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Where can you see each of the following?

11. trophies ...................
12. photographs ..................
13. items of clothing ................
14. an interactive display ................
15. posters ............
16. films ..............

16_________bus stop
17_________ train station
18_________ tube entrance
19_________ transport ticket office
20_________ taxi rank

14 New traffic lights …………….

15 Pedestrian crossing …………….
16 Parking allowed …………….
17 New ‘No Parking’ sign …………….
18 New disabled parking spaces …………….
19 Widened pavement …………….
20 Lorry loading/unloading restrictions …………….
Listening 1
Part A
Narrator: You are going ro hear a saleswoman describing three different digiral cameras ro a
Saleswoman: If you're looking to buy a __________, then we have three very good models at
________________. If you’d like to come this way, you’ll see that the CF Superzoom has the largest
range of ____________. With the __________ megapixel count, it'll allow you to print clearer
pictures at larger sizes. It also has the __________ __________, so that you can bring those faraway
objects closer to you. And having the largest screen size makes viewing photos and movies very
easy__________________. This model is the most __________, but it does offer the best _______
Now, if you’re looking for something a little cheaper, the Photo-Pal A23 is an _______ _______.
While the megapixel count and the zoom range are slightly lower than the CF Superzoom, they still
offer ____________________ and value for _______ . Again, the screen is a little _____ , but it's still
a convenient size for viewing photos and movies. And perhaps the best thing about it is the _____
______. The warranty is obviously ______ than what you’d get with the Superzoom, but for a small
price, you can _______ the warranty to the same one.
And, finally, if you'd just like to come round here, you'll see the
_______________________________ -the QT Easishot. While it obviously doesn't have all of the
features of the Superzoom or the Photo-Pal, it does take very good pictures, and I’m certain you
______________ if you go for this option. The megapixel count and the zoom range are the lowest,
but they're still not bad if you consider the price. The screen is a ________________ for viewing
those _______ and ________, and as with all of our cameras, it comes with a full warranty on parts
and ___________.
So, feel free now just to browse, and if you have any more questions, I'll be right over there at the
sales desk.

Part B
Narrator: Pan B. You will now hear rest of the talk
Saleswoman: Right. Now, if you’d like to know all of the specifications for each model, we have
them right here on our ________________. Let's see ... Okay. The CF Superzoom is 12 megapixels,
which is quite a lot more than the_________________. The Photo-Pal A23 is 8 megapixels and the
QT Easishot is ____. Again, the Superzoom has the best zoom -a 5x optical zoom -although the
Photo-Pal is __________ as well, with a 4x optical zoom. The Easishot offers the standard 3x optical
zoom, which I think you'll find is the case for most of our ________ in the _______________. And,
as for screen size, the Superzoom has a 3.5-inch screen, which is a little larger than the ____-inch
screen on the Photo-Pal, but not really too much difference there. The Easishot screen is just that bit
smaller at _______ inches.
Finally, you need to _________ the __________. The Superzoom has a standard 2-year warranty, but
by paying only $75 more, you can upgrade that to __________ full service and parts. The Photo-Pal
comes with a standard ___-year warranty, and an extra one-year upgrade for $50, while the Easishot
comes with a ____-month warranty, which can be upgraded to _____ year for only ____.
There, now, I hope that answers all of your ______. If you’d like to know anything about any of the
other _______ on display, please just ask.

Listening 2
Part A
Narrator: Part A. You are going 10 hear a salesman describing three differem notebook computers
to a cusromer.
Salesman: If you're interested in buying a ___________, then we have three very good models at
different prices. I'll explain the features of each one in general terms, and then, if you'd like to know
anything else, I can get you the exact __________.
Right. Now, if you'd like to come this way, I’JI show you our best model. This is the Speedy Z
notebook, which should have all of the features you need and more. It has the ___________ hard
drive, and the fastest processor of the three, so for running yom ___________ and downloading
images and _______________, it's certainly the fastest. It also comes ,vith the best graphic card, so if
image capability is what you’re after, then ifs definitely your first choice. It also comes with free
antivirus ___________ , a free flash drive, and a free __________, so if you want my opinion, ifs the
best deal in store.
And just over here, we have the Maestro Supalite notebook. It is a _________ ________ than the
Speedy Z, but still comes with a Jot of features, so you won't be disappointed. The hard drive is only
slightly smaller than the Speedy Z, although not by much, and the processor is a tiny bit
___________, but again, you shouldn't really notice the difference unless you're dealing with a whole
lot of images. However, you will notice that the Maestro does come with the largest screen, which has
excellent _____________, I might add. Plus, I’ll throw in some free extras, including the antivirus
software, and a free carry bag. So for the ______________, you're still getting an ________
And finally, if you'd just like to come over this way, we have the Genius XT. Now, it is
_____________________________, but it certainly does have some great features for a small
machine. Of course, it doesn't have the fastest processor or the biggest hard drive, but it does have the
capacity to run most of the applications you’ve mentioned. The only thing is, it does come with the
____________ graphic card, so if you were particularly concerned about its capacity for dealing with
images, then you might want to be thinking about one of the two other models. One thing that might
surprise you is that it comes with our _____________ warranty. Yes, the Genius XT is one of the most
____________ models we’ve ever dealt with, so we're more than happy to extend that privilege to our

Part B
Narrator: Part B. You will now hear the rest of the _____________.
Salesman: If you'd just like to wait a moment, I’ll get all of the specifications up here on my screen.
Right. Now, the Speedy Z has a _____ GB hard drive and a _______ MB graphic card. And the screen
size is ... just let me scroll down a bit... yes, here we go. It's a 15-inch screen, while, I think you'll
remember, the Maestro Supalite has the largest screen, at ______ inches. Okay. Now, for the Speedy
Z, you get a 2-year warranty, but that can easily be upgraded to _____ years for an extra ______,
which l think is definitely worth the money. And the price for that modelthat's without the extra
warranty is $1,750.
Now, let me just bring up the details for the Maestro ... Ah, here we are. Yes. The Maestro Supalite
comes with a 2 GB hard drive and a _____ MB graphic card. We already know the screen size ... And,
let me see ... For the warranty, you get the _______ one year, but you can upgrade that to ________
for an extra $75 ... but of course, if price is an issue, that's entirely _______. The price for this model
again, that's with the standard warranty is ________
And, finally, I'll just find the Genius XT ... Okay. The Genius comes with a 1 GB hard drive and the
graphic card is 64 MB. The screen is not too much smaller than the Speedy Z, it's a 12-inch screen
and it includes free McGinty antvirus software if you're keen on that brand. Plus, there's the extended
warranty, which is _________. That can't be upgraded, unfortunately, but I'm sure you'll agree that it's
very _________ at the price, in any case – only $899
Alright. lf you'd like to look at any of our other models, or if you have any other queries, I'd be happy
to answer your questions.

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