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Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021) 5666–5674

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Recycling of fly ash for development of value added products

Kanchapogu Suresh
Department of Chemical Engineering, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology Bhopal, Bhopal, 462003, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The present work addressed the maximum quantity of fly ash utilization in raw materials composition to
Received 24 August 2020 fabricate fly ash based ceramic membranes and bricks. The fly ash, TiO2 and CaCO3 materials were iden-
Received in revised form 16 September tified as new composition for the preparation of membrane with fly ash as the major quantity. The slip
casting method was employed for the preparation of both the membrane and bricks. The properties
Accepted 24 September 2020
Available online 31 October 2020
(porosity, chemical and mechanical stability and water absorption capacity) of the membrane and bricks
were estimated and found stable in acidic and basic medium. Mechanical stability of the membrane was
found to be 1.98 MPa. Surface morphology of membrane was identified as defect free and porosity of 39%.
Fly ash
The parametric optimization study was carried out by response surface methodology only for the fly ash
Bricks bricks. The optimal raw material compositions used for bricks fabrication were 59.24 mass % fly ash,
Ceramic membrane 20.76 mass % Cement and 5 mass % sand and at which identified optimal responses of mechanical
Slip casting method strength and water absorption capacity were 9.745 N/mm2 and 10.9%, respectively.
Response surface methodology Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Compressive strength Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Innovations in Clean Energy Technologies.

1. Introduction mum discharge values to restrict concentration of oil in industrial

effluents [15]. Therefore, many researches are suggested effective
Coal burning in the thermal power plants for electrical power technologies like electrocoagulation, de-emulsification process,
generation that produces the millions of tons of fly ash and related coagulation, skimming, dissolved air floatation method, which
by-products [1].The produced fly ash storage and identification of are extensively developed and used for this purpose [16]. Though,
effective recycling method for usage was the current problems many of these methods are not efficient to achieve the standards
faced by the entire world today [2–4]. Therefore, it is urgent need set by pollution control agencies. In the past few years, scientists
to recycle the fly ash to solve environment problems. Hence, indus- were developed ceramic membrane technology for industrial
trialists are looking for various viable alternative ways for fly ash applications of effluent treatment [17]. Ceramic membranes pro-
utilization [5–9]. Fly ash has good properties such as ease of han- vide promising features like chemical, thermal, mechanical stabil-
dling, low carbon content good shear strength, pozzolanic proper- ity, de-fouling characteristics, longer shelf life, membrane flux,
ties, low alkali content, spherical texture, low cost, consistent susceptibility, and separation efficiency [18]. They are widely used
quality and moisture insensitivity this merit caused to effective in pharmaceutical, dairy, food, refinery, beverages, electronic
usage of fly ash for value added production preparation [10–13]. industries [19–21].
Therefore, the primary objective of the present work is develop- Recently, it has been proved that separation of oil from wastew-
ment of fly ash membranes and fly ash bricks by slip casting ater is effective with membrane-based technology [14–18]. Rev-
method. erse osmosis is employed when high pressure is required. In this
The human life is in threat because of highly concentrated case, we will encounter problems like fouling, low permeability.
waste disposal of oil–water emulsions (500–1000 mg/L) into envi- Other methods like nanofiltration, ultrafiltration also have low per-
ronment [14]. Aquatic life is also gets into danger with this effect. meability flux problem. On the other hand, microfiltration is effec-
In order to protect the environment and ecosystems from this tive for the separation and treatment of oil–water emulsions owing
destructive impact, it is necessary to separate oil waste from water. to its low-pressure requirements, higher water permeability. The
Government agencies like pollution control board have set maxi- membranes used in this method should have good pore size distri-
butions and decent average pore sizes. Generally, the cost of mem-
branes is significantly high due to the higher costs of the raw
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2214-7853/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Innovations in Clean Energy Technologies.
K. Suresh Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021) 5666–5674

materials and their sintering temperatures. Therefore, from eco- Where W1 is the Initial weight of the membrane; W2 is the final
nomic perspective, membranes produced from Alumina and Tita- weight of the membrane after keeping in solution. It should be less
nia are not viable for environmental process engineering than 1% to have good chemical stability.
applications. As an alternative for their economic infeasibility, cur- The surface morphology of the fabricated membrane was ana-
rent research proposed fly ash utility to reduce the cost. The main lyzed using micro scope image analysis. The micro scope images
objectives designed for the present work are (i) effective use of fly are obtained at different magnifications and these images are char-
ash for development of membranes and bricks, and (ii) optimiza- acterized to find any holes, cracks and defects on surface of mem-
tion of bricks making raw materials composition by d-optimal mix- brane. Microscopy is conducted to examine the surface
ture model in Response Surface Methodology. morphology using the Microscope instrument. Image software-
based microscope image analysis is further carried out to deter-
2. Materials and methods mine the average membrane pore size. A small piece of membrane
is placed in a microscope. It is adjusted by viewing it carefully.
2.1. Membrane manufacturing and testing methods Then, recorded the surface image by connecting it with computer.
The resulted surface image obtained in the microscope is shown in
The amount of fly ash, TiO2, and CaCO3 materials used for the fab- the Fig. 3. Surface morphology includes the features of surface
rication of the membrane was presented in the table 1 and these roughness, surface porosity, pore shape, thickness and contact
constituents are directly taken without any processing. The binder angle. Strong influence of such parameters on the wetting beha-
used in this work was prepared by mixing 1 gm of poly vinyl alcohol viour of the membranes is found to prove that membrane structure
in the 100 ml of water under constant heating and mixing with a does play a role in membrane wetting. The results suggest prefer-
magnetic stirrer for 10 min. After that, the obtained binder solution able characteristics that can help increase the LEP (Liquid Entry
was filtered with whatman filter paper to remove any foreign parti- Pressure) in hydrophobic membranes. Obviously, the pore size
cles present in it. Finally, the 5 ml of binder was added to powder and the pore size distribution will have a direct influence on the
mixture. In addition, some water was also added so that the whole selectivity and the permeation rate of Nanofiltration, Ultrafiltra-
mixture was maintained thick enough to make membrane as shown tion, and Microfiltration membranes, where pores are most visible.
in the Fig. 1. The required care was taken for the mixture not to dry The roughness parameters are related to the fouling tendency of
when it was in the form of paste. The paste was casted with a definite the Reverse Osmosis/Nanofiltration and Ultrafiltration membranes.
shape on a non-stick cover of alumina foil and placed a chocolate
wrapper between paste and support. 2.2. Fly ash brick manufacturing procedure and testing methods
Then the whole setup was exposed to the sunlight by placing it
where the sunlight at richly available (see Fig. 1). It was recom- The mixture of composition for bricks manufacturing was taken
mended to place in the midday sunlight because the sunlight pen- accordingly the compositions amount mentioned in the Table 2.
etrates whole membrane paste. It was dried until all the moisture After that, the homogeneous mixture was prepared by mixing of
present in it goes out and dried completely. Finally, the dried mem- feed and water in the pan. The process of brick preparation was
brane was obtained after completion of continuous three days of described in Fig. 4. After preparing the homogeneous mixture of
drying. After drying, the paper was removed then membrane was the fly ash brick, then the mixture is fed into the mould and then
placed in a glass plate. Thereafter, the membrane was placed in a entire setup was kept for 2–3 days of normal drying. The same
muffle furnace and sintered at 800 °C for 5 hrs. This was done to was shown in Fig. 4. The green bricks was placed inside the muffle
get hardened membrane and for pore formation. Then the mem- furnace for sintering at 800 °C. The fly ash bricks after furnace heat-
brane was taken out once the furnace cooled down to room tem- ing became hard and possessed good solid structure as shown in
perature. In this way, ceramic membrane is prepared and same the Fig. 4. The same procedure was repeated for all the given 16
as shown in Fig. 1. composition of fly ash bricks fabrication in Table 2.
Chemical stability is the property of the membrane that deter- To obtain the mechanical strength of fly ash brick then applied
mines whether a substance (membrane) reactive towards chemi- certain load on the brick using compression testing machine for
cals, especially in acidic and basic medium. This test was checking the mechanical strength of the fly ash bricks. The testing
conducted with a strong acid and base solutions. The average process illustration was demonstrated in the Fig. 5.
weight loss of membrane was estimated before and after placing Further for checking the chemical stability of the fly ash bricks,
the membrane in the solutions of the base NaOH (14 pH) once initially the bricks were weighed and then placed in the HCl (pH1)
and with acid H2SO4 (1 pH) for one week each. After one week, solution and NaOH solution (pH14) for physical contact in acidic
membrane was taken out and weighed to note the value. The and basic medium Fig. 6.
weight loss data for membranes was used to express its sts stabil- The test specimen was physical contacted with acidic and basic
ity. Experimental setup for finding the chemical stability of the solutions for 7 days. Thereafter, the specimens were taken out from
membrane was depicted in Fig. 2. solutions and measured their final weight. The weight loss
The chemical stability of the membranes were estimated by obtained from test was reported as chemical stability of the bricks.
considering the change in weight of the membrane after being kept If weight loss (%) value is decreases then brick chemical stability
in a particular solution for a week. The formula used for the weight increase.
loss calculations was expressed as The following equation is used for calculating the weight loss (%)
W1  W2 W initial  W final
Weight lossð%Þ ¼  100 ð1Þ Weight lossð%Þ ¼  100 ð2Þ
W1 W initial

Table 1
The raw materials used for the preparation membrane.

Basis (g) Fly ash (g) Titanium dioxide (g) Calcium Carbonate (g) Polyvinyl alcohol (ml)
100 50 20 30 5

K. Suresh Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021) 5666–5674

Fig. 1. The experimental steps involved in the fabrication of membrane (a) composition mixing (b) casting (c) drying in sunlight (d) sauntering (e) sintered shaped

Fig. 3. Surface morphology of the membrane.

Where, W1- is the weight of initial fly ash brick, W2 – is the weight
Fig. 2. Images of chemical stability analysis (a) membrane dipped in NaOH solution of brick after absorbing moisture
(pH 14) (b) membrane immersed in H2SO4 solution (pH1). In present work used the design expert software for validation
of results and analysis of fly ash bricks. Compressive strength
and water absorption are the main two responses on which these
Where, Winitial is the weight of initial fly ash brick; Wfinal is the fly ash bricks made composition mixture were checked at various
weight of final fly ash brick after physical contact. input parameters range. Less compressive strength means it will
Fly ash brick initial weight measured (W1) it is dry weight of have less strength to bear the weight of high buildings. Hence,
brick before it placed in water. Then the brick is placed in water prior to recommend the bricks for construction purposes then
for observing the water absorbing capacity. Then weighed its mois- should be insure about its strength and water absorption quantity.
ture absorbing weight (W2). These values used for measurement of Applied RSM involved d-optimal design mixture model for design
water absorption ratio. Water absorption ratio of the bricks is cal- of experiments. Initially, set the raw materials (Fly ash, cement
culated by using following equation and sand) three input parameters then the corresponding desired
  two responses considered as the compressive strength and water
W1  W2
Water absorptionð%Þ ¼  100 ð3Þ absorption. Experimental results corresponding run of the two
W1 responses were noted. After that checked the predicted values by

K. Suresh Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021) 5666–5674

Table 2
Experimental results at various input parameters and corresponding responses.

Run Component 1 A: Fly ash (%) Component 2B: Cement (%) Component 3C: Sand % Response 1: Compressive Response 2: Water
Strength (N/mm2) absorption (%)
Experimental Predicted Experimental Predicted
1 53.69 26.31 5.00 10.09 10.09 18.10 17.90
2 40.01 30.00 14.99 3.21 3.48 15.10 16.12
3 45.28 30.00 9.72 8.52 8.32 18.70 18.78
4 59.99 20.01 5.00 9.36 9.58 13.30 12.99
5 53.06 20.00 11.94 4.06 5.15 15.60 15.69
6 50.00 30.00 5.00 9.44 9.49 15.70 14.22
7 47.16 22.84 15.00 6.25 7.63 10.90 11.27
8 55.42 22.05 7.53 10.09 8.62 17.90 17.02
9 50.11 25.50 9.39 8.45 9.40 19.50 20.72
10 50.11 20.00 14.89 5.63 4.99 16.20 16.58
11 50.00 30.00 5.00 9.37 9.49 12.63 14.22
12 40.01 30.00 14.99 3.35 3.48 16.80 16.12
13 44.02 26.83 14.14 8.93 7.66 17.60 16.73
14 59.99 20.01 5.00 9.46 9.58 12.40 12.99
15 45.28 30.00 9.72 8.42 8.32 19.20 18.78
16 50.11 20.00 14.89 5.64 4.99 17.10 16.58

Fig. 4. Experimental steps in bricks processing (a) Raw materials mixing (b) Paste formation (c) Slip casting (d) Un-sintered bricks (e) Sintering in furnace (f) Shaped sintered

different analysis given in the software. Similarly, validation of Then, it was immersed in water for 24 h. Subsequently, membrane
experimental and predicted values are analyzed by using various taken out then the outer surface water was wiped using tissue
available model fit. paper. Finally, measured wet weight of the membrane (W2). These
weights were considered for measuring the porosity (e) of the
3. Results and discussion membrane using the following relation.

3.1. Fly ash based ceramic membrane analysis " #

ðw2  w1 Þ  4
e¼ ð4Þ
Archimedes’ principle was adopted to calculate porosity of the qw  p  d2  T
membrane. Initially measured the dry membrane weight (W1).
K. Suresh Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021) 5666–5674

Fig. 5. The steps involved in testing of compressive strength for bricks.

as 0.40%. The results confirmed that the membrane was stable in

the corrosion environment. Therefore this membrane effectively
used for industrial effluent treatment process application.

3.2. Fly ash based bricks analysis

The D-optimal mixture design model was employed for the

optimization of the bricks precursor composition by using Design
Expert software 7. The fly ash, cement and sand were used as the
raw materials for the production of bricks. The weight percentage
of these precursor components was taken as input variables and
optimized the mixture composition in terms of compressive
Fig. 6. The bricks immersed in acidic and basic solution for chemical stability. strength and water absorption as desired responses. The reason
for the selection of D-optimal model was feasibility of variation
of constraints in the total composition range (1–100%). The compo-
Where, W1 is the dry weight of membrane, W2 is the wet weight nents in the mixture can be expressed as either in the weight frac-
and qw is the water density, T is the membrane thickness, e is the tion or weight percentage then the individual components of
membrane volumetric porosity; d is the diameter of the membrane mixture composition was varied in the range of 1 to 100%. Hence
(volume p(d/2)2  T). the present study was focused on the optimization of components
The porosity of the membrane was obtained as 39%. The pres- in mixture by using three parametric with one level D-optimal
ence of the calcium carbonate vulnerable for the high porosity of design models. As a result of this RSM design model total 16 exper-
the membrane because during the sintering process the CaCO3 imental runs was planned with 6 model points. The lack of fit for
was converted to CaO and CO2. The evolved CO2 forms pores in the model was estimated using experimental data among the
the membrane and increase the void volume of the membrane selected 5 data points with corresponded 5 replicate points. The
hence increase porosity. response equations for the compressive strength and water
The microscopic image of the membrane surface is depicted in absorptions were expressed as function of input variables. The gen-
Fig. 3. It reveals that the membrane does not have any defects, eralized expression for the responses were as follows
cracks and pinholes. ImageJ software used and analyzed the mem-
brane pores size, then found pore size as 1.47 mm. Y ¼ f ðX1; X2; X3 . . . :XnÞ ð5Þ
Universal testing machine (Make: Mechatronic Control systems,
India, Model: Mech.CS.UTE, 40 T, specifications as 1 mm of resolu- Where, Y is the response, X1, X2, X3. . . Xn are the input variables.
tion, 25–50 mm range gauge length with 2 mm extension) was The boundary conditions for the input parameters involved in
used to evaluate the mechanical stability of the membrane. The the RSM analysis were set the range of compositional variation
rectangular bar specimen (Specimen Length: 50 mm, Specimen for the individual component as fly ash (40–60%), cement (20–
Thickness: 5 mm, Specimen Width: 5 mm) was undergone bending 30%) and sand (5–15%), respectively. In this manner, the total
method (three point) and measured mechanical strength value as amount of the mixture composition was set as 85% and added
1.98 MPa. remaining amount as water to make total mixture 100%. The tar-
The estimated cost of the membrane was Rs. 6.15 for 100 g sam- geted objectives of the RSM analysis was completed in two steps.
ple, which was determined on the basis of individual raw material In the initial step, the optimization of raw material composition
cost consideration (Fly Ash = Rs. 2, TiO2 = Rs. 3.4 and CaCO3 = Rs. (fly ash, cement and sand) by considering compressive strength
0.75). The price values were according to the market values in and water absorption as the desired response variables. Finally,
2019–2020. Therefore, it was economically feasible to prepare a the data obtained from the design expert software was used for
fly ash-based membrane. conducting the further optimization studies on responses. The data
Chemical stability of the membrane was measured in the acidic obtained for the desired responses from the experimental analysis
medium as 0.29% and in the case of basic medium was determined were presented in the Table 2.
K. Suresh Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021) 5666–5674

Design study analysis was carried out by using d optimal design was cubic model fitness was analysed (F value = 5.76 and
mixture model in RSM approach and generated 16 run data sets. p < 0.0500). The Lack of Fit F-value of 2.38 implies the Lack of Fit
The experimental studies was carried out to estimate the compres- is not significant relative to the pure error. Non-significant lack
sive strength and water absorption of the bricks and the data sets of fit is good. This is the desired the model to fit.
generated through these runs was tabulated in Table 2. The
obtained data reproducibility and impart confidence of the value 3.3. Strength analysis of fly ash bricks
were evaluated at lower standard deviation. The set of data for
the compressive strength and water absorption considered The strength of fly ash bricks were estimated at various input
response variables chosen for model fitting analysis and tested parameters and correspond changes in mixture composition was
and compared the responses at various model present in the soft- observed. The obtained results revealed that the strength and com-
ware. Among available alternate models, the suitable model was position mixture of three raw materials strongly effect the strength
selected on the basis of F-value (high as possible) and p-value of brick. Raw material quantity and particle size also place a role in
(low as possible) [22]. The special cubic model was well fitted improve the strength of brick. Fly ash quantity increases the
model for compressive strength response case and cubic model strength value increases up to a certain value later on then
was considered as best suitable model in water absorption strength decreased. The variation in strengths values with compo-
response variables. Desirable model was decided by the model F- sition was described in the Fig. 7.
value and p-value of responses analyzed then F-value 13.63 The RSM analysis revealed that special cubic model was signif-
implies the model is significant. Lowest p-value (<0.0500) indicate icant model for compressive strength response variable analysis,
model terms are significant. The Lack of Fit F-value of 492.10 the factors AB, AC, AB and ABC were considered as important vari-
implies the Lack of Fit is significant. ables in this model analysis. Considering the primacy of special
For the case of water absorption considered as response vari- cubic model, used these model parameters, the variation in the
able then among all the models then identified the best model compressive strength of the brick with variation in fly ash (A),

Fig. 7. Contour plots for compressive strength analysis (a) Normal residual plot (b) experimental vs predicted (c) 2D analysis plot (d) 3D analysis plot.

K. Suresh Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021) 5666–5674

cement (B) and sand (C) raw material compositions was expressed 3.4. Absorption of water
as the equation:
  Water absorption ratio of bricks decreased by increasing of fly
Compressive Strength N=mm2 ash quantity in mixture up to 59.24 mass%. Where kept the
¼ 0:6734A þ 1:14943B þ 13:1675C  0:03882AB other raw materials in mixture at cement 20.76 mass% and sand
5 mas%. The variation of fly ash components effects the water
 0:3112AC  0:5537BCE þ 0:0126ABC ð6Þ
absorption capacity of the bricks. The effect of fly ash quantity
The model analysis results obtained adequate precision was on water absorption ratio of bricks are depicted in Fig. 8. The
10.108 and adjusted R-Squared and predicted R-Squared values optimal mix percentage of fly ash 59.24 mass%, cement-20.76
were 0.8348 and 0.6898 respectively. Similar values were obtained mass% and sand- 5 mass%, and rest water then obtained strength
for the water absorption case (adjusted value = 0.8962, adequate of brick as 9.745 N/mm2 and water absorption as 10.9%,
precision 9.0432 and Predicted value = 0.7405). respectively.
Data analysis plots (Fig. 7(a) and Fig. 8(a)) of normal distribu- ANOVA analysis results confirms that cubic model was best fit-
tion revealed that normal distribution of data points which are ted model for water absorption as response variable. The results
near to the diagonal straight line confirmed that no non- obtained from ANOVA analysis conveyed that the water absorption
normality of the data points in compressive strength and water variation was complex function of input variables A, B and C. The F
absorption cases. Predicted vs experiment plots (Fig. 7(b) and values of the variables point out that interaction between all con-
Fig. 8(b)), confirms the similarity of the data points of predicted stituents combination was strong for AB, AC, BC, ABC, AB(A–B), AC
and experimental results were observed and suitable of the model (A–C) and BC(B–C), respectively. The response of water absorption
fit was confirmed for the represent of response variables in terms in the function of input variables were expressed in below
input variables composition of fly ash, cement and sand. equation

Fig. 8. contour plots for water absorption analysis (a) Normal residual plot (b) experimental vs predicted (c) 2D analysis plot (d) 3D analysis plot.

K. Suresh Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021) 5666–5674

4. Conclusions

For the first time, the current work deliberated d optimal mix-
ture model based RSM design method for the optimization of raw
material composition of brick to achieve maximum compressive
strength. The investigation in the work drawn significant conclu-
sions. The d optimal model was effective in determination of opti-
mal composition of mixture in design of bricks by using fly ash,
cement and sand as raw materials. The comparison of various
model fit and identified the best model for the desired responses
variables based on the variation in input variable compositions.
Present work confirms that d optimal mixture model is an effective
tool to organise RSM based experimental investigations and
ANOVA analysis to determine the best model fit for the predicted
vs experimental values validation. Identified fly ash has one of
Fig. 9. The variation of strength with water absorption. the raw materials for making membranes and bricks. Slip casting
method successfully applied for membrane and brick manufactur-
ing and identified low sintering temperature as 800OC. The fabri-
Water absorptionð%Þ ¼ 13:9246A  229:878B þ 414:887Cþ cated membrane exhibited high thermal, chemical stability and
4:79082AB  7:78934AC  3:03624BC  0:0151ABC defect free surface. For experimental study, the brick specimen of
0:0444ABðA  BÞ þ 0:0411ACðA  CÞ þ 0:0904BCEðB  CÞ size 230 mm  110 mm  90 mm were cast for different mixture
ð7Þ composition of fly ash (40 to 60%), cement (20 to 30%), sand(5 to
15%), and rest water. The specimens have been tested for sixteen
The Model F-value of 5.76 implies the model is significant. P- mixture proportions. ANOAVA analysis inferred that, among the
values less than 0.0500 indicate model terms are significant. sixteen proportions the maximum compressive strength
Values greater than 0.1000 indicate the model terms are not signif- (9.745 N/mm2) and minimum water absorption (10.9%) was
icant. If there are many insignificant model terms (not counting obtained for optimal mixture composition of flyash-59.24 mass%,
those required to support hierarchy). The Lack of Fit F-value of cement-20.76 mass%, sand-5 mass% and rest water.
2.38 implies the Lack of Fit is not significant relative to the pure
error. Non-significant lack of fit is good. CRediT authorship contribution statement
The change in the response variables (compressive strength and
water absorption) with variation in the raw material compositions Kanchapogu Suresh: Conceptualization, Methodology, Valida-
of materials fly ash (A), cement (B) and sand (C) in the mixture tion, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing, Visualiza-
were denoted with 2D plots (Fig. 7(c) and Fig. 8(c)) and 3D tion, Supervision, Project administration, Formal analysis,
response plots (Fig. 7(d) and Fig. 8(d)). With an increase in fly Investigation, Resources, Data curation.
ash (A) quantity, the compressive strength increased, which was
not the case for decrease in cement (B) and sand content (C) Declaration of Competing Interest
(Fig. 7(d) and Fig. 8(d)). The increment of fly ash content in the
raw material composition mixture facilitates a decrease in water The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
absorption capacity because the sintering helps strengthening of cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
bonds between components in the mixture composition and to influence the work reported in this paper.
enhance the hardness of brick. Therefore compressive strength
increased and water absorption decreased. In contrast, with an
increase in cement content, water absorption increases as a result
of greater contribution of pozzolanic property of cement. The
The author thankfully acknowledge the Department of Chemi-
water absorption with an increase in cement (B) and sand (C)
cal Engineering for providing necessary facilities for carrying out
(Fig. 7(c & d) and Fig. 8(c & d)). And also, sand (C) variation exhibit
this research, and the author also would like to thank Maulana
significant effect on mechanical strength, by increasing sand con-
Azad National Institute of Technology for providing the financial
tent the strength of brick decreased. Whereas, the water absorp-
assistance from SEED money grant to carry out this study.
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