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Engineering Structures 110 (2016) 293–306

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An approach for evaluating residual capacity of reinforced concrete

beams exposed to fire
V.K.R. Kodur ⇑, Ankit Agrawal
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper presents an approach for assessing the residual capacity of fire exposed reinforced concrete
Received 15 May 2015 (RC) beams. The approach involves capturing response of RC beams in three stages, namely, structural
Revised 16 November 2015 response at ambient conditions, thermo-mechanical response during fire exposure, and post-fire residual
Accepted 18 November 2015
response after cooling down of beams. Distinct material properties of reinforcing steel and concrete are
considered during heating and cooling phase of fire exposure and residual (after cool down) phase of
analysis. In addition, relevant load level, specific fire scenarios, boundary conditions, and plastic deforma-
tions that develop in a beam during fire exposure are also incorporated in evaluating residual response of
Reinforced concrete beams
Residual strength
fire exposed RC beams. The proposed approach is implemented using a detailed numerical model devel-
Finite element analysis oped in the finite element computer program ABAQUS. Predictions from the numerical model show good
Fire exposed beams correlation with the response parameters measured in experiments for evaluating residual capacity of
Residual deformations fire exposed RC beams. Also, predictions of residual capacity from the finite element analysis are com-
pared with that obtained from simplified sectional analysis based on maximum rebar temperatures con-
sideration. This comparison indicates that the finite element analysis yields more realistic predictions of
residual capacity than that predicted from simplified sectional analysis. The applicability of the proposed
approach in evaluating residual capacity of fire exposed RC beams is illustrated through a case study.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction ascertained. Unlike fire induced spalling and significant loss of

cross section, which is a visible sign of damage, structural deterio-
Reinforce concrete (RC) structural members generally exhibit ration in a RC member due to temperature induced degradation of
good fire resistance due to relatively low thermal conductivity, mechanical properties and redistribution of stresses within the
high thermal capacity, and slower degradation of mechanical prop- member, may not be too apparent. Thus, it is imperative to ascer-
erties of concrete with temperature. However, under fire exposure, tain the residual capacity of structural members through rational
RC members experience loss of strength and stiffness as a result of engineering methods for facilitating re-occupancy or to develop
increased temperatures in reinforcing steel and concrete. retrofitting measures in fire exposed concrete buildings.
In case of exposure to a severe fire, a RC member might experi- The extent of strength and stiffness degradation in fire exposed
ence significant structural damage resulting from loss of concrete concrete members is dependent on a number of factors, including
due to possible fire induced spalling, high rebar temperatures type of fire exposure, properties of concrete and steel reinforce-
and relatively large permanent deformations with very limited ment, load level and boundary (support) conditions. Many of these
residual load carrying capacity. Alternatively, exposure to moder- factors are interdependent and can vary significantly in different
ate fire scenarios may not result in noticeable deformations or loss scenarios. Thus, residual strength evaluation of fire exposed RC
of concrete section due to spalling. In such scenarios, loss of capac- members is quite complex and the computed capacity can vary
ity in RC structural members due to fire exposure may not be sig- widely depending on assumptions used in the analysis.
nificant. Nevertheless, a fire exposed building (or structure) cannot One approach to evaluate residual capacity of RC members is
be opened for immediate reoccupation, even after fire is fully through destructive fire tests in a laboratory environment. Such
extinguished, until load bearing capacity of RC members are residual capacity tests have been conducted in the past by
researchers [1–5] and this comprised of exposing RC beams to
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 5173539813. standard or parametric fires for a predetermined duration, and
E-mail addresses: (V.K.R. Kodur), then loading the beams to failure after cooling down to room tem-
(A. Agrawal). perature, if no failure occurred during fire exposure. Common
0141-0296/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
294 V.K.R. Kodur, A. Agrawal / Engineering Structures 110 (2016) 293–306

observations from these tests inferred include that significant most of its room temperature strength if maximum temperature
residual load carrying capacity remained in these members and experienced during fire exposure remains below 500 °C [13]. Also,
the extent of residual capacity varied with the duration of fire most of the cross-sectional residual capacity evaluation
exposure and peak rebar temperature. approaches discussed above do not account for strain hardening
Researchers have proposed nondestructive or numerical effects in reinforcement, which can lead to under-prediction of
approaches for evaluating residual capacity of RC beams following moment capacity by 15–25% than the actual value experienced
fire exposure [6–8] as well. These approaches can be broadly cate- in real practice [7]. It is not possible to predict post-fire residual
gorized into two types, namely, simplified cross-sectional analysis deformations in RC beams through the current sectional
and, detailed finite element analysis. In the first type of approach, approaches. Finally, the model proposed by Ožbolt et al. [11] does
modified versions of strength equations for evaluating capacity at not account for distinct material properties during heating and
room-temperature are utilized accompanied with strength reduc- cooling (decay) phases of fire. Moreover, the primary focus of the
tion factors based on high temperature exposure. study was to study behavior of RC beams at elevated temperature
Hsu and Lin [6] proposed a simplified sectional approach to rather than evaluation of post-fire residual capacity of RC beams.
evaluate residual strength of fire exposed RC beams. This approach To overcome some of the above drawbacks, an approach is pro-
involves dividing critical cross section into a number of strips and posed for predicting residual capacity and residual deflections of
then calculating temperatures along each strip through a finite dif- fire exposed RC beams. The novelty of the current approach lies
ference approach. Knowing temperatures across the cross section in the consideration of distinct material properties of reinforcing
and strength-temperature relations of reinforcing steel and con- steel and concrete during heating and cooling phases of fire expo-
crete, residual capacity of the fire exposed concrete beam is evalu- sure and residual (after cool down) phase, as well as in incorpora-
ated through a strain compatibility analysis. They concluded that tion of plastic deformations occurring during fire exposure of RC
this approach could be applied to calculate post-fire moment beams into post-fire response analysis. The proposed approach is
capacity, shear strength and elastic modulus of an RC beam. Also, implemented through a detailed numerical model developed in a
the rate of degradation in moment capacity, shear strength and finite element based computer program ABAQUS [14]. The model
elastic modulus were different. is validated by comparing predictions against experimental data
Kodur et al. [7] presented a simplified approach for evaluating generated in residual strength tests on RC beams [2,3]. Finally,
residual capacity of flexural members based on peak rebar temper- the numerical model is applied to evaluate post-fire residual
atures experienced during a fire. As part of this method, an empir- response of fire exposed simply-supported, unrestrained, rectan-
ical equation was proposed for predicting maximum rebar gular RC beams.
temperatures under a specified parametric fire exposure. Knowing
maximum temperatures attained in the rebar, residual capacity
2. Approach for evaluating post-fire residual capacity
was computed using modified versions of room-temperature
strength design equations [9], but taking into account residual
The extent of structural damage in a fire exposed RC beam is
properties of reinforcing steel. It was shown that the proposed
influenced by a number of factors including load level, support
approach gives conservative predictions of residual moment
conditions, properties of concrete and reinforcement as well as fire
capacity of a fire damaged RC beam. Peak rebar temperature was
exposure scenario [7]. For evaluating post-fire residual response of
identified as the key parameter in ascertaining the level of damage
RC members, three stages of analysis are required to account for all
sustained to the beam during fire exposure.
these parameters.
In a more recent study by Bai and Wang [8], maximum temper-
atures across the cross section are evaluated using ANSYS [10] soft-
ware. In this approach, instead of assuming degradation in the 2.1. General procedure
strength of concrete or steel reinforcement with increasing tem-
perature, the original section of concrete and rebar is reduced to The three stages of analysis for evaluating residual capacity of
an equivalent (reduced) section to account for damage due to fire fire exposed RC members comprise of, evaluating capacity at room
and then post-fire residual capacity of RC members is evaluated. temperature prior to fire exposure (Stage 1), fire resistance analysis
Based on this study it was inferred that concrete or steel strength during exposure to fire (Stage 2) and finally, post-fire residual anal-
has negligible influence on the rate of degradation in moment ysis after cooling down of the member (Stage 3). A flow chart in
capacity due to fire exposure. Fig. 1 illustrates various steps required for evaluating residual
In the second type of approach, researchers utilize a finite ele- strength of fire exposed RC beams. This analysis procedure can
ment model to trace the post-fire response of RC beams. Ožbolt be implemented using any finite element based package, such as
et al. [11] have proposed a transient three dimensional thermo- ABAQUS [14].
mechanical finite element model to simulate the behavior of RC In Stage 1, room temperature capacity of the RC beam is evalu-
beams exposed to elevated temperatures. The model was validated ated through a detailed finite element analysis by gradually incre-
by comparing predictions against test data generated from post- menting the load on the structure till failure occurs. Alternatively,
fire residual strength tests [2]. The load-carrying capacity and the the ultimate capacity can also be estimated using specified
initial stiffness of the beam reduced with the increase in duration strength equations in design standards [9]. The room temperature
of fire exposure. Moreover, it was found that on cool down of the capacity determined in Stage 1 is utilized to assess relative load
beam to room temperature, additional damage resulted in the level on the beam prior to fire exposure during Stage 2. Also, the
beam due to thermally induced strains. capacity calculated during Stage 1 is used to estimate extent of
A major drawback of the approaches proposed by Hsu and Lin degradation in capacity once the residual capacity is ascertained
[6] and Bai and Wang [8] is that these approaches utilize temper- in Stage 3. It should be noted that for this stage of analysis, room
ature induced degradation of mechanical properties of concrete temperature mechanical properties of concrete and reinforcing
and reinforcing steel evaluated based on heating phase alone. steel are utilized.
However, such properties are not representative of those observed In Stage 2 of the analysis, the response of RC beam is evaluated
(residual mechanical properties) after cool down following fire under a given fire exposure scenario, load level, and boundary con-
exposure. While concrete continues to display some level of ditions. Realistic loads that are present throughout a typical fire
strength loss even after cooling down [12], reinforcing steel regains event are applied on the beam prior to thermo-mechanical analysis
V.K.R. Kodur, A. Agrawal / Engineering Structures 110 (2016) 293–306 295


Discretization of beam
for structural analysis

Stage 1 Evaluate response

Room under mechanical
temperature loading at room
stress-strain temperature

Evaluate response
Temperature under fire exposure and
dependent thermal apply failure criteria
and mechanical
Stage 2

Check failure Yes


Stage 3
Evaluate residual
capacity of fire
dependent residual
exposed beam
material properties


Fig. 1. Flow chart illustrating the three stages involved in residual capacity analysis.

during fire exposure. The time–temperature curve for the entire RC beam is loaded incrementally till failure and the structural
duration of fire exposure can be approximated using computer response of the beam is traced. The residual capacity corresponds
models or empirically through parametric curves [15]. This stage to maximum load that the beam can carry prior to failure. For this
of the analysis is carried out at various time increments till the fail- analysis, residual properties of concrete and steel reinforcement
ure of the beam or till the fire exposure subsides. Response param- are required.
eters from thermal and structural analysis are to be utilized at the
end of each time increment to check the state of the RC beam
under different failure limit states. In this stage, temperature 2.2. Selection of analysis parameters
dependent thermal and mechanical properties of concrete and
reinforcing steel, that are distinct during heating and cooling The post-fire residual capacity of a RC beam depends on load
phases of fire exposure, are to be input into ABAQUS [14]. level, fire exposure scenario, structural parameters and material
Following the cooling down of the beam, and if there is no fail- characteristics both during fire and after cool down [7]. At higher
ure of the beam in Stage 2, Stage 3 of the analysis is to be carried load levels and severe fire exposure conditions, concrete beams
out. The temperature induced residual stress and strains that exist may sustain significant loss of cross section resulting from spalling,
in the beam after fire exposure are evident in the form of residual leading to very little residual capacity. If however, there is no (vis-
deformations observed when no loads are acting on the beam. ible) sign of loss of cross section resulting from spalling, a fire
These residual deformations result from accumulation of damage exposed RC beam might have experienced only marginal loss of
induced in the beam due to heating, structural parameters and capacity. In these cases residual capacity evaluation of a fire
material properties. This state of the beam is the initial state for exposed RC beam is required for deciding on possible reuse and
Stage 3 of analysis. In this stage of the analysis, the cooled down retrofitting of the fire exposed structure.
296 V.K.R. Kodur, A. Agrawal / Engineering Structures 110 (2016) 293–306

The post-fire residual properties of concrete and reinforcing properties of concrete and reinforcing steel. In addition to strength
steel are influenced by maximum temperatures experienced dur- criterion, deflection limit state is a reliable performance index to
ing the fire, time allowed for recovery after fire, as well as the evaluate failure during fire exposure. Accordingly, the failure of
method of cooling used for quenching the fire. The residual com- the beam is said to occur [22] when:
pressive strength of concrete experiencing temperatures of
220 °C or higher can decrease up to 20% of its original room-  The maximum deflection in the beam exceeds L/20 (mm) at any
temperature strength immediately after cooling down [16]. How- fire exposure time, or
ever, it has also been reported that with sufficient recovery time  The rate of deflection exceeds L2/9000d (mm/min).
at room temperature, concrete can regain 100% of its original
room-temperature compressive strength [17]. More recent investi- Where, L = span length of the beam (mm) and d = effective
gations [18] suggest that the ‘short term’ or ‘temporary phase’ depth of the beam (mm).
wherein the compressive strength of concrete does not recover It is important to note here that the aforementioned deflection
can last until three years after fire exposure. After this phase, there limit states are developed for isolated RC beams tested under stan-
is noticeable recovery in concrete strength. This is referred to as dard fire conditions in the laboratory and therefore may not apply
the ‘long term’ response of RC structures after fire exposure. The to beams under realistic loading and fire scenarios. However, fail-
cooling method (air-cooled or water-quenched) does not influence ure times obtained from the above deflection based limits would
the post-fire compressive strength of concrete as significantly as it be conservative under most practical saturations.
does to the failure strain and the elastic modulus [19]. Heated con- To evaluate residual capacity after exposure, in Stage 3 (after
crete that is cooled by quenching typically attains a higher com- cooling down of the beam), strength and extent of residual deflec-
pressive strain at failure than it would if it were cooled in air. tions generally govern failure.
There is no significant change in the post-fire failure strain of con-
crete as compared to its original room-temperature value for expo-
3. Development of finite element model
sure temperatures up to about 220 °C [20].
Generally, residual strength of concrete has smaller influence
The above methodology is applied for evaluating the residual
on the residual flexural capacity of RC beams, under positive bend-
capacity of a fire exposed RC beam. A finite element model is devel-
ing. This is because of a more gradual loss of concrete strength with
oped to evaluate the response of the beams in Stages 1, 2 and 3.
increasing temperatures, combined with lower temperatures
attained in farther compressive layers of concrete from the fire
exposed surface. In contrast to concrete, residual strength of rein- 3.1. General
forcing steel significantly influences the flexural capacity of an RC
beam after fire exposure. This is mainly due to the fact that rebars, The analysis is carried out using the finite element computer
located closer to the fire exposed surface, not only attain much program ABAQUS [14]. The constitutive models for concrete and
higher temperatures, but also due to steel undergoing rapid steel are defined within the framework of the software package
strength degradation with temperature. While the rate of degrada- and the modeling of fire exposed RC beams is undertaken using
tion in the strength of concrete with temperature may be slightly sequentially coupled thermo-mechanical analysis procedure. In
greater in concrete than reinforcing steel in some situations, the this procedure, the mechanical analysis utilizes the results (tem-
overall temperatures attained in concrete than in reinforcing steel peratures) generated in the heat transfer analysis, but no reverse
for beams under positive bending exposed to fire from below are dependency exists.
relatively lower. Thus, residual strength of rebars is crucial in esti- In Stage 1 analysis, room temperature capacity of the RC beam is
mating the residual capacity of an RC beam after fire exposure. determined using detailed finite element analysis or strength equa-
The residual strength in rebars depends mainly on the maxi- tions present in design standards [9]. In Stage 2, the beam is sub-
mum temperature reached in the steel reinforcement. Provided jected to a specified load level taken to be a percentage of the
the temperature of hot-rolled reinforcing steel does not exceed ultimate capacity of the beam (based on the estimated loads present
500 °C, reinforcing steel will recover almost 100% of its initial during fire exposure) and a realistic time–temperature curve result-
room-temperature yield strength upon cooling [13]. However, ing during fire exposure [15]. The response of the RC beam during
when heated to above 500 °C, reinforcing steel regains only part fire exposure in Stage 2 is traced through two sets of discretization
of its initial strength. The ratio between ultimate strength and models, one for undertaking thermal analysis and the other for
yield strength which is about 1.5 at room temperature, also undertaking mechanical (strength) analysis. Results from thermal
decreases with increasing temperatures and becomes 1 at around analysis are applied as thermal-body-loads on the structural model,
800 °C. This suggests that strain-hardening becomes less promi- uniformly along the RC beam. Temperature dependent thermal and
nent at very high temperatures [21]. mechanical properties of concrete and reinforcing steel are incorpo-
Therefore, the choice of fire scenario and strength recovery rated in the analysis. The load bearing capacity is evaluated by
assumed in reinforcing steel after fire exposure are critical factors applying relevant failure limit state as discussed in Section 2.2. Fol-
to be considered, while evaluating residual capacity of fire exposed lowing cooling of the fire exposed RC beam, residual load-bearing
RC beams. capacity of the beam is evaluated by undertaking Stage 3 analysis,
through loading the beam, in increments, until failure is attained.
2.3. Failure criteria It should be noted that the problem history can be divided into
sequential steps in ABAQUS with the response state (i.e. stresses,
In undertaking residual strength analysis of a RC beam, different strains and temperatures) of the beam being in each step of the
failure criteria are to be applied at each stage of the analysis analysis. This enables response parameters to be transferred from
depending on the applicable failure limit states. In Stage 1 of anal- Stage 2 to Stage 3 of analysis.
ysis (at ambient conditions), for evaluating capacity of the beam
prior to the fire exposure, strength limit state generally governs 3.2. Modeling assumptions
the failure. In Stage 2 of the analysis (under fire exposure), a RC
beam under fire exposure experiences high temperatures and The following assumptions are made in the development of the
mid-span deflections due to degradation in strength and stiffness numerical model:
V.K.R. Kodur, A. Agrawal / Engineering Structures 110 (2016) 293–306 297

 No bond-slip is assumed to occur between steel reinforcement using the embedded region constraint, i.e. defining reinforcement
and concrete implying that there is perfect bond and that the to be embedded in concrete.
total strain in the reinforcement is equal to that in the concrete. For the thermal model in 3D space, concrete and reinforcement
The assumption is quite accurate for the compression zone of are discretized using DC3D8 element (8 noded linear brick ele-
concrete where no crack occurs. On the contrary, cracks may ment) and DC1D2 element (2 noded link element) respectively,
occur in the tensile zone causing weakness in the bond between available in ABAQUS [14] library, having nodal temperature
concrete and reinforcement, and resulting in tensile reinforce- (NT11) as the only active degree of freedom.
ment slip. However, over a length that includes several cracks While beam elements are supposedly a more computationally
(beam segment), the average strain in both the reinforcement efficient choice for both the structural and thermal models, predic-
and the concrete is approximately equal [23]. tion of an accurate temperature distribution within the member
 Fire induced spalling has not been explicitly modeled in the requires the use of three dimensional elements. Moreover, similar
analysis implying that the current model is applicable only for modeling strategies have worked well for researchers in the past
normal strength concrete (NSC) with concrete compressive [26]. Finally, there is a possibility to extend such a model to include
strengths of 70 MPa or lower and in cases when there is mini- complex phenomenon like concrete spalling in future studies.
mal spalling due to high temperature exposure [23]. A tie constraint is used to apply temperatures from concrete to
 Only short term post-fire residual mechanical properties of con- reinforcing steel bars at that location. The external surface areas
crete are considered after cool down of the beam to room tem- of DC3D8 elements, which are exposed to fire from three sides,
perature. The strength gain observed in compressive strength of are used to simulate the surface effect of convection and radiation
concrete months after fire exposure is conservatively ignored in that occur from fire (ambient air) to the beam. According to EN
the analysis [18]. 1991-1-2 [15], the convective heat transfer coefficient is taken to
 Transient creep strain in concrete is implicitly accounted for be 25 W/m2.°C on fire exposed surface. For the un-exposed surfaces,
through constitutive models, implying that this strain is a convective coefficient of 9 W/m2 °C is used to account for the
neglected upon cool down of the beam [24]. It should be noted effects of heat transfer through radiation. The emissivity for radia-
however, that in all generality it is preferable to use an explicit tive heat transfer at the exposed surfaces of the concrete member is
transient creep model when studying concrete under natural taken as 0.8.
fire, in order not to recover this strain during cooling. However, Since RC beams experience large deflections during fire expo-
using an implicit model for transient creep does not lead to a sure, the effect of geometric non-linearity is included in numerical
large error in deflection predictions for RC beams under natural model using updated Lagrangian method [14]. The Newton–Raph-
fires, especially during the cooling phase, since a relatively son method is employed as the solution technique with a tolerance
small area of concrete is under compression. Nonetheless, it limit of 0.02 on the displacement norm as the convergence crite-
should be noted that this can lead to slight underestimation rion [27,28]. Also, line search function is activated to achieve rapid
of residual strains in concrete and may not always be a conser- convergence [29,30]. Similar analysis parameters have yielded
vative assumption. results with sufficient accuracy and efficiency in earlier studies
 Thermal properties of concrete and reinforcing steel i.e. thermal [26].
conductivity, heat capacity and thermal expansion have been
assumed to be completely reversible. The effect of decrease in 3.4. Input parameters for analysis
heat capacity due to loss of moisture, as well as residual thermal
expansion (or shrinkage), in concrete during cool down [25] is Various parameters such as load distribution, boundary condi-
neglected for simplicity. tions, fire scenario and material properties are to be input to carry
out different stages of analysis. In Stage 1 of the analysis, the ulti-
mate capacity of the RC beam prior to fire exposure is calculated.
3.3. Discretization of the beam Based on ultimate capacity evaluated in Stage 1 a percentage of
the ultimate load is applied during fire exposure in Stage 2 of anal-
Two sub-models, namely, thermal and structural models, are ysis. If the beam survives fire exposure during Stage 2, residual
needed to carry out three stages of analysis. A structural model is response of the RC beam is evaluated in Stage 3.
needed to carry out strength analysis in Stages 1, 2, and 3, while For Stage 1 analysis, room temperature stress–strain relation-
Stage 2 of the analysis requires a thermal model to undertake heat ships for concrete and steel are utilized. The compressive stress–
transfer calculations to compute temperatures in the RC beam. strain curve of concrete is assumed to linear elastic until the stress
For the structural analysis, the RC beam is discretized using reaches 0.33 fc, where fc denotes the uniaxial compressive strength
eight-noded continuum elements (C3D8) and two-noded link ele- of concrete. The linear portion of the curve is followed by a para-
ments (T3D2) for concrete and reinforcing steel respectively. bolic (non-linear) increase in stress representing development of
C3D8 element has eight nodes with three degrees of freedom; microcracks in the concrete. The post-peak softening behavior of
namely three translations in x, y, and z directions. This element concrete is represented through a linear descending branch. A
can be used for 3D modeling of solids with or without reinforce- damaged plasticity constitutive model [14] is used to model the
ment and it is capable of accounting for cracking of concrete in ten- complex behavior of concrete, involving strong nonlinearity and
sion, crushing of concrete in compression, creep and large strains different failure mechanisms under compression and tension
[14]. T3D2 elements are used to model one-dimensional reinforc- (crushing or cracking). The stress–strain relation for concrete in
ing bars or rods that are assumed to deform by axial stretching tension is represented by a bilinear relationship which is elastic
only. They are pin jointed at their nodes; only translational dis- up to peak stress. The tensile strength of concrete at elevated tem-
placements and the initial position vector at each node are used peratures is assumed to vary as per Eurocode 2 [31] but with some
in the discretization. When the strains are large, the formulation modifications [32] to avoid the conditions where the tensile
is simplified by assuming that the trusses to be made of incom- strength becomes zero at relatively low temperatures (600 °C). A
pressible material. This approach has been used effectively to value of ect (ultimate strain in tension) that lies between 0.002
model reinforcement explicitly wherein nodes of reinforcement and 0.004, independent of temperature, have been assumed in lit-
are coincident with corresponding nodes of concrete [14]. The erature [33]. A metal plasticity model that utilizes Mises yield sur-
interaction between concrete and reinforcement is achieved by face with associated plastic flow and isotropic hardening available
298 V.K.R. Kodur, A. Agrawal / Engineering Structures 110 (2016) 293–306

in ABAQUS [14] is adopted for the constitutive modeling of rein-

Normalized Compressive Stregth

forcing steel. Elevated Compressive Strength
In Stage 2 of analysis, during heating phase, the temperature 1 Residual Compressive Strength
dependent thermal and mechanical properties of reinforcing steel
and concrete are assumed to follow as that of Eurocode 2, 3 and 0.8

4 provisions [12,31,34]. Moreover, variation of the Poisson’s ratio
of concrete is assumed based on existing literature [35]. The vari-
ation of mechanical and thermal properties with respect to tem- 0.4
perature, is different in cooling phase as compared to heating
phase, and depends on the maximum temperature reached during 0.2
heating phase. During the cooling phase, a linear interpolation
between the elevated and residual material properties after cool 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
down is adopted [12].
Temperature (oC)
In Stage 3 of analysis, after cooling of the fire exposed RC beam,
the residual uniaxial compressive and tensile strength of concrete Fig. 3. Normalized compressive strength of concrete with maximum exposure
after cooling down to room temperature is assumed to be 10% less temperature.
than the strength attained at the maximum temperature. This
assumption is based on Eurocode 4 [12] recommendations and
has been shown to yield accurate results in predicting residual Room Temperature (20°C)
capacity of RC columns immediately after cool down [36]. The Residual (200°C)
Residual (500°C)
residual stress–strain relationship for reinforcing steel is calculated 400
Residual (600°C)
using degradation trends reported by Neves et al. [13] (Fig. 2). 350 Residual (800°C)
The stress–strain curves for concrete as well as reinforcing steel
Stress (MPa)
adopted during room temperature analysis, thermo-mechanical
analysis during heating (elevated) and cooling phases of fire expo-
sure, and residual (after cool down) stage of analysis are plotted in
Figs. 3 and 4 respectively.
3.5. Output results
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
Displacements, stresses and temperature fields are the primary Strain
output variables that are generated during different stages of anal-
ysis. In Stage 1 of analysis, failure of the beam is ascertained based Fig. 4. Residual stress–strain curves for reinforcing steel having yield strength of
on deflection limit state or when any further increment in applied 420 MPa.

load leads to instability. In Stage 2 of analysis, at each time step,

the output from the thermal analysis, namely nodal temperatures,
residual mechanical properties to be used for the residual capacity
is applied as a thermal body load on the structural elements
evaluation in Stage 3 of analysis, when necessary. In Stage 3 of
(nodes) to evaluate the structural response of RC beam under fire
analysis, the load deflection response is utilized to evaluate resid-
exposure. An identifier to ascertain if the material is under heating
ual load carrying capacity of a fire exposed reinforced concrete
or cooling phase to apply the appropriate material properties is
beam. Furthermore, the sectional capacity at failure is calculated
updated in the structural analysis using subroutine UFIELD pro-
by integrating stresses experienced within the concrete and rein-
vided in ABAQUS [14]. Also, the maximum temperature experi-
forcing steel, as generated in ABAQUS [14], to ascertain failure
enced at each node during thermal analysis is used to calculate
based on moment capacity or shear capacity criteria.

4. Model validation

Four RC beams tested by Dwaikat and Kodur [3] and Kumar and
Kumar [2] respectively were selected to validate the above devel-
oped numerical model. These tests are selected for validation
because comprehensive results have been reported by the two
authors and this facilitates finite element simulations and detailed

4.1. Tests by Dwaikat and Kodur [3]

Two concrete beams tested under fire exposure by Dwaikat and

Kodur [3] were analyzed by applying the above numerical proce-
dure to validate the proposed approach. The characteristics of the
beam, together with the summary of the results are tabulated in
Table 1. These beams are made of normal strength concrete (desig-
nated B1 and B2 as per Table 1) and there was no observed spalling
in these beams during fire exposure. The dimensions and reinforce-
ment details of both these beams are identical and are shown in
Fig. 2. Normalized residual strength of hot rolled reinforcing steel [13]. Fig. 5. Both beams are tested under two point loading of 50 kN
V.K.R. Kodur, A. Agrawal / Engineering Structures 110 (2016) 293–306 299

Table 1
Summary of test parameters and results for beams used for validation.

Study Beam designation Fire exposure Maximum rebar Residual Residual load bearing capacity (kN)
temperature (°C) deformation (mm)
Measured Model Measured Model Measured Model Simplified approacha
Dwaikat and Kodur [9] B1 ASTM E119 577 579 – – – – –
B2 SF 493 496 13.7 20.9 119.5 120.8 82.7
Kumar and Kumar [10] Reference beam None – – – – 166 168 149
Beam 1 (1 h exposure) ISO 834 Not measured 576 18 16 139 140 132
Beam 2 (1.5 h exposure) ISO 834 Not measured 648 22 20 119 120 114
Beam 3 (2 h exposure) ISO 834 Not measured 706 28 23 90 101 86
Simplified approach proposed by Kodur et al. [7].

(as depicted in Fig. 5a) which produced a bending moment equal to 1200
55% of the beam capacity, as per ACI 318 [9] capacity equation. In
the tests, one of the beams was subjected to ASTM E119 [37] stan- 1000
dard fire and the other beam was subjected to a Short Design Fire

Temperature (oC)
(SF) as illustrated in Fig. 6. 800
In the fire tests, the authors applied loading 30 min before the
start of the fire and this loading was maintained till no further 600
increase in deformation could be measured. This was selected as
the initial condition for the deflection of the beam. The load was 400
then maintained constant throughout the duration of fire expo- ASTM E119
sure. Beam B1 failed during fire exposure after 180 min. In case 200
Short Design fire (SF)
of beam B2, failure did not occur during fire exposure and this
beam was tested for residual capacity after cool down to ambient 0
conditions (24 h after fire exposure). The beam was subjected to 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
incremental loading at the rate of 3 kN/min till failure occurred. Time (min)
These two beams were analyzed in ABAQUS [14] by applying
Fig. 6. Time–temperature curves for fire scenarios used in fire tests on beams B1
the above discussed procedure. The validation process included
and B2.
comparison of thermal and structural response predictions from
the analysis with that reported in the two fire tests on beams B1
and B2. Temperatures in concrete and reinforcing steel in beam than in the case of beam B1 during the heating phase of the fire.
B1 exposed to ASTM E119 [37] standard fire time–temperature This can be attributed to the steep rise in the fire temperature dur-
curve rose steadily until failure. In beam B2, exposed to a Short ing early stages of fire exposure. After attaining a maximum value,
Design Fire (SF), the rate of temperature increase is slightly higher temperature start to drop in the beam due to presence of a decay

(a) Elevation and cross-section of beams ‘B1’ and ‘B2’

(b) Elevation and cross- section of beams ‘Reference beam’, ‘Beam 1’, ‘Beam 2’, ‘Beam 3’ and
‘Beam 4’
Fig. 5. Loading and reinforcement details of RC beams used for validation.
300 V.K.R. Kodur, A. Agrawal / Engineering Structures 110 (2016) 293–306

phase in this design fire exposure. It is interesting to note that peak 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300
temperatures in beam B2 occur during the decay phase of the fire
exposure. This can be attributed to thermal inertia of concrete,

Mid-span deflection (mm)

which leads to a lag between fire temperatures and the tempera-
tures within beam cross section. A comparison of measured and
predicted temperatures at various locations in beams B1 and B2 -50
in Fig. 7 indicates that there is close agreement between predicted
and measured values during the fire test. -70
The measured and predicted mid-span deflection response in
two beams B1 and B2, during the fire test is shown in Fig. 8. It B2(Test)
can be seen that mid-span deflections increase during early stages B2(Model)
of fire exposure due to degradation of strength and stiffness prop-
erties of concrete and reinforcing steel with temperature. Since -130
temperatures in beam B1 continue to increase steadily during
the entire duration of fire exposure, failure occurs due to signifi- -150
cant degradation in properties of concrete and reinforcing steel Time (min)
after about 180 min of fire exposure. For beam B2 however, due
Fig. 8. Comparison of the predicted and measured mid-span deflections for beams
to presence of cooling phase, the temperatures experienced in con- B1 and B2 during fire exposure.
crete and reinforcing steel of the beam are relatively lower and a
recovery in mid-span deflection is seen during the decay phase
of fire. It can be seen in Fig. 8 that the predicted mid-span deflec- The measured and predicted load–deflection response in beam
tions from the developed model agree well with measured B2, which did not fail during fire exposure, is presented in Fig. 9.
response during the fire test. There is an unrecoverable deflection during fire exposure which
was assumed to be the initial state for the residual strength analy-
sis. The predicted load deflection response by the finite element
model is very similar to the measured response during the test.
Furnace temperature (ASTM E119) These residual deformations represent the state of structural dam-
Rebar(Model) age in the beam resulting from fire exposure and the extent of
Quarter-depth(Test) damage depending on load level, boundary conditions, and tem-
Mid-depth(Test) perature induced degradation in material properties. While deflec-
1200 Mid-depth(Model) tion prediction during fire exposure is lower than test data, the
final residual deformation predicted by the model is relatively
higher than the measured value during tests. This difference can
Temperature (oC)

800 be attributed to the fact that cooling phase properties adopted in

the study are based on Eurocode 4 [5] provisions which are conser-
600 vative and lead to higher prediction of post fire residual deforma-
tions. Also, there is uncertainty regarding the adopted process in
400 unloading of the beam in experiments after fire exposure before
carrying out the residual test. Moreover, since test data is available
200 only for first 300 min, no comparison could be made with pre-
dicted deformation beyond 300 min while the beam cooled down
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 to room temperature. It should also be noted that he predicted
Time (min) residual capacity in is higher than room temperature capacity com-
puted as per ACI 318 [9]. This is mainly due to the effect of strain
(a) Beam B1 hardening of steel reinforcement which is not taken into account in

Furnace Temperature (SF)

Rebar (Test)
Rebar(Model) B2(Test)
Quarter-depth(Test) 180 B2(Model-without residual deformations)
1200 Mid-depth(Test) 160

1000 140
Temperature (oC)

800 120
Load (kN)

0 20
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300
Time (min) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
(b) Beam B2 Deflection (mm)

Fig. 7. Comparison of predicted and measured cross sectional temperatures for Fig. 9. Comparison of the predicted and measured residual load–deflection
beams B1 and B2 during fire exposure. response for beam B2.
V.K.R. Kodur, A. Agrawal / Engineering Structures 110 (2016) 293–306 301

ACI 318 [9] strength design equations [7]. The beam failed in flex- Kumar [2]. These beams were made of normal strength concrete
ure mode at 187 min during numerical simulations and this agrees and the dimensions and reinforcement details of these beams were
with experimentally observed failure mode. identical and are shown in Fig. 5b. The test parameters and results
Furthermore, to illustrate the influence of residual deformations of the chosen beams and is summarized in Table 1.
on post-fire response of the beam, residual response of fire exposed One of the beams was tested by loading to failure, without any
beam B2 is evaluated from a single stage simplified analysis (with- exposure to fire, and this served as the control or reference speci-
out residual deformations), and three stage analysis (with residual men. In the fire tests, four beams were subjected to ISO 834 stan-
deformations). Maintaining all other relevant analysis parameters dard fire exposure from three sides. The exposure duration varied
identical, the load–deflection response of the beam is calculated from 1, 1.5, 2 and 2.5 h respectively. During fire exposure no super-
using post-fire residual properties of concrete and reinforcing steel imposed (external) load was applied on the beams. The heated
based on its temperature history. This implies there is no residual beams were then allowed to cool naturally to ambient temperature
deflection in the beam at the start of the analysis in evaluating and subsequently tested under four point bending (Fig. 5b) in load
residual response. Fig. 9 shows the difference between the post- control mode. All the beams were tested within six weeks after fire
fire response of the beam without considering residual plastic exposure [2]. The load–deflection response for the control beams
deformations as opposed to the three stage detailed analysis proce- and beams with 1, 1.5 and 2 h fire exposure was reported by the
dure proposed in this paper. The residual load-carrying capacity of authors [2]. However, the beam that was heated for 2.5 h showed
the RC beam without incorporating residual capacity is calculated excessive deflections and failed during fire exposure. Hence, no
to be (153 kN) which is significantly higher (approximately 26% residual capacity test is performed on this beam.
more) than that obtained using a three stage (120.8 kN) procedure. The response of the control beam (without fire exposure) and
Moreover, it is not possible to predict residual deformations occur- three beams subjected to 1, 1.5 and 2 h of fire exposure, is simu-
ring in the beam after fire exposure using a single stage procedure. lated by applying the above proposed approach in ABAQUS [14].
This comparison clearly infers that accounting residual deflections For the thermal analysis the heating scenario is assumed to be
is critical in evaluating realistic residual capacity in fire exposed RC according to ISO 834 [38] standard fire, as in the fire tests. The
beams. cooling of the beam is simulated through a linear decrease of air
Finally, in order to re-examine the assumption made to neglect temperature, following fire exposure, for a period of two hours.
strains due to residual expansion (or shrinkage) in analysis, the The respective fire curves are illustrated in Fig. 11. The tempera-
magnitude of residual plastic strains occurring at the critical sec- ture across the beam cross section during fire exposure was not
tion (mid-span) are compared with expected strains from residual recorded during the fire tests. In order to establish confidence
thermal expansion or shrinkage (Fig. 10). The strains from thermal regarding the thermal analysis procedure, a beam with a cross-
expansion are calculated based on the maximum temperature section of 160  300 mm is analyzed. Temperature contours pre-
attained at each node of the cross section during the entire fire dicted by the model after 0.5, 1 and 1.5 h of fire exposure are in
regime [25]. While the strains from residual thermal expansion good agreement with corresponding contours provided by Euro-
(shrinkage) is significant, they are still generally lower, varying code 2 [31] for similar exposure and thus establishes the validity
from 0.012% to 0.6%, as compared to temperature induced residual of the thermal analysis procedure.
plastic strains ranging from 0.03% to 1.5%. A comparison of measured and predicted load–deflection
Overall, predictions from the proposed model are in good agree- response for the reference beam (with no heating) is shown in
ment with the reported test data. The slight differences in deflec- Fig. 12a. The total load is plotted as a function of deflection mea-
tion predictions can be attributed to minor variations in sured during static four point bending. Test data shows that
idealization adopted in the analysis, such as stress–strain relation- post-peak response of the beam could not be captured since the
ship of steel and concrete. However, it is important to note that the test was load controlled. In the response predicted by the numer-
predicted load–deformation curve in Stage 3 follows a very similar ical model, the post-peak response shows sudden drop of load
trend to the experimentally measured values. Moreover, the pre- which indicates imminent failure. Fig. 12a shows that for the refer-
dictions by the numerical model are closer to experimental values ence beam, there is good agreement between measured and
than those calculated using simplified cross sectional approaches. numerically predicted load–deflection response.
The load–deflection response for the beams tested for residual
4.2. Tests by Kumar and Kumar [2] capacity after fire exposure is also presented in Fig. 12b–d.
Although no loads were applied during fire exposure, residual
The model is further validated by comparing analysis predic- deflection of 18 mm, 22 mm and 28 mm was measured in tests
tions against data from another four beams tested by Kumar and for beams Beam 1, Beam 2 and Beam 3 respectively. The predicted

Strain 1200
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02
0 1000
Residual plastic strain 2 h Exposure
Temprature (oC)

Concrete depth (mm)

Residual thermal strain 800 1 h Exposure

1.5 h Exposure
0.15 600
0.25 400
0.4 0
0.45 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time (min)
Fig. 10. Expected residual thermal expansion (or shrinkage) strains versus residual
plastic deformations across the section at mid-span for beam B2. Fig. 11. Fire exposures for tested beams.
302 V.K.R. Kodur, A. Agrawal / Engineering Structures 110 (2016) 293–306

1.5h Exposure(Test)
1.5 Exposure(Model-without residual deformations)
140 1.5h Exposure(Model)
160 120

Load (kN)
Load (kN)

80 60
No Exposure(Model) 20
No Exposure(Test)
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Deflection (mm) Deflcetion (mm)

(a) No exposure (room temperature testing) (c) Residual response after 1.5 hour exposure

1h Exposure(Test) 2h Exposure(Test)
1h Exposure (Model-without residual deformations) 2 Exposure(Model-without residual deformations)
1h Exposure(Model) 120 2h Exposure(Model)
140 100
Load (kN)
Load (kN)

80 60
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Title Title
(b) Residual response after 1.5 hour exposure (d) Residual response after 2 hour exposure
Fig. 12. Comparison of predicted and measured post fire load–deflection response for tested beams.

values of residual deflections are in close agreement with test data In addition to above comparison, strains due to residual thermal
(refer Table 1). However, in this case, the residual deformations expansion (or shrinkage) are compared with permanent deforma-
predicted by the model are lower than that observed experimen- tions occurring due to temperature induced degradation at the
tally. This can be attributed to the fact that significant fire induced critical section (mid-span) for all three beams (refer Fig. 13). The
spalling was reported in the beams as the beam cooled down to comparison of these strains shows that the residual thermal
room temperature and before residual tests could be carried out. strains, expansion (or shrinkage), are relatively small as compared
This is especially important in the case of Beam 3, wherein exces- to the magnitude of residual plastic strains occurring at the same
sive spalling had been reported due to prolonged fire exposure. In location. The residual expansion (or shrinkage) for all the three
the case of Beam 1 (with 1 h exposure), the residual capacity was beams varies between 0.06% (shrinkage) and 0.6% (expansion)
found to be approximately 83% of the reference beam. Also, the
predicted response by the model, for the case when the beam is
exposed to 1 h of fire exposure, is in good agreement with its
experimental counterpart. It can be seen that for the cases of 1.5
and 2 h of fire exposure i.e. Beam 2 and Beam 3, the ultimate load Strain
-0.005 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025
carrying capacity reduces significantly (approximately 50% of the 0
1 h Exposure(Residual thermal strain)
reference beam). This reduction occurs due to rapid degradation 1.5 h Exposure(Residual thermal strain)
in mechanical properties of reinforcing steel and concrete. The 0.05 2 h Exposure(Residual thermal strain)
1 h Exposure(Residual plastic strain)
residual capacity predicted by the model is higher than that mea-
Concrete depth (mm)

0.1 1.5 h Exposure(Residual plastic strain)

sured experimentally for Beam 2 and Beam 3. This is attributed to 2 h Exposure(Residualplastic strain)

the fact that during fire experiment, reduction in cross-section due 0.15
to spalling was reported after 1.5–2 h of fire exposure. Spalling of
concrete due to high temperature exposure is not explicitly 0.2

accounted in the currently developed numerical model. Hence, 0.25

the residual capacity predicted by the current model for Beam 2
and Beam 3 tends to be slightly higher than that measured during 0.3
tests. It should also be noted that all beams failed in flexural mode.
Moreover, the overall response of beams became more ductile with
greater duration of fire exposure as can be observed from the over- Fig. 13. Expected residual thermal expansion (or shrinkage) strains versus residual
all deflection trend plotted in Fig. 12b–d. plastic deformations across the section at mid-span for tested beams.
V.K.R. Kodur, A. Agrawal / Engineering Structures 110 (2016) 293–306 303

which is relatively lower than the magnitude of plastic strains that tion increases at a faster pace with small increments in loading
are between 1.1% and 2.3% in the three beams studied. A single and this is mainly due to spread of plasticity in the steel reinforce-
stage analysis without incorporating residual deformations yields ment. Finally, the beam attains failure when it can no longer sus-
significantly higher values of residual capacity as compared to tain any further increase in load. It is important to note that the
three stage analysis proposed in this paper (Fig. 12b–d). The predicted capacity at room temperature is higher than calculated
post-fire residual capacity, not accounting for residual deforma- using ACI 318 [9], and this can be attributed to strain hardening
tions, is calculated to be 152 kN, 132 kN and 113 kN for tests car- of the steel reinforcement, which is conservatively not accounted
ried out after 1 h, 1.5 h and 2 h of fire exposure respectively. for in ACI 318 design equations (see Table 2).
These predictions are higher by 9%, 15% and 10% respectively when In Stage 2 analysis, both thermal and structural response of the
compared with the corresponding predictions made by the pro- RC beam under fire exposure is evaluated. An initial loading, corre-
posed three stage analysis that incorporates residual deformations. sponding to 50% of the ultimate load carrying capacity, is applied
Overall, good agreement between the predictions and the test on the beam to simulate realistic stress levels during fire exposure.
data demonstrate the validity of the proposed approach in evaluat- The peak rebar temperature depends not only on peak fire temper-
ing residual capacity of RC beams. However, it should be noted that atures but the duration of heating and cooling phases of fire expo-
the model overestimates the residual flexural capacity of RC beams sure as well. The maximum rebar temperature is attained in the
in all cases, especially when spalling occurred in the beams. This parametric fire exposure DF1, wherein the peak fire temperature
can be attributed to the fact that loss of bond between reinforcing is the lowest but the duration of the heating phase is the longest
steel and concrete, as well as fire induced spalling is not explicitly compared to other fire exposure scenarios. The mid-span deflec-
considered in the current model. Also, the predictions by the model tions of the RC beam under different fire exposures, from the
are more realistic than those by simplified cross sectional analysis. sequentially coupled thermo-mechanical analysis, are presented
in Fig. 16. No failure occurs in the beam under all four parametric
fire exposure scenarios and thus the beam has residual capacity
5. Case study after cooling down. The mid-span deflections plotted in Fig. 16 also
indicate that largest deformations occurred in fire exposure sce-
The applicability of the above validated finite element model to nario DF1, which lead to higher peak rebar temperature as com-
evaluate the residual capacity of the fire exposed reinforced con- pared to fire exposure scenarios DF2, DF3 and DF4. The fire
crete beam is further illustrated through a case study. exposed beam recovers part of its stiffness and mid-span deflection
A simply supported RC beam (designated BX1 as per Table 2) reverts as soon as rebar temperatures begin to reduce during the
with a 6 m span having a rectangular cross section of 300 mm by cooling (decay) phase of fire exposure (refer Fig. 17). However, only
480 mm is considered for residual strength analysis. The RC beam 10–20% of the peak deflections are recovered after cool down to
has 3, u20 mm bars as tensile reinforcement and 2, u14 mm bars room temperature which suggests that deformations experienced
as compression reinforcement. Stirrups are of u6 mm spaced at during fire exposure are plastic and are not fully recoverable.
150 mm center to center. Main reinforcing bars and stirrups have Residual response of the beam after different parametric fire
yield strength of 420 MPa and 280 MPa respectively. Only 5 m of exposures is traced through incremental loading in Stage 3 of anal-
the central span is exposed to fire. A uniformly distributed load ysis. The load–deflection response from residual capacity analysis
is applied on the beam and this produces a total bending moment is plotted in Fig. 18 and the results from the analysis are summa-
(including bending moment due to dead load) of about 50% of the rized in Table 3. It can be inferred from the tabulated results that
ultimate load carrying capacity of the beam. Also, as per ACI 216 significant residual deformations remain after fire exposure in RC
[39], the fire resistance of this beam is 120 min (2 h). The dimen- beams. Moreover, the extent of residual deformation varies with
sions, reinforcement details, loading and support conditions are fire severity, with larger residual deformations for more severe fire
presented schematically in Fig. 14. A summary of the case study exposure scenarios. Also, post-fire residual capacity decreases with
parameters are presented in Table 2. increased residual deformations in a RC beam. This infers that the
The residual strength analysis is carried out on the above beam magnitude of residual deformations determine the residual capac-
by exposing it to a typical fire that can occur within a building ity in fire exposed RC beams. It should also be noted that the over-
compartment. To simulate such practical fire exposures scenarios, all behavior of the beam becomes more ductile under more severe
a typical compartment with a total area of 360 m2 was assumed to fire exposure. The deflection at failure of beam BX1 after exposure
be under fire. The fire load density for the compartment was to design fire scenario DF1 is 114 mm as compared to only 53 mm
assumed to be 600 MJ/m2 (80th fractile fuel load for an office for the beam simulated without any fire exposure.
building as per Eurocode 1). Also, for a medium rate of fire growth, The influence of accounting for residual deformations on post-
time for maximum gas (fire) temperature in case of fuel controlled fire response of the beam is clearly illustrated in Fig. 19. Maintain-
fire (tlim) is assumed as 20 min as per Eurocode 1 recommenda- ing all other relevant analysis parameters identical, post-fire resid-
tions. Parametric time–temperature curves were calculated ual response of fire exposed beam BX1 under DF3 fire exposure is
according to recommendations of Eurocode 1 for varying opening evaluated from a single stage simplified analysis (without residual
factors (o ¼ Av heq =At ) which is a function of area of openings deformations) and three stage analysis (with residual deforma-
(Av) equivalent height of openings (heq) and total area (At). The tions). The single stage analysis yields residual load-carrying
respective time–temperature curves for four different fire exposure capacity of the RC beam to be 263 kN, which is significantly higher
scenarios designated DF1, DF2, DF3 and DF4 are presented in (approximately 13%) than that obtained using a three stage proce-
Fig. 15. dure, which was calculated to be 230 kN. This comparison clearly
As part of Stage 1 analysis, the load carrying capacity of the RC establishes that it is critical to account for residual deflections for
beam at room temperature is evaluated and results from Stage 1 evaluating post-fire residual capacity in fire exposed RC beams.
analysis are presented in the form of load–mid-span deflection The beam, BX1, studied in this case study, retained 60–70% of its
response of the beam in Fig. 16. It can be seen that the mid-span room temperature capacity even after exposure to various
deflection increases linearly with load till yielding of reinforcing parametric fire exposure scenarios. This confirms that significant
steel and then the response becomes nonlinear due to the onset residual capacity is retained in fire exposed RC beams and the
of material and geometric nonlinearity that is incorporated in the beams can be rehabilitated through minor repair and retrofitting
analysis. In the nonlinear range of response, the mid-span deflec- strategies. However, significant uncertainty exists in post-fire
304 V.K.R. Kodur, A. Agrawal / Engineering Structures 110 (2016) 293–306

Table 2
Properties and analysis results for case study beam BX1.

Beam designation Beam dimensions (mm) Support conditions Ultimate capacity Initial load (kN/m) Fire resistance (ACI 216) (min)
ACI 318 Model
BX1 300  480 SS 254.3 299.8 25 120

w kN/m A Compartment

5000 mm
5300 mm

6000 mm
(a) Elevation

2 Ø10 mm rebars
300 mm
25 mm (cover
to reinforcement)

Ø 6 mm srrups
480 mm 150 mm c/c

3 Ø 20 mm

25 mm (cover
to reinforcement)

(b) Cross-section A-A’

Fig. 14. Dimensions and reinforcement details of a typical RC beam selected for case study.

1200 350
1000 DF2(O=0.04) 300
Temperature (oC)

800 DF4(O=0.2) 250
Load (kN)

600 200

0 60 120 180 0
Time (min) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Mid-span deflection (mm)
Fig. 15. Parametric time–temperature curves for varying opening factors.
Fig. 16. Load–deflection response of the RC beam at ambient conditions (Stage 1).

behavior which must be investigated through rational engineering

Using such a numerical model, a designer can rationally estimate
approaches as presented in this study.
residual capacity of RC beams by explicitly accounting for a wide
variety of fire, material and structural parameters.
6. Future work While the applicability of the approach has been demonstrated
for RC beams, it can be applied to other RC members under flexural
The approach presented here, is capable of tracing the response loading such as slabs. While some assumptions made in modeling
of RC beams from the initial pre-fire stage to the post-fire residual may not hold good for RC members under compression (columns),
stage under any given fire and loading scenarios. This approach can the overall approach is applicable for predicting post-fire response
be implemented using finite element based computer program. of RC columns as well.
V.K.R. Kodur, A. Agrawal / Engineering Structures 110 (2016) 293–306 305

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 BX1(Without residual deformations)
10 300
DF1 BX1(With residual deformations)
0 DF2
DF3 250
-10 DF4

Load (kN)
Deflection (mm)

-60 50
-80 0 20 40 60 80 100
-90 Deflection (mm)
-100 Fig. 19. Influence of incorporating residual deformations on post-fire response of
Time (min) beam BX1 for fire scenario DF3.

Fig. 17. Mid-span deflections for different fire scenarios for beam BX1.

350 7. Conclusions
DF4 A procedure based on nonlinear finite element analysis is devel-
DF3 oped for evaluating residual capacity of fire exposed RC beam. The
250 DF1 procedure is validated against experimental data following which
Load (kN)

it is applied to evaluate residual capacity of fire exposed simply-

supported, unrestrained, rectangular RC beams. Based on the
results of analysis the following conclusions can be drawn:

100  Three stages of analysis are required for evaluating the residual
capacity of fire exposed reinforced concrete structural mem-
50 bers, namely at ambient conditions, during fire exposure, and
following cool down of fire exposed beam, while taking into
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
consideration, temperature induced plastic deformations and
temperature induced degradation of material properties.
Deflection (mm)
 Incorporating temperature dependent strain hardening proper-
Fig. 18. Residual load–displacement response after different fire exposures for ties of steel reinforcement and tension stiffening properties of
beam BX1. concrete leads to more realistic predictions of residual capacity
than simplified cross sectional analysis.
 Large irrecoverable plastic deformations can remain in fire
exposed RC beams, and higher residual deformations leads to
In its current form, the model cannot account for damage
lower post-fire residual capacity in RC beams.
resulting from fire induced spalling or temperature induced deteri-
 RC beams analyzed in the present study, retain almost 60–70%
oration in interfacial bond at steel reinforcement and concrete
of their ultimate room temperature capacity for a range of para-
interface. These effects are particularly important for studying
metric fire exposure scenarios with a distinct cooling phase.
post-fire response of RC structures made of high strength concrete.
Besides extending the current approach to incorporate these
effects, a series of parametric studies to integrate the influence of
various parameters on the post-fire response of RC beams is Acknowledgements
needed. Moreover, the influence of factors like specific composi-
tion, cooling rate and loading needs to be quantified through fur- The authors wish to acknowledge the support of United States
ther analysis. Data generated from such studies can be utilized to Agency for International Development (through Pakistan-US
develop rational engineering based approaches to ascertain post- Science and Technology Cooperative Program grant PGA-
fire residual capacity of RC beams. A detailed study on these 2000003665) and Michigan State University for undertaking this
aspects is currently in progress at Michigan State University. research. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations

Table 3
Predicted residual deformation and residual capacity in a RC beam under different fire scenarios.

Beam designation Fire exposure Maximum rebar temperature (°C) Peak deformation (mm) Residual deformation (mm) Residual load bearing capacity
Model Simplified approacha
BX1 DF1 559 88 69 202.9 192.3
DF2 401 64 58 224.9 208.5
DF3 289 48 45 230.7 212.1
DF4 174 29 25 248.5 214.6
Simplified approach proposed by Kodur et al. [7].
306 V.K.R. Kodur, A. Agrawal / Engineering Structures 110 (2016) 293–306

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