in has a simplified installation method, allowing you to install CSIDE directly from
1. From Opentext My Support, download the zip archive file com.opentext.cside_<build
no>.zip to a local folder.
2. Start Eclipse.
3. From the main menu, select Help > Install New Software.

CSIDE must be installed on the same machine as a Content Server installation. The modifications
you develop in CSIDE on one platform can be deployed in a Content Server installation on any
supported operating system.

For more details on how to install the CSIDE plugin, please access the CSIDE documentation page
on My Support, under the section “Content Server IDE (CSIDE) Plug-in for Eclipse Quick Start

OpenText Content Server SDK Release Notes 23.4 Release Notes

5.2 Upgrade Notes
Before you upgrade, review these instructions.

Note: As of Content Server 20.3 the loading of legacy OLLs, the pre-10.5 binary version, will no
longer be supported. Users must use CSIDE 20.3+ to load old formatted OLLs and convert them to
the new format for Content Server 20.3+ to start. CSIDE 20.3+ also supports the loading of greater
than 255 OLLs and is requirement to be at this version or higher.

6 Fixed Issues & Minor Enhancements

This section provides information about past issues that have been fixed in this release.

OpenText Content Server SDK Release Notes 23.4 Release Notes

Release Issue ID Issue Description

23.3 OIDE-3952 A warning message is now clearly displayed if user tries to create an
Oscript Project that overlaps with the OTHome directory.

23.3 OIDE-1000 CSIDE's documentation suite now includes documentation on the

modules shipped. This is available from the Content Server Module
Index link in the documentation set.

23.3 OIDE-3956 Fixed a bug in the auto edit feature of the OScript editor where extra
closing sequences for comments were automatically inserted whenever
the Enter key was pressed inside a comment.

23.3 OIDE-3947 Fixed a bug in the OScript auto format feature where parts of nested List
or Assoc literals were removed from the code when applying the auto

23.2 OIDE-3901 Fixed a bug in the "double click strategy" of the OScript Editor. Double
clicking elements in the editor typically selects them. When the double
click was applied at the end of (or rather right after) a word, the previous
word was selected. The expectation is, however, that nothing is selected
in this case.

Fixed a bug in the Outline View that is connected to the OScript Editor.
23.2 OIDE-3866
The feature "Sort alphabetically" of the Outline View elements did not
work as expected regarding the grouping of elements in "New",
"Overridden", and "Inherited" elements.
Fixed a bug where the Content Server service could not be stopped for
23.2 OIDE-3585
CSIDE, because the timeout for waiting until the service was actually
stopped was too short. This bug only affected the Linux version of
Fixed a bug in the auto edit feature for multi-line comments (/** ... */) in
23.2 OIDE-3394
the OScript editor. The comment closing sequence (*/) was not inserted
automatically, unless the comment was the last one in the OScript file.

Fixed a bug in the OScript auto format feature. Indentation was not
23.2 OIDE-3393
correct when only a selection was formatted, and the selection was
preceded by a multi-line list literal definition.

Fixed a bug in the auto indent feature of the OScript editor, where the -
23.2 OIDE-3138
automatically indented - cursor position was miscalculated after entering
a new line.

OpenText Content Server SDK Release Notes 23.4 Release Notes

Fixed a bug in the OScript Editor where an exception was written to the
23.2 OIDE-2644
logs when a project was closed while files of that project were still open
in an editor.

Fixed a bug in the OScript editor that resulted in an exception being

23.2 OIDE-2551
logged when a project was deleted while there still were open editors on
files in this project.

Fixed a bug in the OScript editor where (escaped) quote characters in

23.2 OIDE-1718
Strings were mistaken for the end of the String. This resulted in
unexpected behavior on some editor actions like automatically selecting
the String on double clicking.

23.1 OIDE-3579 Content Server IDE matches latest changes in Content Server that not
to run once-per-instance initialization tasks in read-only mode as a
llserverworker thread runs these tasks. If you are using Content Server
version 23.1 or later, you should also use CSIDE version 23.1 or later.

23.1 OIDE-3578 The OScript auto format feature was inserting an extra empty line after
feature definitions that were initialized with a long string.

23.1 OIDE-3389 The OScript auto format feature did not insert a space character
between an IF statement and the following opening parenthesis.

23.1 OIDE-3574 The OScriptVM process was releasing a socket object twice. This
resulted in request handlers returning the "Dispatcher Error: Invalid
request arguments." error when using CSIDE. The bug only affected the
Linux operating system.

22.4 OIDE-3302 Fixed a bug in the WebLingo compiler. Compile errors caused by an
unsupported character encoding of a WebLingo file were not reported in
the CSIDE problem's view and not marked in the UI. If a WebLingo file
cannot be processed due to an unsupported character encoding, the
WebLingo compiler now adds an appropriate error marker on the first
line of the WebLingo file.

22.4 OIDE-3383 Fixed a bug in the OScript auto format feature that resulted in an
inadvertent removal of list expansion operators.

22.4 LPAD- Pagination support added to the REST API for recent history.

22.4 SRCH-6570 Document Conversion Service REST API may become unresponsive
reading HTTP requests when a multi-part file upload is processed.

OpenText Content Server SDK Release Notes 23.4 Release Notes

22.3 OIDE-3108 The automatic restart of the OScriptVM after a full build is now optional.
The behavior can be controlled with a preference setting (OScript >
Build Options > Automatically Restart OScriptVM after full builds).

22.3 OIDE-2806 Ability to cancel unit test execution. Currently unit test execution occurs
as a single server call, and it runs until the call returns. As such
cancelling is not an option. This is not a great experience, especially
when OIDE-2066 introduced the option of running hundreds of tests at a

22.3 OIDE-1964 Added an option that makes CSIDE warn you when comments will be
lost during compilation.

22.2 OIDE-2139 Fixed a bug that resulted in ineffective breakpoints in WebLingo files,
when the breakpoint was created during the startup phase.

22.2 OIDE-2222 Fixed a bug where the use of the "Build OSpace" command could result
in an ineffective breakpoint.

22.2 OIDE-2827 Improved unit test execution.

22.2 OIDE-2830 Fixed a bug where the "Build OSpace" or "Build Module" commands
could trigger an unnecessary automatic build of the workspace.

22.2 OIDE-2851 Fixed a bug that resulted in ineffective breakpoints in WebLingo files
when the breakpoint was created during startup.

22.2 OIDE-2860 Fixed a bug that caused the build process to break.

22.2 OIDE-2861 Fixed a bug in the backup mechanism infrastructure that caused some
build breaks as well.

22.2 OIDE-2864 Fixed a bug where creating a new project in a new workspace resulted
in an error. The first build of the new project was not successful,
because the OScriptVM was not started yet.

22.2 OIDE-2865 Fixed a bug where the socket server thread could not be stopped
because the read timeout in Content Server was not set which is
interpreted as an infinite timeout.

OpenText Content Server SDK Release Notes 23.4 Release Notes

22.2 OIDE-2869 Fixed a bug where re-factoring commands like "Sort Variable
Declaration Order" did not call validateEditorInputState() before applying
changes. This could result in modifications to files that are not in sync
with a source control management system or in modifications being lost
when validateEditorInputState() is called later.

22.2 OIDE-2884 Fixed a bug where a non-existing attribute of a breakpoint marker was
accessed which resulted in an "Illegal argument exception".

22.2 OIDE-2968 Fixed a bug that caused CSIDE logs to be created in wrong location.

22.2 OIDE-2978 Improved file handling for OSpace loading when Eclipse is not in synch
with the file system.

22.2 OIDE-2979 Fixed a bug where the OSpace backup folder could appear in the
OScript Explorer when refreshing a project. This could result in an
unexpected automatic build of the project. The OSpace backup folder
has been moved away from the project folder to the workspace folder.

22.2 OIDE-3007 Fixed a bug that caused the creation of a new OScript project to break.

22.2 OIDE-3018 Fixed a bug in the Module Explorer where a right click without any
selection resulted in an error.

22.2 OIDE-3021 Fixed a bug in the Script Feature editor where the icon for the title bar
was re-created every time a new editor window was opened instead of
using the cached image.

22.2 OIDE-3022 Fixed a bug in the "Override Features" command that resulted in a null
pointer exception when the command was invoked when CSIDE is still
in the start-up phase.

22.2 OIDE-3029 Fixed a bug in the "Correct Indentation" command where

@format:on/off tags were ignored.

22.1 OIDE-2666 Fixed issue of a null pointer on initial project creation happening

22.1 OIDE-2665 Fixed issue of extra empty lines appearing when a function is formatted
multiple times.

OpenText Content Server SDK Release Notes 23.4 Release Notes

22.1 OIDE-2662 Fixed issue where Ounit "load Ospace" does not consider 'unittests'
folder. The OUnit view now considers test OSpaces stored in the
OTHOME/unittests folder.

22.1 OIDE-2661 Fixed issue of stack frames not always being reloaded during debug.

22.1 OIDE-2660 New Feature: Script errors now have a distinctive icon differentiating
them from compile errors.

22.1 OIDE-2659 Fixed issue of a wrong source file opened from call stack after a script

22.1 OIDE-2653 Fixed minor file read/write issues on case-insensitive file systems.

22.1 OIDE-2645 Closing a project now updates the OUnit view correctly.

22.1 OIDE-2576 Fixed issue of excessive notifications when a project is closed.

22.1 OIDE-2448 Fixed issue that warnings were not appearing during OScript project
creation if the destination folder appears to be set up incorrectly.

22.1 OIDE-2048 Fixed issue of Eclipse hanging during building.

21.4 CURE-1189 External Unit Test Documentation

21.4 OIDE-1542 Add Code Recommendation Annotations to OScript Editor.

21.4 OIDE-1590 New Object should open the new source file.

21.4 OIDE-1645 Support Quick Assists in OScript Editors.

21.4 OIDE-1646 Support advanced hover popups in OScript Editors.

21.4 OIDE-2009 Enhance Unit test generation feedback.

21.4 OIDE-2266 Code formatter disregards variable declaration order.

21.4 OIDE-2278 "The resource tree is locked for modifications" when closing OScript
Source project.

OpenText Content Server SDK Release Notes 23.4 Release Notes

21.4 OIDE-2386 CSIDE build of report module is extensive.

21.4 OIDE-2425 OUnit View: insufficient refresh after unloading test OSpace.

21.4 OIDE-2442 OScript Formatter does not understand "-" in script names.

21.4 OIDE-2445 WeblingoAndSupportBuilder divided by zero issue.

21.4 OIDE-2453 Eclipse freeze caused by two threads trying to create the same temp

21.4 OIDE-2464 Load / build test OLLs where they exist before generating unit tests.

21.4 OIDE-2470 Fix variable order as menu option.

21.4 OIDE-2474 Refactor sub menu in OScript Menu.

21.4 OIDE-2527 Creation of test OLL needs to pick up the OUnit view.

21.4 OIDE-2557 Unit test file creation feedback should use multi status.

21.4 OIDE-2563 Generate Unit Tests causes issue with auto-build.

21.4 OIDE-2604 Errors when starting CSIDE with a closed OScript project.

21.4 OIDE-2607 Variable order of re-factoring reverts the original declaration order.

21.3 OIDE-1972 Cannot create OSpace with error: Unable to update source module's
Ospace list.

21.3 OIDE-2031 CSIDE incorrectly declares empty folders as installed modules.

21.3 OIDE-2101 Slight behavior change to OIDE-1817 (read-only xlate property files).

21.3 OIDE-2108 WeblingoAndSupportBuilder should handle a missing INI file better.

21.3 OIDE-2112 Eclipse hangs when reconnecting Cisco AnyConnect.

21.3 OIDE-2235 Duplicate menu entries for OScript Explorer.

OpenText Content Server SDK Release Notes 23.4 Release Notes

21.3 OIDE-2240 Hang seen when selecting feature in OScript Explorer.

21.3 OIDE-2274 Support formatting multiple OS files at once.

21.3 OIDE-2277 Exceptions in log when closing Eclipse.

21.3 OIDE-2282 The OScriptThreadStatusUpdate thread is not always terminated when

the VM is stopped.

21.3 OIDE-2288 Auto close inserts extra "end" statement at Object Definitions.

21.3 OIDE-2325 WizardTemplateLoader.registerTemplate() leaks file handles.

21.3 OIDE-2326 Unreleased streams in cs.parser.

21.3 OIDE-2330 Exceptions for broken break points.

21.3 OIDE-2339 New objects have incorrect features if it was expanded in module
explorer on restart.

21.3 OIDE-2359 Module Explorer debugging fails when Script and Function name don't

21.3 OIDE-2361 WebLingo builder doesn't handle read-only files in the server.

21.3 OIDE-2362 Null Pointer seen in OScriptElement.equals().

21.3 OIDE-2367 "SWT Resource was not properly disposed" seen on icon creation.

21.3 OIDE-2369 "Widget is disposed" seen in OScript Explorer.

21.3 OIDE-2377 Eclipse hang seen after server start-up.

21.3 OIDE-2385 WebLingo build progress bar needs to be improved.

21.3 OIDE-2388 Issue with scope of Search.

21.3 OIDE-2389 Unexpected behavior when using OScriptElement.equals().

OpenText Content Server SDK Release Notes 23.4 Release Notes

21.3 OIDE-2390 Auto format: need to align variable declarations at the variable names.

21.2 OIDE-2165 Module Explorer update causing a delay in builds.

21.2 OIDE-2228 Could not retrieve the item 'javasdk'.

21.2 OIDE-2239 Indents has been fixed at a paste operation.

21.2 OIDE-2242 Opening OSpace results in placement in 'core' module.

21.2 OIDE-2251 XLATE keys are not case sensitive according to the server, but within
CSIDE they are.

21.2 OIDE-2267 Scheduler.DebugBreak() resolved.

21.2 OIDE-2270 CSIDE exposes RMI ports.

21.1 OIDE-559 Frequent "refresh workspace" jobs during debugging.

21.1 OIDE-650 Debug line indicator points to wrong line.

21.1 OIDE-786 Synchronized calls causing deadlocks when debugging on startup.

21.1 OIDE-879 IDE crash when trying to unlock the ospace while in debug mode.

21.1 OIDE-906 Deadlocks are causing CSIDE Debugger to hang.

21.1 OIDE-956 Debugging performance has been increased.

21.1 OIDE-1073 Improved lldebug.dll support for Eclipse Debug Model.

21.1 OIDE-1489 Debugger breaks while processing startup module.

21.1 OIDE-1686 Debugger stepping places locks on the main thread, causing Eclipse to

21.1 OIDE-1959 Breakpoint markers in 'server' files disappear after building project.

21.1 OIDE-1995 Overlays in editor titles.

OpenText Content Server SDK Release Notes 23.4 Release Notes

21.1 OIDE-2001 Long-line reformat of function invocation is improved.

21.1 OIDE-2003 Paste sometimes does not work.

21.1 OIDE-2004 Newline is indenting the function 'end', for no apparent reason.

21.1 OIDE-2005 Ctrl-I (correct indentation) reformats long lines.

21.1 OIDE-2063 Removed deprecated code.

21.1 OIDE-2080 OLL loaded from OTHome.

21.1 OIDE-2095 Workspace Sanity Check must be executed in a Workspace Job.

21.1 OIDE-2133 Breakpoint resume / continue options disappear occasionally.

21.1 OIDE-2134 The module icon has been changed so that the bottom-left corner is no
longer red.

21.1 OIDE-2149 Breakpoint markers in 'server' files not always updated.

21.1 OIDE-2161 Test OSpaces show up under core module in server after restart.

21.1 OIDE-2163 IDE break/suspend doesn't necessarily happen where breakpoint is.

21.1 OIDE-2171 DAPI.MoveProviderData completion is incorrect.

21.1 OIDE-2176 A number of start-up logging messages on debug have been modified.

21.1 OIDE-2177 Problems with restoring breakpoints after restarting Eclipse / OScriptVM.

21.1 OIDE-2218 Creating projects in folders that were already used by other workspaces.

20.4 OIDE-875 Fixed breakpoint unhandled exceptions.

20.4 OIDE-953 Breakpoints are still active but not visible after an error.

20.4 OIDE-1350 Creating a new OScript Project at a location where already a project
exists removes the <BuildCmd> from the project definition.

OpenText Content Server SDK Release Notes 23.4 Release Notes

20.4 OIDE-1573 Breakpoint set while restarting Eclipse is not being respected after
restarting process finishes.

20.4 OIDE-1746 Upgrade baseline Eclipse version to 4.15.

20.4 OIDE-1817 Trying to add a group to a read only properties file and cancelling shows
the group in the Xlate dialog.

20.4 OIDE-1866 "Read-Only" file prompt when multiple files have issues.

20.4 OIDE-1925 Module import creates odd property files.

20.4 OIDE-1926 "Edit Xlate" dialog not working on Linux.

20.4 OIDE-2020 Create unit test displays multiple pop-ups when error encountered

20.4 OIDE-2036 Breakpoints and breakpoint removals aren't being respected.

20.4 OIDE-2045 Error with Eclipse while debugging.

20.4 OIDE-2052 NullPointerException Triggered When Creating a New Project with

CSide 20.3.

20.4 OIDE-2069 Breakpoints should persist over Eclipse restarts.

20.4 OIDE-2071 Exceptions logged with adding breakpoints in non OScript projects.

20.4 OIDE-2072 compileOLL() failures not being reported to end user.

20.4 OIDE-2076 Script Feature Breakpoints should persist over Eclipse restarts.

20.4 OIDE-2077 Temp folder in server project is cleared on error.

20.4 OIDE-2111 Breakpoint log messages simplified.

20.4 OIDE-2114 Unexpected breakpoint 'mirroring'.

20.4 OIDE-2115 Setting breakpoint on WebLingo server file results in exception.

OpenText Content Server SDK Release Notes 23.4 Release Notes

20.4 OIDE-2144 Enabling/disabling breakpoints while 'skip breakpoints' is enabled ==
breakpoints triggering.

20.4 OIDE-2155 Breakpoint cannot be set while debugging.

20.3 Potential NPE in OScriptSourceEditor.syncOutlinePage().

20.3 Link to change Xlate source is partially cut off in Find Xlate dialog.

20.3 The outline view contextual menu disappears after new document has
been edited.

20.3 NullPointer is observed at

20.3 Build allowed during VM start-up.

20.3 Formatter incorrectly indents function parameters.

20.3 Export of OBJREF feature that requires hash quotes is incorrect.

20.3 Overlay icons in Module Explorer.

20.3 Formatting a selection inside a comment sometimes reformats the
wrong part of the document.

20.3 Updating read-only files for Xlate / Unit Test sometimes does not prompt

20.3 Outline view issue with OS files.

20.3 Error logged in OScriptFormattingStrategyTest.testFormat() is

20.3 Jackson Databind upgrade.

20.3 OScript format: Unnecessary space added in empty Assoc literal.

20.3 Auto insert of 'end' causes issues near variables of type 'Object'.

OpenText Content Server SDK Release Notes 23.4 Release Notes

20.3 NPE seen @ FeatureDefinitionFinder.getFeatureLocation().

20.3 NullPointerException on full build.

20.3 getCSTempDir() in com.opentext.cside.cs.ContentServer returns null if
UploadDirectory preference is set.

20.3 HLogger writes empty lines to standard out when checking log file size.

20.3 Long-line reformat of function arguments improvement.

20.3 Java Debug Info missing.

20.3 Module Explorer: object sorting issue resolved.

20.2 OIDE-1931 "Build Automatically" and Xlate "In Workspace" options not working in

20.2 OIDE-1914 OScriptEditor: AutoIndent uses case sensitive regex to find keywords.

20.2 OIDE-1911 Ctrl-I on single line selection.

20.2 OIDE-1907 Override feature on newly created object traces.

20.2 OIDE-1903 ConcurrentModificationException seen via SourceFolderScanner.

20.2 OIDE-1885 Searching for an Xlate, selecting one, then selecting a different one and
replacing uses first selected instead.

20.2 OIDE-1875 Issues with the Comment Formatter.

20.2 OIDE-1874 Cannot search in the Xlate tool 'Properties' menu by hitting the first
character of a name.

20.2 OIDE-1869 The Ctrl-I command formats comments.

20.2 OIDE-1859 Multiline comment formatter adds trailing whitespace.

20.2 OIDE-1853 "Generate Unit Tests" results in non-standard code.

OpenText Content Server SDK Release Notes 23.4 Release Notes

20.2 OIDE-1836 Integer overflow in breakpoint setting.

20.2 OIDE-1832 Null pointer exception when breakpoint encountered.

20.2 OIDE-1816 Sort Features: 'Distribution' of empty lines not optimal.

20.2 OIDE-1804 Unexpected Ctrl-I behavior seen with partial line selection.

20.2 OIDE-1788 SourceFolderScanner progress remains at 0% until complete.

20.2 OIDE-1767 "Generate Unit Tests" does not handle read-only files.

20.2 OIDE-1751 Double-click selection issue for features in specific OS file.

20.2 OIDE-1747 Tests are generated as flat instead in a hierarchal.

20.2 OIDE-1307 Exception on OpenOSpace callback.

20.2 OIDE-1205 Add Watch to global variables.

7 Known Issues
There are no known issues in this release.

8 Contact Information
OpenText Corporation
275 Frank Tompa Drive
Waterloo, Ontario
Canada, N2L 0A1

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OpenText Content Server SDK Release Notes 23.4 Release Notes

OpenText Content Server SDK Release Notes 23.4 Release Notes

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