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(An Autonomous Institution, Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai)
Eighth Semester
Degree/Branch: B.TECH/B.E/IT/CSE/ECE
Subject code: 191HS801 Subject Name: Professional ethics in Engineering
Question Bank
Unit - I
PART –A (Objective Type – 1 Marks)
K1-Remember, K2-Understand, K3-Apply, K4-Analysis, K5-Evaluation, K6- Creativity
Sl.No. Questions CO levels
1. The term.....................................refers to principles, values
and beliefs that define right and wrong behavior.
CO1.1 K1
(a) Customer satisfaction (b) Empowerment (c) Innovation
(d) Ethics
2. Truthfulness in marketing communications is an example of
(a) Ethics (b) Business ethics (c) Marketing ethics CO1.1 K1
(d) Corporate Social Responsibility
3. Which are the following beliefs and attitudes we have
that can actually conflict with our ethical decisions? CO1.1 K1
(a) Morals (b) Principles (c) Virtues (d) Values
4. Human values are .
(a) Right conduct (b) Peace(c) Truth CO1.1 K1
(d) all the above mentioned
5. Which is the welfare principles enunciated by the wise
people, based on their experience and wisdom? CO1.1 K1
(a) Morals (b) Ethics (c) Values (d) Morality
6. Which is defined as the unity of thought, word and deed
(honesty) and open mindedness? CO1.2 K1
(a) Morals (b) Ethics (c) Values (d) Integrity
7. Pick out the correct one, lays a moral and meaningful
foundation for life. CO1.2 K1
(a) Ethics (b) Integrity (c) Work (d) morals
8. Ethics & Law overlap. This is called…
CO1.2 K1
(a) Yellow area (b) White area (c) Black area (d) Grey area
9. are the moral duties and rights, as a citizen of the
village or the country (a) Work ethics (b) duty ethics CO1.3 K1
(c) civic virtue (d) service learning
10. Which of these is a factor that affects ethical and
unethical behavior?
CO1.3 K1
(a) Ethical dilemma (b) Diversity (c) Teamwork
(d) Open communication
11. If you don’t have............................................, you can really
get in trouble for lying, cheating or deceiving others. CO1.4 K1
(a) Communication (b) Cooperation (c) Honesty
(d) Integrity
12. Choose the following option that includes showing respect to
the feelings of others, and also respecting and preserving the
CO1.4 K1
interests of all others concerned.
(a) live peacefully (b) caring (c) be honest (d) be courage
13. Which of this is a second stage of moral development?
(a) Principled (b) Conventional (c) Pre conventional CO1.4 K1
(d) None of the above
14. A personality measure of the strength of a
person's convictions is called .
CO1.4 K1
(a) Locus of control (b) Ego (c) Ego Strength (d) None of
the above
15. Honesty is a virtue, and it is exhibited in which aspects
. CO1.4 K1
a) truthfulness (b) happiness (c) awareness (d) comfortness
16. Mention the following skills such as writing, speaking and
body language are important work ethics so that you can be
clear in your messages to others. CO1.5 K1
(a) Communication (b) Cooperation (c) Honesty
(d) Integrity
17. It is important to have a good to be
successful in your career. CO1.5 K1
a) Appearance (b) Attendance (c) Attitude (d) Respect
18. …………………………….is essential at work because you
must be able to work with others, especially if you don’t
always agree with them. CO1.6 K1
(a) Communication (b) Cooperation(c) Honesty
(d) Integrity
19. It is always important to….............................yourself, others
and the place where you work. CO1.6 K1
(a) Appearance (b) Cooperate (c) Communicate (d) Respect
20. a set of principles that people hold
themselves to or that are held by organizations or groups.
CO1.6 K1
(a) code of ethics (b) code of honor (c) ethical perspective
(d) persuasive tactic
21. Pick out the correct person is the ethical person.
CO1.6 K1
(a) moral (b) kind (c) honest (d) virtuous
22. Strong..........................................means that has high sense
of moral and ethical behavior that earns respect of others. CO1.7 K1
(a) Cooperation (b) Confidence (c) Attitude (d) Character
23. It is important to be at work……………………………….
every day and on time unless you are sick or have a
CO1.7 K1
family emergency.
(a) Appearance (b) Attendance (c) Attitude (d) Respect
24. Some jobs cannot be done alone and some can be done
much better and faster if you possess the quality of
CO1.7 K1
…………......(a) Responsibility (b) Respect (c) Teamwork
(d) Cooperation
25. Having..................................................means you can be
trusted to do what you are expected to do at work
CO1.7 K1
(a) Responsibility (b) Respect (c) Teamwork
(d) Cooperation
26. Choose the following option that includes creativity,
communication, recognition of the individual as human
CO1.7 K1
(a) Spirituality (b)Honesty (c) Individuality d)Charity
27. Strong..........................................means that has high sense
of moral and ethical behavior that earns respect of others. CO1.8 K1
(a) Cooperation (b) Confidence (c) Attitude (d) Character
28. Which is the following ability to commit to doing what
is right no matter the situation? CO1.8 K1
(a) Dedication (b) Drive (c) Devotion (d) Morale
29. Mention the degree to which others can depend on us. Like
reputation, it can take a lifetime to build and only seconds to
destroy. CO1.8 K1
(a) Likability (b) Persuasiveness (c) Reliability
(d) Eloquence
30. Which are the following may be defined as the non-paid
activity? CO1.8 K1
(a) Service learning (b) ethics (c) non-violence (d) integrity

PART – B (4 × 4 = 16 Marks)
Answer to a question shall not exceed 1 page.
Sl.No. Questions CO levels
1. How will you increase one’s ability to deal effectively with
CO1.1 K2
moral complexity in engineering practice?
2. Describe how an integrity person will be? CO1.2 K2
3. The good will reflects on the originator and multiplies
CO1.3 K2
itself on everybody. Justify your answer using principles.
4. Outline honesty and explain different aspects of honesty. CO1.4 K1
5. Outline caring for the environment (including the fauna
CO1.4 K1
and flora), andwhich is necessity for our survival?
6. Consider an employee has put more effort and has given a
quality output. If you are his/her team lead how will you CO1.5 K2
appreciate and motivate him?
7. How to improve your commitment at work? CO1.6 K2
8. Why empathy is most important to a business? CO1.6 K3
9. Is self-respect and self-esteem same? If not, in what aspects
CO1.7 K4
both differs?
10. Describe how yoga improves physical, mental, intellectual,
and spiritual health in human and outline the clinical CO1.8 K2
significance of yoga.
11. If you are professional accountant, how will you follow the
principles suggested by ICAI?
CO1.9 K4
12. How does the audit strategy would be helpful to the auditor? CO1.10 K3

PART - C (2 x 12 = 24 Marks)
Answer to a question shall not exceed 3 Pages.

Sl.No. Questions CO levels

1. Why human values are important to a life? Explain. CO1.1 K2
2. Why service learning is important? Explain the
CO1.2 K2
characteristics of service learning.
3. Compare caring and sharing. Explain how does ethics help
CO1.4 K3
you to live peacefully?
4. Brief out the complex ethical dimensions surrounding the
Bhopal gas tragedy, emphasizing the need for responsible
corporate behavior, effective government regulation, and CO1.6 K4
international cooperation to prevent and address industrial
5. Distinguish spirituality with others and focus its importance
in ethics. CO1.7 K3
6. Analyze the role of Yoga and meditation in the field of
CO1.8 K4
professional excellence and stress management.
7. Outline the scope and functions of AASB. Illustrate the
procedure for issuing auditstandards and Quality Control and CO1.9 K2
Engagement Standards.
8. How will you tackle the audit plan of your company, and
apply a series of verification procedures to your financial
statements and accounts for the purpose of obtaining CO1.10 K4
sufficient evidences to express an informed are optimum

1 Which of the following is the lack of promotion or career CO2.1 K2
development policies or denied promotions?
(a)Attitude (b)Opportunity (c) Resource Crunch (d)Over-
2 concepts are discussed when normative and conceptual CO2.1 K2
issues are closely interconnected?
(a)Massive (b)Intellectual (c)Theoretical (d)Moral
3 Choose the one which is unable to choose between two good CO2.1 K1
moral solutions.
(a)Vagueness (b)Conflicting reasons (c) Disagreement
(d)Refuse bribe
4 Alternate courses of action is generate to resolve the CO2.2 K2
(a)Obligations (b)Experience (c)Dilemma (d) Ethics
5 Moral autonomy means CO2.2 K1
(a)Self-determinant (b)Constant (c)Dependent (d)Profitability
6 At the post-conventional level, people are called as CO2.2 K2
(a)Conventional level (b)Autonomous (c)Individual (d)Pre-
7 It seeks to identify and justify the morally-desirable norms or CO2.2 K2
standards that should guide individuals and groups.
(a)Normative Inquiry (b) Conceptual Inquiry (c) Descriptive
Inquiry (d)Factual Inquiry
8 It is aimed to obtain facts needed for understanding and CO2.2 K1
resolving value issues.
(a)Normative Inquiry (b)Conceptual Inquiry (c)Descriptive
Inquiry(d)Factual Inquiry
9 Choose the correct one to define as decisions and actions CO2.2 K1
exercised on the basis of moral concern for other people and
recognition of good moral reasons.
(a)Moral integrity (b) Moral value (c) Moral quality (d)Moral
10 In which theory men give importance to moral rule? CO2.3 K1
(a)Kohlberg’s Theory (b)Carol Gilligan’s Theory
(c)Darwin’s theory(d)Rigid theory
11 Who is a professional should analyze the problem in specific CO2.3 K1
known area, in an objective manner?
(a) Advanced expertise (b) Self-regulation (c) Public good
(d)Professional societies
12 Entry into the profession requires an extensive period of CO2.4 K1
training of intellectual and moral character
(a)Knowledge and Skills (b) Extensive Training (c)Monopoly
13 A commitment to moral actions (primary obligation to protect the CO2.4 K2
safety of the human beings and respect their rights) .
(a)Conscientious (b)Blameworthy (c)Obligations
14 Which of the following leads to through time limits, availability CO2.4 K2
of money or budgetary constraints, and technology decay or
(a)Opportunity (b)Attitude (c)Resource Crunch (d)Working
15 According to which theory, men had a tendency to solve CO2.4 K1
problems by applying abstract moral principles.
(a)Gilligan’s Theory (b)Kohlberg’s Theory (c) Monopoly Theory
(d)Autonomy theory
16 Which of the following virtues has characteristic of Wisdom CO2.5 K1
(prudence), courage (fortitude), temperance and justice?
(a)Cardinal virtues (b)Proficiency virtues (c)Team-work virtues
(d)Public-spirited virtues
17 The capacity to understand and act on moral reasons is called CO2.5 K1
as . a)Accountability (b)Accountability (c)Obligation
18 What is the role of the engineer as to save the society from CO2.6 K1
poverty, illiteracy, wastage, inefficiency and ill health?
(a)Guardian (b)Bureaucratic Servant (c)Saviour(d)Social Enabler
19 Which of the following is one who exhibits social responsibility? CO2.6 K1
(a)Social Servant (b) Bureaucratic Servant (c)Guardian (d)Saviour
20 Who implies knowledge to protect us from disease and restores CO2.6 K1
(a)Psychiatrist (b)Physicians (c)Cardiologist (d)Dentist
21 Controller of Examinations cannot be held legally responsible, CO2.6 K1
although he is Responsible.
(a)Moral (b)Self (c)Private (d)All the above
22 Choose the section for the engineer who has a responsibility to CO2.7 K1
make regular in a factory shops.
(a)Safety (b)Production (c)Maintenance (d)Quality
23 When accountability for wrong actions or results is at issue, CO2.7 K2
responsibility is known as .
(a)Praiseworthiness (b)Liability (c)Accountability (d) General
Moral Capacity
24 Being sensitive to full range of moral values and responsibilities CO2.7 K1
(a)Accountability (b)Conscientiousness (c)Obligations
(d)Corporate responsibility
25 Which of the following virtue is the one to maintain the personal CO 2.8 K1
(a)Self-control(b)Self-discipline (c)Self-interest (d)Self-
26 Virtues are fundamental and necessary in exercising moral CO2.8 K1
responsibility is known as .
(a)Self-direction (b) Team-work (c)Proficiency virtues
(d)Cardinal virtues
27 Primary responsibility implies duty with care and efforts which CO2.8 K2
represents to
(a)General Moral Capacity (b)Obligations (c) Accountability
(d)Characteristic Quality
28 It consists of assigned tasks at the place of employment and CO2.9 K1
achieving the objectives.
(a)Moral Responsibility (b)Causal Responsibility (c) Legal
Responsibility (d)Job Responsibility
29 Which concerted efforts in the job should be towards CO2.9 K2
promotion of the welfare, safety, and health of the public?
(a)Advanced expertise (b)Self-regulation (c)Public good
30 Which reduce low morale of the employees because of CO2.9 K2
dissatisfaction and downsizing?

(a)Absence of grievance (b)Lack of transparency (c)Poor attitude

(d)Lack of promotion


1 “An inspector discovered faulty construction equipment and CO2.1 K1

applied a violation tag, preventing its continued use. The
inspector’s supervisor, a construction manager, viewed the case as
a minor infraction of safety regulations and ordered the tag
removed so the project would not he delayed. The inspector
objected and was threatened with disciplinary action.” The case of
inspector told to ignore rules.
Illustrate moral issue on your view for given scenario.
2 Discuss in detail on the ethical behavior of an individual, is it same CO2.1 K4
when he is “alone or in a Group of company” and “Should ethics
be prompted or imposed”.
3 “Most of us agree that the dogmatic teaching of ethics can threaten CO2.2 K4
exercises of moral autonomy”. Does this mean that college teachers
should withhold expression of their own views on moral issues?
4 “When, if ever should engineers be expected to blow the whistle on CO2.2 K1
dangerous practices of the employers for whom they work?”
This question comes under which type of inquiries and explains it.
5 Respond to the following argument. “The primary goal of a course CO2.2 K4
on engineering ethics ought to be to have students master the
standards of professional conduct specified in the major
engineering codes of ethics. This is because the codes are
formulated by the engineering societies which officially speak for
the engineering professional on moral issues. Encouraging
engineers to think
autonomously threatens to produce chaos within organizations.”
7 Present and defend your view about Heinz’s dilemma. Should CO2.3 K4
Heinz have stolen the drug in order to help his wife? Also, using
the dilemma as a focus, explain whether you find Kohlberg’s
8 Present and defend your view about Heinz’s dilemma. Should CO2.4 K4
Heinz have stolen the drug in order to help his wife? Also,
using the
dilemma as a focus, explain whether you find Gilligan’s theory
more illuminating as an account of morally reasoning about the
9 Compare the motives for professionalism and the models for CO2.6 K2
professional engineers.
10 Mention the positive and negative implications of each of the CO2.6 K4
following models for engineers: (1) saviour, (2) guardian (3)
bureaucratic servant, (4) social servant, (5) social enabler and
catalyst, and (6) game player.
11 Distinguish accountability and Voluntary action. CO2.7 K1
12 People always act on their own desires; therefore they always seek CO2.8 K2
something for themselves, name the satisfaction of their desires.
Justify psychological egoism.
13 What different tests are needed to evaluate ethical theories? CO2.9 K1


1 Cite examples of ethical problems that can arise in the production CO2.1 K4
of a new type of motor bicycle as it passes through the stages of
design, manufacture, testing, sales and service. Use your
imagination in
developing the details of at least one problem at each stage.
2 Ruth has been assigned to a local mental health hospital for her CO2.2 K4
internship to work with patients who are preparing to be
discharged. It is her first day at the site and she is meeting with her
site supervisor. He gives her a form to fill out, which asks for
information regarding her student malpractice insurance. When
Ruth tells her supervisor that she does not carry such insurance, he
advises her that it is their policy not to accept any student who
does not have insurance. The supervisor also expresses some
surprise because this has always been the hospital’s policy and
Ruth is not the first student to be assigned to them from her training
List out moral issue faced by Ruth.
3 Present and defend your view concerning what is objectionable CO2.3&C K4
about cheating, whether in the form of cheating on exams, O2.4
plagiarism in essay Present writing, copying someone else’s
homework, or in other essay writing, copying someone else’s
homework, or in other ways misrepresenting one’s work. What
parallels do you see between classroom cheating and dishonesty
within a business
context (for example, using stolen software)?
4 Interview one or more persons practicing engineering. Ask each of CO2.5 K4
them to describe a moral problem they have confronted. Is the
problem they describe a moral dilemma? If so, explain which
competing moral obligations, ideals, or principles are involved and
how you would have resolved it.
5 Locate and read a complete work of fiction or fictionalized history CO2.6 K4
in which the subject matter is related to engineering and in which
the plot involves a moral dilemma. Then write an essay in which
you (1) discuss the origin and nature of the dilemma, and (2)
explain whether
or not you agree with how the person involved resolved the
dilemma, giving reasons for your opinion.
6 Sketch a rule-utilitarian justification of the special safety CO2.7 K4
obligations of engineers listed in the National Society of
Professional Engineering code. What would act-utilitarianism have
to say about
7 “The custom of some Eskimos and American Indians was to leave CO2.8 K4
their elderly to die, once they became unable to travel with the
group in looking for new sources of food and unable to find
protection from harsh winters. The groups lived under harsh
conditions, and the elderly consented to the practice” Based on
the above Scenarios
discuss the relevance on the duty ethics and right ethics.
8 “If you are finding an article in a current newspaper or magazine CO2.9 K4
that raises a moral issue in engineering. State the issue in your own
words, making clear why you view it as a moral one”. How the
problem might be approached and resolved by drawing on
utilitarianism, duty ethics, and right ethics?

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