Experiencias Históricas Recientes de Reintegración

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Political Science topic list of research papers

Factors of Change: The influence of policy environment factors on climate change

mitigation strategies in the transport sector

Abstract There is a large potential for cost-effective solutions to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions and to improve the sustainability of the transport sector that is yet unexploited.
Considering the cost-effectiveness and the potential for...

2017 / Oliver Lah

Las custodias infantiles. Una mirada actual. Madrid: Editorial Biblioteca Nueva

2017 / Laura Gonzalez-Guerrero

Manifesto functions: How party candidates view and use their party's central policy

Abstract Electoral manifestos play a crucial role in visions of party democracy and
political science analyses of party competition. While research has focused on the
contents of manifestos, we know much less about how parties produce manifestos and ...

2016 / Nikolaus Eder, Marcelo Jenny, Wolfgang C. Müller

Reviews: Pressure Groups and British Politics, the Nature of British Local Government,
Ecological Modernisation around the World: Perspectives and Critical Debates, New
Labour in GovernmentPressure groups and British politics by GrantW; Macmillan,
Basingstoke, Hants (published in the USA by St Martin's Press, New York), 2000, 250
pages, £42.50 cloth, £13.99 paper (US $55.00) ISBN 0 333 74484 5, 0 333 74485 3The
nature of British local government by StewartJ; Macmillan, Basingstoke, Hants
(published in the USA by St Martin's Press, New York), 2000, 310 pages, £45.00 cloth,
£14.99 paper (US $69.95 cloth) ISBN 0 33371696 5, 0 333 69337XEcological
modernisation around the world: perspectives and critical debates edited by MolA P J,
SonnenfeldD A; Frank Cass, Newbury Park, Ilford, Essex, 2000, 300 pages, £42.50 cloth,
£17.50 paper (US$59.50, $26.50) ISBN 0 7146 50641, 0 7146 8113 XNew Labour in
government edited by LudlamS, SmithM J; Macmillan, Basingstoke, Hants (published in
the USA by St Martin's Press, New York), 2001, 308 pages, £47.50 cloth, £14.99 paper
(US $65.00) ISBN 0 333 76100 6, 0 333 76101 4

2002 / Michael Woods, Brian Jacobs, Nayna J Jhaveri, Paul Benneworth

Ethical Leadership and Leader Member Exchange (LMX) Theory

2014 / Šejla Babič

«Telediario infantil»: recurso para el aprendizaje en TV

2008 / Jacqueline Sánchez Carrero

Equitable representation in councils: theory and an application to the United Nations

Security Council
2016 / Matthew Gould, Matthew D. Rablen

Efecto de las descargas domésticas y de beneficio de café sobre la calidad del agua y la
diversidad de larvas de Odonata (Insecta) en un arroyo de bosque mesófilo de montaña en
Veracruz, México

Resumen Se compararon, en términos de calidad del agua, la estructura del ensamblaje de

larvas de odonatos y el grado de modificación de la vegetación ribereña, en 2 sitios
contrastantes del río Huehueyapan (Veracruz, México), uno poco perturbado y...

2017 / José Antonio Gómez-Anaya, Rodolfo Novelo-Gutiérrez, Manuel Ricardo


How Much Does the State of the Economy Influence the Popularity of Austrian Parties?
An Empirical Investigation

2017 / Friedrich Schneider, Reinhard Neck, Michael M. Strugl

La TV: una herramienta educativa en el contexto de la familia

2010 / Sonsoles Guerra Liaño

The EU’s Potential Role in the Six Party Talks and the North Korean Nuclear Crisis

2017 / Andrew S. Millard, Chae-Deug Yi

From Overdecentralization to Overcentralization ? Hungarian Experience in Handling the

Crisis at the Local Level

2015 / Márton Gellén

To err is human, but to not put processes in place to avoid errors from becoming fatal is
inhumane . 5. o Congreso Internacional del Movimiento por la Seguridad del paciente
(PSM), California, EE. UU., 2017

2017 / Javier Dávila Torres

Co-educar la mirada contra los estereotipos de género en TV

2008 / Jorge Belmonte Arocha, Silvia Guillamón Carrasco

La tele no es Mary Poppins

2010 / Mar Comín Oliver

An Un-American Foreign Policy: The Peace Corps Overseas, 1961–71

Abstract On October 14, 1960, John F. Kennedy, on the road campaigning for the
presidency of the United States of America, declared his plan of sending young
Americans abroad in order to live and work, for a few years of their lives, among the...

2013 / Junald Dawa Ango

La TV y la educación en valores

2010 / Francisco Maeso Rubio

A comparative framework: How broadly applicable is a ‘rigorous’ critical junctures


2009 / John Hogan, David Doyle

Experiencias históricas recientes de reintegración de excombatientes en Colombia

2013 / Álvaro Villarraga

Civility, Enlightenment, and Society: Conceptual Confusions and Kantian Remedies

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