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Pecha Kucha Group Presentation Guidelines and Rubrics

Presentation Topic:
Group 1: Creationism
Group 2: Catastrophism
Group 3: Gradualism
Group 4: Uniformitarianism

1. Follow the 11x20 rule: Present the 11 slides (with a short caption, if possible) for 20
seconds for each slide through PPT. DO NOT PUT TOO MUCH TEXT ON THE SLIDE.
2. Set the time (20 seconds) for each slide automatically.
3. The presentation will be conducted tomorrow.
4. 3 minutes will be given for preparation time.
1. Message (10 points):
a. Clearly define a cohesive message that ties all individual presentations together.
b. Ensure that each presenter's content aligns with and contributes to the overall topic.
2. Visual Design (5 points):
a. Maintain a consistent visual design across all slides.
b. Each slide should focus on a single key point or idea.
c. Ensure that visuals and text are clear, concise, and directly support the spoken
d. Avoid clutter and excessive information on each slide. Limit to short captions only.
3. Transition Between Presenters (5 points):
a. Plan and practice smooth transitions between presenters.
b. Clearly indicate when one presenter ends, and the next one begins. Consider visual or
verbal cues for seamless transitions.
4. Timing and Pacing (10 points):
a. Practice precise timing to ensure each slide progresses automatically every 20
b. Maintain a steady and engaging pace throughout the presentation.
c. Finished the overall presentation at exactly 10 minutes.
5. Interaction (5 points):
a. Foster a connection through eye contact, enthusiasm, and clear communication.
6. Organization: (5 points)
a. All the group members are organized all throughout the session.
b. No student stands up during the presentation of other groups.
c. The group members listen and pay attention to the presenters.

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