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SARAH TUCKER COLLEGE PALAYAMKOTTAIL ICIA BANKING INSURANCE AND RISK MANAGEMENT Class: I M.Com Total Marks: 30 Part—A 4x1=4 1) The Malhotra Committee purpose and recommendation is to assess the strength and provides to insurance companies. a) objectivet b) weaknesses ¢) efficient d) visible. 2) According to the recommendations of Malhotra COMMITTEE the Govt. stake the insurance companies to be brought down to a) 20%b) 50% ¢)75% d) 100% 3) LIC shoud pay interest on delays in payments beyond —~ a)30 days b) 90 days c) 60 days d) 120 days 4)The purpose of insurance mode of risk transfer is to provide economic protection against - --days. a) money b)business c)losses d)policy . Part -B 2X5=10 5)A.Define insurance with financial and legal sense ? (Or) B. Discuss insurance as A Macro economic Issue? 6)A. What are the elements of an insurance risk? (Or) B. Explain the role of customer service in insurance Risk? Part—C 2X8=16 7)A. Explain the insurance sector reforms? (On) B. Explain IRDA regulations? 8)A. Describe Principles of Insurance? (on B. Explain the duty of Utmost Good Faith?

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