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The Alliance Army, also known as the rebel army, was a military branch containing

the ground forces of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Ranking members of the
Rebel army could be identified by a pips with green markings. Eventually, it was
replaced by the New Republic army.

Theoretically, all Rebel soldiers were trained the same way, using a field guide
known as the White Book. According to the White Book, training was to be divided
into three to four phases; the first two were identical for every soldier, while
the third had two types, one for ground forces and another for space forces. The
fourth phase was used to train special forces.[19]

In reality, only base troops actually underwent a formal training as suggested by

the White Book. In Twilight Company, for example, training consisted of little more
than being shown how to use a blaster.[19]

Alliance Special Forces training taught a number of skills, including using antique
slugthrowers, disarming proximity mines, and rappelling off of ray shields.
According to Kryndal, about a third of the personnel at Echo Base had undergone
Special Forces training.[19]

Wiki-shrinkable This in-universe list is incomplete. You can help Wookieepedia by
expanding it.
Rebel Alliance Special Forces[22]
4th SpecForce Regiment[3]
61st Mobile Infantry "Twilight Company"[19]
"Bitter Pill Company"[19]
Sixty-Eighth Infantry "Fisheye Company"[19]
Twenty-First company[19]
Second platoon[16]
Strike teams
Endor strike team[2]
Ajax's squad[19]
Charmer's squad[19]
Carver's squad[19]
Delta Squad[16]
Extraction Team Bravo[3]
Fektrin's squad[19]
Namir's squad[19]
Renegade Squadron[8]
Twitch's squad[19]
Zab's squad[19]
M.A.R. Corps[23]
32nd Commando Unit[2]
SpecForce Pathfinders[7]
Stardust unit[2]
Vapetailers unit[2]
Tatooine rebel cell[5]
Thirty-Second Infantry "Bleeding Roughnecks"[19]
Rebel Troopers Upgrade Expansion art
A Gran and Ishi Tib Rebel trooper.

Army troopers
Overview and primary infantry
The rebel army was composed of a variety of different soldiers and mercenaries. The
Imperial occupations of many species' homeworlds resulted in an abundance of
warriors native to those worlds to enlist in the rebel army. Such warriors included
Drabatan Saboteurs, Iakaru Warriors, Wookiee warriors, and Gigoran Fighters.[5] The
rebel trooper was one of the standard types of trooper used by the army.[8]

Elite units
The rebel army maintained several elite troopers for their operations. Such
troopers included the Ithorian Infiltrator, the Bufopel Protector, the Rebel
pathfinder, the Rebel Commando[5] the Rebel Honor Guard[8] and the marines from the
Marine Corps.[14]

The rebel army maintained several troopers that specialized in a specific
environment, such as the Cold-weather Soldier and the Desert Soldier.[5] Members of
"Fisheye Company" were specialized to fight in aquatic environments.[19]

The army of the Alliance was composed of a wide array of specialized soldiers that
specialized in certain weapons, missions, or tactics. For heavy ordnances, the
Alliance's army employed the Heavy Soldier, the Cold-weather Heavy Soldier, the
Heavy Desert Soldier, the Rebel Vanguard,[5] the Quarren Heavy Gunner, the
Sullustan Demolition,[6] and the Special-weapons flamethrower.[2] The army also
utilized jetpack-equipped soldiers such as the Jetpack Trooper, the Arctic Jetpack
Trooper, the Desert Jetpack Trooper, the Forest Jetpack Trooper,[5] the Ishi Tib
Jetpack Trooper,[6] and the rocket-jumper.[11]

The army also made use of several types of sniper-equipped troopers, including the
Rebel Marksman,[8] the Rodian Sniper,[6] and the Sullustan Recon Sharpshooter. The
rebel army also had mounted troopers, which consisted of the Bantha Rider and the
Tauntaun Rider.[5] Alliance gunners maintained and used heavy weaponry.[4]

To bolster their forces, the army's mercenaries consisted of Dowutin Hunters,
Fathier Riders, Gamorrean Warriors, Luggabeast Munitioneers, Tognath Marksmen, and
Twi'lek Incinerators.[5]

Combat engineers were also used by the rebel army, and specialized in engineering
operations on the battlefield.[2]

Vehicles and machinery

The vehicles of the rebel army originated from varied sources. In addition to their
own vehicles, the rebel army obtained several that dated back to the Clone Wars to
both the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and the army
also supplemented its forces with stolen Imperial vehicles such as the All Terrain
Armored Transport, the All Terrain Scout Transport, the All Terrain Defense Turret,
and the TX-225 GAVw "Occupier" combat assault tank. Clone Wars-era vehicles
included the Republic's All Terrain Tactical Enforcer, the All Terrain
Reconnaissance Transport, the All Terrain Attack Pod, TX-130 Saber-class fighter
tank,[25] and the Confederacy's Armored Assault Tank and IG-227 Hailfire-class
droid tank.[5] In addition, the Clone Wars-era and Imperial vehicles were
supplemented by the army's Arrow-23, Heavy Tracker, Freerunner, Ultra-Light Assault
Vehicle,[2] Juggernaut, A-A5 Speeder Truck, T2-B Repulsor Tank, Enhanced T2-B
Repulsor Tank,[5] MLC-3 light tank, the Endor Forest Ranger, the 74-Z speeder bike,
[8] X-34 landspeeder,[11] T-47 airspeeder,[4] and the V-4X-D ski speeder.[5]

In addition, the rebel army also heavily modified vehicles to better suit their
purposes. Several of these modified vehicles included the Elite AT-TE, the Anti-
Vehicle Skiff, the Cold-weather Hailfire Droid, and the Enhanced AT-AP Walker.[5]
Also in its arsenal, the army utilized stationary artillery pieces. Such weapons
included the 1.4 FD P-Tower, the DF.9 turret placement,[26] the V-232 artillery
emplacement, the V-120 artillery emplacement,[27] and the v-150 Planet Defender.

Weapons and equipment

The rebel army was well equipped with a variety of infantry weapons such as blaster
rifles, which included the A280 blaster rifle,[20] the A280C blaster rifle,[4] the
A-300 blaster rifle, the A280-CFE blaster, the A310 rifle, the DH-17 blaster
rifle[14] the E-5C, and at times the stolen E-11 medium blaster rifle.[11] Members
of the rebel army also used the DH-17 blaster pistol,[4] the A180 pistol,[14] the
DLT-20A blaster rifle,[16] the M-45 repeating ion blaster,[3] the Vulk TAU-6-23
"Blastmill" rotary blaster cannon, the Z-6 rotary blaster cannon,[5] and the Mark
II EWHB-10.[4]

For heavy ordnance, the rebel army was equipped with the PLX-1,[19] the RPS-6
rocket launcher,[28] the HH-12 rocket launcher,[14] and the Smart Rocket.[6]

The Alliance had rank insignia, though they were rarely seen in smaller cells or
units such as mobile infantry companies.[19]

The Alliance Military was the military arm of the Alliance to Restore the Republic
(later Alliance of Free Planets) charged with the task of defeating the Galactic
Empire's vast military forces and defending the Alliance's operations to foment
rebellion against Emperor Palpatine's iron fist rule.

The Commander-in-Chief, a title held by Chief of State Mon Mothma, her Chief of
Staff, the Minister of War and the Supreme Allied Commanders formed the Alliance
High Command, which formed the central nervous system of the Alliance Military.
High Command oversaw both the centralized Alliance Special Forces and the semi-
autonomous Sector Forces.

The structure of the Alliance military was designed by Bail Organa, who used his
experiences on the Old Republic Senate Military Oversight Committee to aid in
setting up the Alliance High Command. The Alliance military was separated into two
distinct branches: Alliance Forces and Sector Forces.

In 4 ABY, Ackbar was appointed Supreme Commander of the Alliance Military. That
year, the Alliance Military changed into the New Republic Defense Force.
High Command
The High Command was the mind of the Alliance military. It was composed of the
Chief of State, who was also Commander in Chief, the Minister of War, the Chief of
Staff, and the various Supreme Allied Commanders. The High Command directed all
Alliance military forces in a coordinated effort. For this reason, Alliance
tactical doctrine dictated that the High Command and the Alliance Fleet were
generally not to be in the same place at the same time, since the Alliance could
withstand the loss of either the Fleet or the High Command but not both. The most
important members of the High Command were the various Supreme Allied Commanders,
who had direct command and control of each facet of the Alliance military.

Alliance Forces
The Alliance Forces were the part of the Rebellion's military that was directly
controlled by the Alliance and High Command. This included the Alliance Fleet and
attached starfighter wings, as well as the small but powerful ground forces that
composed SpecForces, fleet regiments and small ground units.

Blue Glass Arrow Main article: Alliance Fleet
The majority of the strength of the Alliance Forces was concentrated in the Rebel
fleet. While only consisting of a small fraction of the ships available to the
Imperial Navy, the Rebel fleet was the most powerful single military unit available
to the Alliance High Command. Due to the scarcity of funds for the Rebellion, most
warships employed in the Rebel fleet were either captured or donated by
friendly/allied individuals and worlds, the vessels that were openly bought were
usually cheap and/or outdated such as the GR-75 medium transport. The fleet was
under the direct command of Admiral Gial Ackbar, the Supreme Commander of Rebel
space forces.

Starfighter Corps
Blue Glass Arrow Main article: Alliance Starfighter Corps
The Alliance Military had a unit of starfighters separate from the navy,
essentially becoming its own military branch.

Ground forces
"Battle platforms can destroy, starfleets can blockade, but only the army can take
and hold the ground. Without the ground, all your fancy spaceships will wither and
―General Crix Madine[5]
Blue Glass Arrow Main article: Alliance Army
STEaW Rebel army
Rebel tanks and artillery rush to engage Imperial forces.

While the bulk of the ground forces operated by the Rebellion consisted of various
Rebel cells and Sector Forces, Alliance Command did maintain a small but powerful
ground force. The Rebel SpecForce operated ten ground combat divisions and was a
prominent part of the Alliance Army; its duties included protecting the High
Command from assault, as took place on Hoth. While smaller than the Imperial Army,
the Alliance Army often used hit-and-run tactics to infuriate Imperial officers.

Aquatic navy
Blue Glass Arrow Main article: Rebel Navy (aquatic)
The Alliance had an aquatic Navy supported by R2-D5 labor droids and its vehicles
were constructed at shipyards.[6]

Sector Forces
Blue Glass Arrow Main article: Sector Force
The Sector Forces were semi-autonomous military units that were responsible for
maintaining the Rebellion on local levels. These were the Alliance affiliated
resistance movements that resisted the Empire in their own respective sectors. In
most cases these were small sized local armies that conducted regular day to day
business independently, though they technically partially subordinate to the High
Command. Sector Forces were at times augmented by Alliance starfighter and ground

Supreme Allied Commanders
The Supreme Allied Commanders were the chiefs of each branch of the Alliance
military. Each Supreme Allied Commander and their staff was expected to run their
departments smoothly and efficiently. Efficiency was most important, as time and
funds were always in short supply for the Alliance. There were seven Supreme Allied
Commanders, broken down as follows:

Fleet Command
This department was responsible for the most important aspect of the Alliance
military—the Fleet. Fleet Command was headed by the admiral of the fleet itself.
The admiral of the fleet, besides being the operation combat commander, also
oversaw the training, organization, and deployment of the fleet, giving the Fleet
Command supreme power over the Alliance fleet.

Ordnance and Supply

The Procurement and Supply department was responsible for providing adequate
supplies for the military, such as foodstuffs, fuel, spare parts, weapons, etc. In
practice, Ordnance and Supply maintained only the Fleet and starfighter units,
leaving each Sector Command responsible for maintaining their own local ground
forces. OaS worked very closely with the Minister of Supply in the civil

Starfighter Command
This department oversaw the control of all Alliance starfighter squadrons. In was
responsible for training new pilots, assigning squadrons to the fleet, and loaning
squadrons to Sector Commands for important missions. This command was considered
one of the more difficult, as it regularly had to deal with multiple requests for
squadrons while faced with limited available resources. Jan Dodonna was placed in
charge of this entire branch and all rebel starfighter operations by Mon Mothma.

Support Services
Alliance Support Services oversaw the small number of transport and cargo craft
maintained by the Alliance. Support Services also maintained all Alliance hospital
ships and safe worlds. While not as glamorous as Fleet or Starfighter Command, it
was nonetheless one of the most crucial.

Alliance Intelligence was responsible for keeping track of all Imperial units and
maintaining undercover operatives. It was considered the most dangerous of all
branches of the Alliance, including the fleet. Intel also maintained the Alliance's
small fleet of deep space surveillance vessels and probe droids. The operatives of
Intel often had to compile information from hundreds of sources just to put
together a reliable picture on the activities of the Empire.

Special Forces
Composed of the Alliance ground forces. Small in number, due to the fact that most
armies were local forces under Sector Forces, the SpecForces were elite forces
marked by excellence of training, brilliant leadership, and high morale. SpecForce
units defended High Command, were attached to the Fleet, and aided Sector Forces
across the Galaxy.
Sector Command
This branch was tasked with coordinating the various Sector Forces, assigning
assets, and ensuring that each sector worked in line with Alliance policy. There
were thousands of Sector Forces scattered across the galaxy, making this task
extremely difficult.

"What's the matter? You guys wanna live forever? Move it out!"
―A Rebel sergeant[5]
Training exercise-GAW
Rebel Alliance soldiers in training session

The Alliance Army's infantry was formed partly of the Alliance Special Forces,
Sector Forces, and SpecOps divisions. Organizations formed of highly trained
commandos and agents, who performed a series of guerrilla attacks throughout the
Galactic Civil War with the aim of undermining, pilfering from and ultimately
destroying the Empire. The rest of the Alliance Army's infantry was made up of
Sector Forces with the vast majority of the personnel being Rebel troopers.

Command structure
Hoth trenches
Alliance Army personnel preparing for the Imperial assault at the Battle of Hoth.

The Rebel Alliance Army and Sector Force had a largely standardized command
structure. While it could vary from sector to sector, most Sector Forces used the
following organization:[7]

Corporal: Second-in-command in a squad of nine troops. The corporal was the senior-
most trooper.[7]
Sergeant: Commanded a squad of 9 troopers.[7]
Lieutenant: Commanded a platoon that consisted of 4 squads (36 troops).[7]
Captain: Commanded a company that was made up of 4 platoons (144 troops) .[7]
Major: Commanded a battalion composed of 4 companies (576 troops).[7]
Colonel: Commanded a regiment that was made up of 4 battalions (2,304 troops).
Occasionally commanded brigades which was composed of 4 regiments (9,216 troops).
The colonel was occasionally referred to as a regimental commander.[7]
General: Commanded brigades which consisted of 4 regiments (9,216 troops) or corps
which was formed by 4 brigades (36,864 troops). A sector's most senior general
could also command a Sector Army.[7]
Above the generals were the senior generals who usually held the title of Sector
Force commander, followed by the Sector Force Supreme Commander

In the Navy, the rank of Petty officer, Chief Petty Officer, Ensign, Lieutenant,
Lieutenant Commander, Commander, and Captain were the ranks beneath the rank of
Admiral (with Admiral of the Fleet as the Supreme Commander (Alliance/Republic) of
the combined Alliance Fleet). Beneath the officers were the ordinary crewmen,
generally referred to as Deckmen.[7]
When in major battles the Alliance was known to utilize several different vehicles
and military equipment. Some of them were from the Clone Wars era.

AAC-1 speeder tank
AAC-2 hovertank
All Terrain Tactical Enforcer
All Terrain Attack Pod
All Terrain Experimental Transport
Energy Pummel (Rebel Alliance)
HAVw A5 Juggernaut
HAVw A6 Juggernaut
Heavy Tracker
Mobile Defense Unit
Rebel Armored Freerunner
Rebel attack tank
Rebel combat speeder
T1-B hovertank
T2-B repulsor tank
T3-B heavy attack tank
T4-B heavy tank
TX-130 Saber-class fighter tank
Ultra-Light Assault Vehicle
A MPTL-2a artillery unit firing.

1.4 FD P-Tower
Artillery (Rebel Alliance)
Blaster Cannon
FPC 6.7 Anti-Aircraft Battery
M102 Fire Arc
MLC-3 Mobile Laser Cannon
Mobile Proton Torpedo Launcher
Mobile Proton Torpedo Launcher-2a
SP.9 Anti-Infantry Artillery Vehicle
V-188 Penetrator
Mechanized Infantry
Armed transport
Armored hover train
A-A5 speeder truck
Arrow-23 landspeeder
Endor Forest Ranger
HTT-26 heavy troop transport
Infantry Support Platform
PDT-8 Personnel Deployment Transport
Personnel Skiff Model IV
Aerial Assault
Rebel Alliance soldiers escorting a GR-75 medium transport during the Battle of

AHS-1 heavy assault airspeeder

GR-75 medium transport
Hover Transport TC9
Light Corvette (air cruiser)
T-47 airspeeder
Tachyon fast-attack airspeeder
74-Z speeder bike
Air bike
All Terrain Personal Transport
All Terrain Recon Transport
Flare-S swoop
Rebel Scout Speeder
Security Scout
Blue Glass Arrow Main article: Rebel Navy (aquatic)
Planetary Defenses
v-150 anti-orbital ion cannon
LNR Series I Systemary Laser Battery
LNR Series II Systemary Laser Battery
GenCore Level I
GenCore Level II
Alliance Special Forces
Rebel trooper
Rebel Elite Commando
Rebel marksman
Rebel mortar trooper
Rebel pilot
Rebel marine
Rebel dark trooper hunter
Rebel gunner
Rebel Honor Guard
Rebel vanguard division
Rebel Desert Trooper
Rebel Assault Trooper
Rebel heavy trooper
Rebel Prison Trooper
Rebel Missile Trooper
Rebel Infiltrator
Alliance Elite Guard
Sith Hunter
Sea Commando
Rebel privateer
Compared to the forces of the Imperial Military, the Alliance's ground forces were
woefully outmatched in numbers of troops, vehicles, warships and material.[8]
Because of this, Alliance commanders were taught to follow Madine's Rules of War.
Striking the enemy at his weakest points, destroying their morale and outsmarting
enemy commanders were seen as the best way for the Rebels to achieve victory during
offensive operations.[8]

The same principle was applied to defensive operations. Army units were often
tasked to provide cover while important Rebel assets escaped and other temporary
holding actions; extended defensive battles would always result in the Imperial
Army eventually overwhelming them with superior numbers.[8] A form of mobile
defense was encouraged, whereby ground was given up when necessary in order to lure
overextended Imperial forces into a trap. The Battle of Tiems was a classic example
of this method and later used as an lesson to teach new Army commanders.[8]

Tactically the Alliance Army fought as a combined arms force, utilizing infantry,
artillery, armor (Combat Assault Vehicles or CAVs), scout units, ground transports
(Light Mechanical Vehicles or LMVs), and air support (Sub-Atmospheric Craft or
SAC). Because of shortages within the Rebellion, however, not all of these elements
were always present on a battlefield.[8] Reflecting the Alliance Army's way of
fighting, most Rebel vehicles tended to be lighter and faster than their Imperial
counterparts in order to outmaneuver them and either attack weak points or retreat
in the face of overwhelming firepower.[8]

Troopers on board the Tantive IV were seen using a two-man buddy system for point
and cover fire as a standard tactic.[9]

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