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PUB 124
• It is a separation of three main
spheres of government,
and Judiciary.

Doctrine of Separation of Powers 6/9/2020




Dr. Shillingi, Venance(PhD) Legislative authority – Is the

BPA-PSM; MBA-CM; PhD BA-SM power to make, amend and repeal
School of Public Admin. & Mgt (SOPAM)
Mzumbe University
E-mail: or Executive authority – Is the power
Mobile: 0715885676/0787885676 to execute and enforce law.

Doctrine of Separation of Powers 6/9/2020 Doctrine of Separation of Powers 6/9/2020


The doctrine means that Judicial authority – Is the power;

specific functions, duties and if there is a dispute, to determine
responsibilities are allocated to what the law is and how it should be
distinctive institutions with a applied in the disputes.
defined means of competence
and jurisdiction.
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"It may be too great a temptation for
the humane frailty, apt to grasp at
The doctrine of separation of powers powers, for the same persons who have
means ordinarily that if one of the three power of making laws, to have also
spheres of government is responsible for in their hands the power to execute
the enactment of law, that body shall them, whereby they may exempt
not also be charged with their themselves from the law, both in its
execution or with judicial decision
making and execution to their own
about them.
private advantage”
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Executive authority, it is not

supposed to enact law or to administer
It is clear that he was
justice advocating the division of
Judicial authority should not enact government functions into
or execute laws.
However, case laws (precedent) is an
legislative, executive and
exception for the judiciary judicial.
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The origin of the doctrine of

separation of powers

oThe modern design of the doctrine of However it is the French philosopher

separation of powers is to be found in (jurist) Montesquieu (1689–1755)
the constitutional theory of John who is usually credited with the first
Locke (1632-1704). formulation of the doctrine of
separation of powers.
oHe wrote in his second treaties of
Civil Government as follows:
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• Montesquieu recognized the three ii. The principle of separation of
basic pillars of state authority, personnel,
which includes the executive, which requires that the power of legislation,
legislature and the judicial administration and adjudication be vested in
functions; three distinct organs of state authority;

• These functions ought to vest in  and that each one of those organs be staffed
with different officials and employees,
three distinct governmental organs
that is to say, a person serving in the one
with, in each instance, different
organ of state authority is disqualified from
office bearers. serving in any of the others.
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iii.The principle of the separation of

He supported his argument by saying: functions which demands that:
• every organ of state authority be entrusted
‘All would be in vain if the same person,
with its appropriate functions only,
or the same body of officials, be it the
the legislature ought to legislate,
nobility or the people, were to exercise
these three powers: that of making the executive to confine its activities to
administering the affairs of the state,
laws, that of executing the public
resolutions, and that of judging the judiciary to restrict itself to the function
of adjudication.
crimes or disputes of individuals’.
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Montesquieu four basic principles:

iv. The principle of checks and balance,

requires that;
i. The principle of trias politica,
each organ of state authority be entrusted
which simply requires a formal
with special powers designed to keep a
distinction to be made between the check on the exercise of functions by the
legislative, executive and others in order that the equilibrium in the
judiciary components of the state distribution of powers may be upheld.
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The main objectives of the doctrine of separation of There is no liberty if the judicial power be
powers not separated from the legislative and
The main objective of the doctrine is If Judiciary is joined with the legislative,
to prevent the abuse of power the life and liberty of the subject would be
within different spheres of exposed to arbitrary control; for the judge
government. would be then the legislator.
In our constitutional democracy, If Judiciary is joined to the executive
public power is subject to power, the judge might behave with
constitutional control. violence and oppression.
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Checks and balances on the doctrine of

separation of powers

Different spheres of government

The purpose of checks and balances is
should act within their boundaries.
to ensure that different branches of
The courts are the ultimate guardian of our government control each other
constitution, they are duty bound to internally (checks) and serve as
protect it whenever it is violated. counter weights to the power possessed
by the other branches (balances).
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• Montesquieu said in this regard:

If legislative and executive powers are Simply put, the aim of separation of
united in the same person, or in the functions and personnel is to limit
same body of magistrates there can be the power;
no liberty; because apprehensions the purpose of checks and balances is
may arise, lest the same monarch or to make the branches of government
parliament should enact tyrannical
accountable to each other.
laws, to execute them in a tyrannical
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Part of the reason is to enable the
The most conspious example of a legislative assembly to call on the
check is the power of the judiciary to Ministers, as members of the assembly, to
review executive conduct and explain and account directly for the way
ordinary laws for the compliance in which a statute is executed and other
with the Constitution and the Bill of executive functions performed.

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Relationship between the legislature and executive Checks and balances: legislature over executive

The doctrine of separation of powers

dictates that the same person should
The Executive derives its power from
not be a member of both the
legislature and the executive. the legislation and the Constitution.
The executive should not make laws The courts may declare invalid any
and the legislature should not execute exercise of power by the executive that
laws, through the same person is not authorized by law.
operating in both spheres.
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Legislation is passed by the legislature

and may be amended or repealed by the
In Tanzania context, there is no legislature.
separation of personnel between the The Constitution may also be amended by
legislature and the executive. Parliament.
In practice the power of the executive are
For instance, Ministers are also member
determined and may be circumscribed by
of Parliament. the legislature.
Also, Parliament is made-up of the • Authorization of budget,
• scrutiny of Government expenditure;
President and National Assembly. • and questioning the Government in Parliament to account
for its actions.
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Checks and balances: executive over Judicial functions performed by
legislature the executive

In order to provide greater access to

The executive is ultimately justice, judicial functions are increasingly
responsible for the execution and entrusted to other tribunals, such as the
administration of all the legislation. Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration
The President must assent to and sign (CMA) established in terms of the
Bills before they become law. Employment and Labour Relations Act
Other tribunals such as land tribunals
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Relationship between the executive and the Checks and balances: executive over
judiciary judiciary
In principle, the executive should not
resolve legal disputes between The executive is mandated to execute
individuals and the judiciary should court orders, since the judiciary does
not execute laws or their own orders. not have the power or personnel to do
so (courts & police).
In many instances the doctrine of
separation of powers is the fountain of Executive in fact appoints judges but
the independence of the judiciary. cannot remove them.
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Checks and balances: the judiciary over the


Independence requires that, the The judiciary may review the conduct
judges should be impartial in the of the executive either in terms of the
sense that requires absence of common law or statutory law.
interference at an institutional level The judiciary also swears in members
and at the level of decision-making of the executive when they assume
by each judge. office.
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The legal principle or rules are applied to
The Judiciary stands between the facts in order to resolve disputes,
citizens and the state as a balance precedents are created and, in effect,
against executive excesses or abuse of new rules are formulated.
power, transgression of constitutional or This are called case laws

legal limitations by the Executive as well However, courts do not and should not
make law in any other situation.
as the Legislature.
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Relationship between the Checks and balances: legislative

legislature and the judiciary over judiciary

No one should be a member of a If a court declares a statute invalid, in

legislature and the judiciary. theory, parliament may amend the
constitution to undo the court’s decision.
Legislature should not fulfil
However, the legislation should not itself
judicial functions and the judiciary
be invalid for unconstitutionality.
should not make laws
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Judiciary law-making

The foundational principle is that

courts apply the law and do not make
it. The courts, in order to function
properly, need sufficient funds which
It has been stated, however, and it is
are awarded as part of the budget by
generally accepted, that courts in
the National Assembly.
fact do make law.
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Checks and balances: judicial
over legislative Independence of the judiciary mainly consists of
the following important elements:
i. Security of judges tenure;
Depending on their jurisdiction, may declare any ii. Security of their emoluments
law which is inconsistent with the Constitution iii. None interference by the executive in the affairs
invalid. of the court; and
All Acts and decisions of Parliament are subject iv. Immunity of judges and magistrates from
to the Constitution and therefore to the review prosecution and litigation.
power of the courts.

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This is the reason why judges hold office not at

This is why the Judiciary as the custodian of the pleasure of the executive.
the constitution is empowered to declare an  They cannot be removed except on grounds of
Act of Parliament as unconstitutional and misconduct.
therefore null and void. Also, only by special procedure laid down by the
constitution for removal of judges from office.

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Parliamentary Supremacy or
Independence of the Judiciary sovereignty

Independence of the judiciary is taken as one of

the indicators that a country is democratic. • Laws that had been enacted by the
It is the existence of courts of law commanding Parliament cannot be questioned.
the confidence of the people by their expeditious, This is not possible in countries with written
efficient, firm and impartial dispensation of constitutions incorporating a bill of rights.
justice is desirable, if the laws passed by the In such constitutions a law passed by Parliament
legislature are to be applied and upheld. is subject to the constitution.

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Concluding remarks

The courts are empowered to declare laws Montesquieu’s thinking has served as
unconstitutional where they infringe the sound and brilliant practical
Bill of Rights. guidelines for the prevention of
Therefore in that context what is supreme concentration of power;
is the Constitution and the talk is on the  and its almost inevitable abuse in the
supremacy of the Constitution and not the hands of one individual or institution.
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The principle of sovereignty of Parliament

which is what actually predominant now
means that:
i. The Parliament can legislate on However, it is inherently impossible
anything and its powers are unlimited to achieve an absolute separation.
except by the Constitution; and
This is where space exists for
ii. Once the Parliament has legislated legitimate variation in accordance
nobody can question that law unless it
with peculiar circumstances of each
is against the Constitution.
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The Organs of the state outlined in

the constitution.
Hence, there is no clear-cut
The constitution of Republic of Tanzania, 1977 recognize
the three arms of the state.
demarcation between exercise of
The 1977 Constitution has been amended several times. legislative and executive authority.
The most significant one are the Fifth Amendment,
which incorporated the Bill of Rights in the constitution.
 The overlap, like in many other
The incorporation of the Bill of Rights removed the jurisdictions, is often justified on the
concept of parliamentary supremacy as the courts were basis of the need for effective checks
now enjoined and empowered to declare an Act of
Parliament or part of it as unconstitutional and therefore and balances.
null and void.

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This marks the end of our

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