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Jencer Vendick Madriaga St.

11-STEM Reading and Writing

“My Life Story: From Nursery to Grade 11”

Good day everyone I’m Jencer Vendick Madriaga, and I’m excited to share my life story with
you. From the days of nursery to the challenges of grade 11, It’s been a journey with lots of fun
and learning. So, I’m inviting you to come and explore my simple journey and moments that
help me shaped along the way.

I was born in Baguio City or what’s we called summer capital of the Philippines, although I was
born in Baguio my parents decided to take me here in Gonzales, Tubao, La Union because my
parents are a regular employee at Baguio City and busy working. Every day was a new adventure
filled with laughter and love during my nursery days at Saint Isidore School of Tubao. Nursery
days was where it all began, where I made my first friends and learned my ABCs.

As I grew older, so did my world. Kindergarten was a new experience, with colorful and exciting
activities. Elementary school brought new challenges and opportunities to explore. Learning to
read and write, and also open a new world of discovering new things.

Middle school was full of emotions and experiences. From crossing friendships to handling
homework, each day was brought by own set ups and downs. I joined sport clubs, played sports,
and discovering new interests along the way. It was a time of moving up and self-discovery, as I
find my place in this beautiful world.

Entering high school was both exciting and nervous, because some of my friends might move to
different schools and some might stay. Although it still makes me very happy because I am still
growing up and still experiencing new things in my life. During high school adventures helps me
to manage my time and social life. As I move toward, I found myself to pursue my passions with
great determination.
Now as I approach Grade 11, I can’t help myself to look to the future with excitement and ready
for challenges that might come, each chapter of my life has prepared me for the new adventures
that. And I still can’t wait to see new challenges and new chapter of my life.

Looking back on my journey from nursery to Grade 11, I am grateful for the experiences and
memories that have shaped me into the person I am today. From early adventures to high school
challenges, each moment has been a stepping stone towards a brighter future. And as I continue
on this journey called life and I will carry all the lessons that I have learned from my past years
and the friendships that made along my way.

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