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eee ee era Indcstor6.1@EQ — Indestor 62) Indicator No. 6.1 - Effectiveness of Internal Audit 0.00 El Gublndieator6.11Q Sub inslestor6.12@ ‘Sub-Indicator 6, Conduct of Internal Audits and Reporting Score oa ‘Scoring Matrix 6.1.1 Instruction: Complete Data Table No, 6.1.1 below, then use assis for determining the appropriate score which corresponds tothe minimum requirement that your Lau has sats Decetiption (04 Inthe immeatatety preceding year internal ucts are conducted consistent wih the LCE approved IAS Annual Au Plan (AAP) and aut reports are prepared nd eubmitted to the LCE within one month after the end af the auc activity. 0.3 Inthe immediately preceding year internal auaits ate conducted as pr the spproved IAS AAP but alt eports are prepated and submited tothe LCE within two months after termination of he aut ati, O.2 Inthe immediately preceding year theres no approved 18S AAP and intemal audits are sparingly conducted 21 Inthe immediately preceding year internal audits are not conducted at al (ot operational AS) DataTable 61.1 lnstuction: Please provide the detlls of the columns using te immesttely preceding years data, eed coer) een) cee eet aed 2 | StategicPlanning ée/mmivayy ddim /ypy 8 a/mmivyyy 1» | Preparation of Annual Aust Plan ym vow ‘sje emmy 0 © | Baseine Assessment of internal cay iy s/o e/mmivryy 4 | Conduct of Compliance Avett armmiyyyy 0 daimmiyyyy eyo yyy © | Conduct of Operational Aut army daimmiyyyy eymmiyyyy |Report ating and submission smn /yyy 4 ddim /ngy de/mm/yryy 5 | ttc fom /vvwy daimmnivvsy a/omivnyy With established Item Audit Service se Encoded: 2023-01-09 16044 [Date Updated: 2023-08-31 19:20:44 JPFM Team Leader: Renante Ponce Approved by: (Not Vet Approved by LOE) een ee) Indicator 6.1 Indicstor 6.2 0.00 E Indicator No. 6.1 - Effectiveness of Internal Audit ‘Sub ndiator 1.1 Sub incicator 6.1.2 — . 7 wath ~ Scoring Matrix 6.1.2 Inetetion: Complete Data Tale No, 6.1.2 below, then use ls Bass for determining the eppropriate score whieh coxtesponds to the minimum requitemeat tht y Lunas satisfied ers 4 Acton by management on intemal aut findings completed WITHIN TEN (10) WORKING DAYS from rect of aut epor. 3. Action by management on internal aut findings completed WITHIN FIFTEEN (15) WORKING DAYS from recep of aut report. ‘Action by management on intemal aul firings completed WITHIN TWENTY(20) WORKING DAYS from receipt of aust report. 1. Action by management on intemal aut findings completed WITHIN TWENTY-FIVE (25) WORKING DAYS from receipt of audit report. 0 Action by management on intemal aut findings competed AFTER TWENTY-FIVE (25) WORKING DAYS fom rccin of ault report DataTable 6.1.2: Using tne preceding years intemal audit reports illin the data table Below, dame yyy 5 ‘dd/mm/ yyy, o damm yyy o ‘dd/mm/yyyy o dd/mm/yyyy o dd/mmi yyy o da /mm/yyyy o dd/mmd yyy o \e Encoded: 2023-01-03 160434 [Date Updated: 2023-05-31 13:33:44 JPFM Team Leader: Renarte Ponce Approved by: (Not Yet Approved by LCE) eye seer ers es ee eee eee Indiostor6.1 GE Indiestor 62 Indicator No. 6.2 - Follow up on external audit — P 0 Subindicator 62.1 @ Sub Indicator 6.22 Sub Indiestor 6.2.3 ‘Sub-Indicator 6.2.1 : Compliance with audit recommendations Score: go Scoring Matrix 6.2.1 Inetrection: Complete Data Table No. 62.1 below then use tas bass for determining the appropiate score which cortespands othe minimum requirement that Lau nas satisied, 4 100% of COA recommendations were implemented 3 Atleast 90% of COA recommendations were implemented 2 Atleast 80% of COA recommendations were implemented 1 Atleast 70% of COA recommendations were implemented o Less than 70% of COA recemmendstions were implemented Data Table 6.21: Instruction: Using the immediately preceding year COA Annual Ault Report (AAR, fl out the dat abl, Use the next preneding year’s COA AAR if the immediately prececing year’s AR sll ot avaiable Te eC et ey Peer ened a ee ee @ cS Cary 1 Encode: 2023-01-03 16:04:34 Date Updated: 2023-08-51 1335-4 JPFM Team Leader: Renante Poroe Approved by (Not Yet Approved by LOE) Pilar of PEM No. 4 Predictability nd Control Budget Execution 9 | Pisof PEM Ha. 5 unting, Recording and Reperting peda eee a Inaicator6.1 GE] naicator6.2@ Indicator No. 6.2 - Follow up on external audit pone I Subiecostor621@ __Svbledeator6:22@ __Subindestor 629 ‘Sub-Indicator 6.2.2: Extent of COA disallowances —E ‘Scoring Matrix 6.2.2 Instruction: Complete DataTable No. 6.2.2 below then use tas basis for determining the appropiate ecore which corresponds tothe memum requlrement L0U has satisteg 4 No dicllowanees inthe COA Annual Aut (ero ancwer to Question ©). 8 Not more than 10% of total expenditures was disallowed inthe COA Annual Aut Not more than 20% of total expenditures was disallowed Inthe COA Annual Aue 1 Not more than 30% of total expenditures was disallowed inthe COA Anrwal Avett ° More than 30% of total expendures was disallowed in te COA Annual Aue Data Table 6.2.2: Instruction: Fil n tems band d. Compute for percentage of total expenditures cisllowed in suct and percentage ofatsallowance seitled. Leiter “e's used for scoring in Scoring Matix no 6.22, whle colurnne" is used for scoring in Scoring Matrix no. 623 Ce conres 42 | Total amount of expencttures in the next preveding year 009 1b | Amount of atsalowances inthe next prececing year per COA Anna ul Report oo ¢ | Sottotal expenditures aiatowed in Aut (= 9) oo 4 | Diselowarces setteain Pesos ow 12 | *ofcicalonances sated (e= 8) ia Encoded: 2023.01.03 160434 [Date Updated: 2023.08.31 13:33:44 |PFM Team Leader: Renante Ponce Approved by: (Not Vet Approved by LCE) Serer ce ee eee et ) er ees fea ara Se is Indicator 6.1 EJ Indicator 6.2 Indicator No. 6.2 - Follow up on external audit 0 Subindleator62.1@ — Subindicstor6.2.2@ Sub ndcator623Q Sub-Indicator 6.2.3 : Magnitude of COA disallowances settled o ‘Scoring Matrix 6.2.3 4 100% of COA clsallowances were settled 3 ‘Atleast 90% of COA dlsallowances were settled 2 At east 80% of COA diselowonces were settled 1 At east 70% of COA disalowanoes wore eatled o less than 70% of COA cisallowances were settled

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