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Folio Task 2

G’day Greg, remember that time we met at the Pub, haha we got so drunk, I got 2 missed calls from my
b**** wife last night and had to teach her a lesson when I got home. We should go again tomorrow night,
don’t worry my family won't question me, they barely even talk to me nowadays, also alcohol is better
than my wife’s cooking am I right mate? Let's get there late, about 2 hours before closing so we can meet
up with those junkies again and show em who’s boss. We can knock em out when no one looking, cmonn I
know you want to, I need to let off some steam after I dropped my spanner because my wingy daughter,
always howling about the next thing tried to ask me why I didn’t want to come for dinner. She always
avoids me and I don’t know why, hiding her eyes from me it's like I'm not even in the room when I'm next
to her. I think the alcohol is getting to my head so call me crazy if this idea sounds bad haha, my withdrawal
symptoms have been kicking in quicker and quicker lately and my shed light keeps flickering so I can’t write
This time il bring one of my good ol’ guns, just in case another man thinks hes the alpha, knowing more
about cars than I do, I couldn’t stand it the last time we went this bozo was just blabbering, blabbering, and
blabbering. I hate people who just don’t stop talking, if they really get on my nerves I shoot em Just like I
shot Winnie the pig in my own back yard ha, used that poor fella for target practise. Don’t try to say you’re
busy this time, drinks on me how about that? I know I said I was going through a tough time the last time
we went but luckily my farm did really well this season and I managed to take some of the money I made
and I hid it from my wife in the same drawer I used to hide her car keys if she tried to speak up to me. It's
alright, she’ll never ask about it. Bloody oath I had to practically force them to share the worth of potatoes,
they tried keeping it secret from me. Living on a farm with my wife stinks, especially with Lucy still living
here too.
Anyway Greg I have so much to talk to you about, just you wait until you find out what I did to my car,

Folio Task 3
The contrasting personalities of Jake and Lucy’s father affect how they live their life on a farm. Whilst they are both
fathers, they approach situations differently from one another, evident in Lucy’s father's approach to his behaviour
around Lucy, such as when he shoots a bird right in front of her for no reason but his satisfaction, “I was so happy
watching the bird… I didn’t see Dad raise the gun, all I saw was the bird fall at his feet”. In contrast, Jake’s father
mutters swears under his breath to let his anger out but not for it to impact Jake, “He swears under his breath”.
Another difference between the fathers is clear when Jake's dad “…drives slowly and keeps to the tracks” and when
he “Calmly reaches for his gun”. This shows that Jake’s dad acts knowledgeable and cautious and doesn’t
uncontrollably react in certain scenarios. On the other hand, Lucy’s father's approach is more sudden and frantic,
which you can see when Lucy says “…I didn’t see dad raise the gun, all I saw was the bird fall at his feet.”. This
sentence portrays that Lucy’s dad shot the bird so fast she didn’t even see it.

Folio Task 4
Don’t look up,
You know what happens next.
I hear his voice,
Drowning out Lucy’s cries,
The pain in her voice.
I can't take this anymore,

She used to be my precious little girl, I can't stand to see her get hit any longer.
Hesitantly, I look up as if he’s Medusa.
She looks at me through her lake of tears and the thick hair sheilding her eyes, trying not to ask for help,
I have flashbacks to all the different occasions I interfered,

The consequences of stepping in are worse I think to myself.

Do it for your family’s farm I think to myself.

I look back down at the floor, mopping away as if her voice is white noise.
Where did I go wrong?
Why is it always Lucy?
When is this going to end?

My job is to do the chores,

Or else nothing gets done around here.

The thought of Peter hearing all of this sparks a fuse in my mind.

I can’t show emotion, I can't break now.
Just as I look up for a second time he lets her go.
She runs off in agony, agitated and angry.
I look at him with a wounded expression.
I can't believe I let that happen again.

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