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Yashwantrao Chavan Institute of Polytechnic, Beed

Program Name: E&TC Engg. Program Code: EJ5I Marks: 70
Course Code: 22531 Course Title: CSP Date: 03/11/23
Instructions: i) All Questions are compulsory.
ii) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
iii) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1. Attempt any Eleven.

1. Define Transfer function. (CO-a)

2. Draw the general block diagram of closed loop control system. (CO-a)
3. Define transient response and steady state response for any system. (CO-b)
4. Calculate the order of following system. G(s) = (S+2 )(S+5 )/S (S+3 )(S+4 ) (CO-b)
5. Sketch and label the time response for second order system. (CO-b)
6. Define Delay time & Settling Time. (CO-b)
7. What do you mean by pole? Explain with Example. (CO-b)
8. Define Order of a System. (CO-b)
9. Define Characteristic equation (CO-b)
10. List different modes (types) of process control action. (CO-c)
11. Draw electronic PI controller using Op-amp. (CO-c)
12. Define i) speed of execution ii) Scanning Cycle (CO-d)
13. Name any four output devices used with PLC. (CO-d)
14. Name any four input devices used with PLC. (CO-d)
15. Explain the concept of Sourcing DC input module of PLC in brief. (CO-e)
16. Explain the concept of Sinking DC input module of PLC in brief. (CO-e)

Q1. Attempt any Twelve.

1. Compare Open loop and close loop control system. (CO-a)

2. State & explain any four rules of block diagram reduction technique. (CO-a)
3. Describe linearity property and change of scale Property of Laplace Transform. (CO-a)
4. Apply the block diagram reduction rule to obtain transfer function of the block diagram. (CO-a)
5. What are the different standard test inputs? Draw them & give their Laplace representation. (CO-b)
6. Describe four standard test inputs with mathematical expression & graphical representation. (CO-b)
7. For unity feedback control system G(s) = 100(S+2)/ S^2. Calculate all error constants. (CO-b)
8. Discuss the special cases of Routh’s criterion. (CO-b)
9. Define the following terms related to second order system. (i) Damping
(ii) Damping ratio
(iii) Undamped natural frequency
(iv) Damped frequency (CO-b)
10. For the given transfer function (CO-b)

find i) Poles
ii) Zeros
iii) Characteristics Equation
iv) Pole Zero Plot.
11. Draw & explain process control system. (CO-c)
12. Explain ON-OFF controller with neat diagram. (CO-c)
13. Compare P & I control Action. ( 4 Points). (CO-c)
14. Describe PID controller with neat diagram, output equation and response. (CO-c)
15. Describe Operating cycle of PLC with neat diagram (CO-d)
16. Draw & Explain the block diagram of PLC. (CO-d)
17. Classify Fixed and Modular PLC. (CO-d)
18. Describe discrete AC output modules of PLC with the help of neat diagram. (CO-e)
19. Illustrate the steps for PLC installation. (CO-e)
20. Draw the PLC ladder diagram for two input OR logic gate. (CO-e)
21. Describe Relay instructions for PLC. (CO-e)
22. Develop a ladder diagram for 4:1 Multiplexer. (CO-e)
23. Illustrate PLC timer in detail. (CO-e)

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