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SOP No. : 10/DB-SOP/IV/1999 Status : Draft

Prepared by : Faiz F. Fauzan Date Prepared : April 1999
Reviewed by : Date Reviewed : April 1999
Approved by : Date Approved : April 1999

1.0 Explanation

The purpose of this procedure is to have a procedure on AN Magazine entry, receiving,

issuing, returning and checking of NAFO or Emulsion an AN Magazine.

2.0 Reponsibilities

2.1 Manager Plant is responsible for this procedure involving AN or Emulsion. Any
dfficulties or problem in conducting this procedure should be reported to the
Kepala Teknik who will review the adecuacy of this procedure and instigate
any appropriate revisions.
2.2 When Manager Plant is off site he must delegate to someone to assume his
2.3 AN Magazine Controller is responsible for checking, receiving, storing and
issuing of AN or Emulsion.

3.0 Reference

Occupational Heath and Safety Regulations for General Mines article 63, 64, 65.

4.0 Definitions

Authorized Person : Certain person who due to their work status are allowed access without signing the
visitors book at the various magazines at prampus. They are given a Magazine entry badge which has
their fhoto on it. This badge must be worn when in the magazine area. The persons who are allowed
access must be authorized by Kepala Teknik in writing and the Kepala Teknik will maintain a list of
these people. There are 3 levels of authorisation :
1. Full Access – Authorized persons who are allowed access to the High Explosive and Detonator
Magazine and Ammonium Nitrate Storage building and Emulsion Plant.
2. Limited Access – High Explosives and Detonator Magazine only. Authorized persons who have
limited access to the High Explosives and Detonator Magazine only.
3. Limited access – AN Storage Building and Emulsion Palt only. Authorized persons who have
limited access to the Ammonium Nitrate Storage Building and Emulsion Plant only.

Magazine Area : High Explosive Magazine, Detonator Magazine and Ammonium Nitrate Building
Storage and Emulsion Plant.

Prohibited Items : Lighters, Shoes with a steel / iron sole and anything that can procedure sparks.

5.0 Scope

This procedure applies to all persons who enter the magazine area.

6.0 Work Procedure for entering and exiting the AN Magazine area

6.1 Authorized persons mentioned in point 4 do not have to sign the entry book
held at the relevant security post.
6.2 Non authorized persons ( visitors ) must be accompanied by a minimum of one
authorized person mentioned in point 4.
6.3 Visitor must report to the security officer and they must write Date, Name,
Address, Purpose, Company / Department, Badge No., Time in the entry book
held at the relevant security post.
6.4 The authorized person who is accompanying the visitors must write his name
and sign the entry book next to the visitors details.
6.5 Security must check all visitors to ensure that no prohibited items are carried I
to the magazine and ensure the visitors wear Personnel Protective Equipment
as per mandatoried.
6.6 Visitors who have been checked and are free of prohibited items will be given
an entry pass which they must wear while in the magazine area.
6.7 Visitors must report to security officer again at the end of their visit to the
magazine and write down the time day leave and sign out in the entry book.
6.8 Visitors must hand over the entry pass to the security office.

7.0 Keys To AN Magazine

7.1 Each Magazine has 3 locks. A key to each lock is held by Manager Palnt,
Supervisor MNK, AN Magazine Controller. S duplicate of all these keys is held
by Superintendent Drilling and Blasting which has authorisation from Kepala

8.0 Work Procedure For Receiving AN From Supply into AN Magazine.

8.1 Manager Plant or delegated must ensure only capable people are used to help
the unloading of AN from containers.
8.2 Manager Plant or delegated is to ensure the above people and everyone
involved ( Drivers, contractors, etc ) follow the procedure for entering and
exiting magazine.
8.3 The Supervisor Logistic gives AN to AN Magazine controller with the receipt
of AN from the logistics Supervisor is to be witnessed by Manager Plant,
Police as per receiving letter from supplier.
8.4 AN MagazineController must count and confirm the quantity of AN with the
Logistics Supervisor.
8.5 AN Magazine Controller must record the date of receipt, number, P2 No, in the
Log Book provided for the AN.
8.6 Then when the AN will be unload into the AN Magazine, AN Magazine
Controller with the assistance of authorized personnel move the AN safely. The
AN Bags must be stacked on the pallets provided and has a 70 cm minimum
distance from the wall.
8.7 AN Magazine Controller must lock the AN Magazine then fill in the receiving
form describing the AN received from supply with the form provided.
8.8 AN Magazine Controller and the Logistics Supervisor must sign the form and
also all witneses must sign the receiving form.
8.9 AN Magazine Controller record the details of the AN received in the balance
sheet directly and then report to Manager Plant. That a quantity of AN has been
received from supply. Copies of the report should be distributed to the Drilling
and Blasting Engineer, Police, and Supply Department.

9. Work Procedure for issuing AN or Emulsion From Magazine.

9.1 A number of AN or Emulsion products requested by a KEM shotfirer or senior

blasters and any store issue requisition from contractors should be directed to
AN Magazine Controller for issuing.
9.2 Manager Plantmust open the gate.
9.3 Work Procedure for entering and existing magazine ( point 6 ) must be followed
at all times.
9.4 AN Magazine Controlling issuing the product.
9.5 After no more product requested then Manager Plant sign the authorisation of
issue requisition.
9.6 Manager Plant or delegated sent the issue requisition to the Drilling and Blasting
Engineer to be recorded and sent to supply.
9.7 At the end of the day Manager Plant must lock the gate.

10. Work Procedure For Checking AN in the Magazine

10.1 Manger Plant or delegated and AN Magazine Controller must check/ inspect
the AN and the AN Magzine on a weekly basis.
10.2 Manager Plant or delegated and AN Magazine Controller must write the date
of inspection, findings, action to be taken, name and sign the inspection book
10.3 All findings and action to be taken should be reported to be Superintendent
Drilling and Blasting as soon as possible.
10.4 Superintendent Drilling and Blasting must report and consult with the Kepala
Teknik for any action that need to be taken in emergency situations.
10.5 Kepala Teknik will decide an appropriate action in such cases.
10.6 Manager Plant or delegated and AN Magazine Controller should sign the
inspection book provided when the action has been completed.

11. Reporting

11.1 Security must report any unauthorized person entering the magazine area to
the Kepala Teknik via Manager Plant as soon as posibble.
11.2 AN Magazine Controller must report any AN that go missing or are damaged
to the Kepala Teknik via Manager Plant as soon as posibble.
11.3 AN Magazine Controller must enter AN received in the balance sheet directly
and then make a report to the Manager Plant that a quantity of AN from supply
has been received to be stored in the Magazine. Copies of the report should be
distributed to Police, Drilling and Blasting Engineer and Supply Department.
11.4 All findings and action to be taken should be reported by Manager Plant or
delegated to the Superintendt Drilling and Blasting as soon as possible.
11.5 At the end of each month AN Magazine Controller must report the stock levels
to the Kepala Teknik via Drilling and Blasting Engineer.
11.6 The Kepala Teknik will maintain a list of people authorized to enter the

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