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VALLET: Good morning sir/ma’am, welcome to NEMSU Hotel! My name is ____ and I’m your valet
attendant for today. May I have the honour to carry your luggage? May I know your good name
ma’am so that I can address you properly?

GUEST: My name is Hilary.

Okay Ma’am Hilary I have here with me your black luggage, Am I right?


VALLET: Okay ma’am Hilary, please follow me to the front desk but before that may we drop first to
the security area for safety purposes and to check if you have any prohibited items. This way please.


Ma’am this is our front desk and this is Alexa our front desk clerk.
Miss Alexa, this is our guest Hilary, kindly accommodate her.
Ma’am Hilary your butler will come to you shortly, is there anything that I can assist you with?

GUEST: None so far.

VALLET: Thank you ma’am for choosing PECIT Hotel. Please excuse me; I will now go to my
designated area.

BUTLER: Good morning ma’am, I am George and I am you butler attendant during your stay here in
PECIT Hotel. I have here with me your key card to your room and it is located in 3 rd floor. So, may I
assist you in carrying your luggage?

GUEST: Yes please.

This way ma’am to the elevator, please follow me. By the way ma’am how was your trip?

GUEST: Good.

BUTLER: Maybe you need some relaxing time; we have a SPA located at the ground floor. You can
dial 5 for massage service if you want to have a massage service in your room. We also have a
souvenir shop beside the SPA. We have a fitness gym and swimming pool, all located at the ground
floor. And we also have an infinity pool located at the roof top. Our restaurant is located at the
ground floor and we serve free breakfast.

GUEST: Wow, nice amenities.

BUTLER: Ma’am we are already here at the 3 rd floor. This way please. So as you can see ma’am we
have here the red and green arrow. Green arrow indicates a fire exit. For emergency, just follow the
red arrow. We also have a fire extinguisher; just break it in case of fire. So, we are here in you room,
may I open it for you?
GUEST: Yes please. Ma’am if you want to open your door, just simply tap the key card in the door,
the green light will blink that indicate it is open, and then turn the knob. So this is your room ma’am
just simply put the key card in the card holder and it will automatically switch everything in the
room. Your room ma’am is wifi ready just ask to the front desk the wifi password by dialling 0.

GUEST: Okay. Thank you!

BUTLER: Kindly take a seat ma’am. Where would you like me to put your luggage beside your bed or
to the luggage rack?

GUEST: At the luggage rack please.

BUTLER: Would you like me to turn on the AC ma’am? Is the temperature okay with you ma’am?
BUTLER: We have a complementary drinks ma’am, would you like to have a coffee, tea, of orange
GUEST: Orange juice please.
BUTLER: Here is your orange juice ma’am.
(Be proactive; if the guest is removing his shoes for instance give her the hotel slipper)
------ (give the slipper) -------here is your slippers ma’am. I will put your shoes in the shoe rack.

BUTLER: Would you like me to unpack your luggage ma’am?

GUEST: Oh, yea please.
BUTLER: Kindly instruct me on how would you like me to do in your clothes ma’am if you want it to
be hanged or fold.
GUEST: Hang it please.
BUTLER: Your clothes is already hanged ma’am by the way may I introduce to you the room facilities
and amenities. Over here is the 55 inch smart TV with 100 cable channels. We have a center table
where you can also use for your paper works. By the way ma’am if you need something else here is
our hotel phone directory beside the telephone; you can dial 0 for the front desk, dial 1 for
restaurant. Kindly refer to the hotel’s phone directory if needed. Next is our bathroom, clean and
sanitized. We have a hot and cold shower and a bath tub. Would you like me to prepare you bathtub
ma’am? For the bath tab ma’am we have three scents to choose from; we have lavender, vanilla,
bubble bath, and rose petal. Which one you prefer?

GUEST: lavender bath please.

BUTLER: Good choice ma’am. Please excuse me; I will just prepare your lavender bath. As you can
see ma’am we have here your closet I already put your clothes as per your preference. Here in the
left side is your vanity mirror; at the right side is you mini refrigerator. If you need to have something
from the refrigerator we will charge it. For your valuables ma’am we have here your safety deposit
box. I will just remind you ma’am that you have a meeting with Mr. Lim at the business center
located at the lobby at exactly 5:00pm. For tomorrow’s breakfast, you can choose from continental
breakfast, Filipino food, and American breakfast. Which breakfast you would like to have tomorrow?

GUEST: Filipino breakfast please.

BUTLER: Noted on that ma’am. What time would you like your breakfast to be served ma’am?
GUEST: 8:00 AM please.
BUTLER: Would you prefer to have you breakfast to be served here in your room or you would like to
have it in the restaurant?
GUEST: I want it here in room.
BUTLER: Would you like me to wake you up ma’am?
GUEST: yes please, I would like to have a wake up call at 7:00 AM.
BUTLER: Okay, noted on that ma’am. May I just recap your requests ma’am? You want to have a
wake-up call at 7:00 AM, breakfast served at 8:00 AM, Filipino breakfast. Is there anything else that I
can assist you with? By the way you shoes ma’am would you like me to polish it?

(four types of shoes)
So your shoes ma’am is leather shoes. We have her two types of shoe polish. Which one do you
prefer? Cream or liquid?
GUEST: I want liquid shoe polisher.
BUTLER: I will just excuse myself ma’am and return your shoes after I polish it. Please let us know if
you need something else.

(Knock three times)

Butler service good morning (wish the guest the time of the day).

GUEST: Come in.

BUTLER: Good morning ma’am, how was your sleep? I’m here to deliver your shoes the one you
requested for polishing. By the way ma’am is this your shoes?
GUEST: Yes, that is my shoes.
BUTLER: Where would you like me to put your polished shoes ma’am?
GUEST: At the shoe rack please.
BUTLER: May I remind you as well ma’am that today is your check out day; would you like to extend
your stay?
BUTLER: Okay ma’am your flight is at 5:00 PM at BUTUAN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT terminal 3. Is
there anything else that I can assist you with? Okay, thank you ma’am.

(FRONT DESK) Good morning! This is Airesh, I’m calling from room 302, kindly settles the bill please
in advance. Thank you!
Ma’am, would you like me to help you in packing up your things? I’m finished packing up your
things; I can assure you that there are no left items. Here is the check list of your items. Ma’am I
would just like to ask, if there are comments you can say about our service?

GUEST: Oh, your service is great! Keep it up!

- (if negative) Thank you for being honest ma’am we will take note on that so that we can
improve our service.
- (if positive) Thank you for your positive comments ma’am!
Ma’am your car is waiting for you, but first we will drop at the front desk to settle your bill. Shall we
go ma’am?
I already put your luggage at the car compartment. Is there anything else that you need?
Thank you ma’am! Please see us again! Have a safe flight!

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