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Four Levels of Data

1_ Nominal Level:

Description: At the nominal level, data is categorized into distinct categories or groups with no
inherent order or ranking.
Examples: Gender (male, female), colors (red, blue, green), marital status (single, married,
Statistical Analysis: Frequencies, mode.

2_ Ordinal Level:

Description: In the ordinal level, data is ordered or ranked, but the intervals between categories
are not necessarily equal.
Examples: Educational attainment (high school diploma, bachelor's degree, master's degree),
Likert scale responses (strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, strongly agree).
Statistical Analysis: Frequencies, median, mode, non-parametric tests (e.g., Wilcoxon rank-sum

3_Interval Level:

Description: Data at the interval level is ordered with equal intervals between consecutive
points, but there is no true zero point.
Examples: Temperature measured in Celsius or Fahrenheit, calendar dates.
Statistical Analysis: Mean, standard deviation, parametric tests (e.g., t-test, ANOVA),

4_Ratio Level:

Description: The ratio level includes all the properties of the interval level but with a true zero
point, indicating absence of the quantity being measured.
Examples: Height, weight, time duration, income.
Statistical Analysis: All statistical measures including mean, median, mode, range, standard
deviation, parametric tests, correlation, regression.

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