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Module 3 (Rest and Leisure) Test I

Task 1. Read a part of a teenage boy`s personal account of how his band broke up. For
questions 1-5 choose the best answer (A-D)

When you look back, everything seems so insignificant and stupid; the things you did, the
reason you did them. Everything is so much less complicated in hindsight and you wonder
what all the fuss was about. I was 14 years old and at the time had a few friends but only
two best friends. They were very different. One, who I call Daniel, was very popular at
school and from a family who didn`t want for anything. We enjoyed playing video games
at his place, where there seemed to be a new gadget or add-on every time I went round.
My other friend, who I`ll call Bill, was from a tougher background but I always felt I
could confide in him about the things that mattered to me.
Bill and I were really into music. Soon we decided to start our own band. I played bass and
Bill was a fantastic guitarist, we also found a good drummer. Bill and I took it in turns to
sing and we both got better with practice, especially Bill, who also started composing his
own lyrics.
Soon Daniel found out about our band and decided that he wanted to be a part of it. The
drummer and I liked Daniel but Bill never really got along with him; they were too
different. Despite this, we moved all our gear to Daniel`s house and everything went well
for a few weeks. Then one day Daniel told us that he wanted Bill to be kicked out of the
band and, if we did this, he`d get his parents to buy us loads of new equipment. It was
truly tempting but I said I needed to think about it, as Bill hadn`t done anything to deserve
I had to tell Bill face-to-face about the situation and Daniel`s offer to re-equip the band if
we let him go. He said he understood that I couldn`t refuse, which made me feel all the
worse. Bill was a closer friend to me and yet I was being disloyal to him. I felt bad about
my decision, which he only tried to make lighter for me by easing my conscience.
Eventually I agreed to let him go. So, Daniel had his way and we got our new music gear.
But after a few months Daniel got tired of the band and called it quits.
Needless to say, that decision still haunts me. Daniel drifted out of my life. I have
contacted Bill, who moved away shortly after our break-up, and he has accepted my
apologies and forgiven me. In fact, we had the chance to meet up last summer and spend a
pleasant few weeks hanging out together.
1. How does the writer feel about the time he describes in the first paragraph?
A He feels now as he did then.
B He is confused about what happened.
C He realizes neither friend were what they seemed.
D He is more relaxed about it now.
2. In the early days of the band, Bill and the writer…
A always sang together.
B each sang songs they had written.
C shared the role of singer.
D were very competitive.
3. How did the writer react when Daniel suggested the band getting rid of Bill?
A He totally disagreed with the idea.
B He recommended getting rid of the drummer.
C He felt unable to decide immediately.
D He was tempted to quit himself.
4. The line ‘had his way’ in the fourth paragraph means that Daniel…
A managed to get what he wanted.
B introduced a new musical style.
C arranged the band`s practice time.
D chose the new musical equipment.
5. What do we learn about the writer in the last paragraph?
A He wishes he had achieved musical fame.
B His friendship with Bill has stood the test of time.
C He stopped all contact with Daniel after what happened.
D He now feels too ashamed of himself to face Bill.
Task 2. Read the texts. For options 6-10 choose the proper variant from (A-H). There are
three options you don`t need to use.
Activities for Kids
6.B Kids put critical thinking skills to the test while working with interactive stations
designed to encourage them to explore the world around them. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Fridays -
Saturdays; and noon to 5 p.m. Sundays. Children under 2 are admitted for free. San
Antonio Children's Centre, 305 E. Houston St.210-212-4453.
7.H E One of the greatest drum ensembles in the world will amaze San Antonio audiences
with their musical abilities. Their music is thought by some to be sacred and is linked to
generation and fertility. 8 p.m. Jo Long Theatre of the Carver Community Cultural Centre,
226 E. Hackberry St. 210-453-6870.
8.C Join stargazers as you observe the sky through large telescopes in an informational
program with the San Antonio Sky Association. Sundown to 10 p.m. every Wednesday.
Free. Lower Bee Tree soccer field parking lot. McAllister Park, 13102 Jones Maltsberger
Road. 210-710-2456.
9.F Centre staff lead kids in activities that help build their fine and gross motor skills.
Weekly activities may include music and exploration of hands- on materials. Class is
geared for ages 0-3 years. 2 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. San Antonio Childrens' Centre,
309 B. Houston St. 210-134-5647.
10.G This four-week programme for ages 5+ includes stories, songs and animal close-ups.
This week's class is Animal Park. Reservations required, and may be made by calling 210-
347-8937. Phil Hardberger Park, 12303 Bianco Road.

A Visiting a safari park

B Investigating the environment -
C Learning astronomy -
D Looking at museum exhibits
E Listening to live rhythms
F Developing movement ability -
G Discovering wild life -
H Playing the drums -
Task 3. Read the texts. For texts 11-16 choose the correct option (A-H). There are two
choices you don`t need to use.
Countryside Activities
11.A Survival School
If you're thinking of taking a trip to somewhere far from cities and people, you might want
to learn how to take care of yourself first. Survival Schools' challenging weekend course
(£150) will teach you fire-making, camp-building and recognizing edible plants and while
animals. These skills could save your life.

12. _E_ Park Stables

Have you ever thought of exploring a national park on horseback? Park Stables offers
rides on horses specially chosen for their gentle characters. Beginners are welcome and
riding hats and boots are provided free of charge. Private ride £25 per hour, family ride
£42 per hour.
13.C Swallow Aviation
Get a bird's-eye view of the countryside and see some of the region's tourist sights from
the air by taking a lesson in a two-seater microlight plane. It's an adventure that's not for
the faint-hearted! The training plane is an Icarus C42 which flies at around 160 kph.
Flights from £149.
14._G_Island Link
This ferry company will take you to a beautiful, walker-friendly island. Some of its
footpaths take in the coastline, while others pass through woods. You probably won't see
another walker all day! Walks vary in length from 2 to 8 hours. Ferry fare and walker's
guidebook €5.
Windtek runs windsurfing training courses for beginners, involving two three-hour private
lessons (£89 with board and wetsuit hire). Experienced surfers can also practice on their
own (£15 per hour). At this time of year, the water is still warm and an exciting day in the
open air is promised!
16.__F_Bygone Age
Practice a skill from the past! This company owns a 10-kilometer private railway track and
offers train lovers the opportunity to drive a steam train through pretty countryside. The
return trip (£125) lasts one hour. There are picnic tables and a children's playground at the
Which countryside activity would be suitable for someone who______?

A wants to learn survival skills. -

B would like to learn or practice water sports. -
C isn`t afraid of heights. -
D would like to practice water sports indoors.
E wouldn`t like to pay extra for equipment available
F would like to practice their driving skills. -
G wants to spend some time in peace and solitude. -
H wants to go sightseeing with a guide
Diet and Exercise
So you think you 1___ to go on a diet? Are you really
sure that`s the best way to lose weight and get fit?
Very often what you eat 2___ out to be the least
important factor, especially if you want the results
3___. One question to ask yourself is whether your exercise routine is regular. 4___
several hours at a gym three days in a row and then doing nothing for two weeks is a bad
idea. Getting one hour of exercise every other day is far 5___. Your body has its own way
of adjusting to the exercise routine, and you will experience less fatigu e and 6___ injuries
with a regular workout schedule. Also, if you are one of those people who eat a huge
breakfast and then nothing until the evening, try 7____ more often, and remember to make
your meals as 8___ as possible. Finally, don`t follow an exercise or diet routine just
because it`s 9___. It`s your body, after all, and by paying attention to how it 10____ you
can find the most effective plan for you.

1 A must B should C need D can

2 A turns B is turning C turned D turn
3 A last B to last(правило if C lasting D have last
you want TO do

4 A Spend B Spends C Spent D Spending

5 A effectiver B effective C the most effective D more
effective(far –
вижчий ступінь з more)

6 A Fewer(ім, які у B more few C Less(ім, які не можна D least

множині) порахувати)

7 A eat B to eat(пілся try C Eating(після try якщо це D be eating

якщо це складне) експеримент)

8 A healthier B Healthy(as _ as C healthiest D much healthy

вживається зі

9 A Fashionable B fashion C Fashionably(після D fashioned

нього іде прикметник)

10 A respond B responding C have responded D responds


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