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Department of Dairy Seience~ The Pennsylvania State University~
University Park

Lactose crystallization always occurs during desirable texture nmst be achieved by limiting
the processing of sweetened condensed milk the size of the crystals. To obtain smooth
products; usually occurs in the manufacture of texture, it has been shown (23) that a narrow
condensed and dried wheys, and may take place range of crystal-size is necessary, averaging
in such products as ice cream, plain condensed, from about 10 to 11 t~ along the longest edge.
dry, and frozen milks. The crystallization At this size, there are between 200,000 and
more often happens, or becomes sensible, during 300,000 crystals per nil. (23).
the holding periods following manufacture. Theoretically, small crystals and a multitude
The fundamental reason for lactose crystal- of them result when a rather highly supersatu-
lization in all cases is either an insufficiency of rated solution is seeded under conditions of
water to hold it in solution under the prevailing vigorous agitation. Lactose readily forms super-
conditions or sufficient water to furnish a labile saturated solutions. I n common with other
concentration when lactose is in the amorphous sugars, it manifests a reluctance to crystallize,
or glass state. especially in the absence of agitation, until the
The presence of lactose crystals in dairy excess sugar in solution is at a very high level
.products constitutes a defect when their size (7, 30). It has been noted, however, that too
is such as to create a mealy, sandy, or gritty great supersaturation actually reduces the
texture; when they tend to settle and form a crystallization pressure and slows the mass
deposit; when their presence changes the physi- formation of crystal nuclei (31). Moreover,
cal character of the product or any of its in- in sweetened condensed milk the viscosity in-
gredients, or when they interfere with use of creases rapidly with reduction of tempera-
the product. ture, and interferes with diffusion to the crystal-
I n some dairy products, lactose crystalli- forming centers. Experiment has shown that
zation can be prevented. I n others, this is im- the greatest number o£ smallest crystals is ob-
possible or inadvisable, so that attention is tained when crystallization is forced by seed-
necessarily focused on the limitation of crystal ing at temperatures between 80 and 95 ° F.,
size to insensible magnitudes. depending on the composition of the sweetened
condensed milk and its viscosity (10,31).
Sweetened condensed milk. The necessity for Several texts contain data showing the final
control of lactose crystallization in sweetened solubility and the spontaneous crystallization
condensed milk has been recognized from the curves for lactose (1, 3~ 10~ 32). The area be-
beginning, and this product served to focus the tween these curves defines the metastable zone,
attention of scientists on the idiosyncrasies of where forced crystallization should be practiced
milk sugar in the processing and storage o£ for most desirable results. Forced crystalliza-
dairy products. tion consists of adding 4 to 8 oz. of impact-
As sweetened condensed milk comes from pulverized a-lactose hydrate dust, per 1,000
the evaporators, the lactose is at, or near, the lb. o£ vigorously agitating product, in such a
saturation point. Eventually, when cooled to way that maximum dispersion results, and of
60 or 65 ° F., between two-fifths and two- continuing agitation for from 30 to 60 min.
thirds of the lactose present will emerge as without reduction of temperature.
crystalline a-lactose hydrate. This happens
because milk sugar is soluble to the extent of Since the final cooling temperature of sweet-
only about 15 parts to 100 parts of the water ened condensed milk is 60 to 65 ° F., it should
as found in this product (11). Actually, there be appreciated that more lactose will crystallize
are 40 to 47 parts of lactose per 100 of water on the nuclei already formed as the tempera-
in sweetened condensed milk of average com- ture is reduced following forced crystallization.
position, made up of an equilibrimn mixture This occurs not only because of the decreasing
of about 40% a form and 60 per cent /~ form. solubility of the a-lactose still in solution, but
Crystallization of lactose, therefore, can not because of the equilibrium relationship between
be prevented, short of previous hydrolysis, and the a and B forms, which results in mutation
of the /~ form to a, as the a in solution is
Authorized as Paper No. 2189 in the Journal decreased by crystallization. This mutation or
series of the Pennsylvania Agricultural Experi- reversion is a relatively slow process. At 60 ° F.,
ment Station. it is only about 90% complete after 8 hr. (8, 9),

and for this reason a period of agitation is occur with high-solids products. Some crude
desirable between final cooling and packaging observations have indicated that 44o-1 whole
of the finished product. This agitation assists milk will usually crystallize under unagitated,
in accelerating the ]~ to a reversion, and in 40 ° P. holding in 72 hr. ; similar skimmilk, not
making uniform the crystal growth in a prod- until after 240 hr. The former product contains
net as viscous as sweetened condensed milk. about 40 parts of lactose to 100 water, and the
While many commercially used types of cool- latter about 31 parts. At 34o-1 concentration,
ing and crystallization equipment for sweetened where the highest lactose :water ratio is about
condensed milk make use of the forced crystal- 24 to 100, usually neither whole nor skimmilk
lization concept at the optinmm temperature, will show evidence of crystallization up to 480
a nolabh, eXCel)ti(m is the hmg and successfully hr. These results agree in general with those
used submerged e(,il, or internal-tube, method, which have been made on supersaturated water
wlwre milk from the evaporators is pumped solutions ()if lactose (7). It probably can be
(.ontinmmsly through the cooling tubes to bring said that lactose will not crystallize in plain
it to its final temperature, with or without condensed milk during customary, unagitated
l)rvvious seeding. ]t appears that in such equip- holding periods in refrigerated storage, so long
ment seed crystals axe encountered in the cooler as the lactose : water ratio is not (/ver 30 parts
when the temperature drops far enough to in- per :lO0--unless inadvertent seeding or some
sure a satisfactory degree of lactose supersatu- other crystallizing impulse is furnished.
ration. The crystallizing impulse is dissemi- Some milk-drying plants, using continuous
nated through tim mass of milk as it is forced methods, have experienced trouble with lactose
in a rolling motion through the tubes. Inasmuch crystallization in the accumulation tanks feed-
as there is no lengthy forced crystallization ing the driers. These tanks are often uninsu-
period in this type of cooling, the desirability lated and unagitated, and considerable cooling
of a hmgthy period of agitation before filling may occur in quiescent areas, increasing the de-
would seem to be emphasized. gree of supersaturation of the lactose to a point
Some manufacturers, who practice standard- where spontaneous crystallization may take
ization of overconcentrated milk by adding place. Once this has happened, crystallization
sterile water before filling, feel that a secondary builds up rapidly, because of the seed nmterial,
advantage of this practice is the reduction in and a sludge may develop. It has been necessary
size of the lactose crystals by partial solution in some cases to suspend operations for clean-
in this water. No studies substantiating this ing, or to divert the milk to an auxiliary tank
have been reported. until relnedial action can be taken. Knowledge
The sedimentation of lactose crystals, in a of this problem is meager, but some available
given batch of sweetened condensed milk during information indicates that when the tempera-
holding, is a function of crystal size, viscosity, ture of the milk is uniformly maintained by
and time. I f crystallization techniques are agitation at 120 ° F. or higher, no crystallization
satisfactory, sedimentation can best be avoided occurs. This appears logical, inasmuch as
by adjusting the viscosity, by means of pre- little or no supersaturation would exist at this
heating conditions and milk-solids-not-fat level, temperature. It also would seem possible to
keeping in mind the thickening tendency on avoid the problem by limiting the solids con-
aging and the probable time and temperature of tent of the skimmilk from the evaporators to
storage. Variations in ambient temperature 45%, for at this level the lactose :water ratio
during storage (heat-shock) are known to cause would be 45 to 100, corresponding to a spon-
growth in crystal size by solution of small taneous crystallization temperature of 70 ° F.
crystals, and subsequent increase in size of the or less.
larger ones, as the temperature changes vary Ice cream. The crystallization of lactose in
the solubility of lactose. ice cream, causing sandy texture, is a recurring
Other highly concentrated products in which problem to manufacturers. Evidence indicates
lactose will crystallize during or following that in freshly hardened ice cream the equi- ~
manufacture, are generally treated like sweet- libriunl mixture of the a and B forms of lactose
ened condensed milk, utilizing a seeding pro- is in the glass state, and is stable as long as the
ccdure and forced crystallization to assure small temperature remains at the hardening-room
crystals which will not grow to objectionable level (7, 22, 27). I n the freezing of ice cream,
size. the lactose solution apparently passes through
Some concentrated whey products are proc- the labile zone so rapidly and at so low a tem-
essed in this fashion, and sweetened condensed perature that no opportunity exists for the
whey and preserved concentrated ice cream molecules to diffuse and orient into crystal
mix always are so treated. The latter product, structures. Undoubtedly, the high viscosity
however, may include some sodium caseinate of the unfrozen liquid is a crucial factor in this
as part of the serum solids, to reduce the level connection (22).
of lactose present (32). When ice cream is warmed to, and held at,
Plain condensed milk. Crystallization and dipping temperatures or dispensing-cabinet
sedimentation of lactose in plain condensed temperatures, some ice melts, and there must be
milks are not common, but occasionally do produced an infinite variety of lactose concen-

trations, over a period of time, as molecules cious, in view of the fact that lactose in the
diffuse slowly into these water droplets from added dry milk is in the same glass state as
the amorphous glass. Some of the concentra- that i n the hardened ice cream. I f the latter is
tions doubtless will be in the labile zone f.or capable of crystallizing with a rise in tempera-
the temperature, and permit spontaneous ture, there seems no good reason why the former
crystallization; others will be in the metastable should not do so under dispensing-cabinet con-
zone, where crystallization can occur if a stimu- ditions. Nevertheless, this method does seem
lus in the form of lactose crystal nuclei, or fine to accomplish the purpose in view.
particles of extraneous matter, exists. Because More recently, enzymatic hydrolysis of the
of the low temperature, crystallization pressure lactose of skimmilk has attracted some atten-
will be low and no mass crystallization would tion as a means of lowering the lactose level of
be expected. Nevertheless, the nuclei formed ice cream mixes (19), but the time element and
will act as a seed impulse for further crystal- inconvenience would seem to militate against
lization, as opportunity offers, and will them- its large-scale adoption.
selves tend to grow slowly with time. Eventu- A different approach to the problem of sandi-
ally, the ice cream will become sandy. ness which is of interest was patented in 1953
Since all ice cream, as conventionally made, (4). This method is reminiscent of the psy-
contains more lactose than is soluble in the chology: "If you can't beat 'era--join 'era."
available water at the temperature, the wonder I t takes the viewpoint that since lactose crystal-
is that all ice cream does not become sandy lization is virtually impossible to prevent abso-
after a few days in the dispensing cabinets. lutely, it is better to force crystallization to
The fact that limitation of the serum solids occur and to control the size of crystals, as is
content of the mix prevents, or at least greatly done with sweetened condensed milk. The
delays, lactose crystallization can not be en- method has been studied in considerable detail
tirely explained on the basis of our present at California (13,14, J5). When ice cream
knowledge. However, it is true that with low mix, immediately before freezing or in the
lactose mixes the sucrose : laotose ratio is partially frozen state, is properly seeded with
generally greater, and at comparable tempera- fine lactose dust (3 to 7 t~ in particle size),
tures the lactose-water concentration would be mass formation of crystal nuclei occurs. The
lower in such nfixes. crystals are so small and so numerous that they
An equation has been proposed (22) for cal- never reach sensible size, even though consider-
culating a safe maximum serum solids content able quantities of ]~-laetose slowly revert to the
for ice cream mixes. This establishes an aver- a-form and build up on them during the hold-
age limit of 14.5% for the serum solids content ing period. Ice cream containing 18% serum
of the serum, but may be varied about 1%, solids has been produced by this procedure and
down or up, depending on whether conditions held for 10 too. at 12 ° F. without evidence of
will be conducive or nonconducive toward the sandy texture. I t has also been demonstrated
development of sandiness in the ice cream. Ex- that dried products, such as dry skimmilk and
perience has shown that this method of con- dry whey, added at the freezer, induce mass
trolling the defect is generally, but not abso- crystallization in a manner similar to that of
lutely, satisfactory. the seed lactose (15). I t appears, therefore,
F r u i t and nut ice creams are more prone to that the earlier patent covering' the addition of
become sandy than most plain flavors. The dry skinmfilk at the freezer actually avoids
usual explanation is that the added flavor sub- sandiness, not because the lactose of the dried
stances either furnish fine particles capable product fails to go into solution, but because
of acting as crystallization nuclei, or that they it induces mass crystallization in the form of
absorb water from the serum. impalpable crystals. This method of over-
Some manufacturers have used high levels of coming the problem of sandy ice cream de-
serum solids and avoided the problem of sandi- serves more study, and its possible effect on
ness by employing skimmilk products from body, texture, and melt-down characteristics
which substantial proportions of. the lactose should be investigated.
have been removed. O~hers have utilized, for Frozen mil]~. I n frozen milk, it is the loss of
this purpose, proteins (usually sodium casein- stability on the part of the caseinate that de-
ate) separated from milk products. termines the length of the period of satisfactory
A method of obtaining high sermn solids ice holding (5). I t is of interest, and possibly
cream without texture problems was patented in highly significant, that a relationship between
1932, but has not been used much commercially casein flocculation and lactose crystallization
(6). I n this procedure, a substantial portion has been demonstrated in frozen concentrated
of the total serum solids is added in the form milk at the National Dairy Research Labora-
of dry skimmilk to the partially frozen ice tories (29). This has been nicely confirmed and
cream. I t was claimed that inasnmch as the extended by studies at the National Research
lactose of the dry product can not go into laboratories, Ottawa, Canada (17, 18, 25, 26).
solution, because of the already supersaturated I n 3 : 1 concentrated skimmilk, preheated
condition of the ice cream, it therefore can not at temperatures below 170 ° F. and held in
crystallize later. This reasoning seems falla- frozen storage, the casein maintains its stability
328 J O U R N A L OF D A I R Y S C I E N C E

as long as the lactose remains as a supersatu- aggravated by heat denaturation of the whey
rated solution, or glass. At temperatures of proteins and by anything which stimulates lac-
- 20 ° F. and below, this condition seems more
- tose crystal nuclei formation prior to freezing
or tess permanent, and milk can be held for (18). Instability can be lessened by the pres-
very long periods. Between - - 1 0 ° and 0 ° F., ence of other sugars (17~ 33), by sequestration
lactose crystallizes rather reluctantly and only or removal of calcium ions (33), and by enzy-
after a considerable induction period. Above matic hydrolysis of a portion of the lactose
0 ° F., however, it is only a nmtter of a few prior to freezing (28, 29).
days before lactose appears in crystal form, It has been postulated that inasmuch as other
and soon thereafter casein is found in the floc- sugars in solution manifest a stabilizing influ-
culated condition on defrosting. ence on the caseinate (26, 33), lactose may act
Inei(hmtally, the similarity between lactose similarly (29). When it crystallizes from solu-
crystallizati<)n in frozen milk and in ice cream tioin, it leaves the unfrozen water with lower
is (dose. as might hc expected. First, the te:n- ostnotic pressur(~, so t~lat nlore water :~reezes
peratures at which crystallization occurs, or and intensiiies the salt concentration which in
does not occur, are very much alike in the two turn, operates to floculate the casein (17).
products. Secondly, just as a reduction in the Sugars, furthermore, contribute greatly to the
serum solids content of ice cream mix acts to viscosity of the unfrozen liquid, tending to
postpone the dew'3opment of sandiness, so does block diffusion and slow any of the changes in
the lowering of the concentration ratio of' the the system which affect casein stability. There
concentrated milk, prior to freezing, delay is also a possibility that sugars form com-
crystallization in the frozen product. This is pounds with cahdum (7), an ion to which casein
in spite of the fa('.t that lac.tose concentration is particularly sensitive.
in both frozen products is dependent not on This newly discovered relationship between
composition--but on temperature. For instance, lactose nucleatim~ and casein instability in con-
it has been shown that wimn fluid milk, and the centrated milks deserves further study.
same milk concentrated to 30% solids, were each Dried milk.~. Lactose does not normally cryst-
frozen and held at J5 ° F. for 23 (b~ys, the allize in the drying of milk by the usual spray
former exhibited no lactose crystallization and and drum methods, lilt is found as an equilib-
no destabilization of the casein; whereas, in rium mixture oil a and fl forms in the amor-
the latter, 75% of the lactose had crystallized phous glass state (27, 5'2)~ in fresh powder, and
and the casein was in an advanccd stage of will so remain if the product, which is very
flocculation (28). Thirdly, the melt-down of hygroscopic, is protected frnm moisture.
samty ice cream almost always exhibits a curdy Lmnping and caking of dried milk after
character, which is doubtless a result of casein manufacture is generally conceded to be caused
flocculation similar to that found in defrosted, by the gradual absorption of moisture, which
crystallized frozen milk. dilutes the lactose glass to the point where a
There is also a kind of analogy between the supers~Jturated solution in the labile zone is
destabilization of casein in frozen concentrated obtained. Crystallization of a-lactose hydrate
milk when lactose crystallizes, and the loss of usually results, and the masses of growing
solubility and dispersibility of casein in dry crystals form a structure causing lumpiness
milk when lactose crystallization and lumpiness and, eventually, solidification (27). fl-lactose
occur, following absorption of moisture. Both also may take part in this crystallization, when
seem to become manifest as a result o£, or c.nditions are favorable (20). The decrease in
at least subsequent to, lactose crystallization. solubility which usually accompanies lumping
This analogy, however, seems not to hold in may be due to the loss of casein stability, as
the instantizing treatment of dried milk. noted in frozen concentrated milk, when lactose
Why, or by what means, the change of lactose crystallizes (29). Air-tight packages are es-
from a molecularly dispersed state to a crystal sential in preventing crystallization and in
form influences the physical or physico-chemi- maintaining the quality o£ dry milk.
cal properties of calcium caseinate, is not The process of producing instantly soluble
known, but it nlay be pertinent to mention what dry milk by humidifying the freshly dried
is known relative to the nature of the casein product~ clustering the particles and redrying,
floc as it appears in frozen milk. permits partial crystallization of lactose before
The loss of dispersibility is noted on de- the moisture level is again reduced below the
frosting, especially on reconstitution. I n the point where crystals can form. Such instant
early stages, it is reversible with agitation milk contains about three parts a-lactose to
and/or heat, but with continued storage it two parts fl-~ instead of the usual two a- and
becomes irreversible. It is thought to result three ,8- (2). Lactose crystallization is ap-
from a salting-out effect caused by the high parently not necessary /or the improved dis-
concentration of solubles in the unfrozen water persibility, inasmuch as instant milk made by
of the frozen product. Casein of similar charac- other techniques, where the equilibrium ratio
teristics can be obtained by aging skimmilk of a- and B-lactose is not disturbed, shows
saturated with sodium chloride at room tem- good dispersion characteristics, at least when
perature (5). Instability of the casein can be freshly made (2).
svMPosIu~ 329

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Utilization Research and Development (32) WHI'rTIFA~,E. O., AN]) WE~B, B. It. By-prod-
/)iv., USDA. March 19, 20, 1957. ucts from Milk. Reinhold Publ. Co., New
(29) TUMERgAN, L., FRAy, H., AND CORNEL¥, York. 1950.
K . W . The Effect of Lactose Crystalliza- (33) WILDASIN, H. L., AND /)CAN, F. J. Some
tion on Protein Stability in Frozen Con- Additional Influences Affecting the Sta-
centrated Milk. J. Dairy Sci., 37: 830. bility of Concentrated Milk in Frozen
1954. Storage. J. Dairy Sci., 34: 438. 1951.


M. E . H ~ L
Research Division, Armour and Company~ Chicago

There have been so many excellent papers

published within the last 15 yr. on the methods
of manufacture of lactose that a review of this
literature would be repetitious, ttowever, it 5O
might be desirable to refer to some of the more
important reviews. Webb and Ramsdell (7),
Webb and Whittier (8), Whittier (10), and
Whittier and Webb (11), have published ex-
cellent reviews of the subject. Those by Hun-
ziker (5), Kastens and Baldauski (6), and g
Weisberg (9) should also be included.
These papers have been very helpful to the 30
dairy industry. Those from the Bureau of Dairy
Industry (7, 10), published during World W a r z
II, undoubtedly were responsible for elimi- -<2 20
nating a considerable amount of confusion, as
well as saving much time and product, when
the production of penicillin caused an increase
of more than 200% in the production of lactose
within a 3-yr. period.
Figure 1 gives the annual production of
crude lactose in the United States from 1943
to 1955. This figure shows the effect of peni- O' t I , , , i I i i i , I ,
1945 t950 1955
cillin upon lactose production. P r i o r to 1944,
lactose had been produced at a level similar
FIG-. 1. Production of crude lactose from 1943
to that of 1943, at approximately 7.3 million
lb. When it was found that lactose increased to 1955.
the growth rate of Penicillium notatum~ result-
ing in large increases in the yield of penicillin, of it is recovered, then less than 7% of the
then the lactose production curve followed that available supply is used for this purpose.
of penicillin. The peak production figure of Since it is desirable to have many outlets for
50,156,000 lb. in 1951 has been reported to be products which have not been fully utilized,
due to the combined effect of the Korean war it is of interest to explore some of the reasons
and the use of penicillin as a growth stimulant why so little whey is used f o r lactose produc-
in animal feeds. The curve for the last 3 yr. tion. The probable reasons are:
is still ascending at a rate comparable to that
of the 1943-1948 period. I t is also evident 1. Need for more uses for lactose.
that the production of 35,356,000 lb. f o r 1955 2. Need for better methods of obtaining lac~
is about a fivefold increase during a 12-yr. tose.
period. 3. Need for more uses for the lactose mother
I t is estimated that about 10 billion lb. of liquor in the making of edible or pharma-
whey are obtained yearly in the United States ceutical products.
from cheese and casein manufacture. Assuming
that there is 5% lactose in whey and that 60% The last two needs will be discussed in the

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