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Symbols of Britain

The Queen & HRH Philip

● Elizabeth II
- daughter of George VI and Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon (The
Queen Mother)
● During WW2 member of Women’s Auxiliary Territorial Service
● Queen since February 6, 1952 (crowned June 2, 1953)
● Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark
- of Greek, German and Danish ancestry
- renounced his German ties
- adopted his maternal name of Mountbatten (Alice of
Battenberg Mountbatten)
- converted form Orthodox Church to Anglican Church
George VI and Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon

Elizabeth Bowes and Princess Elizabeth

Wedding of Elizabeth II
The city is known worldwide as the home of the University of

● Oxford is known as the "City of Dreaming Spires"
●Anglo-Saxon times and was initially known as "Oxenaforda",
meaning "ford of the oxen"
● Radcliffe Camera
Colleges at Oxford were supported by the Church in the

hope of reconciling Greek philosophy and Christian theology

● Martyrs' Memorial
● The Divinity School at the Bodleian Library
● Ashmolean Museum
Bodleian Library

Ashmolean Museum
Radcliffe Camera
One of Oxford streets

Oxford Univ. Church of St. Mary Virgin

Phone Booth ( red telephone box)
● Designed by Sir Giles Gilbert Scott
● United Kingdom, Malta, Bermuda and Gibraltar
● K1 to K8 models
K2 model designed after the dome of Sir John

Soane's mausoleum (grave)

● Post Office Telephones (initial operator)
● British Telecom in 1980 (were to be yellow)
●Daily Mail launched a campaign "against the
yellow peril"
Note the roof ☺
John Soane’s grave at St. Pancreas Cemetery
Post Box (Pillar box)
Can be found also in Bahrain, Dubai, Kuwait and

●The United Kingdom also exported pillar boxes to
countries that ran their own postal services, such
as Argentina, Portugal and Uruguay.
● The boxes have been in use since 1852
Post Office Direction sign (POD indicating

nearest post) and Royal Cypher (ER vs VR)

●Vaudin & Son in Jersey was commissioned to
produce pillars
ER vs VR
Mr Bean
Atkinson invented Mr Bean while studying for his master's

degree at Oxford University

● Based on Monsieur Hulot, created by actor Jacques Tati
● 1979 character of Robert Box in Canned Laughter sitcom
● 1987 "Just for Laughs" comedy festival in Montreal, Canada.
Mr. Bean falls from the sky in a beam of light accompanied

by a choir singing Ecce homo qui est faba ("Behold the man
who is a bean")
● British sitcom created by Rowan Atkinson and Richard Curtis
I season on 1 January 1990 ending with "The Best Bits of Mr.

Bean" on 15 December 1995

AEC Routemaster
Designed by London Transport and built by the

Associated Equipment Company (AEC)

In-service since 1956 and withdrawn from regular

usage in December 2005

●London double-deckers were used in Skopje until
the 1963 Skopje earthquake
● New Routemasters since 2006 in use

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