Pediatric, Snle Ksa

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Pediatric Question

‫تم تجميع األسئلة من ملف ايمان وتم حذف المكرر الموجود بغيث‬

1.Child with thalassemia pale and activity intolerance what the priority?

A-RBC transfusion

B-oxygen administration Answer: B

2. The nurse is caring for child regarding his activity. Which of the following is consider fine? motor activity?

A. Ride bicycle

B. Walking

C. Holding cup Answer: C

3. How many times shower the baby?

A- twice a week with warm water

B- Every day with warm water

C- Every day with warm water and acidic soap

D- Every day with warm water and alkaline soap

Answer: A

4. IQ 45 what level of mental retardation?

A-moderate mental retardation. B-severe mental retardation.

C-mild mental retardation.

Answer: A

5. IQ is mild retardation characteristic?

A-needs assistance all time.

B-can learn some of daily life activities but still needs helps.

Answer: B
6. 6month-old boy with hydrocephalus is admitted to the pediatric surgical Ward for ventriculoperitoneal
Shunt (VPS) insertion. Which of the following findings should be of the most concern when assessing the child

A. Sunken fontanelle and irritability

B. decreased head circumference

C. poor feeding and pupillary change

D. headache and excessive sleepiness Answer: C

7. 6month-old boy with hydrocephalus is admitted to the pediatric surgical Ward for ventriculoperitoneal
Shunt (VPS) insertion. Which of the following findings should be of the most concern when assessing the child

A. Plugging fontanelle

B. decreased head circumference

C. poor feeding and pupillary change.

D. headache and excessive sleepiness Answer: A

8. 6 month-old boys with hydrocephalus is admitted to surgical Ward post ventriculoperitoneal Shunt
(VPS) What is the priority postoperative assessment???

A. Neurological Assessment
B. Decreased head circumference
C. Poor feeding and pupillary change.
D. Headache and excessive sleepiness

9. The nurse is reviewing the health care provider’s prescriptions for a child with a streptococcal infection
and notes that an antistreptolysin O titer is prescribed. Based on this prescription, which disorder would the
nurse suspect in the child?

A- Rheumatic Fever RF

B- Aortic valve diseases

C- Pulmonic valve diseases

D- Congestive heart failure

Answer: A

10. Patient with Rheumatic fever. what the accurate test for Rheumatic Fever?
A. Ant streptolysin Test

B. Blood cultures

C. Urine culture Answer: A

11. How to prevent Rheumatic fever?

A. Give vaccines the pregnant women during pregnancy.

B. Isolation the children with tonsillitis

C. Give 9 months vaccination.

D. Treat the children with rheumatic fever antibiotics full course. Answer: D

12. The infant after circumcision. What are the non-pharmacology techniques to relieve pain??

A. Breastfeeding decrease pain. Answer: A

13. The nurse is assessing a child who has Tetralogy of Fallot observed that the child is having clubbing in his
fingernails Which of the flowing might be the reason for this clubbing?

A. Prolonged tissue hypoxia

B. Delayed physical growth.

C. Inactive bone marrow

D. Pulmonary fibrosis Answer: A

14. A child has an abdominal pain and Hepatomegaly, what should the nurse expect?

A- Hepatitis

B- Cancer

C- Liver damage

D- Low level of hemoglobin Answer: A

15. A nurse develops a plan of care for a child at risk for tonic-colonic seizures. In the plan of care, the nurse
identifies seizure precautions and documents that which item(s) need to be placed at the child's bedside?

A. Emergency cart
B. Tracheotomy set

C. Padded tongue blade

D. Suctioning equipment and oxygen Answer: D

16. The nurse wants to assess growth of baby 9 month what is the most appropriate measure?

A. Weight

B. Height

C. Development Answer: A

17. The nurse wants to assess nutritional status of baby 9 month what is the most appropriate measure?

A. Head circumference

B. Arm circumference

C. Chest circumference Answer: B

18. When developing a plan care for a hospitalized child, nurse Mica knows that children in which age group
are most likely to view illness as a punishment for misdeeds?

A. Infancy

B. Preschool age

C. School age

D. Adolescence Answer: B

19. Meningocele in the ICU what we should Check?


B-dehydration Answer: A

20. Child with rheumatic fever how can prevent for recurrent?

A- isolate the infected child.

B- give vaccine for mother.

C- let them complete the antibiotic course.

D- give vaccine in 9 months.

Answer: C

21. Nurse notes some students with anorexia nervosa what does she do??

A. Push them to eat.

B. One to one superior during eating

C. Let students eat with them the same meals. Answer: C

22. Child with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The parent complains that child hyperactive
and too much moving. What is your action?

A. Instruct parent to provide private school for child.

B. Instruct parent to provide normal school for child.

C. Instruct parent to allow child to share in activities that need more movement. ✅✅

Answer: C

23. Patient has cystic fibrosis and the nurse wants to perform postural drainage when is the best time for
posture drainage?

A-Before meals

B-After meals after half an hour of meals✅

C-Before sleeping

D. Afternoon Answer: B

24. When put baby with high temp. In cold water to lower his temp.

A) convention

B) evaporation

C) conduction Answer: B
25. During suction of child, ensure that each pass of the suction catheter take no more than?

A-5 Sec✅

B-10 Sec

C-15 Sec

Answer: A

26. A nurse is caring for a child who sustained a head injury after falling from a tree. On

assessment of the child, the nurse notes the presence of a watery discharge from

the child's nose. The nurse will immediately test the discharge for the presence of which of the following

A. Glucose✅

B. b. Protein

C. c. White blood cells

D. d. Neutrophils Answer: A

27. What complications after cleft palate repair?

A) Teeth pain

B) Deviated septum.

C) speech difficulty

D) recurrent tonsillitis Answer: C

28. What predisposing factor of child with autism

A) family history

B) child abuse

C) history of AHDH and mental illness Answer: A

29. The nurse should avoid the use of the dorsolateral site for an intramuscular injection in children because
of the risk of injury to which of the following nerves?

A. Vigus
B. Sciatic

C. Ilioinguinal

D. Lumbar plexus Answer: B

30. According to Erickson, the psychosocial task of adolescence is the development of a sense of identity.
The nurse can best promote the development of a hospitalized adolescent by:

A. Emphasizing to follow the facility regime.

B. Allowing the parents and siblings to visit frequently.

C. Arranging for tutoring in schoolwork.

D. Encouraging peer visitation Answer: C

31. What is the Noninvasive test for Hirschsprung disease?

A. Ultrasound

B. Anorectal manometry

C. X- ray Answer: B

32. child with iron deficiency complains of feeling tired all the Times. The nursing diagnosis of fatigue is
related to:

A- Decreased ability of the blood to transparent oxygen to the Tissues

B-An increased paroxysmal abdominal pain and distension to the stomach

C-A decreased anxiety level during hospitalization.

D-A decreased nutritional intake with mal absorption of Answer: A

33. Which of the following is the leading cause of injury for primary school?

A. Accidental suffocation

B. Motor vehicle✅

C. Riding bicycle

D. Drowning Answer: B
34. Child has urine incontinence two day ago with increase WBC in urine. What is the cause??

A. Psychological abuse

B. Urinary tract infection

C. Genitalia defect Answer: B

35. Child 2 years old has acute otitis media. What is the sign while the nurse observing child, confirm the

A. Otorrhea

B. Roll head side to side Answer: B

36. A nurse is monitoring a 3-year-old child for signs and symptoms of increased intracranial pressure (ICP)
after a craniotomy. The nurse plans to monitor for which early sign or symptom of increased ICP?

a) Excessive vomiting

b) Bulging anterior fontanel

c) Increasing head circumference

d) Complaints of a frontal headache Answer: A

37. A 2-year-old child is admitted to the pediatric unit with a diagnosed pneumonia. Which of the following
intervention would be a nursing priority?

A. Encourage coughing

B. Encourage exercise

C. Perform postural drainage ✅✅

D. Avoid food high in carbohydrates. Answer: C

38. After repairing for child with cleft lip left side. Which of the following position should the nurse put the
baby to prevent Aspiration?

A. Prone
B. On stomach
C. Right lateral
D. Left lateral Answer: C

39. Child with VSD. What is blood flow characteristic?

A- mixes atrium blood

B-decreased pulmonary blood flow

C-increase pulmonary blood flow ✅

Answer: C

40. 11-month baby how many ml orally he can receive?

A. 200

B. 400

C. 800

D. 1200

Answer: B
41. A nurse is collecting a urine of a 4-year-old child with nephrotic syndrome. Which of following
observation about the color of the child's urine the nurse expected to?

will chart.

A. Bright red

B. Amber

C. Dark, frothy

D. Orang Answer: C

42. A nurse is collecting a urine of a 4-year-old child with nephritic syndrome. Which of following
observation about the color of the child's urine the nurse expected to will chart.

A. Bright red

B. Amber

C. Dark, frothy

D. Orange Answer: A

43. What is the difference between measles and German measles?

Koplik spot and high fever ✅

44. Child with Pyloric stenosis. What is the expected signs and symptoms postoperative?

A. Abdominal pain

B. Watery stool

C. Vomiting ✅

D. Urinary Answer: C
45. Mother has infant 6 months came to the clinic and afraid that her baby May will have meningitis as his
brother already have.

What should the nurse tell the mother?

A. HIb vaccine can decrease the meningitis ✅✅

B. there are now vaccinations for all meningitis type 3- tell the mother the disease is will not come Answer:

46. How can we know that this child has intussusception??

A. Baby crying & vomiting

B. Baby pull knee to chest ✅

Answer: B

47. What is the main organism that cause meningitis for a child?

1. Meningococcal

2. Staphylococcus

3. H. Influenza

4. Streptococcal Pneumonia Answer: D

48. A child with tracheoesophageal fistula is scheduled for an operation. what should the nurse do

A) Insert NGT

B) Suction periodically ✅✅

C) Prepare tracheostomy set if necessary Answer: B

49. Offer medical equipment to encourage the child to expression of his feelings

about new hospitalization experience and illness.

A. Imitation

B. Toys✅

C. Material
D. Rules Answer: B

50. The wrong management for marasmus may lead.

A. CNS complication

B. Kwashiorkor

C. Rickets

D. Diarrhea✅ Answer: D

51. The child fears of being alone and some machine sound during hospitalization at age.

A.5 months

B.8 months

C.9 months

D.7years ✅ Answer: D

52. The immunity system of the child reaches normal full mature level, at age.

A. 10 years

B. 9 years

C. 12 months✅

D. 15 years

Answer: C

53. The infant 1 month with colic. What should nurse do?? Inform mother to increase milk product.

Put infant in prone position✅✅

Answer: B

54. Spina pifida risk for Which of the following complication??

A. Infection ✅✅
B. Fever Bleeding
55. Which of the following Noninvasive test used to assess fetus??

A. Contraction stress

B. Non stress test ✅✅ Answer: B

56. Hirschsprung disease

Absence of ganglion cells of intestine. OR is a congenital condition characterized by partial or complete colonic
obstruction associated with the absence of intramural ganglion cells. Because of the ganglionitis,

57. The purpose of the Adam's forward bend test is detecting structural or functional scoliosis. This test is
most often used during school screening for scoliosis.

58. 3 month-old infant came to a normal checkup and the student assessed the pulse it is 165 b/m What
should you do?

A. Inform the doctor

B. Ask parents about a history of heart disease.

C. The staff nurse should check all the vital signs and repeat assessment✅

D. Ask the student nurse to check child's file. Answer: C

59. A child with a diagnosis of tetralogy of Fallot is scheduled to be discharged from the hospital the nurse
planning discharge education should instruct the caregivers that. during a hyper cyanotic spell, the position
MOST likely to benefit the child is:

A. Supine Side-lying Prone

B. Knee-chest✅

60. An 8-month-old patient has gastroenteritis, and He is treated, now what do you instruct the mother

A. weaning

B. Nutritional requirements✅

C. Toilet training

D. Accidents Answer: B
61. Mothers of children aged 1-4 years, what should you teach them about for their child safety?

A. Pick up medicine and sharps✅

B. Don't use violence because it turns out to be a homicide.

C. Accidents Answer: A

62. Infant came to ER and during the examination, the doctor said he had spinal bifida occult. What does the
doctor know about this condition?

A. Infant has hair patch at back✅

B. Infant has open wound on back. Answer: A

63. NICU child, when his mother came out, he sat shouting, and crying at Which stage of separation?

A. Despair

B. Denial

C. Protest✅

D. Anxiety Answer: C

64. The nurse is assessing a child (an infant) with pyloric stenosis. which of the following is likely to note?

A. Diarrhea

B. Projectile vomiting✅

C. Swallowing difficulties

D. Currant jelly like stool Answer: B

65. Mother has 8 months child wants to give her baby an egg to eat what is the kind of egg she should give?

A. Give whole egg

B. Don’t give for child until 1 year

C. Give white egg without yolk

D. Give yolk egg without white✅ Answer: D

66. Child with pyloric stenosis and re-hydration. What should the nurse do?
A. Induces Vomiting for child

B. Give oral feeding

C. Start rehydration by nasogastric tube ✅

Answer: C

67. Infant 2 months with patent ductus arteriosus. What is the expected signs and symptoms for infant?

A. Acrocyanosis

B. Central cyanosis

C. Tachycardia and tachypnea ✅

D. Tachypnea Answer: C

68. Mother has child with Spastic cerebral palsy. The mother was asking the nurse when her child be adult,
he will have mental retardation or impairment. What should the nurse reply?

A. Who has cerebral palsy get more than 70% in IQ.

B. Who has epilepsy and CP Limited for them to have mental problem

C. Who has CP the main cause genetic factors.

D. Who has CP most of them has cognitive impairment with some mental retardation✅

Answer: D

69. How to teach a child to give insulin injection?

A. Teach him to give a stuffed animal

B. it is too early to teach him to give✅ Answer: B

70. Infant with tracheoesophageal fistula TOF. What is the signs that need suction for him?

A. Crying

B. Chocking and cyanosis ✅✅

C. Increase heart rate Answer: B

71. How to prevent infant colic :

A- give infant warm shower then Trendelenburg position

B- Put a warm water bottle on your baby's belly✅ Answer: B

72. A 4 - year - old boy is admitted with diabetes insidious. The nurse is doing

assessment on the boy. Which of the following findings should the nurse anticipate?

A. bradycardia
B. excessive thirst ✅✅
C. low urine outpatient
D. high systolic blood pressure Answer: B

73. 10 years old child die is expected. What should the nurse do?

A. Withdraw medication die anyway

B. Give medication even if there is pain ✅
C. Withdraw medication to prevent pain

Answer: B

74. Mother of child came to ER. Her child has 7 times diarrhea. How can we detect category of dehydration?

A. Do Physical examination ✅

B. Assess how many times of bowel movement Answer: A

75. 5-year-old boy has dietary modification due to his diabetes, In his parents' encourage him to value good
nutritional habits, they decided to deny him playing favorite toys when he eats food that is not on his diet plan.
What this mode of value transmission is called?

A. Modelling

B. Moralising

C. Responsible choice

D. Rewarding and punishing ✅

Answer: D

76. A 10-month-old infant was admitted with recurrent otitis made with in months. On assessment, the nurse
noticed that the parents lock knowledge about the condition.
Health teaching is planned. Which risk factor should the nurse include in health teaching?

A. High fever

B. Painful ear

C. Foreign body

D. Respiratory infection ✅

Answer: D

77. Child with recurrent UTI, What is the most risk factors?

A ⁃ abdominal distention

B⁃ Abdominal pain

C ⁃ Chronic constipation ✅

Answer: c

78. Child came to ER and complaining from abdominal pain. The child is diagnosed willms. What is the first
reaction for parent?

A⁃ Anger ✅

B-Bargaining Answer: A

79. 4 years old Child with cast. What is the nursing care for cast?

A. Put in hot water

B. Put infront of fan or cooller to dry fast

C. Put in cold water to dry fast

D. Put powder on the edges of the cast to prevent itching Answer: B

80. The baby has asthma and complaining with cough, fever and secretions . He is lethargic and cyanosis
around his dry and crackles lips and anorexic. What is the first action?

A. Assess skin turger and dehydration

B. Assess Oxygen saturation and child behavior ✅

C. The last 24 hour intake and output Answer: B

81. Mother with 11 month infant is asking for wrong action for her baby. Which of the following is consider risk
for him?

A. Giving him Cow milk ✅

B. Using Rear face car seat Answer: A

82. Child diagnosed with appendicitis. He will be have appendectomy. He was anxious and crying. The nurse
was asking mother to calm him. His mother do behavior that indicates there is misunderstanding for the
procedure. Which of the following statement should the nurse correct to wrong behavior for the mother?

A. You should not cry. You are older.

B. Because You will be punished, you have the surgery ✅

C. Explain to child pre-operative and postoperative procedure Answer: B

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