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Contemporary Challenges

of Arti cial Intelligence: An

Integral Perspective
Arti cial Intelligence (AI) has deeply integrated into the fabric of our
society, driving innovations in sectors ranging from medicine to the
automotive industry. However, its rapid evolution and massive
adoption have raised a series of ethical, technical, and social issues
that require urgent attention. This report aims to explore the current
problems associated with AI, focusing on key areas such as ethics,
privacy, security, inequality, and labor impact, as well as proposing
recommendations to address these challenges.

Ethical and Privacy Issues

Biases and Discrimination
AI can perpetuate and amplify existing biases in data, leading to
discriminatory outcomes in critical areas such as employment
recruitment, credit granting, and judicial systems. The lack of
transparency in algorithms exacerbates this issue, making it dif cult
to identify and correct these tendencies.

Invasion of Privacy
AI systems, especially those integrated into connected devices and
social media platforms, can collect and process vast amounts of
personal data, often without the explicit consent of individuals. This
raises serious concerns about privacy and the misuse of personal
Security Issues
Vulnerabilities to Malicious Attacks
As AI becomes more prevalent in critical systems, such as energy
supply networks and communication infrastructures, its
susceptibility to cyber-attacks becomes a signi cant risk. Attacks
can not only disrupt these services but also manipulate the behavior
of AI for malicious purposes.

Autonomy and Control

The increasing autonomy of AI systems, particularly in military
applications and autonomous vehicles, raises questions about
responsibility in cases of failure or accidents. The possibility of
machines making critical decisions without direct human
intervention generates a signi cant ethical and security debate.

Social and Labor Issues

Impact on Employment
AI-driven automation has the potential to displace a large number of
workers, especially in sectors characterized by repetitive tasks.
While new jobs will be created, there is signi cant concern about
the skills gap and the workforce's ability to adapt to rapid changes.

Technological Inequality
The development and implementation of AI tend to concentrate in
countries and companies with signi cant resources, exacerbating
inequalities globally and within societies. The digital divide widens,
leaving less privileged populations without access to the bene ts of
these technologies.

Promoting Transparency and Fairness

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