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Environ Geochem Health (2019) 41:929–937


Temperature inversion and air pollution relationship,

and its effects on human health in Hanoi City, Vietnam
Thi Thuy Trinh . Thi Tham Trinh . Thi Trinh Le . The Duc Hanh Nguyen .
Binh Minh Tu

Received: 28 February 2018 / Accepted: 11 September 2018 / Published online: 18 September 2018
Ó Springer Nature B.V. 2018

Abstract This study aimed to investigate the effects inversions. The statistical analysis showed that the
of temperature inversions on the concentration of temperature inversions correlated with concentration
some pollutants in the atmosphere in Hanoi City, of air pollutants and the number of patients in 5 years.
Vietnam, during the period from 2011 to 2015. This
work also aimed to evaluate relationships between the Keywords Thermal inversion  Ambient air quality 
thermal inversion and health effects that are associated Acute respiratory diseases  Cardiovascular diseases
with air pollution. During this period, the temperature
inversions were most frequently presenting from
November to March in Hanoi City. Air quality data
was gathered from air quality monitoring stations Introduction
located in the study area. The data showed that levels
of NO2, SO2, PM10 and PM2.5 increased when the A temperature inversion is a thin layer of the
inversions strengthened. Cases of two types of atmosphere where the normal decrease of temperature
diseases (acute respiratory diseases and cardiovascular with height switches to increase of temperature with
diseases), which are linked to atmospheric air pollu- height. There are generally four types of inversions at
tion, were considered on number of patients under 15 different levels. In this study, the surface and subsi-
and above 60 years old at National Geriatric Hospital dence inversion layer has been considered only at the
and National Otorhinolaryngology Hospital. There low troposphere. There are two basic types of low-
was significant increase in the daily average number of level inversions (Iacobellis et al. 2009). A low-level
hospital visits with increasing surface-based inversion acts as a ‘‘hat’’ which keeps normal
convective overturning of the atmosphere from pen-
T. T. Trinh  T. T. Trinh (&)  T. T. Le  etrating through the inversion. As a result, the
T. D. H. Nguyen pollutants are trapped in the atmospheric region which
Faculty of Environment, Hanoi University of Natural is nearest to the Earth’s surface. The increase in
Resources and Environment, No 41A, Phu Dien Road,
pollutant concentrations leads to degradation of air
North Tu Liem District, Hanoi, Vietnam
e-mail: quality in the troposphere, which seriously affects the
human health (Ahrens 2009).
B. M. Tu (&) A major environmental problem in urban areas is
Faculty of Chemistry, VNU University of Science,
degradation of environment, especially air quality. Air
Vietnam National University, 19 Le Thanh Tong Street,
Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi, Vietnam pollution generates significant risks and impacts on the
e-mail: human health. High concentrations of pollutants in the


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930 Environ Geochem Health (2019) 41:929–937

atmosphere cause public health problems, particularly PM (particles with aerodynamic diameters between
acute respiratory and cardiovascular diseases (Romieu 2.5 and 10 lm) is generated largely by physical
et al. 2002). processes, including resuspension of soil and road
In the Guadalajara Metropolitan Zone, Jalisco, dust, vehicular abrasion (i.e., tire and brake wear), and
Mexico, during the period 2003–2007, the maximum fugitive dust emission from industrial sources. Ana-
variation of temperature inversion intensity occurred lytically, we aimed to evaluate the presence of
from November to May, while the range was reduced temperature inversions, concentrations of air pollu-
in rainy months. From December to March, there were tants and their influence on acute respiratory diseases,
high concentrations of PM10, NO2, NOx, CO and SO2 cardiovascular diseases in adults above 60 and chil-
which prolong the duration time of temperature dren under 15 years old.
inversions and low humidity. At the same time, during
the 5-year study period, there were 213,510 ± 41,209
cases of acute respiratory diseases per year, in which Materials and methods
acute respiratory infections, pneumonia and bronchi-
tis, asthma, and tonsillitis accounted for 98%, 1.1%, We collected various information referring to daily air
0.5% and 0.4%, respectively. The number of patients temperature in Celsius degrees registered by the
from November to March was highest when the meteorological stations Hanoi (48820 VVNB, Depart-
temperature inversions occurred at high frequency ment of Atmospheric Science—http://weather.uwyo.
(Ramı́rez-Sánchez and Garcı́a-Guadalupe 2013). edu/upperair/sounding.html) to identify the days with
In the study of Beard et al. (2012), pollutant temperature inversions. Data from the meteorological
concentrations and adjusted odds of emergency tower in Hanoi were available for 2011–2015. When
department visit for asthma were higher during temperature inversions occurred, temperature differ-
inversions than non-inversions, with stronger associ- ence was observed between the 100 and 600 m heights
ations when the number of inversion days increased. A in summer, and the 300 m and 1800 m heights in
1-year ecological study conducted during 2003 eval- winter at 7 h (00Z) and 19 h (12Z). The medium daily
uated relationships between the occurrence of inver- values of some reference pollutants, for example,
sions and air pollution associated diseases in Oman nitrogen oxide NOx, sulfur dioxide SO2, PM10, PM2.5,
(Abdul-Wahab et al. 2005). were calculated from monitoring data by the automatic
In Vietnam, the ‘‘Impact of air pollution on health’’ air quality monitoring station Centre for Environ-
program, implemented by the United States Environ- mental Monitoring, located on the East-Northern of
mental Protection Agency in Ho Chi Minh City, the city. The techniques used for NOx, SO2, PM10 and
investigated the relationship between daily air pollu- PM2.5 monitoring are Chemiluminescence, UV fluo-
tion levels and hospitalizations for acute lower respi- rescence, and Beta Attenuation monitor, respectively.
ratory infections (ALRI) in children. In several recent Other meteorological data (wind speed and direction)
reports, air quality in Hanoi, Vietnam, was predicted were also acquired from monitoring station Centre for
to deteriorate and the frequency of temperature Environmental Monitoring.
inversions is growing. Therefore, the analysis and At the same time, information about patients in
assessment of the impact of air quality on public health Hanoi was accessed from National Geriatric Hospital
in the days of inversion are essential. and National Otorhinolaryngology Hospital to quan-
The study site is urban area of Hanoi Capital, tify acute respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. The
Vietnam (population of 7,588,000). The area is data was collected from 2011 to 2015.
defined by 23°530 –21°230 N, 105°440 –106°020 E. In Correlations and variations between temperature
Hanoi, air pollutants are emitted into the atmosphere inversions and air pollution, temperature inversions
from various industrial processes and fossil fuel and patients from 2011 to 2015 in Hanoi city were
burning for transportation. By 2017, about 5 million analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social
motorcycles, 485,000 cars and about 1.2 million Sciences (SPSS).
vehicles from other provinces regularly participate in
traffic in Hanoi area. More than 70% of air pollutants
come from burning of fossil fuels in transport. Coarse


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Environ Geochem Health (2019) 41:929–937 931

Results and discussion 10, 2015, showed that the inversion layer on 10
September was wider than on 7 March. The inversion
Behavior of temperature inversions in Hanoi layer acts as a lid to prevent air at ground level from
from 2011 to 2015 rising and dispersing, leading to the accumulation of
particulates and pollutants (Ji et al. 2012).
We identified inversion layers where temperature By analyzing the frequency of the temperature
increases with height. Cases where the temperature inversions, we found that the number of inversion days
remains constant in a vertical interval or isothermal was higher from November to March compared with
layer were excluded. The inversion layer usually other months (Fig. 2). The highest numbers of days of
appears from 300 to 1800 m heights in the winter time elevated inversion occurrence were on March 2014
and from 100 to 600 m heights in the summer. The (24 days) and January 2012 (23 days). The months
skewT–logP diagram (Fig. 1) from the sounding taken with the least occurrence of elevated inversions were
in Hanoi at 00Z on March 7, 2015, and on September August and September 2011, and July 2015





Fig. 1 Soundings at the meteorological sites during winter and b Soundings at the meteorological site of ZBAA at 00Z, May 10,
summer. a Soundings at the meteorological site of ZBAA at 2011, and September 06, 2015 (the summer)
00Z, January 28, 2011, and March 07, 2015 (the winter).


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932 Environ Geochem Health (2019) 41:929–937

Fig. 2 Monthly average levels of pollutants in air and the number of inversion day per month in Hanoi during period from 2011 to 2015

(3 months). The night inversions might occur during wind speed and direction (Fig. 3). From November to
any month; however, they are less frequent in warmer March, wind directions were variable, with roughly
seasons and in some situations, for example, sudden 80% of all winds coming from either East-Northeast
changes of wind speed and temperature. (ENE), East-Southeast (ESE), Southeast (SE) or
Wind rose diagrams comparing data from April to South-Southeast (SSE) directions, compared to pre-
October and other months show differing patterns of dominantly Southeast winds between April and

Fig. 3 Maps of wind roses from 2011 to 2015


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Environ Geochem Health (2019) 41:929–937 933

October. Overall, wind speeds were generally lower in normal days. By comparing NOx and SO2 in
during winter with mean value of 1.54 m/s in winter, inversion and normal days from 2011 to 2015, we
and 1.24 m/s in summer. found that NOx increased from 2.1 to 16.3% and SO2
The probability of negative influence over the increased from 10.4 to 34.4%. Although the PM levels
situations of atmospheric pollution was during cold decreased from 2011 to 2015, PM10 and PM2.5
weather when the temperature inversions occurred inversion values were 22.3% and 21.9%, respectively,
most frequently. higher than normal values in Hanoi (Table 1). Wallace
and Kanaroglou (2009) also found significant
Relationships between temperature inversions increases in PM2.5 and NO2 during inversions in
and air pollution in Hanoi from 2011 to 2015 Ontario, Canada; however, the authors did not calcu-
late the correlation between inversion and these
Figure 2 shows monthly average concentration of increases.
NOx, SO2, PM10 and PM2.5 in the air and the number of The correlation between monthly average of NOx,
inversion days in Hanoi in 5 years. The monthly SO2, PM10, PM2.5 and the total vertical inversion days
concentrations of pollutants were high from Novem- is described in Fig. 4. There are negligible correlations
ber to March which prolong the duration times of between all variables. The correlation between num-
temperature inversions and low humidity of the ber of inversion days per month and concentrations of
environment. The data in the period of 2011–2015 NOx, SO2, PM10, PM2.5 was very low (r2 = 0.127,
indicate that mean concentration of NOx and SO2 0.182, 0.223 and 0.249, respectively). Gramsch et al.
increased from 73.4 to 84.6 lg/m3 and from 10.9 to (2014) also detected a low correlation between daily
26.8 lg/m3 in normal days, respectively. In inversion average PM2.5 and the intensity of the inversion in
days, these values were from 85.4 to 95.6 lg/m3 and Santiago de Chile (r2 = 0.1233). These figures indicate
14.2 to 29.6 lg/m3, respectively. The average levels of that it is possible to find a low correlation between air
NOx and SO2 in inversion days were higher than those quality and thermal inversions. From these analyses

Table 1 Descriptive statistics of NOx, SO2, PM10, PM2.5 and surface meteorology from 2011 to 2015
Years 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Normal Day 253 209 211 236 246
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD

Average NOx (lg/m3) 73.8 13.7 74.7 14.1 81.0 12.5 94.0 11.9 84.2 9.7
Average SO2 (lg/m3) 10.5 8.1 12.7 10.8 10.7 3.8 12.2 5.2 26.8 20.0
Average PM10 (lg/m3) 99.8 28.5 46.4 19.3 78.3 24.7 65.3 30.4 59.1 21.0
Average PM2.5 (lg/m3) 62.1 21.3 32.8 14.4 52.5 20.0 54.1 27.8 36.8 16.0
Wind speed km/h 1.3 1.1 1.4 1.0 1.5 1.3 1.4 1.5 2.0 1.6
Temperature °C 23.3 36.1 23.9 41.1 24.4 40.4 24.5 44.5 24.5 36.1
Relative humidity % 77.0 15.4 78.0 13.2 79.0 12.1 79.0 16.4 79.0 15.3
Inversion Day 112 157 154 129 119

Average NOx (lg/m3) 93.0 29.3 74.7 12.6 86.6 12.5 98.3 12.5 96.2 9.6
Average SO2 (lg/m3) 16.2 14.4 15.7 42.1 12.1 7.0 16.4 7.0 29.4 18.9
Average PM10 (lg/m3) 118.7 27.0 57.0 29.6 95.3 35.9 74.1 35.9 73.6 40.9
Average PM2.5 (lg/m3) 75.6 19.2 41.7 19.5 63.9 26.7 69.3 46.9 49.2 27.7
Wind speed km/h 1.3 1.1 1.3 1.2 1.5 1.4 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.3
Temperature °C 24.5 39.1 24.7 34.1 26.5 33.2 26.7 34.6 27.3 30.1
Relative humidity % 74.0 16.3 75.0 17.1 77.0 15.8 77.0 16.1 76.0 17.3


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934 Environ Geochem Health (2019) 41:929–937

Fig. 4 Concentration of pollutants (lg/m3) versus vertical inversion day during from 2011 to 2015

for all pollutants, it is clear that the air quality changes were 3459 cardiovascular diseases consultations for
the behavior of pollutants under inversion scenarios. adult above 60 years at National Geriatric Hospital
When temperature inversion occurs, several other and 7319 hospital visits of children under 15 years old
meteorological variables change accordingly. The at National Otorhinolaryngology Hospital. At
wind speed and humidity are lower in the inversion National Geriatric Hospital, the number of visits was
days. All these variables have influence on the high from December to March when thermal inver-
pollutant concentration in the atmosphere. As sions occurred at high frequency. Besides, the data of
expected, temperature is lower under thermal inver- air quality and hospitalization were sufficient and
sion conditions. During the inversion day, gentle informative, permitting a thorough exploration of
winds placed the zones downwind of major highway patterns of hospital admission relative to pollution
traffic, thus compounding the effect of the inversion. levels in Hanoi. The associations between pollutant
exposure and acute respiratory diseases for children
Relationships between temperature inversions under 15 years old in the wet season were very similar
and human health in Hanoi from 2011 to 2015 to the study in Ho Chi Minh City (Le et al. 2012). On
the contrary, at National Otorhinolaryngology Hospi-
Adults over 60 and children under 15 are sensitive to tal, the number of children for acute respiratory
the changes of ambient air quality. Therefore, in this infections in Hanoi decreased in June, July and August
study, we selected the patients at these ages suffering with less occurrence temperature inversions. Associ-
from respiratory and cardiovascular diseases related to ation between exposure to air pollutants and hospital
the air quality. During the period 2011–2015, there admissions for acute respiratory diseases and


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Environ Geochem Health (2019) 41:929–937 935

cardiovascular diseases was positive during dry season rapidly in the rainy season. Other studies have looked
(November–April) and negative during rainy season for potential effect modification by season but sea-
(May–October) (Le et al. 2012). Although we could sonal differences in effects are location-dependent.
not specifically identify such sources of bias, factors Studies conducted in North America and Western
influencing the results in the rainy season could Europe found effects in the winter season, when both
potentially affect results in the dry season as well. pollution levels and disease incidence were likely to be
Respiratory illness is more prevalent during the rainy high (Karr et al. 2009; Ségala et al. 2008); A case-
season, when there are certainly other competing risk crossover study conducted by Barnett et al. (2005) in
factors playing a stronger role than air pollution. Australia and New Zealand with different seasonal
Pollutant levels are at their lowest during the rainy patterns of temperature and disease found stronger
season. There are complex relationships among effects in the warm season.
specific pollutants and health especially respiratory. However, by comparing patient data on inversions
The main cause of respiratory infections is virus- day and normal day, data analysis revealed that the
related (e.g., Rhinoviruses, Respiratory syncytial means of monthly hospital visits at both hospitals
virus, RSVs) or bacteria-related (e.g., Streptococcus during inversion day were slightly higher than those in
pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenza.). Meanwhile, in normal day (Fig. 5).
Vietnam, these viruses and bacteria usually grow

Fig. 5 Monthly average hospital visits at National Geriatric Hospital (NGH) and National Otorhinolaryngology Hospital (NOH)
between 2011 and 2015


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936 Environ Geochem Health (2019) 41:929–937

Fig. 6 Monthly average hospital visits and number of inversion days from 2011 to 2015. a National Otorhinolaryngology Hospital.
b National Geriatric Hospital

An analysis of the simple regression correlations, temperature inversions and air pollution were small
variance analysis (ANOVA) and t-student test of due to the lack of inversions depth and inversion
hospital visits with temperature inversions showed the strength data.
significant correlation between the number of inver- The results of this study highlight the impact of
sion days and the figure on hospital visit. Increases in temperature inversions on acute respiratory and car-
average hospital visits in both hospitals were observed diovascular diseases in Hanoi. The average daily
on inversion days. Figure 6 indicates that the differ- emergency visits in the two hospitals from 2011 to
ence for the Acute Respiratory Diseases at National 2015 during the period of inversions were higher than
Otorhinolaryngology Hospital is variable at 20.4% those in the normal days. The study showed significant
(r2 = 0.204, p = 0.01) and 63.7% (r2 = 0.637, correlations between the temperature inversions and
p = 0.01) for the Cardiovascular Diseases at National two types of diseases commonly associated with
Geriatric Hospital in the period of 2011–2015. The atmospheric pollution.
inversions will not only increase the levels of pollution
but also expose the citizens who reside or work in the Acknowledgements This study was supported by the Project
‘‘Research on the effects of temperature inversions on air quality
urban area. in Hanoi and some neighboring provinces,’’ Ministry of
National Resources and Environment. We gratefully
acknowledge the kind cooperation of the Ministry of Natural
Conclusions Resources and Environment for partially supporting this study.
The authors would like to thank the personnel of National
Geriatric Hospital and National Otorhinolaryngology Hospital
This study sought to investigate the effects of for their help with the field work.
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