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(i) The Superposition theorem states that in a linear electric circuit with multiple independent sources,
the total current or voltage across any component is the algebraic sum of the currents or voltages
produced by each source acting alone while the other sources are turned off.

(ii) Kirchhoff's laws for an electric circuit are:

1. Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL): The algebraic sum of currents at any junction (or node) in an electric
circuit is equal to zero. Mathematically, it can be expressed as ΣI = 0, where ΣI represents the sum of
currents at the node.

2. Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL): The sum of the electromotive forces (emfs) and the products of
currents and resistances in any closed loop of an electric circuit is equal to zero. Mathematically, it can
be expressed as ΣE - Σ(IR) = 0, where ΣE represents the sum of emfs in the loop, Σ(IR) represents the sum
of voltage drops due to resistances in the loop.


(i) To find the current in each battery when connected in parallel, you can use the formula:

I = (E / (r + R)), where I is the current, E is the emf, r is the internal resistance, and R is the external
resistance (802 ohms in this case).

(ii) To find the terminal voltage, you can use:

V_terminal = E - Ir, where V_terminal is the terminal voltage, E is the emf, I is the current, and r is the
internal resistance.

(c) When maximum power is transferred to the load resistor in a DC generator, the internal resistance r
of the generator matches the load resistor R. Mathematically, it can be expressed as r = R.

Question Two:


(i) Four uses of capacitors are:

1. Energy storage in electronic devices.

2. Filtering and smoothing of voltage signals.

3. Timing components in oscillators and timers.

4. Coupling and decoupling in signal processing.

(ii) Two types of fixed capacitors commonly used are ceramic capacitors and electrolytic capacitors.

(iii) When two capacitors are connected in series, the resultant capacitance (C_total) can be calculated

1 / C_total = 1 / C1 + 1 / C2, where C1 and C2 are the capacitances of the individual capacitors.

(b) Three factors that affect the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor are:

1. Area of the plates (A): Capacitance is directly proportional to the surface area of the plates.

2. Distance between the plates (d): Capacitance is inversely proportional to the separation distance
between the plates.

3. Permittivity of the dielectric material (ε): Capacitance is directly proportional to the permittivity of
the material between the plates.

(c) To find the potential difference (p.d) across each capacitor when connected in series to a 600V DC
supply, you can use the formula for capacitors in series:

1 / C_total = 1 / C1 + 1 / C2

First, calculate the total capacitance (C_total), then use it to find the p.d across each capacitor:

V1 = (C1 / C_total) * 600V

V2 = (C2 / C_total) * 600V

Substitute the values of C1 (20uF) and C2 (30uF) into these formulas to calculate V1 and V2.

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