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Listening Comprehension
1. South-East Asian Literature as Mirror to a shared heritage
a. Literary genres contributed by Southeast Asian writers
b. Features of Southeast Asian Literature

Literature and Viewing Comprehension

2. Sawatdee....Hello, Beautiful Bangkok, Makato and the Cowrie Shell, Rice Pounding
Songs, Vietnamese Declaration of Independence, Thai Literature, Human Rights, and On
the Three Evils.

Vocabulary Development
3. Explaining the meaning of the words through structural analysis
4. Unlocking meanings through context clues

Grammar Awareness
5. Opinion-marking signals
6. Modals
7. Documentation

Reading Comprehension
8. Recognizing propaganda techniques
9. Differentiating facts and opinion
10. Utilizing coping reading strategies

Oral language and Fluency

11. Delivering persuasive speech
12. Using verbal and nonverbal cues

Writing Composition and Grammar

13. Graphic organizer
14. Composing informative essay
15. Showing respect for intellectual property rights by acknowledging citations

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Module 1. Mirror of Shared Heritage

LESSON 1: Tracing Our Roots

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
 recognize propaganda techniques used in a given text;
 distinguish the target audience of a listening text and the objectives of the speaker;
 determine the target audience of a material viewed;
 explain the meaning of the word through structural analysis;
 identify the notable literary genres contributed by South-East Asian writers;
 point out the distinguishing features of notable literary works contributed by
South-East Asian writers
 organize information using graphic organizer;
 deliver a speech using correct sounds of English;
 share ideas through opinion marking signals; and
 use appropriate modals.

DAY 1-4
At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
 unlock the meaning of unfamiliar words: frontier, mahout, and sowed in the story;
 describe the pictures taken from Thailand;
 identify the similarities of Thais and Filipinos in terms of culture and way of life as
depicted in the pictures;
 read the folk tale entitled, “Makato and the Cowrie shell” orally;
 construct comprehension questions about the folktale, “Makato and the Cowries
 answer comprehension questions;
 describe the characters in the “Makato and the Cowrie shell” using graphic
 compare yourself with Makato using the Venn Diagram;
 determine the theme of the folktale and write a reflection;
 present a song, play, and drawing aligned to lesson of the folktale; and
 infer the value of being a hardworking person.


TOPICS: Makato and the Cowrie Shell, Graphic Organizer

EQs: Is it possible that people of different races, culture and heritage can also be
united and work towards peace, harmony and progress? How do the
different literary genres of Thailand influence the Thai people?

EUs: Literature of Thailand features poems, short stories, dramas, and novels which
develop man’s values and traits, thus enabling him to become a successful
and better person.

Reference(s): Essential English (Worktext in Literature and Language) 8 by Nelda R.

Francisco and Pilar R. Yu,,

San Isidro, Nueva Ecija 3106
Telefax (044) 940-6181 / e-mail:

Materials: textbooks, handouts, worksheets, projector, PowerPoint presentation


1. Preparation/Daily Routine
a. checking of attendance and uniforms
b. cleaning the room
c. arranging the chairs

2. Lesson Proper


Have you ever wondered why you have similar physical attributes
and characteristics as that of your Southeast Asian neighbors? Have you
asked yourself why you look like a Thai, as well as Malaysian, or
Indonesian? Have you thought of discovering your roots as an Asian and
further know what customs, traditions, beliefs and values are being

1. The teacher presents the following pictures. She asks the students to describe the

Task 1: Face to Face

Find a partner and orally talk about the similarities of

Thais and Filipinos in terms of customs, traditions, beliefs and
way of life as depicted in the pictures.

In the process of your sharing, you may also bring out

the differences of both countries in terms of forms of
government, religion and socio –economic status if you are
familiar with.

You may also ask the following questions:

Follow-up Questions:

1. What did you notice in the pictures?


2. Can you see some connections?

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3. Do you think we have similarities in terms of culture, beliefs and traditions?
4. How does diversity contribute to unity?
5. How do traditions and beliefs bring about diversity and or harmony?

Unlocking of Difficulties

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct meaning of the underlined words through
context clues.

1. The army cross the frontier into Spain.

a. boarder
b. obstacle

2. The mahout sees the elephant carries heavy loads.

a. a person who rides an elephant
b. a person who abandons an elephant

3. Robert sows the seeds of beans in the backyard.

a. pick
b. plant

Firm up
TASK 2: Let’s Get Started

Read and discover the theme presented in the following Thai

Folktale to find out the author’s purpose for writing the selection
entitled, “Makato and the Cowrie Shell”.

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TASK 3: Answer Me
Group yourselves into five (5) and you will be assigned
names such as WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHY, and HOW. Each
group will construct questions that begin with the name of the
group.- YOUR questions will be taken from the selection read,
and these will be thrown to the group of your choice.

Your performance as a group will depend on how well

you have responded to the questions asked
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Example: Group WHAT: What is the mood of the writer while telling the story?
Group- WHERE
Answer: The mood of the writer while telling the story is happy and excited.

TASK 4: What Character?

Characterization is the way that the writers describe characters. You learn about a
character’s qualities and personality, such as whether the character is friendly or unkind.

1. Use graphic organizer to keep track of details that show the traits of a character. Use
separate sheet of paper to track other characters- Old woman with pot, Pra Ruang
(Sukhothai king) etc.


2. How do the literary elements of characterization and conflict contribute to the theme of
the “Makato and the Cowrie shell”.

TASK 5: Me, Myself and I

Using a Venn diagram, compare yourself with Makato. Use the following
questions as a guide.

1. What traits do you both share? Write your answers inside the circle.
2. Write your character traits (which are different from Makato’s) inside the square
on the right.
3. Write Makato’s character traits inside the left square.
4. Which of these traits would you like to improve? Explain.

Makato Myself

• Share and compare your lists with other groups.

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TASK 6: Reflect and Connect

Write your reflection and insight. Which of the following themes is true
based on “Makato and the Cowrie Shell?

One must control his earthly desire to achieve enlightenment. (Buddhist Principle)

He who works hard receives a reward.

You reap what you sow. (Biblical Principle)


TASK 7: I’m Enlightened!

The selection you read is a Thai folktale. Its theme

is centered on the Buddhist principle of suppressing one’s
earthly desire to achieve enlightenment.
The values and traits of Makato enable him to
become successful and better person.

Group 1: For the visual artist:

Draw a scene/character/an object from the story that has the most impact on the
group. Give an explanation on the connection of the illustration to our lives as Asians.

Group 2: For the Actors

Choose scenes from the story that teaches you a lesson. Role play the scenes in

front of the class and explain how you will apply those lessons in your life as a students

and individual.
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Group 3: For the singers:

Choose a song that best interprets the message of the story and sing it to the class.
Your performance may be accompanied by interpretive movements. Before you perform,
give the class a short background of your chosen song and how it is connected with the
traditions and values you have learned about the Thai.

A copy of the scoring rubric based on the Differentiated Learning Rubric by

Maxine from is shown. Use this for your group presentation.
You will do peer grading. Each group shall score the other groups based on the
indicators given.

Different Acts for Different Folks (Differentiated Learning)

Indicators 1 2 3 4 Score
Preparation Did not Some A good
prepare preparation amount of
enough for was done. preparation
beyond level
the was done.
presentation assessment.
Visuals There were There were a There were Students
no helpful few visual clear and created
visual aids. aids. interesting excellent
visual aids. visual aids.
Speaking and Did not look Looked at Looked at the Held
Audience at the audience audience and attention of
Contact audience some of the spoke clearly. the audience
and did not time; spoke and spoke
speak clearly once very
clearly in a while expressively
Overall Group Group Group Group
understanding didn’t show understood understood understood
of the topic sufficient most of the the entire the traditions
understand- traditions traditions and values
ding of the and values and values from the
traditions from the presented in story and
and values story. the story. presented
from the extra
story. information.
Instilling Helped Helped other Helped other Helped other
Values in other students students students
Students students understand at understand at understand at
understand least two least three least four
at least one important important important
important values and values and values and
values and traditions of traditions of traditions of
traditions of other other other
other countries countries countries
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DAY 5-7

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
 define propaganda;
 describe propaganda using a semantic web;
 identify the different propaganda techniques;
 recognize the propaganda technique used in the given sentences;
 determine the propaganda used in the pictures;
 present a campaign and advertise through a play;
 write and perform a short blurb; and
 inculcate the importance of being knowledgeable about propaganda techniques


TOPICS: Makato and the Cowrie Shell, propaganda techniques

EQs: Is it possible that people of different races, culture and heritage can also be
united and work towards peace, harmony and progress? How do the
different literary genres of Thailand influence the Thai people?

EUs: Literature of Thailand features poems, short stories, dramas, and novels which
develop man’s values and traits, thus enabling him to become a successful
and better person.

Reference(s): Essential English (Worktext in Literature and Language) 8 by Nelda R.

Francisco and Pilar R. Yu

Materials: textbooks, handouts, worksheets, projector, PowerPoint presentation


1. Preparation/Daily Routine
a. checking of attendance and uniforms
b. cleaning the room
c. arranging the chairs

2. Lesson Proper

Every person has his own way of persuading others to get
them to do something. Even as a kid, you may have tried to persuade
your parents to buy a toy which you wanted, or allow you to sleep
In the story, Makato also used the art of persuasion. Explain
how he got the woman to sell him lettuce seeds when his cowrie shell
won’t even buy anything.
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 Why do you think the woman agreed to Makato’s suggestion?

 Do you think Makato’s suggestion was fair for both him and the woman? Explain
your answer.

TASK 1: What do you know?

What are the words come first in your mind when you hear the
word propaganda? Use the semantic web below to indicate what you
know about propaganda. You may use a word or a phrase.


Firm up

Advertising calls the attention of the public to a product

or business, especially to promote sales. You, the youth, are the
most common targets of advertising. The power of advertising
leads you to believe that one brand of rubber shoes is better than
another, or that it is “cool” to sport a T-shirt with a designer label
on it.

Today, there are subtle ways that people, and the media employ to persuade
others. Discover the propaganda techniques that have been used for a thousand of years.

Basic Propaganda Strategies

1. Bandwagon—persuading consumers by telling them that others are doing the

same thing.
2. Testimonial—when a product is sold by using words from famous people or
authority figures i.e. Burmese celebrities promoting brands.
3. Transfer—when a product is sold by the name or picture of a famous person or
thing but no words from the said person or thing.
4. Repetition—when the product’s name is repeated at least four times in the ad
5. Emotional Words—words that will make a consumer feel strongly about
someone or something are used.


Five Types of Propaganda Used in Advertising
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Why is it important to know the propaganda techniques? Which of these
techniques are positive? Which are negative?

TASK 2: Guess What

Direction: Identify the propaganda technique used in each example below.

_______a. “Nine out of ten of dermatologist recommend this type of soap.”

_______b. “Millions have already joined us in our support of ABC. With so many
people backing ABC, you know ABC must be right.” Or “You don’t want to be
left out. Come on abroad and get all the benefits early!”
_______c. A product is promoted through an ad showing a romantic scene with the
woman who uses the product before a date.
_______d. Film star Kim Ruang says that when it comes to buying gifts for his
children, he always chooses books from Expressways catalog of fine publications.
_______e. “Either go out and vote or we will lose your right.”


TASK 3: Two pics One Propaganda Technique?

Have you experienced playing 4 pics one word? Do you

know how to play the game?
Identify what propaganda technique used in the
following pictures. Write your answer in the space provided
below the pictures.




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TASK 4: Campaign for Me

 You have been assigned a particular propaganda. As a

group, create an ad to present to class using
propaganda technique. You may create an ad for TV, ad
for radio, or a visual as (i.e. poster)
 The purpose of the ad is to recruit votes for Jerimiah
Lopez, who is running for the Senate of the Philippines.
 You may be creative in the content you provide about
Jerimiah, but it must be presented in a way that utilizes
your propaganda technique.
 Be prepared to present your ad to the remainder of
class in 15 mins.
 Present it in the class ad let your classmate to guess

what propaganda technique your group used.

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TASK 5: Hey!
Again, in small groups, you will write a short blurb for their
town’s paper regarding “prom” from your perspective.

Group 1: Parent Prom Planning Committee, who likes the changes since they want to
make the prom very exclusive, high class event in hopes of attracting wealthier families
to the school system.
Group 2: “Students for Students”, a student lead a group who is concerned less wealthy
students will not be able to attend prom due to the changes.
Group 3: School administrators, who hope cut back on prom cost while charging more;
they will create extra revenue for updating the library collection.
Group 4: “Rock till You Drop”, the band that has been hired to play the prom. This is
your first gig and hope it will be the start of a big local career.

DAY 8-11

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
 recall the folktale entitled, “Makato and the Cowrie Shell” in ten sentences;
 describe the illustration;
 define root word, prefix, and suffix;
 differentiate prefix from suffix;
 explain the meaning of the word through structural analysis;
 construct sentences using appropriate prefixes;
 deliver a speech using correct sounds of English;
 share ideas through opinion marking signals;
 watch and analyze the video about Thai Literature;
 identify the different literary genres contributed by Thai writers;
 summarize the distinct features of short stories, and poems by Thai writers;
 write an article about notable literary genres according to period for brochure; and
 infer the values of acceptance and respect to other cultures


TOPICS: Makato and the Cowrie Shell, structural analysis

EQs: Is it possible that people of different races, culture and heritage can also be
united and work towards peace, harmony and progress? How do the
different literary genres of Thailand influence the Thai people?

EUs: Literature of Thailand features poems, short stories, dramas, and novels which
develop man’s values and traits, thus enabling him to become a successful
and better person.

Reference(s): Essential English (Worktext in Literature and Language) 8 by Nelda R.


Francisco and Pilar R. Yu

San Isidro, Nueva Ecija 3106
Telefax (044) 940-6181 / e-mail:
Materials: textbooks, handouts, worksheets, projector, PowerPoint presentation


1. Preparation/Daily Routine
a. checking of attendance and uniforms
b. cleaning the room
c. arranging the chairs

2. Lesson Proper

Task 1: Popcorn to…

Do you still remember the story of Makato? Who is Makato? In ten sentences let
us recall his story through a Popcorn activity.

One of the students will be asked to start. After your first sentence, you will say
“popcorn to” and then the name of your classmate who will continue the story.

Task 2: Three descriptions of a tree

What have you noticed about this

picture? Did you know that words
also have roots?

Firm up
To know more about root word, prefix and suffix, look at the Power Point
Presentation. 14
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1. I hope they don’t discontinue my favorite flavor of ice cream?
2. The teacher made the students redo their homework because they had the wrong
3. The boy felt misunderstood.
4. The baseball players had a postgame interview.
5. The students took a pretest to prepare them for the real one.


1. The kids were not allowed to play ball in the house because there were so many
breakable items.

2. The girl was careful not to scare her fish when cleaning its tank.
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3. The editor fixed all of the mistakes the writer made.
4. The search for the treasure seemed endless.

Task 3: What’s inside the Box?
Direction: Look and guest the pictures below. Fill-in the blank boxes with
correct prefixes and suffixes.

dis in im
ing er

1. 2.

v i b e p o t E

3. 4.

s o b b l v a l

5. 6

t a c s n g g
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Task 4: Figuring out meanings through word parts

A lot of words that you read are made up of roots or

base words. Each base word may have a prefix added to the
beginning. You can get the meaning of an unfamiliar word by
studying its parts.

Direction: The following words are taken from the folktale. Write the correct prefix for
each word. Then explain the meaning of each word. Note that you can choose from the
prefixes in the box above.

Prefix Meaning Sentence

1. ______ heard

2. ______ satisfied

3. ______ lucky

4. ______ adventures

5. ______ stall

6. ______ appeared

7. ______ happily

8. ______ presented

9. ______ finished

10. _____ important

Task 5: Affix Cards

You will be divided into 4 groups. Each group will have its own
color marker which is different than the other groups' color. Your tasks are:

Group 1: For about 4 minutes write down a root word on your index card.
Group 2: In the same time, write a prefix on your index card.
Group 3: Same time, write a suffix on you index card.
One of the members from Group 1 will share their root word. Group 2, if
anyone can use their prefix + the root word to make a new word. If no new
words can be made from the prefix index cards, make a new word as a class

using a different prefix.

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Group 3 if anyone can use their suffix card + the root word to make a new
word. If no new words can be made from the suffix index cards, make a new
word as a class.

The activity will be repeated until all root words have been shared. A list of all
new words made will be recorded on chart paper.


Sometimes while listening to a talk, you want to

know the speaker’s intention. Is the speaker trying to
persuade you to do something? Are you expected to agree
or disagree with the speaker?

In “Makato and the Cowrie Shell,” Makato was able to

make others treat him kindly and even gained the king’s heart and
trust because of his good conduct. Aside from the way we conduct
ourselves, the way we speak or our wit also help us influence or
convince others. How do we do this?



Bangkok known as Krun Thep, which is Thai for “City of Angels,” beckons with
its golden roofed temples and spicily curried cuisine. Seven million visitors come to
Thailand each year spending an average of six to seven days because there is so much to
see and to relish in this “Exotic Orient” as one enamored traveller dubbed the country.

Our agenda for the first day of our tour started with a tour of Wat Po. One of the
370 temples in Bangkok alone, it is home to the famous Reclining Buddha, which is said
to be 46 meters long. Also world–famous are the golden Buddha at the Wat Trinig (“wat”
being Thai for “temple”) and the dazzling Emerald Buddha. There are 2100 temples in all
of Thailand, where 90 percent of the people are Buddhists.

Our loquacious guide regales us with the colorful history of Bangkok and how it
became the imperial city 300 years ago, when the god-king Rama I moved the royal
residence to this side of the Chao Phraya River. Today, a boat excursion takes visitors on a
tour of the old city, winding down the “klong” canals for a glimpse of the water dwellers
and the ancient edifices, remnants of an era when Rama I divided his city into three
sections: for the Thais, the Chinese and the Indians. The best buys of Thai silks, spices and
crafts are still at the riverside markets where one can also produce gold, jade and other
precious jewelry.

Not to be missed are the Temple of the Dawn along the Chao Phraya, a showcase
of Chinese porcelain mosaics, and the Temple of the Giant Swing for some of the finest
murals. Only for strong knees is the Temple of the Golden Mount, atop a climb of 300
steps, housing one of the largest bronze buddhas in the world.

The Reclining Buddha was shipped from China by King Rama I, who also built the

Wat Po Temple on a 20-hectare compound adjacent to the Royal Palace, circa 1782, in the
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2222-old Chinese section. The King had also brought with him excellent samples of
porcelain, which the court artisans used to decorate pagodas using their elaborate spires.
At the main temple, devotees buy one–inch gold leaf squares which they stick to smaller
buddhas as offering to their god.

Everyday, morning ceremonies are held at an adjacent temple surrounded by four

magnificent monuments: the first in red built by Rama I; the second in yellow, by Rama
II; the third in green by Rama III; and the fourth in blue, by Rama IV. Just as fascinating is
the sala tree under which, according to legend, Buddha was born (although in India). Its
pink and red flowers are sweet-smelling, a contrast to the brown gourd which are the “fruit
“of the sala tree.

To cap a hectic first day, we had dinner at the Baa Thai Restaurant while watching
heavily costumed folk dancers from the lowland and highland villages, including favorite
destinations, like Chiang Mai, the second largest city up north, from whence one can visit
the winter palace of the Royal Family and the training school for working elephants.

Amazingly, Bangkok is clean, especially the day after Wednesday, which is

“Clean Up Day” according to our guide. So the sidewalk eateries are relatively sanitary,
although foreign visitors are advised to stick to bottled mineral water or soft drinks. In
spite of the colossal traffic jams, no thanks to the ubiquitous “toktok” pedicabs , the air
smells cleaner and less polluted than in Manila.

Source: English for Secondary Schools

Myrna S. Torres
Adapted from The Manila Bulletin, June 2, 1996.

Brainstorm by pairs then refer to your notes to fill out the information being asked.
Present outputs by posting these around the classroom. Afterwards, other pairs will write
their comments below.

Speaker Person being Objectives Speaker’s Propaganda

Addressed of the Attitudes Strategy
Speaker towards Used

Task 7: Speak to Express not to Impress

A persuasive speech is delivered when you try to convince

someone of something. In a persuasive speech, you take clear, specific
position on an issue, and then present a call for the audience to take
action or accept the position.

Imagine that you had a vacation in Thailand. Try to persuade the people to choose
Thailand as their tourist destination through a persuasive speech.
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I’ve been in Thailand more times than I can count. I’ve lived in Bangkok twice
and if I stay away for more than a year, I feel as if piece of me is missing. Why do I keep
coming back to Thailand? Well, because it’s place in the world where I feel most at
And why do I love Thailand so much? Well, let me count the ways:
I know Thai food. The food in Thailand is better than anywhere else in the
world. There’s more variety and more flavors. Your mouth dances with a concert of
flavors when you eat here. All over the streets of Thailand, outdoor stalls serve the
cheapest and best Thai meals you can find. And no matter what time of the day it is,
there’s always food available somewhere.
I love the warm weather. The hot and humid in Thailand appeals to me. Even
though there’s monsoon season in Thailand, the heat stays lovely.
I love the Thais. They are some of the nicest people I have ever met. They are
always happy, smiling, extremely polite, helpful, and forever friendly. They help you
out if you are in trouble and help translate for you if you can’t speak Thai. Thai have
amazing memories and once a friend, always a friend. I always feel safe in Thailand.
Thais rarely steal or cause any problems. Thailand is one of the few countries I feel
comfortable leaving my laptop out while I go to the bathroom.
I love Thailand; the middle of everything. It’s three hours to Hong Kong, two
hours to Singapore, four hours to Bali, halfway between Australia and Europe. You can
easily get cheap paces where you can stay in Thailand.
I love the beach. I can sit on the sand and go for a swim for hours upon end. It’s
heaven to me. I particularly love Ko Chang, Ko Kood, Surin Island, Ko Adang, and Ko
Lanta, Thailand’s best islands.
I love the rainforests. Thailand has some of the most beautiful and lush jungles in
the world- the Khao Yai National Park, Khao Sok in the south, and the famous hill tribe
treks near Chiang Mai. They may not be wild and untamed jungles and elephants, but
they still offer amazing views, dense forests, waterfalls, and an interesting variety of
I love Bangkok, a nice city to live in; a city that never sleeps. When people ask
me about my favourite country, I always say Thailand, a melting pot of people from
around the world.

Preparation Guidelines
 Practice the speech several times
 Think of visual aids that can use in your presentation
 Submit your one-page typed speech before the delivery.

Delivery Checklist
How do I improve my verbal delivery?
 I project my voice by speaking loudly so that people in the back of the room

can hear me.

 I speak at a comfortable rate.
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 I speak clearly by pronouncing my words so that I do not mumble.

 I keep my volume steady. I do not speak more softly at the end of each
 I avoid speaking in a monotone.
 Avoid bad vocal habits.

How do I improve my nonverbal cues?

 I make eye contact with individuals in my audience as I speak.
 I am being animated by moving around my space as I speak.
 I add emphasis to my speech by gesturing with my hands and arms.
 I avoid distracting mannerisms and gestures (swaying, playing with hair).
 I maintain good posture.


Questions for Evaluating a Speaker Remarks

 Did the speaker use the correct or
pleasant pitch?
 Did the speaker give emphasis to
important words or sentences in
the speech?
 Did the speaker’s intonation and
juncture help me get the
important points in the listening
 Did the changes in the speaker’s
pitch and stress affect the
meaning or the message of the
 Did the speaker use the gestures to
make his/her meaning clear?
 Did the speaker maintain good

Task 8: Brochure

In this final phase of the lesson, your goal is to

apply your learning to real life situations. You will be
given a practical task which will demonstrate your
understanding. You will likewise finalize your answer
to the focus question that has been asked since the
beginning of this lesson.

To begin with, you need to understand that the goal of this lesson is for
you to learn on your own how to present information using various tools of data gathering.

More often, in real life situations you will be required to gather, collate, organize, and
present information in many different occasions. Thus, for your practical task, you are
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going to write brief articles for a brochure that contains relevant information about Thai

You are going to come up with a similar output as follows:

You will try your knowledge of the steps by doing the given activity below. You
may follow the previous guidelines or work with the suggested steps in this activity. Don’t
hesitate to ask for details or clarify instructions.

Directions: Read carefully the task below. In your group with five members, do the
activities that follow.

Imagine that you are a feature writer of your school paper. You have been asked by the
barangay council to promote the notable literary genres contributed by Thai writers. One
of your first tasks is to design a brochure. This brochure will be distributed to the visitors
of your barangay. Copies of your brochure will likewise be distributed to restaurants and
stores that sell local products.
Look for videos about Thai Literature in trusted sites online. Before viewing, try to
determine the target audience of the material. After viewing, prepare the following:

 A timeline that shows the notable literary genres contributed by Thai writers
arranged according to period
 A brochure that summarizes the distinct features of notable poems and short stories
contributed by Thai writers.

Tips for designing a brochure:

 Create a colorful and eye-catching cover for your brochure.
 Remember to provide accurate and detailed information on how visitors could get
to the place.
 Make your brochure as attractive, appealing, and informative as you can.
 Balance the text with illustrations and use varied colors.

The following criteria will be used in evaluating your informative brochure:

Quality of the Information of Distinct Features (10 points possible)

 High-Quality Work: All the distinct features of notable poems and short stories
contributed by Thai writers are mentioned and explained well.

 Satisfactory Work: Distinct features are mentioned but not explained well.
 Unsatisfactory Work: Few literary genres. Very vague descriptions.
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Organization of Brochure (10 points possible)

 High-Quality Work: Information is organized according to period. The brochure is

easy to read and "flows" very well. The sections of the brochure are in an order.
 Satisfactory Work: Most of the brochure is organized. The brochure has decent
"flow" throughout. The sections of the brochure are in a logical order.
 Unsatisfactory Work: Very difficult to follow. Information doesn't "flow" in a way
that makes sense. Very disorganized.


Exchange brochure with the other group and evaluate the group’s sample travel brochure
by checking on the appropriate column.

CATEGORIES High Quality Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Information on
Organization of

DAY 12-14

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
 use opinion marking signals for emphasis;
 identify the different language forms and expressions of persuasive language;
 determine the device or technique that the statements refer to;
 write a persuasive letter using opinion marking signals;
 watch and analyze the persuasive techniques used in advertising of two rival
 evaluate the persuasive techniques used in the ads by completing a chart;
 write a news headline about Makato’s wedding using primary and secondary
 present the news through radio or TV broadcasting; and


TOPICS: Makato and the Cowrie Shell, structural analysis

EQs: Is it possible that people of different races, culture and heritage can also be
united and work towards peace, harmony and progress? How do the
different literary genres of Thailand influence the Thai people?

EUs: Literature of Thailand features poems, short stories, dramas, and novels which
develop man’s values and traits, thus enabling him to become a successful
and better person.

Reference(s): Essential English (Worktext in Literature and Language) 8 by Nelda R.

Francisco and Pilar R. Yu

Materials: textbooks, handouts, worksheets, projector, PowerPoint presentation

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1. Preparation/Daily Routine
a. checking of attendance and uniforms
b. cleaning the room
c. arranging the chairs

2. Lesson Proper


Task 1: What’s the purpose?

Write sentences using the following as starters.

1. I have heard the rumor that...
2. Obviously…
3. I believe that…
4. A friend of mine says…
5. Do you want to be part of…?

Study the statement that you have made. Which ones are forceful? Do you think
people would agree with you after telling them any one of your statement? Why?

What are the functions of persuasive language?

Firm up

Study the following language forms and expressions

of persuasive language and then do the practice
exercise that follow:

Emotive Words
Used to arouse emotion that can help influence decisions and change opinions.

Personal Pronouns
Using “we,” “you,” and “us” to create a connection between writer and reader.

Making something seem much better or much worse than it really is.

Saying the same word or phrase more than once for emphasis.


Using commands or instructions to encourage the audience to do something quickly.

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Rhetorical questions
Asking questions that make the audience think.

Literary devices
Using literary devices.

Broad sweeping statements which sound effective at the time and are not immediately
questioned for accuracy.

Play on the reader’s sympathy

Making audience feel sorry for someone or something.

Cluster of three
Using two or more phrases or describing words to emphasize a point or an idea.

Task 2: Device/Technique

Direction: Identify the device or technique that each item refers to. Write
your answer on the line before the number.

_______1. Speaking to the reader in a friendly and pleasant manner.

_______2. Asking question that do not require answers.
_______3. Making the reader or listener feel bad about something
_______4. Making point easy to follow on the page.
_______5. Using words that arouse emotion
_______6. Using numbers or graphs which provide convincing information.
_______7. Using words like, “I urge” or I demand” for emphasis.
_______8. Using interesting pictures in your mind.
_______9. Making the reader feel sorry for something or someone.
_______10. Being over-the-top to get a point across.


Task 3: A Letter for you

Try your hand at writing a persuasive letter. You are

the class president and you will be writing a letter to the
school or local authorities on a particular class or school
project that you are planning to put up. Use opinion-marking
signals to make them agree with your plans.
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Dear __________________,

I am writing to you __________________________________________


I believe that this is a good idea because _________________________


Moreover, _________________________________________________

I hope that you agree with my ideas and will agree to _______________

Yours truly,

Task 4: Which one?

Watch and analyze the persuasive techniques used in advertising

as you do the task below. Select two rival products and present the ads in
front of the class.

1. 2.

Task 5: The Rivals

The remaining of the class evaluate the persuasive techniques used in the
ads by completing the chart.
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Type of Product
Commercial A Commercial B
1. Product
2. Message
3. Target Audience
4. Persuasive Technique
Used (Provide details to
support your analysis)
5. Expected Effect

Task 6: What’s up?

The 5W’s and 1H is the crux of all news. You

need to answer who, what, where, when, where, how, and
why questions whether it be print or broadcast news via
radio or television.

You might be given a chance to write in your school newspaper, or choose

radio/TV broadcasting as your career in the future. For your practical task,

By Group: In this workshop, you will prepare a news headline about

Makato’s wedding. Keep in mind that a good headline story
provides answers to each of the 5W’s and 1H questions. For
example, if you’re writing a story about a royal wedding, you
will need to answer questions like:

 What kind of event is it? Who are involved? Who may

be interested in it?
 Where will the royal wedding be held?
 When will it take place? How long have they been
 Why has it been planned? What is the need for it?
 How does it benefit the people or the kingdom?

Remember, do not put your opinion in this story. You must

only give facts about the topic. Facts are obtained from
primary sources like documents and letters. Anything taken
from secondary sources falls under opinions; that is not

Present your news through radio or TV broadcasting.

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Module 1

LESSON 2: The Temperaments and Psyche of the Burmese People in Response to the
Challenges of Modernity

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
 utilize coping reading strategies to process information;
 judge the relevance and worth of ideas presented in the text listened to;
 determine the issue and stand presented in the material viewed;
 use appropriate strategies for unlocking unfamiliar words;
 describe how the elements specific to a genre contribute to the theme of a
particular literary selection;
 explain figurative language used;
 compose an informative essay;
 observe the use of correct stress, pitch, and juncture when delivering a persuasive
 employ appropriate documentation; and
 use modals appropriately

DAY 15-18

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
 solve a jigsaw puzzle;
 describe the picture formed in the jigsaw puzzle;
 listen to a song entitled, “Magtanim ay ‘di Biro”;
 read the poem entitled, “Rice Pounding Songs” orally;
 retell a stanza from the poem entitled, “Rice Pounding Songs” in your own words;
 identify the stanza of “Rice Pounding Songs” similar to the Filipino song entitled,
 compose an article that explains your insights about this statement: “Literature as a
mirror of shared heritage of people with diverse backgrounds”;
 listen closely to a persuasive speech entitled, “Should Husband and Wife Share
Domestic Work Equally”;
 determine the speaker’s purpose and to whom does he intend to give the speech;
 deliver a persuasive speech to the class; and
 inculcate the values of teamwork


EQs: How do people discover Burmese history, religion, culture, and tradition? Why
is it important to work together?

EUs: Burmese history, religion, and tradition are discovered through its folk songs,
poems, tales, dramas or plays, chronicles, novel, short story, and biography.
Teamwork is important because it is part of modernity. Today, men and
women should share responsibilities for them to become successful on what
they are doing.

Reference(s): Essential English (Worktext in Literature and Language) 8 by Nelda R.


Francisco and Pilar R. Yu

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Materials: textbooks, handouts, worksheets, projector, PowerPoint presentation


1. Preparation/Daily Routine
a. checking of attendance and uniforms
b. cleaning the room
c. arranging the chairs

2. Lesson Proper

Have you experienced solving a puzzle?
What kind of puzzle?

The teacher presents a jigsaw puzzle.

Have you experienced going in a farm? What have you seen or observed in the
farm? Are you familiar with the song entitled, “Magtanim ay ‘di Biro?”

The teacher presents a song entitled, “Magtanim ay ‘di Biro” and asks the
students to listen to it.

Firm up
If Filipinos have songs for planting rice, The Burmese have songs for pounding

Discover Burmese culture through their harvest songs. As you read, you will find
that each stanza is independent from the rest of the song. Find out the message of each

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Rice Pounding Songs

(Folk Songs from Burma)
Translated by U Khan Saw
Set don the mortars, line them up neatly.
Girls of She Noun, take up the pestle-stones;
Then we sing Shwe Naung and chant it merrily in time,
As gracefully as we pound away.
What means that noise, that bustle we hear?
Oh, a lady of She Noun is giving alms,
With the music of drums and gongs.
There is red-gold radiance over there;
Perhaps the sun has risen.
No, it’s the dyed robes of the monks
On their rounds with their begging bowls.
Come fill them with alms-food!
This Chickransia which I planted
Isn’t it lovely? Tiny buds on slender stems
But if you pluck them before they flower,
My plant will wither away, you know.
Hey there, maiden at the loom,
What cloth are you weaving?
Oh, need you ask, in these thin times?
It’s cotton coverlet for me.
I live in a house of teak,
Bright at night with torches,
It’s true my parents are strict;
Yet if you dare not to come yourself,
You can at least send a letter.

The poor man is moping in the house,

Feeling out of sorts and shaky
Because he’s short of opium.
Very well, wry,
Sell my fine gold earplugs if you must,
But make sure you get a good price for them!
My handsome brother, word with you
Before you leave for lower country;
If you find a wife there do no leave her;
Bring her to us, we’ve use for her.
She can fetch us water, gather firewood,
And pound our rice-of lots of uses.
I’ve bought a pair of sandal,
Such pretty red sandals.
But I shan’t wear them yet.

When you and I are truly wedded,

Then I shall wear them.
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Follow-up Questions:

1. Look at the title. What does it tell you about the poem?
2. What particular group of Buddhist monks is referred to in the third
3. Do you think the quality that teaks have made them expensive?
4. In which period do you think this poem was written?
5. What is the economic status of the speaker in stanza 6?
6. What is the general sense of the poem? Are the stanza related to each other?
 If yes, in what sense are they related?
 If not, how many major ideas are expressed in the poem?
7. Which stanza tells about the role of wives in a Burmese household? What is that
role in particular?
8. Do you think this practice is only applicable to women who are married to
handsome men?

Task 1: Let’s sum it up!

According to Webster, a summary is the “general idea I brief form.”

When we summarize a poem, we rewrite it in our own words, reducing it
to the most important information.

Choose one stanza in “Rice Pounding Songs” and retell or summarize it in your own

Task 2: Its counterpart

Here is a counterpart rice pounding song in the Philippines. Which of

the stanzas in Myanmar’s “Rice Pounding Songs” is similar to it?

(Tagalog Folk Song)

Parito kayo, tana magbayo;

Maligaya ang lagay
Kung bigas na ang palay
Bayo nang bayo halina kayo.
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Task 3: Write it!

Myanmar is composed of 135 minorities I tribes who have their own

language, culture, and customs. They maintain their customs and culture
and respect each other.

Do you think that literature plays an important role of maintaining the bond among
people of diverse backgrounds? Compose an article that explains your insights about this
statement: “Literature as a mirror of shared heritage of people with diverse backgrounds.”

Task 4: Lend me your ears

Listen closely to a persuasive speech entitled, “Should Husband and

Wife Share Domestic Work Equally” to you? As you listen write down
your answers to the following questions:

 What is the speaker’s purpose and to whom does he intend to give this speech?
 What is the importance and value of the ideas that the speaker presented?

Task 5: Express and be heard

Deliver the persuasive speech below to

the class. Remember the use and observe
appropriate persuasive devices using your voice
and body. See to it that you follow the delivery
and evaluation guidelines that follow.

The 21st century is the century of modern, dynamic lifestyle that is

associated with globalization and the sharing of opinions. However, large group of people
still stick to the traditional ideas which are not necessarily good. One of them is an attitude
towards domestic chores. They insist that domestic work including parenting is clearly a
woman’s business.

In most marriages, we see that women do an unfair share of household tasks and
the majority of child care, regardless of whether they work outside the home or not.
Specifically, women do two or three times as much as housework as men. Mothers spend
3 to 5 hours actively involved with their children for every hour that fathers spend. Men,
on the other hand, traditionally had more power in decision making.

Should we consent to this? For me, no! Modern society requires change including
the equality in sharing chores among men and women.

Why? Because research suggests that there are more benefits. An equal partnership
benefits marriages as a whole and benefits husbands and wives individually.

The most important benefit is happier marriage. Equal partnership fosters

closeness between husband and wife, resulting in a stronger and happier marriage.
Spouses feel better about themselves and each other, making them more likely to share
their thoughts and feelings. This greater emotional intimacy or closeness leads to greater

physical intimacy, an important element of a happy marriage. Couples with equal

partnership are found to be more stable in their marriage, have less conflict, less

dependence, and less disagreement.

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Researcher John Gottman found that husbands who accept their wives’ influence
are four times less likely to divorce or have an unhappy marriage.

What are the benefits to men? Men benefit emotionally from equal partnership
because there is greater openness and they feel better about their marriage. They also
benefit from the greater physical intimacy that comes with equal partnership. Physical
closeness improves physical health and reduces stress. Men in happy marriages also more
productive at work, because they are less distracted by their concerns at home.

What about the benefits to women? The closer communication and emotional
intimacy in an equal partnership greatly benefit women. Research shows that having an
equal say in decision making is the most important contributor to wives’ view of their
marriages as happy and satisfying. Wives are happier when their husbands appreciate
them for the work they do in home and when their husbands are co-partners in domestic
matters. They feel better about themselves, are less angry or depressed, feel their
relationship is more equitable, and are happier with their marriage.

In conclusion, taking into account mutual respect, learning from others, and
adaptation to modern times, the opinion of the “woman” domestic chores should change to
the “partnership” domestic chores.

Preparation Guidelines
 Write a persuasive speech about something that you know really well.
 Time your speech. Maximum of 3 minutes.
 Use visual aids in your presentation.
 Submit your one-page typed-speech before delivery.

Delivery Checklist
How do I improve my verbal delivery?
 I project my voice by speaking loudly so that people in the back of the room
can hear me.
 I speak at a comfortable rate.
 I speak clearly by pronouncing my words so that I do not mumble.
 I keep my volume steady. I do not speak more softly at the end of each
 I avoid speaking in a monotone.
 Avoid bad vocal habits.

How do I improve my nonverbal cues?

 I make eye contact with individuals in my audience as I speak.
 I am being animated by moving around my space as I speak.
 I add emphasis to my speech by gesturing with my hands and arms.
 I avoid distracting mannerisms and gestures (swaying, playing with hair).
 I maintain good posture.


Questions for Evaluating a Speaker Remarks

 Did the speaker use the correct or
pleasant pitch?

 Did the speaker give emphasis to


important words or sentences in

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the speech?
 Did the speaker’s intonation and
juncture help me get the
important points in the listening
 Did the changes in the speaker’s
pitch and stress affect the
meaning or the message of the
 Did the speaker use the gestures to
make his/her meaning clear?
 Did the speaker maintain good

DAY 19-20

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
 listen to a song entitled, “Mean” by Taylor Swift;
 define figurative language;
 identify different types of figurative language;
 choose the correct figurative language for the given pictures;
 share opinions regarding one of the social issues in the country- crime;
 express opinions regarding crime in the country through a jingle; and
 infer the importance of peace


EQs: How do people discover Burmese history, religion, culture, and tradition? Why
is it important to work together?

EUs: Burmese history, religion, and tradition are discovered through its folk songs,
poems, tales, dramas or plays, chronicles, novel, short story, and biography.
Teamwork is important because it is part of modernity. Today, men and
women should share responsibilities for them to become successful on what
they are doing.

Reference(s): Essential English (Worktext in Literature and Language) 8 by Nelda R.

Francisco and Pilar R. Yu

Materials: textbooks, handouts, worksheets, projector, PowerPoint presentation


1. Preparation/Daily Routine
a. checking of attendance and uniforms
b. cleaning the room
c. arranging the chairs

2. Lesson Proper
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According to studies, listening

to music helps to relieve stress. Do you
love listening to music? What kind of
music? Do you know who is on the
picture? Have you heard her song
entitled, “Mean?”

The students listen to the song. The teacher presents some of the lines from the
song with figurative language.

Firm up
To know more about Figurative language, take a look at the PowerPoint Presenatation.

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Task 1: SHAMPOO?

Direction: Write the first letter of the correct answer.

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Personification, simile, metaphor, oxymoron,

hyperbole, alliteration,
or onomatopoeia???
1. The street cars are like frosted cakes covered with snowflakes.
2. The west wind dances down the road.
3. A train is a dragon that roars through the dark.
4. The band played to a small crowd at the concert.
5. She’s as tiny as a mouse.
6. Her blonde hair shined like the sun.
7. Susan suddenly stretched slowly.
8. The hockey player lost his control when the puck ran across the ice.
9. The snow on the ski hill was powdered sugar.
10. The coach was as upset as a lion when his team lost the game.
11. Freddy French fired five fabulous free throws.
12. The snowmobile was a rocket in the newly fallen snow.
13. The running shoes danced as the runner neared the finish line.
14. “Bang!” went the gun as the race started.
15. Steven boxes in the light-heavyweight division.

Task 2: What is your SHAMPOO?

On a separate sheet of paper…

1. I will put an example of figurative language on the board.
2. You will write whether it is a simile, metaphor, personification,
hyperbole, onomatopoeia, or oxymoron.


He drew a line as straight as an arrow.


The sun was beating on me.


I'd rather take baths with a man-eating shark, or wrestle a

lion alone in the dark, eat spinach and liver, pet ten
porcupines, than tackle the homework, my teacher assigns.
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• The wheat field was a sea of gold.

Task 4: Jingle Bell!
Crime is common in our country today. As a students what is your opinion about
the vigilante who kills or punishes the criminals personally without the occurrence of the
law? Are you agree or disagree?

*Your task is to write a jingle about your stand in this issue. Include figurative language in
your song and present it in the class.

Content 20pts
Delivery 10pts
30 pts

DAY 21-24
At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
 listen to a song entitled, “I Can”;
 define modals;
 identify the different types of modals;
 encircle all the auxiliary or modal verbs in the songs of different artist;
 determine the appropriate modals in the given sentences;
 watch “On The Three Evils,” a speech delivered by Burmese Prime Minister, U Nu;
 describe the issue and the stand of Prime Minister, U Nu;
 compose an informative essay using appropriate modals;
 infer the importance of modals in speaking and writing; and
 inculcate the value of believing in your potential;



EQs: How do people discover Burmese history, religion, culture, and tradition?
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EUs: Burmese history, religion, and tradition are discovered through its folk songs,
poems, tales, dramas or plays, chronicles, novel, short story, and biography.

Reference(s): Essential English (Worktext in Literature and Language) 8 by Nelda R.

Francisco and Pilar R. Yu

Materials: textbooks, handouts, worksheets, projector, PowerPoint presentation


1. Preparation/Daily Routine
a. checking of attendance and uniforms
b. cleaning the room
c. arranging the chairs

2. Lesson Proper

The teacher presents a music video entitled, “I can.” The teacher asks the
students what the music video all about.

Firm up
Task 1: Find Me!

The following are catchy tunes from different artists. Try to circle all
the auxiliary or modal verbs that you find in them.

It must have been love but it’s over now. Time, I’ve been passing time watching
It must have been good but I lost it somehow. trains go by
It must have been love but it’s over now. All of my life, lying on the sand,
From the moment we touch ‘till the time had watching seabirds fly
run out. Wishing there would be someone waiting
home for me
Something’s telling me it might be you
- Roxette It’s telling me it might be you all of my

-Stephen Bishop

Read all the auxiliaries or modals. Using the lyrics as clues, guess the title of the
songs and try to sing them.
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How important are auxiliary verbs or modals in speaking and writing?

Modal verbs (or modals) have the following features in common:

Modals are always followed by the base form of verb.
Jam will recite a monologue. You shall come with us.
She would bring the pictures. I could not get my sleep last
Modals are the same for all pronouns.

He can come tomorrow. We can play the instruments.

You must go. I must bring some books

Modals do not need auxiliaries. They take direct negative and question forms.

will not (won’t) would not (wouldn’t) shall not (shan’t)

Will you? Would you? Shall we?

Pure Modals Auxiliaries Semi-Modal Auxiliaries

can could ought to

may might has/have to
shall should has/have (got) to
will would be able to
must need

Task 2: Decipher the Fotografia

Direction: Study the pictures below. Based on the pictures write a

sentence using appropriate modals. Look at the example.


+ modal + =
Answer: The boy can swim.


+ modal + =
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2. + modal + =

+ modal + =

4. + modal + =

Task 3: Let’s Practice!

A. Complete the sentences using the modals listed in the box. Don’t forget
to capitalize when necessary. Some sentence may have more than one
correct answer.

1. Father _______ be exhausted after such long flight.

2. You _______ walk downtown and explore the city to enjoy it.
3. Mountain climbing _________ be dangerous when it’s raining.
4. Put away small objects lying on the floor. The baby _______ swallow them.
5. _______ you hold your breath for more than a minute?
6. Christy’s engagement ring is classy! It _______ have cause a fortune.
7. I ______ speak Visayan fluently when I was a child because we lived in
Dumaguete City for many years.
8. The oral report is optional. Our teacher said we _________ do it if we wanted to
have additional points.
9. You ________ take your jacket along with you.
10. The news said there’s another typhoon coming and it __________ rain tonight.


Modals are auxiliary verbs that express

ability, necessity, request, permission,
advice, desire, probability, etc.
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Ability She can drive. I can speak Spanish.

Strong Necessity I must go. He needs to go.
Advice You should see him.
Request Could you find me something like this, please?
Permission You may visit her anytime.
Desire I would like to call her.
Possibility He might leave soon.
Strong Probability He must be at the mayor’s office now.

Task 4: Pick! Pack! Boom!

B. Pick the most appropriate modals for expressing an advice.

1. It’s a wonderful place. You _______ visit it someday.

a. could
b. might
c. should
d. had better
2. If she wants to buy a townhouse, she __________ consult a good real estate
a. has to
b. should
c. may need to
d. could
3. _________ I ask my brother to help us?
a. should
b. ought
c. could
d. may
4. Children _________ drink too much soda.
a. must not
b. may not
c. could not
d. should not
5. You _______ do that again, or I’ll report you to your boss!
a. can’t
b. won’t
c. mustn’t
d. better not
C. Choose the most appropriate modal for expressing necessity or the absence of
necessity. Write your answer on the blank.
1. It’s getting late. _________ leave immediately.
a. can
b. may
c. have to
d. would rather

2. Bert broke his leg yesterday. His leg is in a cast, and he _________ use crutches

for a month.
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a. will be able to
b. had better
c. will have to
d. should

3. I _______ talk to Helen about it.

a. have got to
b. may have to
c. would like to
d. may need to

4. She ________ to the barangay hall yesterday.

a. must go
b. should have gone
c. had to go
d. must have gone

5. We can’t just leave him alone! We _______ support him!

a. have to
b. need to
c. should
d. must

D. Use the appropriate modal to express the idea specified in parentheses.

1. ________ buying a jar of soy sauce on your own way home? (Polite request)
a. Could you
b. Would you
c. Will you
d. Would you mind

2. Would you mind if I ___________ come to your party? (Asking for permission)
a. didn’t
b. won’t
c. wouldn’t

3. Would you mind ________ here? I have a headache. (Polite request)

a. not to smoke
b. no smoking
c. not smoke
d. not smoking

4. Joyce, ________ help me with the laundry, please? (Informal request)

a. can’t you
b. can’t you
c. won’t you
d. do you mind

5. Could I use your landline phone, please? Sorry, you ___________ . (Permission
not given)
a. can’t
b. couldn’t
c. mustn’t
d. won’t
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Task 5: Can you Bingo?

Have you experienced playing Bingo? In this activity, you

are going to list on the board the things that some people
can do and others cannot do, and make a big list on the
board. 30-50 abilities are list down on the board.

Each of you have a blank bingo board, and have them fill in the spaces
with one of the abilities listed on the board. Then, when I say go,
you mingle around the classroom asking each other, “Can you _________?”
asking about one of the activities listed on your bingo board.

If the person you ask can do that activity, mark off the square with their
name. If they cannot do it, move on and ask another person about that ability or
another one on his board. When you gets five spaces in a row, you call bingo.

Task 6: Jeopardy

When you were a child, you played in the playground right? While
playing, did you know that you were also learning? Through games, you
learned, while enjoying.
I want you to know that learning is fun. Thus, you will be divided
into two groups. Boys VS Girls. You just need to answer the questions for each
of the amount you are going to choose. The group who has a big amount will be
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the winner.

Task 7: Watch out and learn!

Watch “On The Three Evils,” a speech delivered by Burmese Prime

Minister, U Nu. As you watch, define the issue and stand of the speaker.
Check the following questions to guide your understanding:

What are the three evils that plague people?

How does each affect the lives of the people?
How does science try to conquer it?


Task 8: Informative Essay

In U Nu’s speech, “On the Three Evils,” the following ideas come to light:

People have been lay astray by three evils- greed, hatred, and ignorance.
Society was split into two classes; the Haves and the Have nots.
The have nots had to depend on the Haves for their living.
The poor become poorer because they do not get enough no matter how hard
they work.

Express your own belief about any of these topics. See to it that your composition is
plain and simple. Use appropriate modals in your composition.

 How the computer change the lives of the students

 The importance of regular exercise
 Global warming
 Modern form of slavery
 Your choice
Get started!
Brainstorm about the topic and the main idea.
1. Research on the topics and write notes.
2. Make a list of the important facts. Make sure all your facts are accurate.
3. Create an outline that will organize your ideas in logical manner.

Consider the following suggestions when creating the first draft of your informational
1. Write an introductory paragraph.
 Write the thesis or main idea of your essay.

 State your thesis clearly without giving an opinion or taking a position.


 Develop this thesis within a five paragraph essay.

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2. Develop your three-paragraph body.

 Each paragraph should cover a fact coming from your list.
 Write a topic sentence for each given fact to develop your thesis.
 The sentences in each paragraph should offer examples in support of the
paragraphs topic.

3. Write the concluding paragraph.

 Support the thesis statement and the supporting ideas.
 Never introduce a new material in the conclusion.
 Use the third person pronouns (he, she, or it). Avoid “I” or “you” sentences.

4. Prepare your bibliography.

Check and revise

Review, modify, and reorganize your work with the goal of making it the best it can be.
1. Read your essay aloud.
2. Have someone else to read your work and give ideas for improvement.
3. Write the final draft implement any correction.

Publish your essay with the rest of the class. Watch out for reactions and use the feedback
to make the next essay better.

Module 2.

LESSON 3: Vietnam- Land of the Blue Dragon

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
 Evaluate the details that support assertions in a text
 Examine biases (for or against) made by the author
 Distinguish facts from opinion cited in the text listened to

 Judge the relevance and worth of ideas presented in the material viewed

 Arrive at meanings through context clues

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 Explain how the elements specific to a genre contribute to the theme of a particular
literary selection
 Determine the key ideas, tone, and purposes of the author
 Infer the value of respect for intellectual property rights by acknowledging
citations made in an informative essay
 Acknowledge sources by creating a bibliography
 Deliver a self-composed persuasive speech
 Use modals appropriately
 Use emphasis markers for persuasive purposes

DAY 25-28

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
 share ideas about Vietnam through a chart;
 listen to the speech of President Ho Chi Min, “Vietnamese Declaration of
 explain the content of the speech, “Vietnamese Declaration of Independence” by
President Ho Chi Min;
 analyze what is asserted or expressed in the speech of President Ho Chi Min;
 describe President Ho’s tone or attitude toward people who had done the Viets
 identify fact and opinion in the given statements;
 define fact and opinion;
 differentiate fact from opinion; and
 inculcate the importance of respecting ones; opinion


EQs: How do Vietnamese people appreciate life, literature, and traits?
EUs: Vietnamese appreciation to life, literature, and traits are made known through
praising beauty, humanism, love of good news as reflected in their legend, fairy
tales, humorous tales, folk songs, and stories.

Reference(s): Essential English (Worktext in Literature and Language) 8 by Nelda R.

Francisco and Pilar R. Yu

Materials: textbooks, handouts, worksheets, projector, PowerPoint presentation


1. Preparation/Daily Routine
a. checking of attendance and uniforms
b. cleaning the room
c. arranging the chairs

2. Lesson Proper
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Task 1: Connect your experience:

Using the chart below, write what you know about Vietnam, and what you want to know.
Leave the space of “What I Found out,” and “What I learned” blank, for you to fill-up
after the lesson.

1 What I Know 2. What I Want to Know

3. What I Found Out 4. What I Learned

Firm up
Read the speech of President Ho Chi Min with understanding.

Vietnamese Declaration of Independence

President’s Address, Hanoi, September 1945
by President Ho Chi Min

Task 2: Think of it!

Think about “Vietnamese Declaration of Independence” and share

your ideas with your classmate and teacher. Here are some other ideas and
questions to talk about. Whenever you can, refer to the text to check your
ideas and answers.

1. How do you evaluate the specific injustices that Ho Chi Minh holds against the French
in the Vietnamese Declaration of Independence?
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2. How did the French respond to the Vietnaminh League’s offer to side with them against
the Japanese invaders in World War II? Why do you think the French reacted in this

3. Why did Ho Chi Minh say that the Vietnamese people have “wrested our independence
from the Japanese and not from the French”?

4. Complete the statement by filling-in the blanks.

The primary ________ of the declaration is to announce the birth of an independent
________ state and its new government to the Vietnamese and to the world. The
Vietnamese audience was told that the new _________ would be the Democratic Republic

Task 3: Pair, Think, Share

Work in pairs and come up with a response to the following. You

may volunteer to share your insights to the class after your brainstorming

President Ho made several assertions in his speech. One of these goes this way:

“The truth is that we have wrested our independence from the Japanese and not from the

1. What are the details that support the president’s assertion?


2. How do you evaluate these details?


3. Are there any biases (for or against) made by the author? Justify your answer.

Task 4: Pass the message

In the President Ho’s speech, the writer raised arguments. To easily trace
these arguments, these elements are needed to guide you in your analysis.

Speaker/Writer Message Audience

As you have learned earlier, the tone shows the writer’s attitude or feelings about
the audience and subject. How would you describe President Ho’s tone or attitude toward
people who had done the Viets injustice?

Task 5: W6

You can do close reading by making an analysis of the speech by Ho Cha

Mihn. Complete the following chart by writing your response to the

questions asked in the first column.

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1. Who is the speaker?

2. What is the occasion?

3. Who is the audience?

4. What is the purpose?

5. What is the subject?

6. What is the tone?

Task 6: Propaganda words or Expressions

A. Use the contexts to figure out the meaning of the underlined word.
1. All men are endowed by God with certain unquestionable rights.
2. The Viet’s sufferings and miseries increased because they were
subjected to the double yoke of the French and the Japanese.
3. From 1940, our country had in fact ceased to be a French colony and had become a
Japanese property.
4. The war made the French leave, the Japanese surrender, and Emperor Bao Dai
5. In the declaration of our independence, we repeal the entire international obligation
that France has dictated and we abolish all the special rights the French have
unlawfully acquired and enjoyed in our own land.

Task 7: Intention and Expression

Sometimes, we associate the intention of words or expression especially

when used in propaganda. The intention is either positive or negative.
Identify the intention of each underlined expression or ad statement below.
Justify your answer.

1. All men are free and given equal rights.

2. To weaken our race, they have forced us to use opium and alcohol.
3. All the people have a right to live and to be happy.
4. Be determined to fight to the bitter end!
5. We sacrifice our lives and property in order to safeguard our independence and
6. We want peace, unity, and freedom.
7. Leaders have it. You must have it, too.
8. Send the very best this day of hearts. Send AB love cards.
9. People who read this book are simply smart.

10. Gratefulness contributes to longevity


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Task 8: Student Bluff

You should identify if the statement is bluff or is it a fact.


Which of the following is a fact and an opinion?

a. The Republic promises to support its commitment to promote human rights.
standards in the protection of human rights.”
c. The prisoners are probably political revolutionist, lawyers, journalists, religious,
activists, land right campaigners.

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Task 9: Delivering an Original Persuasive Speech

Freedom of speech refers to the right of people to express their

opinions and ideas freely through speech, writing, and other
forms of communication. However, such right can be freely
exercised as long as they do not harm other people’s character
and/or reputation by false or misleading statements.

Create a persuasive speech on why freedom of speech should have limits. Follow
the guidelines below for a successful performance.

Preparation Guidelines
 Write a persuasive speech about something that you know really well.
 Time your speech. Maximum of 3 minutes.
 Use visual aids in your presentation.
 Submit your one-page typed-speech before delivery.
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Delivery Checklist
How do I improve my verbal delivery?
 I project my voice by speaking loudly so that people in the back of the room
can hear me.
 I speak at a comfortable rate.
 I speak clearly by pronouncing my words so that I do not mumble.
 I keep my volume steady. I do not speak more softly at the end of each
 I avoid speaking in a monotone.
 Avoid bad vocal habits.

How do I improve my nonverbal cues?

 I make eye contact with individuals in my audience as I speak.
 I am being animated by moving around my space as I speak.
 I add emphasis to my speech by gesturing with my hands and arms.
 I avoid distracting mannerisms and gestures (swaying, playing with hair).
 I maintain good posture.

Work with a group that will evaluate your performance using the guide questions that

Guide Questions Remarks

Did the speaker use projection by
speaking loud enough without shouting?
Did the speaker try to speak much louder
especially when saying the important
Did the changes in the speaker’s volume
or projection help you understand the
meaning or message easily?

Module 2.

LESSON 3: Vietnam- Land of the Blue Dragon

DAY 27-29

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
 watch the video entitled, “Human Rights”;
 write a critical analysis regarding the video;
 identify different types of documentation;
 use appropriate documentation;
 write a personal research report and acknowledge the sources; and
 infer the importance of respect to intellectual property rights;


EQs: How do Vietnamese people appreciate life, literature, and traits?

EUs: Vietnamese appreciation to life, literature, and traits are made known through
praising beauty, humanism, love of good news as reflected in their legend, fairy

tales, humorous tales, folk songs, and stories.

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Reference(s): Essential English (Worktext in Literature and Language) 8 by Nelda R.

Francisco and Pilar R. Yu

Materials: textbooks, handouts, worksheets, projector, PowerPoint presentation


1. Preparation/Daily Routine
a. checking of attendance and uniforms
b. cleaning the room
c. arranging the chairs

2. Lesson Proper


Task 1: Know what is right

Watch a Human Rights Videos on youtube.

 While viewing, try to critic the relevance and worth of ideas presented in the
videos you have chosen
 After viewing, prepare a brief critical analysis on the significance of the ideas
presented. How do these advocacies apply to the Philippine political and social

Firm up

Task 2: Give credits

In most high school subjects, you do a
lot of research work. At times, you will be
asked to write research papers as writing
assignments. Note that in any kind of research
papers, you must use proper documentation to
identify the material drawn from your
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Common Documentation Styles

MLA (Modern Language Association)

APA (American Psychological Association)

Inside the box, there are different examples of documentation styles. Pick one and identify
what type of documentation style it is.

1. Sze, Stephanie, (2013, October 28), On films: class consciousness, The New
Republic, p, 30.

2. De Leon, Mark, “Getting Confident at Last,” Newsweek 10 November 2015: 22.


3. Nguyen commented, “This theory…” (Hu, 2014, p. 265)

4. Pour out your heart like water … (Leego, Introduction to Psychology 313).

5. The entire Vietnamese people are determined to mobilize all their physical and
mental strength, to sacrifice their lives and property in order to safeguard their
independence and liberty, (Razul, 2010, p, 378)

Task 3: Solve the Jumbled

After reviewing the parts of a citation I will give you jumbled

citations. These are individual parts of citations on index cards and you
need to arrange them in correct order. It was like solving a puzzle. The
hot pink strips are parts of a book citation while the orange strips are
from a website citation.

The group who will arrange as many citation as they can in 5 minutes will be the
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You may be curious about what it’s like to

live during the 15th century or work as a prime
minister. You might have wondered about how a
communist form of government works, or what
people did for entertainment before the radio or

You will write a personal research report. You will think of a topic that
personally interest you. Follow the steps and guidelines.

Get started by choosing your subject. Check the following ideas for identifying
topic that interest you.

Make a list of things you are curious about. Complete the following statement.

I wonder who
I wonder what
I wonder when
I wonder where
I wonder why
I wonder how

Module 2

LESSON 4: Philippine-Mixture of Races

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
 Utilize coping reading strategies to process information
 Determine various social, moral, and economic issues discussed in the text listened
 Judge the relevance and worth of ideas presented in the material viewed
 Use appropriate strategies for unlocking unfamiliar words
 Explain how a selection is influenced by culture, history, environment
 Compose an informative essay
 Use appropriate verbal and non-verbal cues when delivering a speech
 Share ideas using opinion-marking signals
 Use modals appropriately
 Use emphasis markers for persuasive purposes

DAY 30-35

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
 identify different social roles through a charades;

 read the story entitled, “Why women Wash the Dishes” by Filomena Colendrino

with understanding;
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 answer the comprehension questions regarding the story;
 examine the biases mad by the author, Filomena Colendrino;
 cite words or lines that the author used that show for or against;
 write a critical analysis of the story entitled, “Why Women Wash the Dishes”;
 identify the most commonly used themes in Filipino plays;
 describe a character using a character map;
 illustrate the series of events in the story using an event organizer;
 identify the word that seems to leave the most favorable connotation or
 determine the intention of each underlined expression or ad statement below;
 listen closely in the biography of Sophia Srey Sharp, a Cambodian woman;
 utilize appropriate verbal and nonverbal cues as you deliver your speech; and
 inculcate the importance of helping each other and sharing responsibilities


TOPICS: Why Women Wash the Dishes,

EQs: Is it possible that people of different races, culture and heritage can also be
united and work towards peace, harmony and progress? Why is important to
know one’s role/s?

EUs: It is possible for the people to be reunited although they are all different through
accepting and respecting each other’s differences. We should know that we
are all different in terms of culture and understand its beauty and
uniqueness. We should know our role/s in a society for us to act accordingly
and avoid conflict.

Reference(s): Essential English (Worktext in Literature and Language) 8 by Nelda R.

Francisco and Pilar R. Yu

Materials: textbooks, handouts, worksheets, projector, PowerPoint presentation


1. Preparation/Daily Routine
a. checking of attendance and uniforms
b. cleaning the room
c. arranging the chairs

2. Lesson Proper


Task 1: My ROLE

What social role will you play in the future? Discover as you enjoy
playing this pantomime game.

 Sit in a circle. Each gets a strip of paper in which social role is written. Do not let
any of your classmates read your card.
 Volunteer to act out the role you got. (For example, if you picked a carpenter,

pretend to hammer wood or cut wood with saw.)

 Each participant tries to guess the social role, but do not call out your guesses.
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 When you think you know the social role, join the person at the center of the
circle, and act out another activity that illustrates the same social role. (For
example: If a classmate mimes hammering, the next may pretend to cut wood.)
 More and more people join the circle, until most of the class is performing. Watch
out for the teacher to say, “Stop!” One of you (except for the one who started) will
share what he thinks the social role is.

These are the roles of men and women. How about washing the dishes? Whose role is
this? In your home, who is the one washing the dishes?

Let us see in our story for today, “Why women wash the dishes.”

Firm up
Read the story entitled,” why women wash the dishes” with your group
mates. You may form a circle, lay down on the floor, or put earphone in
your ear. Do the things that will make you feel comfortable and focus on
what you are reading. Read the story with understanding.

Why Women Wash the Dishes

by Filomena Colendrino

Task 2: Literary Carousel

Likewise, have your own literary circle where each

member will take turns in answering the questions or
explaining any of the following statements. Prepare and
present your output through broadcasting. Try to use
portions from the play to support your ideas.

1. What would you tell a friend about this play, and why?
2. Justify that washing the dishes is not a man’s chore.
3. What does this drama show about the position of women in Philippine society during
that time? Do you think women are still regarded that way today? Justify your answer
4. Point out character/s or situations in the play that reflect the Filipino culture.
5. What cultural, social, or political conditions influence the characters to act or believe
that way?
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Task 3: Bias or not?

Examine biases made by the author. Cite words or lines that the author used that show for
or against the following:

Topic For Against

Beliefs or traditions
Herb doctor


Task 4: Just a constructive criticism…

Write a short critical analysis of “Why Women Wash the Dishes.” Also,
include a table that describes Philippine drama.

 What are some themes commonly discussed or used in most Filipino plays?
 What do these theatrical play show?

Task 5: What happened?

Choose an interesting character from the play Describe that character

using the character map below.

 Illustrate the series of events in a drama using an event organizer. Make sure
they are arrange in chronological order.
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Task 6: What I thought of him

In the story, “Why Women Wash the Dishes,” Filomena Colendrino

carefully chose words with particular connotations to describe Ka
Ugong. In this way, the reader will know exactly what she thought of

She could have written: She wrote instead:

He says he would not wash the dishes He announces that he would not wash the
anymore. dishes anymore.

He goes under the table. He ducks under the table.

Task 7: Impression

Choose the word that seems to leave the most favorable connotation or
impression on a listener regarding the subject of the sentence.

1. The neighbor are very ___________.

a. nosy
b. interested
c. curious

2. Ka Ugong is a ___________ husband.

a. henpecked
b. bullied
c. stressed

3. We thought the couple is too __________ to move or talk.

a. sick
b. ailing
c. diseased

4. His wife’s weight is 60 pounds and if you weigh those extra pounds, you would say
that she is __________.

a. heavyset
b. overweight
c. obese

5. Ka Maldang thinks of herself as a ________.

a. homemaker
b. housewife
c. stay-at-home wife

Task 8: Intention of the Expression

Identify the intention of each underlined expression or ad statement below.

Justify your answer.

1. The roles of women in the Philippine dramas are stereotypes.


2. Men who drink beer are macho.


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3. Don’t be left out! Join the bandwagon.


4. I recommend walking, the safest exercise.


5. Why go for less, when you can get more?


Task 9: My Life

What do you think the issues on women in “Why Women Wash the
Dishes”? Are these issues serious? Why or why not?

Listen closely in the biography of Sophia Srey Sharp, a Cambodian woman who
described a life in Cambodia during the Civil war.

1. Before listening: Study the important names that are found in the selection carefully.

The Khmer Rouge is French for “Red Khmer.”

 This was the name given to the followers of the Communist Party of Kampuchea in
 It was formed as a branch of the Vietnam People’s Army from North Vietnam.
 It was the ruling party in Cambodia from 1975 to 1979, led by Pol Pot, Nuon Chea, Ieng
Sary, Son Sen, Khieu Samphan.
 It was renamed as “Dmocratic Kampuchea.”
 It joined and allied with North Vietnam, the Viet Cong, and Pathet Lao during the Vietnam
War against the anti-Communist forces.

Pol Pot was a Cambodian communist revolutionary who led the Khmer Rouge from 1963
until 1997.
 He served as the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Kampuchea (1963 to
 He became the leader of the Cambodia on April 17, 1975, when his forces captured
Phnom Penh.
 He served as the prime minister of Democratic Kampuchea (1976 to 1979).
 He forced urban dwellers to relocate to the countryside to work in collective farms
and forced labor projects during his rule.
 He is considered a brutal dictator who forced Cambodians to the Killing Fields.
 He died at the age of 73.
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2. While Listening: Identify the various social, moral, and economic issues that are
touched by this personal account.

3. How well did you listen?

(Answer the questions regarding the biographies on page 268-269)

TASK 10: Speak it out!

You already experienced writing a persuasive speech on a

local or national issue. In that task, you have learned that to be
able to convince someone to agree with your ideas or opinion, you
should not tell him/her to do that directly. This method is not the
most effective way to persuade people even though it is the most
popular method.

Go through your persuasive essay and deliver it to the

class. See to it that you use appropriate verbal and nonverbal cues
as you deliver your speech.


Grading Criteria Excellent Acceptable Minimal Unacceptable

Preparation Gathers Gathers Gathers Gathers information
information from information from information from from only one
varied sources; three or four one or two source; may not be
makes note cards sources; prepares sources; writes able to complete
to use as cues notes and visual presentation task because of lack
during aids to use during accurately of preparation
presentation; presentation
creates attractive
visual aids to
Content Used an abundance Used adequate Used some Used information
of materials clearly information about information not that has little
related to topic; the topic; made connected to the connection to topic
Made points good points; used topic
clearly; used varied some variation in
materials use of materials

Organization Organized Presented most Presented loosely Did not use a

information and information in a connected ideas; logical order in
ordered ideas logical order; Presented a presentation
logically; Presented choppy and
Presented easy-to- generally clear and difficult-to-follow
follow argument; easy-to-follow organization
Stated a clear arguments
Speaking Skills Well-poised, Engaged during Had little or no Appeared
enthusiastic, and presentation. expression; Did disinterested during
confident during not enunciate presentation
the presentation; clearly

enunciated clearly.

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