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Statement of the Problem

The main purpose of the study investigates on stakeholders’ engagement and school

performance. This research aims to attain the following specific objectives:

1. What is the extent of stakeholders’ involvement in the school program in the

following areas:

a. instructional development;

b. physical development; and

c. values development?

2. What is the level of performance of the respondent-schools’ in terms of:

a. student achievement;

b. school awards and recognition; and

c. SBM level of practice?

3. Is there significant relationship between the extent of the stakeholders’ involvement

in the school program and to the level of performance of the respondent-schools?

Measurement of Variables

The variables for extent of stakeholders’ engagement are measured by the following

scaling system:

Code Range Description

4 3. 50 -4.00 Very Active

3 2.50 – 3.49 Active

2 1.50 – 2.49 Moderately Active

1 1.00 -1.49 Inactive

For the level of performance of the respondents, the following scaling system was applied:

Code Range Description

4 3. 50 -4.00 Highly Performing

3 2.50 – 3.49 Performing

2 1.50 – 2.49 Moderately Performing

1 1.00 -1.49 Not Performing

For School Heads

1. Extent of the stakeholders’ involvement in the school programs. Kindly click the box that
corresponds to your answer.

1.1 Instructional Development 4 3 2 1

Very Active Moderately Inactive
Active Active
1. Preparation and planning for the
School Improvement Plan (SIP)
towards the attainment of the
Schools’ goals, objectives and
targets in terms of instructional
2. Sharing of fruitful observations,
ideas, suggestions and
recommended solutions to address
the needs for the instructional
3. Orientation and conduct of school
campaigns and activities intended
for instructional
4. Discussion on the proposed
implementation of learning
modalities, remedial sessions,
research, innovation and activities
that improve the quality of learning.
5. Planning of trainings and
workshops towards improved
classroom instruction and effective
6. Preparation of school budget Ex.
School Annual Procurement Plan
for Instructional Development
7. Acceptance and performance of
tasks and responsibilities towards
the realization of crafted SIP
pertaining to instructional
8. Making of instructional materials for
effective execution of appropriate
lessons plans and implementation
of innovations and remedial
9. Participation in the instructional
trainings/workshops and other
related activities like module writing
and sharing of teaching strategies
10. Administration of actual healthy
competitions, talent exposition, pro
creative and worthy activities that
develop critical thinking and
improve learners' skills
1.2 Physical Development
1. Pre-evaluation of physical
facilities in terms of
functionality, accessibility,
capacity and needed related
2. Preparation and planning of
School Improvement Plan (SIP)
intended for physical facilities
3. Participation in the ocular
inspection and taking part in the
discussion of physical
development programs such as
needed repairs, maintenance
and beautification
4. Participation in the provision of
the needed materials and
supplies for repairs and
improvement through
partnership and linkages
5. Participation in the launching
and implementation of Brigada
6. Implementation of the
SDRRMS advocacies and
safety guidelines
7. Implementation of Wash in the
School (WINS), Food
Production Area and proper
usage of facilities following the
recommended health protocols
and precautionary safety
8. Maintenance of cleanliness and
orderliness such as waste
segregation, basura ko, uwi ko,
tapat ko linis ko!
9. Taking part in the
implementation of health
protocols in terms of the
physical areas of the school
10. Monitoring and supervision of
cleanliness, orderliness, safety
and functionality of the facilities
1.3 Values Development
1. Preparation of the values
development plan for the learners,
parents and teachers
2. Making decisions on the choice of
learning programs, advocacies and
activities that will promote positive
3. Sharing of experience, worthy, and
values related experiences, ideas and
insights towards the improvement of
learners’ values
4. Participation in the strategic planning
for workshops and trainings regarding
values development
5. Participation in the implementation of
programs and activities regarding
values development of the school such
as in Family Day, Children’s Day,
Recollection, Team Building, Reach out
programs for indigent families,
scouting, clean and green cachet, and
community outreach programs
6. Participation in the trainings and
related activities that are intended for
values development
7. Monitoring what is good and righteous
8. Participation in the assessment of
values of learners by school made self-
assessment tool
9. Participation in the making of future
plans based from the result of
assessment tool to address the needs
of the learners in terms of values
10. Giving quality time in correcting
learners’ manner of speaking, thinking
and actuations in a possible way


Direction: Kindly check the box that corresponds to your answer. Please follow the following
Scale Verbal Interpretation
4 Highly Performing
3 Performing
2 Moderately Performing
1 Not Performing

1.1 Instructional Development 4 3 2 1

Highly Performing Moderately Not
Performing Performin Performing
1. Students’ Achievement

Average Final Achievement Test

Result for the last three
consecutive years
(SYs 2020-2021, 2021-2022,

5- 96-100
4- 91-95
3- 81-90
2- 71-80
1- 70 and below
2. School Awards/
Recognition (Division,
Regional and National
Awards only)

a. Brigada Eskwela
b. Outstanding SBM
c. Outstanding SBM WiNS
d. Outstanding School
Principal Awardee
e. Gulayan sa Paaralan
f. Outstanding School

4- achieved all mentioned

above awards
3 – achieved at least 4-5
2 – achieved 1-3 awards
1 – achieved no awards
at all


For SBM Coordinators and School Partnership Coordinators

1. Extent of the stakeholders’ involvement in the school programs. Kindly click the box that
corresponds to your answer.

1.1 Instructional Development 4 3 2 1

Very Active Moderately Inactive
Active Active
11. Preparation and planning for the
School Improvement Plan (SIP)
towards the attainment of the
Schools’ goals, objectives and
targets in terms of instructional
12. Sharing of fruitful observations,
ideas, suggestions and
recommended solutions to address
the needs for the instructional
13. Orientation and conduct of school
campaigns and activities intended
for instructional
14. Discussion on the proposed
implementation of learning
modalities, remedial sessions,
research, innovation and activities
that improve the quality of learning.
15. Planning of trainings and
workshops towards improved
classroom instruction and effective
16. Preparation of school budget Ex.
School Annual Procurement Plan
for Instructional Development
17. Acceptance and performance of
tasks and responsibilities towards
the realization of crafted SIP
pertaining to instructional
18. Making of instructional materials for
effective execution of appropriate
lessons plans and implementation
of innovations and remedial
19. Participation in the instructional
trainings/workshops and other
related activities like module writing
and sharing of teaching strategies
20. Administration of actual healthy
competitions, talent exposition, pro
creative and worthy activities that
develop critical thinking and
improve learners' skills
1.2 Physical Development
11. Pre-evaluation of physical
facilities in terms of
functionality, accessibility,
capacity and needed related
12. Preparation and planning of
School Improvement Plan (SIP)
intended for physical facilities
13. Participation in the ocular
inspection and taking part in the
discussion of physical
development programs such as
needed repairs, maintenance
and beautification
14. Participation in the provision of
the needed materials and
supplies for repairs and
improvement through
partnership and linkages
15. Participation in the launching
and implementation of Brigada
16. Implementation of the
SDRRMS advocacies and
safety guidelines
17. Implementation of Wash in the
School (WINS), Food
Production Area and proper
usage of facilities following the
recommended health protocols
and precautionary safety
18. Maintenance of cleanliness and
orderliness such as waste
segregation, basura ko, uwi ko,
tapat ko linis ko!
19. Taking part in the
implementation of health
protocols in terms of the
physical areas of the school
20. Monitoring and supervision of
cleanliness, orderliness, safety
and functionality of the facilities
1.3 Values Development
11. Preparation of the values
development plan for the learners,
parents and teachers
12. Making decisions on the choice of
learning programs, advocacies and
activities that will promote positive
13. Sharing of experience, worthy, and
values related experiences, ideas and
insights towards the improvement of
learners’ values
14. Participation in the strategic planning
for workshops and trainings regarding
values development
15. Participation in the implementation of
programs and activities regarding
values development of the school such
as in Family Day, Children’s Day,
Recollection, Team Building, Reach out
programs for indigent families,
scouting, clean and green cachet, and
community outreach programs
16. Participation in the trainings and
related activities that are intended for
values development
17. Monitoring what is good and righteous
18. Participation in the assessment of
values of learners by school made self-
assessment tool
19. Participation in the making of future
plans based from the result of
assessment tool to address the needs
of the learners in terms of values
20. Giving quality time in correcting
learners’ manner of speaking, thinking
and actuations in a possible way

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